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Total Records: 219 - Group: BBB / Category: RESEARCH INSTITUTES / Subcategory: INSTITUTES
Record Name
1Academy of Temporal SciencesTHE CHRONOTHON: A TIME TRAVEL ADVENTURE 2015 LiteratureResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Academy of Temporal Sciences
Also known as ATS.

2Advanced Biological Studies Group THE OUTER LIMITS 1963 TV SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Advanced Biological Studies Group
The Advanced Biological Studies Group turns Alan into a perfect inhabitant of the planet Theta.

3Akira Advanced Genetics Research Unit STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE 1993 TV SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Akira Advanced Genetics Research Unit
Medical organization. Dr. Surmak Ren, former member of the Higa Metar sect of the Bajoran Underground, was a member, noted for his work in viral function studies.

4The American Technologic Business Counci...CHAIN REACTION 1996 FilmResearch InstitutesInstitutes

The American Technologic Business Council
Where the phone fax to Lily originated.

5Amoskeag Research CenterFATHER OF THE YEAR 2018 FilmResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Amoskeag Research Center
Lab where Larry's dad Mardy works.

6The Andre Sandrov Center for Cryogenics EUREKA 2006 TV SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

The Andre Sandrov Center for Cryogenics
When Fargo's grandfather is revived from a cryogenic pod, it is revealed that the famous Eureka scientist Andre Sandrov took credit for Pierre Fargo's work, and the center that was named after him is renamed after Pierre Fargo.

7Androids-R-Us SLEDGE HAMMER! 1986 TV SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Lab where Sledge Hammer and Doreau go looking for information about androids, and meet Dr. Arthur Deco.

8Ansible PERSON OF INTEREST 2011 TV SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Private intelligence firm that machine number and FBI Agent Nicholas Donnelly mentions.

9AquaticaDEEP BLUE SEA 1999 FilmResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Floating research lab where scientists create super intelligent sharks.

10Arboria InstituteBEYOND THE BLACK RAINBOW 2010 FilmResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Arboria Institute
New Age research facility founded by Dr. Mercurio Arboria to explore the boundary between science and spirituality and bring humankind toward a form of enlightenment using benign pharmacology, sensory therapy, and energy sculpting.

11The Arctic Ice Data BankTHE BROTHERS SOLOMON 2007 FilmResearch InstitutesInstitutes

The Arctic Ice Data Bank

12Arnold Sinclair Institute for Child Deve... THE 4400 2004 TV SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Arnold Sinclair Institute for Child Development
Returnee Heather Tobey's new school.

13Atlanta Plague CenterTHE STAND 1978 LiteratureResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Atlanta Plague Center
Somebody had slipped. Either that, or the disease that Charles D. Campion had brought to Arnette was a lot more communicable than anyone had guessed. Either way, the integrity of the Atlanta Plague Center had been breached, and Stu thought that everyone who had been there was now getting a chance to do a little firsthand research on the virus they called A-Prime or the superflu.

14Atomic Research Center THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 1963 Comic BooksResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Atomic Research Center
Institute where Otto Octavius works / site of the accident that turns him into a supervillain.

15Bajoran Center for Science STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE 1993 TV SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Bajoran Center for Science
Science institute on Bajor.

16Barbeau Observatory THE MIDNIGHT SKY 2020 FilmResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Barbeau Observatory
Research facility in the Arctic Circle that is all but abandoned in February 2049, three weeks after a cataclysmic event that wipes out most of the Earth's population with powerful radiation.

17Barnacle Bay Oceanographic Institute THE SIMPSONS 1989 Animated SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Barnacle Bay Oceanographic Institute
Institute that Marge and Lisa visit in Barnacle Bay. Yes, we make change for parking.

18Barringer Hypnosis Institute PERSON OF INTEREST 2011 TV SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Barringer Hypnosis Institute
Institute in Tarzana, California where achine number and certified hypnotherapist Hayden Price received his training.

19The Baxter FoundationFANTASTIC FOUR 2015 FilmResearch InstitutesInstitutes

The Baxter Foundation

20The Belmont BevatronEYE IN THE SKY 1957 LiteratureResearch InstitutesInstitutes

The Belmont Bevatron
While on a visit to the Belmont Bevatron, eight people become stuck in a series of subtly and not-so-subtly unreal worlds.

21Berkeley Nuclear Biotechnology InstituteHULK 2003 FilmResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Berkeley Nuclear Biotechnology Institute

22Bio-Lab Inc. OUTBREAK 1995 FilmResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Bio-Lab Inc.
Jimbo Scott steals a monkey from Biotest and tried to sell it to pet shop owner Rudy Alvarez of Rudy's Pet Shop in Cedar Creek, California.

23Blackwood InstituteTHRESHOLD 2005 TV SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Blackwood Institute
Think tank in Richmond, Virginia.

24Boite Canyon Arctic Research StationTREMORS 6: A COLD DAY IN HELL 2018 FilmResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Boite Canyon Arctic Research Station

25Borg Artifact Research InstituteSTAR TREK: PICARD 2019 TV SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Borg Artifact Research Institute
Romulan organization overseeing the Romulan Reclamation Site, the research facility established inside a derelict Borg cube.

26The Brandenburg Institute for Evolutiona... PANDORUM 2009 FilmResearch InstitutesInstitutes

The Brandenburg Institute for Evolutionary Genetics
Institute that partnered with I.S.A. to create the bio-vault aboard the Elysium.

27Brookings Institute SUCCESSION 2018 TV SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Brookings Institute
Fine, elite establishment where Maxim Pierce works.

28Brussels Biomedical InstituteV 1983 TV SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Brussels Biomedical Institute
Institute mentioned by anchorman: The world was shocked today when Nobel Prize winner Dr. Morris Jankowski of the Brussels Biomedical Institute in Belgium held a press conference to reveal the existence of an international conspiracy against the visitors.

29Cabbage Research CentreDISCWORLD SERIES 1983 LiteratureResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Cabbage Research Centre
Located on the fringes of Big Cabbage, dedicated to the scientific study and promulgation of knowledge of all sorts of brassica.

30California Medical Research InstituteTHE INCREDIBLE SHRINKING WOMAN 1981 FilmResearch InstitutesInstitutes

California Medical Research Institute

31California's Institute of the ArtsDOOGIE HOWSER, M.D. 1989 TV SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

California's Institute of the Arts

32Cambridge Primate Research Centre28 DAYS LATER 2002 FilmResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Cambridge Primate Research Centre
Institute where activists release monkeys infected with the Rage virus.

33Campbell Center THE CELL 2000 FilmResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Campbell Center
Institute where Dr. Catherine Deane works.

34The Candent Institute THE BOURNE LEGACY 2012 FilmResearch InstitutesInstitutes

The Candent Institute
Subsidiary of the Candent group, LLC.

35Carl Sagan Institute SLIDERS 1995 TV SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Carl Sagan Institute
Scientific institute on the clone world where Quinn's counterpart works in the quantum lab.

36Center for Advanced ResearchCHAIN REACTION 1996 FilmResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Center for Advanced Research
Paul Shannon's foundation.

37The Center for Democratic StudiesAPOCALYPSE NOW 1979 FilmResearch InstitutesInstitutes

The Center for Democratic Studies
Willard skims through a document near end of the film that was "Commissioned by The Center For Democratic Studies, Santa Barbara, California".

38The Center for Global Progress THE SIMPSONS 1989 Animated SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

The Center for Global Progress
Organization that Homer imagines when Lisa says the phrase "Think tank".

39Cetacean Institute STAR TREK IV: THE VOYAGE HOME 1986 FilmResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Cetacean Institute
Home of the whales George and Gracie.

40Chia InstituteSATURDAY NIGHT LIVE 1975 TV SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Chia Institute
Company responsible for hair replacement product Chia Head.

41Christian Science Reading Room THE SIMPSONS 1989 Animated SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Christian Science Reading Room
Scientific facility destroyed during the Springfield residents' riot against science.

42The Chrononics Institute THE OUTER LIMITS 1995 TV SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

The Chrononics Institute
Time travel for hire.

43Clearview Institute THE PRETENDER 1996 TV SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Clearview Institute
Institute where Jarod learns how to read lips.

44The Clinic for Paranormal ResearchMARVEL COMICS 1939 Comic BooksResearch InstitutesInstitutes

The Clinic for Paranormal Research
From Marvel's New Universe.

45The College of Emotional EngineeringBRAVE NEW WORLD 1931 LiteratureResearch InstitutesInstitutes

The College of Emotional Engineering
The various Bureaux of Propaganda and the College of Emotional Engineering were housed in a single sixty-story building in Fleet Street.

46The Coolidge InstituteSNEAKERS 1992 FilmResearch InstitutesInstitutes

The Coolidge Institute
The NSA hires Martin Bishop and his team to investigate mathematician Dr. Gunter Janek and the mysterious Russian funded project he's working on at the Coolidge Institute think tank called Setec Astronomy that's creating some sort of little black box.

47Corgul Research Center STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE 1993 TV SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Corgul Research Center
Sarina departs for the Cogul Research Center.

48Crystal Lake Research Facility JASON X 2001 FilmResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Crystal Lake Research Facility
In the year 2010, Jason Voorhees is captured by the United States government and held at the Crystal Lake Research Facility.

49CSICOP THE X-FILES 1993 TV SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

UFO research group that NICOM member Max Fenig mentions when he first meets Mulder in military containment in Townsend, Wisconsin.

50The Culver InstituteTHE INCREDIBLE HULK 1978 TV SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

The Culver Institute
Where Banner worked when he became the Hulk.

51CURI THE OA 2016 TV SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Pierre Ruskin's dream factory in Oakland where private detective Karim Washington goes looking for Michelle.

52Cypress Hills Research Center THE OUTER LIMITS 1963 TV SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Cypress Hills Research Center
Defense installation.

53Daystrom Institute STAR TREK: PICARD 2019 TV SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Daystrom Institute
Well-respected scientific institute.

54Daystrom Institute STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE 1993 TV SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Daystrom Institute
Institute from various episodes.

55Daystrom Institute STAR TREK: GENERATIONS 1994 FilmResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Daystrom Institute
There is a letter to Captain Picard from the Daystrom Institute in the Picard family album.

56Daystrom Institute STAR TREK: VOYAGER 1995 TV SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Daystrom Institute
The Doctor mentions donating his mobile emitter when he thinks he's dying.

57The Daystrom Institute STAR TREK: DISCOVERY 2017 TV SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

The Daystrom Institute
Federation institute.

58De Cobray Laboratoire ScientifiqueG.I. JOE: THE RISE OF COBRA 2009 FilmResearch InstitutesInstitutes

De Cobray Laboratoire Scientifique
The Baroness' husband's research lab that Cobra uses to weaponize the stolen warheads.

59Decima Technologies PERSON OF INTEREST 2011 TV SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Decima Technologies
Private intelligence firm initially believed by Harold Finch as having developed a virus designed to infect the Machine.

60Defense Language Center G.I. JOE: A REAL AMERICAN HERO 1982 Comic BooksResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Defense Language Center
Jinx takes Billy in San Francisco.

61Delos Research Group WESTWORLD 2015 TV SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Delos Research Group
Division of The Delos Corporation, the name on top of Delos' baseline interview form.

62The Des Moines InstituteAIRPLANE II: THE SEQUEL 1982 FilmResearch InstitutesInstitutes

The Des Moines Institute
Hospital where Joey was supposed to go to Des Moines for an operation to cure his impotence.

63The Dharma InitiativeLOST 2004 TV SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

The Dharma Initiative
Research project with the objective of altering any of the six factors of the Valenzetti Equation, an equation which "predicts the exact number of years and months until humanity extinguishes itself," to allow humans to exist for longer by changing their doomsday. DHARMA = Department of Heuristics and Research on Material Applications.

64The Dharma InitiativeCLOVERFIELD 2008 FilmResearch InstitutesInstitutes

The Dharma Initiative
Research project from the TV show Lost. There is a Dharma logo in Cloverfield.

65The Dharma InitiativeHALF-LIFE 2: EPISODE TWO 2007 Video GamesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

The Dharma Initiative
Research project from the TV show Lost. In Uriah's lab, there is an inaccessible room containing a computer terminal with the numbers shown on the screen and a Dharma-style octagon with a pine tree symbol for the White Forest base on the wall.

66The Dharma Initiative THE FRINGEMUNKS 2008 MusicResearch InstitutesInstitutes

The Dharma Initiative
Parody of Culture Club's Karma Chameleon, about the research organization from Lost.

67The Dharma InitiativeTHINKGEEK 1999 AdvertisingResearch InstitutesInstitutes

The Dharma Initiative
Research project from the TV show Lost. ThinkGeek added a Dharma Initiative Alarm Clock to its product catalog, as an April Fools' Day joke.

68Divinity and Water PoloMOSTLY HARMLESS 1992 LiteratureResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Divinity and Water Polo
Religious institute. When the Infinite Improbability Drive arrived and whole planets started turning unexpectedly into banana fruitcake, the great history faculty of the University of MaxiMegalon finally gave up, closed itself down and surrendered its buildings to the rapidly growing joint faculty of Divinity and Water Polo, which had been after them for years.

69The Donnelly Institute RESIDENT ALIEN 2021 TV SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

The Donnelly Institute
Special school in Georgia where Harry recommends Max's parents send him.

70Duk-Hee Genetic Institute FRINGE 2008 TV SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Duk-Hee Genetic Institute
Where murder suspect Roland David Barrett's research contributed to the creation of synthetic life on the cellular level.

71Duke Phillips Agricultural Institute THE CRITIC 1994 Animated SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Duke Phillips Agricultural Institute
"We use nuclear technology to grow fresher tomatoes, bigger carrots and potatoes that play the bagpipes"

72Dyad InstituteORPHAN BLACK 2013 TV SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Dyad Institute
Institution devoted to research for the advancement of biotechnology and is promoting Neolution, a scientific organization pushing the scientific limits of human evolution.

73Edvardsen InstituteDOWNSIZING 2017 FilmResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Edvardsen Institute
Institute responsible for downsizing process.

74Epsilon Science Station THE ORVILLE 2017 TV SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Epsilon Science Station
Also known as The Scientists' Playground. Captain Mercer's first mission on the Orville is delivering supplies to the science station on Epsilon 2.

75The Farm LOWER DECKS 2020 Animated SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

The Farm
After a transporter accident, Boimler is sent to the Farm, a facility described as a great medical spa on Endicronimas V that's run by Division 14, which handles unsolvable space illnesses and science mysteries.

76The Foreign Language Institute THE SIMPSONS 1989 Animated SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

The Foreign Language Institute
Company that sends Lisa her German verb wheel in the mail.

77The Fowler InstituteLIFE GOES ON 1989 TV SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

The Fowler Institute

78The Franklin Storm Research CenterFANTASTIC FOUR 2015 FilmResearch InstitutesInstitutes

The Franklin Storm Research Center

79The Freecloud Institute of Entertainment... STAR TREK: PICARD 2019 TV SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

The Freecloud Institute of Entertainment Robotics
Service advertised in Stardust City on Freecloud.

80Genetic Primate Research Center SCARY MOVIE V 2013 FilmResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Genetic Primate Research Center
Institute where Dan works - and gives a Dawn of the Planet of the Apes-style intelligence drug to apes.

81Geospatial Predictive Analytics, LLC PERSON OF INTEREST 2011 TV SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Geospatial Predictive Analytics, LLC
Small tech company owned by Elizabeth Bridges, whom Finch meets while attending a conference in Hong Kong.

82GERD LIMITLESS 2015 TV SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Global Enterprise for Research and Development - shady think tank with ties to the highest levels of government that bought the mind-files from Eloise. They were around before the acronym for the heartburn condition.

83Grand Telescope ArrayAD ASTRA 2019 FilmResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Grand Telescope Array
The moon's largest facility for extra-terrestrial research.

84The Granular Project BLACK MIRROR 2011 TV SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

The Granular Project
Research institute that developed Project Swarm, the program that created ADIs - Autonomous Drone Insects.

85Gray ResearchWHITE NOISE 2022 FilmResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Gray Research
Not the actual name of the company, but the name that Babette uses when relaying her story to Jack - the research company that led to her taking Dylar.

86The Hanso FoundationLOST 2004 TV SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

The Hanso Foundation
The Hanso Foundation pursues social and scientific research for the advancement of the human race. The major benefactor of the Dharma Initiative.

87The Hayes Institute THE PROTEGE 2021 FilmResearch InstitutesInstitutes

The Hayes Institute
Medical research and development facility in Cambodia that focuses on pediatric cancer was funded through a $150 million donation from Mr. Hayes.

88Heyward Foundation SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE 1975 TV SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Heyward Foundation
The Foundation determined to get a camel through the eye of a needle.

89Hill Valley Space Center and Air Sicknes... BACK TO THE FUTURE: THE ANIMATED SERIES 1991 Animated SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Hill Valley Space Center and Air Sickness Clinic
Location where Doc Brown performs his introduction.

90Huron River Institute for the Blind THE PRETENDER 1996 TV SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Huron River Institute for the Blind
Institute where Jarod pretends to be a doctor.

91The Institute for Advanced Theoretical R...GHOSTBUSTERS II 1989 FilmResearch InstitutesInstitutes

The Institute for Advanced Theoretical Research
Egon's institute.

92Institute for Animal Reproductive Studie... THE PRETENDER 1996 TV SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Institute for Animal Reproductive Studies
Institute where Jarod studied the chimpanzees, where Miss Parker, Sydney and Boots go looking for him.

93Institute for Case Studies SCARY MOVIE V 2013 FilmResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Institute for Case Studies
Institute where Charlie Sheen's children have been staying since his death.

94Institute for Infectious Diseases CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR 2016 FilmResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Institute for Infectious Diseases
Also known as IFID. Organization based in Lagos, Nigeria.

95Institute for Social StudiesSTRANGER IN A STRANGE LAND 1961 LiteratureResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Institute for Social Studies
Institute that handled crew selection for the first human expedition from Terra to Mars aboard the Envoy.

96The Institute for the Preservation of Mo... SEINFELD 1989 TV SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

The Institute for the Preservation of Motion Picture Costumes and Wardrobe
Where Kramer's friend works, also known as the I.P.M.P.C.W. according to Kramer. Also known as The Institute, according to Mr. Haarwood.

97Institute for the Study of Emotional Str... THE FAR SIDE 1980 Comic StripsResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Institute for the Study of Emotional Stress
Tall building with a professor is shown having just been thrown backwards out of a window on the top floor.

98The Institute for Trans Dimensional Stud... WATCHMEN 2019 TV SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

The Institute for Trans Dimensional Studies
Institute owned by Veidt Enterprises experimenting with teleportation windows, opening portals to other dimensions, when the giant alien squid appeared.

99The Institute of Applied Cybernetics THE VARIABLE MAN AND OTHER STORIES 1957 LiteratureResearch InstitutesInstitutes

The Institute of Applied Cybernetics
The Institute that had complete control over the network before the war.

100Institute of ArcheologyTHE CITY AND THE CITY 2018 TV SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Institute of Archeology
Ul Qoman institute where the murdered American girl Mahalia Geary applied, successfully, to become a PhD student, and was attached to the Bol'Yean dig.

101Institute of Cosmology STAR TREK: VOYAGER 1995 TV SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Institute of Cosmology
One of Janeway's "lost sheep" Mr. Harren tells her that he only signed on to Voyager in order to further his efforts to enroll in the Institute of Cosmology on Orion I.

102Institute of Future Technology BACK TO THE FUTURE: THE RIDE 1991 OtherResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Institute of Future Technology
Doc Brown's institute.

103The Institute of Shut Your Fat Face THE SIMPSONS 1989 Animated SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

The Institute of Shut Your Fat Face
When the warden of the Springfield Juvenile Correctional Facility claims that juveniles who know how to fox-trot are 10% less likely to commit a double homicide and someone asks who conducted the study, he responds, "The Institute of Shut Your Fat Face!"

104The Institute of Space PhysicsNOON: 22ND CENTURY 1961 LiteratureResearch InstitutesInstitutes

The Institute of Space Physics
Institute brought into to investigate and explain the disappearance and reappearance of the spaceship Taimyr.

105Institute of Temporal Anomalies SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE 1975 TV SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Institute of Temporal Anomalies
Scientists from NASA and the Institute of Temporal Anomalies interview a trio of time travelers. A portal opened while they were watching Showtime, sending two of them into the future to meet the future government called The Council of Humanity and were taken to a place called the Oculus that was a gateway to other solar systems. The third person was sent back to caveman times.

106The InstituteTHE INSTITUTE 2019 LiteratureResearch InstitutesInstitutes

The Institute
Mysterious organization that studies children with telepathic and telekinetic abilities. Iris nicknames it "Mrs. Sigby's Home for Wayward Psychic Children".

107International institute of Extraterrestr...ROADSIDE PICNIC 1971 LiteratureResearch InstitutesInstitutes

International institute of Extraterrestrial Cultures
Also known as I.I.E.C. Agency that studies the zones.

108Interplanetary Science InstituteTHE SINGULARITY TRAP 2018 LiteratureResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Interplanetary Science Institute
Also known as ISI.

109Into the Mind's Eye Motivational Institu... JOHN DIES AT THE END 2012 FilmResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Into the Mind's Eye Motivational Institue
Founded by Dr. Albert Marconi.

110The Ironwood Institute THE BOB NEWHART SHOW 1972 TV SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

The Ironwood Institute
Institute that turns out to be for nudists where Bob gives a lecture.

111Iscandar Seldon Institute of Psychohisto...FREE ENTERPRISE 1999 FilmResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Iscandar Seldon Institute of Psychohistory
Mentioned in the end credits... SPECIAL THANKS: Queen Starsha of Iscandar Seldon Institute of Psychohistory Xavier's Institute of Gifted Youngsters Karova Milk Bar, Yonada - the store, not the asteroid, WWII Hero Pug Henry.

112Ito Ishioka Robotics LabBIG HERO 6 2014 Animated FilmResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Ito Ishioka Robotics Lab

113Jing Zi InstituteTHE EVENT 2010 TV SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Jing Zi Institute

114Jotunheim THE SUICIDE SQUAD 2021 FilmResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Amanda Waller sends the Suicide Squad to Jotunheim, a scientific research facility located in the city of Valle del Mar on the small island nation of Corto Maltese off coast of South America, to destroy evidence of the U.S.'s involvement with Project Starfish.

115Jupiter Research Station STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE 1993 TV SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Jupiter Research Station
Dr. Luis Zimmerman is the Director of Holographic Imaging and Programming on Jupiter Research Station.

116Kaylon Culinary Institute THE ORVILLE 2017 TV SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Kaylon Culinary Institute
K-1 was programmed with 11,257 different recipes, all created by the Kaylon Culinary Institute.

117Kleinman Institute for the study of Unex... THE INCREDIBLE SHRINKING WOMAN 1981 FilmResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Kleinman Institute for the study of Unexplained Phenomena
When Pat starts shrinking, the family doctor sends her to this institute. "Science is Truth Found Out".

118Lincoln Observatory SMALLVILLE 2001 TV SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Lincoln Observatory
Observatory that Clark mentions, where Lana is this week.

119Macguffin Neurological Institute COMMUNITY 2009 TV SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Macguffin Neurological Institute
Dean Pelton: Here at Greendale, we accept all students, whoever they may be or have forgotten they were. But assisting in Kevin's recovery has put a financial strain on the school. That's why we are appealing to the Macguffin Neurological Institute for this $40,000 Grant, so we can continue to fight this terrible disease and hopefully, one day, pay for this documentary.

120Mana One MEG 2: THE TRENCH 2023 FilmResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Mana One
Underwater research facility off the coast of China owned by the Oceanic Institute.

121Marine Life InstituteFINDING DORY 2016 Animated FilmResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Marine Life Institute

122Maximegalon Institute of Slowly and Pain...MOSTLY HARMLESS 1992 LiteratureResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Maximegalon Institute of Slowly and Painfully Working Out the Surprisingly Obvious
The site of the famous Herring Sandwich experiments, where a robot was tricked into an infinite loop whereby it attempted eternally to eat a herring sandwich by picking it up, dropping it, picking it up again, et cetera.

123Meinheimer Institute THE NAKED GUN 2 1/2: THE SMELL OF FEAR 1991 FilmResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Meinheimer Institute

124Mercer Center for Experimental PhysicsTALES FROM THE LOOP 2020 TV SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Mercer Center for Experimental Physics
Facility beneath Mercer, Ohio, known as the Loop, created to unlock and explore the mysteries of the universe.

125Mercer Institute of Chemical ResearchTHE LAST MAN ON EARTH 1964 FilmResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Mercer Institute of Chemical Research
Where Robert Morgan worked.

126Mercury North Polar StationTHE SINGULARITY TRAP 2018 LiteratureResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Mercury North Polar Station
Installation on the planet Mercury, combination science station and experimental mining facility, also known as Vulcan's Forge.

127Mind's Eye Structural Analysis MAX HEADROOM 1987 TV SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Mind's Eye Structural Analysis
Company that buys peoples' dreams.

128Mississippi Institute of TechnologyPIXELS 2015 FilmResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Mississippi Institute of Technology
Where Brenner says he went to college.

129The Moclan Science Division THE ORVILLE 2017 TV SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

The Moclan Science Division
The Union receives a special request from the Moclan Science Division to pick up an engineer and transport him to a research vessel in the Nekkar System.

130Monarch Outpost 61GODZILLA: KING OF THE MONSTERS 2019 FilmResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Monarch Outpost 61
Secret research station in the Yunnan Rainforest, China.

131Moonbase Alpha SPACE 1999 1975 TV SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Moonbase Alpha
Self-sustaining lunar colony built by the nations of Earth as a centre for space research and exploration.

132National Beer Institute CHEERS 1982 TV SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

National Beer Institute
Research institute from a joke Cliff makes to Norm when Norm arrives with a letter - "What is that? A research grant from the National Beer Institute?"

133National Institute for Study of Blood THE INCREDIBLE SHRINKING WOMAN 1981 FilmResearch InstitutesInstitutes

National Institute for Study of Blood
Member of The Organization For World Management.

134National Institute of Analytics LUCY 2014 FilmResearch InstitutesInstitutes

National Institute of Analytics
From Samuel Norman's bio that Lucy finds online.

135The National Institute of Excessological... THE BRONSWIK AFFAIR 1978 FilmResearch InstitutesInstitutes

The National Institute of Excessological Studies
Abbreviated N.C.E.S. - the institute that starts examining the mysterious epidemic's first group of victims in September 1964.

136National Institute of Health ANGEL HEART 1987 FilmResearch InstitutesInstitutes

National Institute of Health
Organization that Harry claims to be from when he goes to The Sarah Dodds Harvest Memorial Clinic.

137National Institute of Human BehaviorREAL LIFE 1979 FilmResearch InstitutesInstitutes

National Institute of Human Behavior
The institute that oversees the reality tv "expirament".

138National Institute of Technological Inno... SLEDGE HAMMER! 1986 TV SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

National Institute of Technological Innovations
Also known as NIFTI. Organization that Doreau mentions, looking for a connection between the android thief known as The Hood and the scientific community.

139National Psychotherapy Institute FRASIER 1993 TV SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

National Psychotherapy Institute
Organization that the guys from the new morning show Carlos and the Chicken say they're calling from when they prank call Frasier.

140National Science Institute THE THING 1982 FilmResearch InstitutesInstitutes

National Science Institute
A group of American researchers at the United States National Science Institute Station 4 in Antarctica encounter an extraterrestrial life-form that assimilates, then imitates, other organisms.

141The National Super Institute THE TICK 1994 Animated SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

The National Super Institute
In Reno, Nevada. Where superheroes go to compete for the best cities to fight crime.

142National Testing Center THE SIMPSONS 1989 Animated SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

National Testing Center
Facility where the Career Aptitude Normalizing Test results are processed. "Controlling your destiny since 1925"

143NeolutionORPHAN BLACK 2013 TV SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

A progressive scientific organization marked by genetic meddling and physical alterations, among other scientific developments, set on self-directed evolution.

144New Avalon Institute of ScienceBATTLETECH 1984 OtherResearch InstitutesInstitutes

New Avalon Institute of Science

145The New Vista Foundation THE PRETENDER 1996 TV SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

The New Vista Foundation
Nerve disorder research facility that Neil Roberts donated to so they could help Patricia Marie Lorenz.

146The New York Mind and Memory Institute LIMITLESS 2015 TV SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

The New York Mind and Memory Institute
While attempting to prove convicted killer Andre Hannan's innocence, Brian tracks down Dr. Howard Gilroy - Hannan's former psychiatrist - now a leading researcher at Hudson University's New York Mind and Memory Institute, experimenting with optogenetics as a potential treatment for all kinds of things including PTSD, schizophrenia and addiction.

147NICAP THE X-FILES 1993 TV SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

National Investigative Committee of Natural Phenomenon. UFO research group.

148Ni'Var Science Institute STAR TREK: DISCOVERY 2017 TV SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Ni'Var Science Institute
Institute on Ni'Var.

149Noonien-Singh Institute for Cultural Adv... STAR TREK: STRANGE NEW WORLDS 2022 TV SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Noonien-Singh Institute for Cultural Advancement
Institute in Toronto on Earth in the past where La'an finds a young Khan and prevents him from being assassinated, changing the timeline.

150NORCO THE OUTER LIMITS 1963 TV SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Physics research center.

151The North InstituteBLACK WIDOW 2020 FilmResearch InstitutesInstitutes

The North Institute
Covert S.H.I.E.L.D. cognitive research facility in Ohio.

152Nyby Science Station THE TWILIGHT ZONE 2019 TV SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Nyby Science Station
Setting, location of the Ice Shelf Depletion Investigation and Antarctic New Species Project.

153OccamTHE SHAPE OF WATER 2017 FilmResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Research facility where Elisa works.

154Oceanic Institute MEG 2: THE TRENCH 2023 FilmResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Oceanic Institute
Research institute in Hainan, China. The institute now has a captive megalodon shark who is used as a pet and guinea pig by billionaire philanthropist Jiuming, Suyin's brother.

155Oceanographic Institute JAWS 1975 FilmResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Oceanographic Institute
Matt Hooper Oceanographic Institute arrives on Amity Island following the reported shark attacks.

156Ocean's Eleven Institute of Oceans BOB'S BURGERS 2011 Animated SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Ocean's Eleven Institute of Oceans
Institute that the president of the Glencrest Yacht Club mentions to the Belcher kids while explaining how their plan to bleach the marina won't kill eveything in the ocean: No, no, no, it's actually a very Eco-friendly process. Just before the regatta, we'll sprinkle some bleach powder. It gets an A+ rating from the Ocean's Eleven, uh, Institute of Oceans.

157Omni FoundationROBOCOP 2014 FilmResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Omni Foundation
Subsidiary of OmniCorp.

158Omni-National ResearchTHE INCREDIBLE SHRINKING WOMAN 1981 FilmResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Omni-National Research
Member of The Organization For World Management.

159Operation Hennessey THE LIFE AQUATIC WITH STEVE ZISSOU 2004 FilmResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Operation Hennessey
On their mission to find the jaguar shark, the Belafonte steals tracking equipment from a remote research station owned by Alistair Hennessey.

160Orchis Science Center FALL OF X 2023 Comic BooksResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Orchis Science Center

161Oro Valley Radio Observatory THE ARRIVAL 1996 FilmResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Oro Valley Radio Observatory
Zane, Char and Kiki travel to a radio astronomy array with the intention of sending his recording to a news satellite.

162Pacific Nuclear Research Facility BACK TO THE FUTURE 1985 FilmResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Pacific Nuclear Research Facility
TV reporter: In other news, officials at the Pacific Nuclear Research Facility have denied the rumor that a case of missing plutonium was in fact stolen from their vault two weeks ago. A Libyan terrorist group had claimed responsibility for the alleged theft.

163The Papen County Marine Institute PUSHING DAISIES 2007 TV SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

The Papen County Marine Institute
Institute that creates artificial reefs.

164The Paranormal Research Institute SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE 1975 TV SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

The Paranormal Research Institute
Institute searching for verifiable evidence of the existence of ghosts.

165Paulson Foundation MARVEL TEAM-UP 1972 Comic BooksResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Paulson Foundation
Dr. Paulson's privately endowed suburban research institute. In order to power his P.R.I.D.E. Generator, global economist Dr. Eric Paulson of the Paulson Foundation sends his goons to the Nassau County Science Exposition to steal Technafoil, where they encounter Spider-Man. Dr. Paulson's goons then transport to the Maritime Museum to steal the gem known as the Windstone, where they encounter Captain Marvel.

166PCLPOKEMON DETECTIVE PIKACHU 2019 FilmResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Pokemon research facility.

167The Phoenix FoundationMACGYVER: LOST TREASURE OF ATLANTIS 1994 FilmResearch InstitutesInstitutes

The Phoenix Foundation
Non-profit think tank and government contractor.

168The Pierre Fargo Center for Cryogenics EUREKA 2006 TV SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

The Pierre Fargo Center for Cryogenics
When Fargo's grandfather is revived from a cryogenic pod, it is revealed that the famous Eureka scientist Andre Sandrov took credit for Pierre Fargo's work, and the center that was named after him is renamed after Pierre Fargo.

169The Poison InstituteTHE STATUS CIVILIZATION 1960 LiteratureResearch InstitutesInstitutes

The Poison Institute
He turned down a side street, walked by several restaurants, and came to a large building called the poison institute - "Easy Terms. Up to 3 Years to Pay. Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back". Next door to it was the assassin's guild, Local 452.

170The Reagangrad Clinic MAX HEADROOM 1987 TV SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

The Reagangrad Clinic
Research establishment that donated research on dream state maladies. Specialist trauma research has discovered evidence of neuroses, deep psychological damage as a result of night terrors.

171Research FoundationTRAVEL BY WIRE! 1937 LiteratureResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Research Foundation

172The Rhine FoundationSTRANGER IN A STRANGE LAND 1961 LiteratureResearch InstitutesInstitutes

The Rhine Foundation
"Cavendish had received his training in total recall from the great Dr. Samuel Renshaw himself and his professional hypnotic instruction had been undergone as a fellow of the Rhine Foundation."

173RI THE PERIPHERAL 2022 TV SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Research Institute.

174Riker Institute for the BlindMANHUNTER 1986 FilmResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Riker Institute for the Blind
School where Francis Dollarhyde's co-worker Reba trained in therapy for speech and hearing impaired children.

175Robin Schmidt Primate Research Center TWO AND A HALF MEN 2003 TV SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Robin Schmidt Primate Research Center
Walden's mother's research center.

176The Rowley InstituteJAMES VS. HIS FUTURE SELF 2019 FilmResearch InstitutesInstitutes

The Rowley Institute
Research institute where James works.

177The Royal InstituteTHE CRYSTAL CUBE 1983 TV SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

The Royal Institute

178San Fransokyo Institute of Technology BIG HERO 6 2014 Animated FilmResearch InstitutesInstitutes

San Fransokyo Institute of Technology
College, visually based on the Presidio building in San Francisco.

179SaraswatiTITANS: SCISSORS, PAPER, STONE 1997 Comic BooksResearch InstitutesInstitutes

A "humanocentric educlave and research institute", located on a an asteroid, designated to help "baseline humans" deal with the diaspora of the human race into outer space.

180The Science FoundationSTRANGER IN A STRANGE LAND 1961 LiteratureResearch InstitutesInstitutes

The Science Foundation
Organization assigned control of the corporate trust housing alll of Dr. Mary Jane Lyle Smith's basic patents.

181Science InstituteTONY HAWK'S UNDERGROUND 2003 Video GamesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Science Institute
A college in Manhattan.

182Scientific Paranormal Research CenterRED LIGHTS 2012 FilmResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Scientific Paranormal Research Center
Where Dr. Matheson and Dr. Buckley work.

183September Foundation GrantCAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR 2016 FilmResearch InstitutesInstitutes

September Foundation Grant
Tony Stark's educational foundation.

184SERNSTEINS;GATE 2010 Animated SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

European Organization in Nuclear Research. Puppet masters of a vast worldwide conspiracy.

185Setec AstronomySNEAKERS 1992 FilmResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Setec Astronomy
The NSA hires Martin Bishop and his team to investigate mathematician Dr. Gunter Janek and the mysterious Russian funded project he's working on at the Coolidge Institute think tank called Setec Astronomy that's creating some sort of little black box.

186The Simon Wiesenthal Center CHILDRENS HOSPITAL 2010 TV SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

The Simon Wiesenthal Center
Agency that tracks down war criminals.

187The Sloan-Kettering Memorial Institute THE SIMPSONS 1989 Animated SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

The Sloan-Kettering Memorial Institute
Troy McClure reads a letter from Dr. Linus Irving of The Sloan-Kettering Memorial Institute asking how Matt Groening manages to write and draw The Simpsons every week.

188South Pole Research Station THE SIMPSONS 1989 Animated SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

South Pole Research Station
One of the long distance calls that Bart makes while researching which direction toilets drain.

189The Southern ReachANNIHILATION 2018 FilmResearch InstitutesInstitutes

The Southern Reach
Organization investigating Area X.

190Space Center THE OUTER LIMITS 1963 TV SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Space Center
College professor Harold J. Finley joins the Asteroid Mining Project at the Space Center in Readsville.

191Space Center TRIX 1954 AdvertisingResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Space Center
Research facility.

192Springfield Primate Institute THE SIMPSONS 1989 Animated SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Springfield Primate Institute
Local institute that studies Homer after he is mistaken for Bigfoot.

193St. Petersburg Temporal Studies SocietyIN TIMES LIKE THESE 2013 LiteratureResearch InstitutesInstitutes

St. Petersburg Temporal Studies Society
Local institute where Benjamin and his friends go looking for answers in 1985.

194St. Petersburg Temporal Studies SocietyTHE CHRONOTHON: A TIME TRAVEL ADVENTURE 2015 LiteratureResearch InstitutesInstitutes

St. Petersburg Temporal Studies Society
Dr. Quickly's institute.

195Stovington Plague Control CenterTHE STAND 1978 LiteratureResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Stovington Plague Control Center
Where Stu Redman is taken prisoner by the US government.

196Strategic Scientific ReserveCAPTAIN AMERICA: THE FIRST AVENGER 2011 FilmResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Strategic Scientific Reserve
Also known as SSR. A top-secret Allied war agency during World War II that was formed to battle the Nazi special weapons division, HYDRA.

197Summerholt Neurological Institute SMALLVILLE 2001 TV SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Summerholt Neurological Institute
Research facility in Metropolis from various episodes.

198Tempus Institute 12:01 P.M. 1990 FilmResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Tempus Institute
Institute where Myron Castleman tracks down Professor Nathan Rosenbluth, the Nobel Prize winning physicist that predicted the time bounce.

199The Romulan Reclamation SiteSTAR TREK: PICARD 2019 TV SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

The Romulan Reclamation Site
Research facility established inside a derelict Borg cube.

200Thomas Malthus Center for Sexual Ethics ... SLIDERS 1995 TV SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Thomas Malthus Center for Sexual Ethics and Education
A news report mentions the president attending the center's reopening.

201The Titan FoundationDEPARTURE 2016 LiteratureResearch InstitutesInstitutes

The Titan Foundation

202The Torchwood InstituteDOCTOR WHO 1963 TV SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

The Torchwood Institute

203Trill Science Ministry STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE 1993 TV SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Trill Science Ministry
Science institute on Trill from various episodes.

204Tyuratam Space Center G.I. JOE: A REAL AMERICAN HERO 1982 Comic BooksResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Tyuratam Space Center
Russian space center where scientists came up with Operation Drop Forge, the Russian plan to divert the orbit of large asteroids and aiming them like guided missiles at military targets.

205United Americas Accelerator Threshold ALIEN 1979 FilmResearch InstitutesInstitutes

United Americas Accelerator Threshold
Parker serves as Assistant Engineer at United Americas Accelerator Threshold, Neptune, from January 7, 2114 to April 29, 2115.

206Vertrees Culinary Institute COMMUNITY 2009 TV SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Vertrees Culinary Institute
At the study group's Christmas party, Shirley is gifted a book called The Brownie Bible, presented by the Vertrees Culinary Institute, referencing assistant art director John B. Vertrees.

207Virtual Light InstituteLAWNMOWER MAN 2: BEYOND CYBERSPACE 1996 FilmResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Virtual Light Institute
Since the information superhighway has left people feeling isolated from their fellow man, the Virtual Light Institute will bring cultures and resources together in one continues virtual environment.

208Vulcan Expeditionary GroupSTAR TREK: DISCOVERY 2017 TV SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Vulcan Expeditionary Group
Vulcan service branch whose members are trained at the Vulcan Learning Center and the Vulcan Science Academy.

209Vulcan Medical Institute STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE 1993 TV SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Vulcan Medical Institute
The Federation Medical Council nominates Bashir for this year's Carrington Award, along with Dr. April Ward of the University of Nairobi, Healer Senva of the Vulcan Medical Institute, Dr. Henri Roget of the Central Hospital of Altair IV and Chirurgeon Ghee P'Trell of Andoria.

210Vulcan Post Life Archology THE BOBIVERSE 2016 LiteratureResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Vulcan Post Life Archology
Will visits professor Dr. Stephen Gilligan at the Vulcan Post Life Archology, an institute in a space station orbiting the star Omicron 2 Eridani, just inside the oort cloud.

211Washington Institute for Tax Studies THE FIRM 1993 FilmResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Washington Institute for Tax Studies
Seminar Mitch attends.

212Washington Institute of Technology THE X-FILES 1993 TV SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Washington Institute of Technology
Institute in Colson, Washington, home of the Mahan Propulsion Laboratory and the Avalon Foundation cryogenic facility.

213Watson-Crick InstituteORYX AND CRAKE 2003 LiteratureResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Watson-Crick Institute

214Weyland Industries Tracking and Data Rel...AVP: ALIEN VS. PREDATOR 2004 FilmResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Weyland Industries Tracking and Data Relay Satellite Receiving Station #6-D
Station in Silver Leaf, Nebraska receives a data stream from Weyland Corporation Satellite PS12, that detects an unidentified heat signature beneath Bouvetoya near Antarctica.

215World Science CenterTHE CITY AND THE CITY 2018 TV SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

World Science Center

216Worldstrat PERSON OF INTEREST 2011 TV SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Private intelligence firm that machine number and FBI Agent Nicholas Donnelly mentions.

217Xavier's Institute of Gifted Youngsters FREE ENTERPRISE 1999 FilmResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Xavier's Institute of Gifted Youngsters
Reference to The X-Men. Mentioned in the end credits... SPECIAL THANKS: Queen Starsha of Iscandar Seldon Institute of Psychohistory Xavier's Institute of Gifted Youngsters Karova Milk Bar, Yonada - the store, not the asteroid, WWII Hero Pug Henry.

218Zefram Cochrane Science Institute STAR TREK: STRANGE NEW WORLDS 2022 TV SeriesResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Zefram Cochrane Science Institute
Where Matt Al-Salah attended science camp - one of the two cadets that Captain Pike will not be able to save.

219The Zissou Society THE LIFE AQUATIC WITH STEVE ZISSOU 2004 FilmResearch InstitutesInstitutes

The Zissou Society
Activist group founded by Steve Zissou.

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