Literature 1983. Written by Terry Pratchett.
Source Features: BBB (82) TIMELINE (2) MAP (8) OTHER (10) THEMES (2)

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Beverage Products
Detention Centers
Financial Companies
Home Furnishing
Legal Aid
Maintenance Services
Media Companies
Personal Care
Research Institutes
Technology Products
Youth Services

Total Records: 102 - Medium: LITERATURE
Record Name
1Akina IconographsBBBTechnology ProductsAudiovisual Devices

Akina Iconographs
Imp-powered cameras.

2Ankh Morpork Assassins' Guild SchoolBBBEducationVocational Schools

Ankh Morpork Assassins' Guild School
Morpork Assassins' Guild school.

3The Ankh-Morpork Assassins' GuildBBBOrganizationsProf. Orgs

The Ankh-Morpork Assassins' Guild
Guild for professional killers in Ankh-Morpork.

4Ankh-Morpork City WatchBBBLegal AidPolice Departments

Ankh-Morpork City Watch
Morpork City Watch.

5Ankh-Morpork Mercentile Credit BankBBBFinancial CompaniesBanks

Ankh-Morpork Mercentile Credit Bank
Morpork Mercentile Credit Bank.

6Ankh-Sto AssociatesBBBLegal AidLaw Firms

Ankh-Sto Associates
Law firm employing Greenyham, one of those duped by Reacher Gilt into giving up their legal ways, defrauding the rightful owners of the Clacks and racing straight into deeply illicit acts in Going Postal.

7Band with Rocks InBBBMusicMusicians-Misc

Band with Rocks In
Band from Soul Music.


Undead bar.

9Bioalchemic ProductsBBBGoodsProducts-misc

Bioalchemic Products
Imp-powered personal organisers.

10The Broken DrumBBBNightlifeNightclubs

The Broken Drum
Well-known disreputable tavern.. Later The Mended Drum.

11The BucketBBBNightlifeNightclubs

The Bucket
Cop bar.

12Burleigh and StronginthearmBBBWeaponsWeapons-misc

Burleigh and Stronginthearm
Longbow, crossbow and siege-engine manufacturers.

13Cabbage Growers' Co-Operative BankBBBFinancial CompaniesBanks

Cabbage Growers' Co-Operative Bank
Operative Bank.

14Cabbage Research CentreBBBResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Cabbage Research Centre
Located on the fringes of Big Cabbage, dedicated to the scientific study and promulgation of knowledge of all sorts of brassica.

15Cable Street Particulars [modern]BBBLegal AidPolice Departments

Cable Street Particulars [modern]
The revived secret police organization.

16Cable Street Particulars [original]BBBLegal AidPolice Departments

Cable Street Particulars [original]
An old secret police organization.

17Cafe AnkhBBBNightlifeNightclubs

Cafe Ankh
Parody of Rick's Cafe Americain in Casablanca.

18Campaign for Equal HeightsBBBOrganizationsActivist Groups

Campaign for Equal Heights
Activist group - dwarf pressure group.

19Campaign for Real MayhemBBBOrganizationsActivist Groups

Campaign for Real Mayhem
Activist group - Pressure group demanding authentic tavern brawls.

20Carry's CandlesBBBHome FurnishingCandle Stores

Carry's Candles
Candle maker Arthur Carry's large factory in the Shambles.

21Cavern ClubBBBOrganizationsProf. Orgs

Cavern Club
Swamp dragon breeder's association.

22The CavernBBBNightlifeNightclubs

The Cavern
Troll night club.

23Century of the FruitbatBBBMedia CompaniesFilm Production Companies

Century of the Fruitbat
One of Holy Wood's moving picture companies in the Moving Pictures boom following their invention by some Alchemists.

24Chalky the Troll's Hollow Statue Export ...BBBCorporationsImport Export Companies

Chalky the Troll's Hollow Statue Export Company
Front for a smuggling ring.

25Church of Small GodsBBBReligionChurches

Church of Small Gods

26Crumley'sBBBRetailDepartment Stores

Harrods-like department store.

27Curry GardensBBBDiningRestaurants-Misc

Curry Gardens
Death's favourite curry house, located at the corner of God Street and Blood Alley in Ankh-Morpork.

28Dame Venting's SchoolBBBEducationBoarding Schools

Dame Venting's School
Dame school.

29Dave's Pin ExchangeBBBRetailStores

Dave's Pin Exchange
Retail center for pin collectors.

30Dibbler's Homeopathic Sipping WhiskeyBBBBeverage ProductsAlcohol

Dibbler's Homeopathic Sipping Whiskey
Alternative medicine, so heavily diluted that just sitting in the same room with an unopened bottle of the stuff should render you insensibly drunk.

31Elucidated Brethren of the Ebon NightBBBReligionReligious Organizations

Elucidated Brethren of the Ebon Night
Secret brotherhoods in Ankh-Morpork, led by the Supreme Grand Master.

32Fat Sally'sBBBDiningCafes and Delis

Fat Sally's
Sells Klatchian coffee.

33Fidgett'sBBBNightlifeStrip Clubs

Parody of bachelor's clubs.

34Fresh Start ClubBBBServicesServices-misc

Fresh Start Club
For the undead.

35Frout Academy of Learning Through PlayBBBEducationSchools

Frout Academy of Learning Through Play
Experimental school.

36Gimlet's Hole Food DelicatessenBBBDiningCafes and Delis

Gimlet's Hole Food Delicatessen
Dwarf restaurant.

37Goatberger PublishersBBBMedia CompaniesPublishing Companies

Goatberger Publishers
Publisher in Ankh-Morpork that provides many of the practical books and pamphlets for the city.

38The Golem TrustBBBFinancial CompaniesFinancial Services

The Golem Trust
Company that buys Golems from their owners, and the bought Golems then buy their freedom from the Trust at cost. The freed Golems then work to contribute money to the Trust to buy other owned Golems.

39Grand Trunk Semaphore CompanyBBBCorporationsCommunications Companies

Grand Trunk Semaphore Company
Also known as "Grand Trunk", "Grand Trunk Company". The major clacks service provider in Ankh-Morpork.

40The Guilds of Ankh-MorporkBBBOrganizationsProf. Orgs

The Guilds of Ankh-Morpork

41Harga's House of RibsBBBDiningRestaurants-BBQ

Harga's House of Ribs
Restaurant in Ankh-Morpork, run by Sham Harga.

42Hobson's Livery StableBBBPetsPet Services

Hobson's Livery Stable
Horse rental and storage.


Designed to turn boys into men, Hugglestones was built to lodge people who temporarily have no human rights at all - the sons of the rich, successful and influential, all those who because they rise to the top, society is best advised to publicly refer to as its "cream".

44J.H. 'Flannelfoot' Boggis and NephewsBBBServicesServices-misc

J.H. 'Flannelfoot' Boggis and Nephews
Legalised theft.

45King of the Golden RiverBBBMaintenance ServicesWaste Management

King of the Golden River
Waste disposal. "Recycling nature's bounty"

46Lady Sybil Free HospitalBBBHealthcareHospitals

Lady Sybil Free Hospital

47Laughing FalafelBBBRetailGas Stations

Laughing Falafel
Convenience store in Ankh-Morpork.

48Le Foie HereuxBBBDiningRestaurants-French

Le Foie Hereux
Upmarket restaurant.

49Library of Unseen UniversityBBBEntertainmentLibraries

Library of Unseen University
Contains the Octavo.

50Mere and Stingbat's Herbal WashBBBPersonal CareHygiene Products

Mere and Stingbat's Herbal Wash
With herbs!

51Mrs. Palm's House of Negotiable Affectio...BBBServicesSex Services

Mrs. Palm's House of Negotiable Affection

52Mundane MealsBBBDiningRestaurants-Misc

Mundane Meals
Klatchian Take-Away in Scandal Alley, Ankh-Morpork run by the Goriff family.


Religion dedicated to Nuggan, one of the more powerful among the newer gods of the Discworld, and the state god of Borogravia.

54The Octarine ParrotBBBNightlifeNightclubs

The Octarine Parrot
Parody of the Blue Parrot in Casablanca.

55The OdiumBBBEntertainmentMovie Theaters

The Odium
Odeon parody.


Religion. Pratchett's parody of the less admirable aspects of Christianity, such as the Inquisition, and later intrusive doorstep evangelism.

57Ptaclusp Associates, Necropolitan Builde...BBBConstructionConstruction Companies

Ptaclusp Associates, Necropolitan Builders to the Dynasties
Pyramid and monument construction, later moved into aqueducts.

58Quarney's General StoreBBBRetailStores

Quarney's General Store
Chain of general stores in Lancre.

59Quirm College for Young LadiesBBBEducationBoarding Schools

Quirm College for Young Ladies
Educational institution located in Quirm.

60Rinse 'n' Run Scalp TonicBBBPersonal CareHair Products

Rinse 'n' Run Scalp Tonic
Parodies Wash & Go shampoo/conditioner "with extra herbs!".

61Rouster and SidewaysBBBMedia CompaniesPublishing Companies

Rouster and Sideways
Where's My Cow.



63Silicon Anti-Defamation LeagueBBBOrganizationsActivist Groups

Silicon Anti-Defamation League
Activist group - troll pressure group.

64Slant, Morecombe and HoneyplaceBBBLegal AidLaw Firms

Slant, Morecombe and Honeyplace
Law firm consisting of the three most powerful lawyers: zombie Mr. Slant, who happens to be a zombie and the head of the Guild of Lawyers, and vampires Mr. Honeyplace and Mr. Morecombe.

65Sonky's PreventativesBBBPersonal CareSex Products

Sonky's Preventatives
Generic condoms.

66Sonky's Rubber GoodsBBBRetailStores

Sonky's Rubber Goods
Store owned by Ankh-Morpork tradesman Wallace Sonky, maker of Sonky's Preventatives.

67Soon Shine Sun's Secondhand Clothes ShopBBBApparelClothing Stores

Soon Shine Sun's Secondhand Clothes Shop
Hand clothes shop - Front for the History Monks.

68Spiteful Sisters of Seven-Handed Sek Cha...BBBReligionReligious Organizations

Spiteful Sisters of Seven-Handed Sek Charity School
The Spiteful Sisters are acclaimed for their lives of quiet piety, religious contemplation, and Good Works.

69The Sunshine Sanctuary for Sick DragonsBBBEntertainmentZoos

The Sunshine Sanctuary for Sick Dragons
Sanctuary for swamp dragons established by the famous swamp dragon breeder, Lady Sybil Ramkin.

70Thank Gods It's OpenBBBNightlifeNightclubs

Thank Gods It's Open
Wine bar.

71Toys Is MeBBBToysToy Stores

Toys Is Me
Parody of Toys R Us from The Hogfather.

72Turbot's Really OddBBBBeverage ProductsBeer

Turbot's Really Odd
Real ale beverage served at the Mended Drum and other Ankhian pubs.

73Uberwald League of TemperanceBBBHealthcareSupport Groups

Uberwald League of Temperance
Vampire support group.

74Unseen UniversityBBBEducationMagic Schools

Unseen University
Also known as UU. School of wizardry in Ankh-Morpork, staffed by a faculty composed of mostly indolent and inept old wizards.

75Wang, Yrxle!yt, Bunglestiff, Cwmlad and ...BBBRetailMagic Shops

Wang, Yrxle!yt, Bunglestiff, Cwmlad and Patel. Estblshd Various. PURVEYORS
A wandering shop from The Light Fantastic - mysterious shop from which people buy magical items, only to return when there turns out to be a problem, and find the shop is vanished.


Hunchbacked lab assistants.

77Winkles Old PeculiarBBBBeverage ProductsBeer

Winkles Old Peculiar
Ankh-Morpork's favorite and signature beer, brewed with the flavorful and nutritious waters of the River Ankh.

78Wolf CubsBBBYouth ServicesYouth programs

Wolf Cubs
Youth organisation.

79Yen BuddhismBBBReligionReligions

Yen Buddhism
Yen Buddhists believe that money poisons the soul, so they collect as much as possible, to protect others from it.

80Young Men's Reformed Cultist of the Icho...BBBReligionReligious Organizations

Young Men's Reformed Cultist of the Ichor God Bel-Shamharoth Association
Shamharoth Association, or Young Men's Pagan Association - YMCA parody.

81Zakzak Strongintharm'sBBBRetailMagic Shops

Zakzak Strongintharm's
Magical supplies.

82Zorgo the RetrophrenologistBBBHealthcareMedical Services

Zorgo the Retrophrenologist
Creates bumps on peoples' heads, thereby changing their personalities.

83May 25DatesNo YearEvents

May 25
The Glorious Twenty-Fifth of May is an annual holiday quietly celebrated by the survivors of the People's Revolution, which ended the reign of Lord Winder.

84December 31DatesNo YearEvents

December 31
Hogswatchnight occurs on December 32nd, the day before the New Year. A night traditionally associated with pig-killing, to ensure there is enough food for the rest of the winter. Many Hogswatch traditions are parodies of those associated with Christmas, including a decorated oak tree in a pot, strings of paper sausages, and, of course, a visit by the Hogfather. The Discworld calendar is based on a Great Year, defined as the time it takes for the Disc to revolve once on the backs of the elephants. Years are divided into 13 months of 32 days, some of which correspond to our months.

85The Dark DesertMapWorldsPlaces-misc

The Dark Desert
A transition phase between life and afterlife.

86Death's DomainMapWorldsPlaces-misc

Death's Domain
Death's home. Everything in Death's Domain is either black, or bone white.

87The Dungeon DimensionsMapWorldsDimensions

The Dungeon Dimensions
The endless wastelands outside of space and time.

88The Dysk TheatreMapStructuresEvent Venues

The Dysk Theatre
Parodies the Globe Theatre.


Also known as library-space. L-space links every library, so it is possible to reach any one of these throughout space, time and the multiverse.

90Parasite UniverseMapWorldsUniverses

Parasite Universe
A universe cut off from the past and future.


Exists in a glass sphere at Unseen University, where it is cared for by Rincewind.

92The TantyMapDetention CentersCorrectional Facilities

The Tanty
Ankh-Morpork's main prison.

93BrecciaOtherCriminalsCriminal Organizations

Troll Mafia.

94The Cockbill Street Roaring LadsOtherCriminalsGangs

The Cockbill Street Roaring Lads
Samuel Vimes' old gang.

95The MohocksOtherCriminalsGangs

The Mohocks
Human street gang made up of young boys, one of the nastier bands of young killers in the Ankh-Morpork slums.

96The New FirmOtherCriminalsCriminal Organizations

The New Firm
Criminal services.


The color of magic, resembling a fluorescent greenish-yellow purple.


Rare metal naturally imbued with magic, yielding unexpected results.

99The Shamlegger Street Rude BoysOtherCriminalsGangs

The Shamlegger Street Rude Boys
Fearsome street gang similar to his future master's Cockbill Street Roaring Lads.

100Tenth Egg Street GangOtherCriminalsGangs

Tenth Egg Street Gang
Troll street gang, also known as the Can't Fink Of a Name Gang.

101Untitled OtherThemesDiff|rent Strokes


102Untitled OtherThemesShield, The


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