TV Series 2022. Created by Akiva Goldsman, Alex Kurtzman, Jenny Lumet. Starring Anson Mount, Ethan Peck, Jess Bush, Christina Chong, Celia Rose Gooding, Melissa Navia, Babs Olusanmokun, Bruce Horak, Rebecca Romijn.
Source Features: BBB (61) TIMELINE (6) MAP (176) OTHER (55) THEMES (2)

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Beverage Products
Detention Centers
Food Stores
Geographic Areas
Industrial Companies
Living Things
Medical Conditions
Outer Space
Research Institutes
Technology Products
Urban Areas

Total Records: 298 - Medium: TV SERIES
Record Name
1AP350 BBBTechnology ProductsElectronics

Atmospheric processor / air filter invented by Zigwel Orgon in 2234. First deployed on Titan after the Crestbrock mining collapse.

2Archer BBBVehiclesSpacecrafts - Star Trek

Federation starship U.S.S. Archer. Una and the crew of the Archer go missing during a failed first contact mission to Kiley 279, a planet on the brink of civil war. Pike and the Enterprise crew go looking for her, learning that instead of developing warp technology, they built a warp bomb based on their observations of the USS Discovery's battle with Control near Xahea.

3Bird of Prey [Klingon] BBBVehiclesSpacecrafts - Star Trek

Bird of Prey [Klingon]
Klingon ship.

4Bird of Prey [Romulan] BBBVehiclesSpacecrafts - Star Trek

Bird of Prey [Romulan]
A Romulan Bird of Prey destroys several Federation outposts near the Neutral Zone.

5Bloodwine BBBBeverage ProductsAlcohol

Klingon alcoholic beverage.

6Boom Shield BBBSportsSports Teams

Boom Shield
Tagball is a popular sport on Kiley 279. One of the residents of Kiley 279 being held on the Enterprise escapes from sickbay and runs into Uhura in the turbo lift. She mentions tagball, and the greatest tagball game, played between teams the Cone rockets and Boom shield.

7Cayuga BBBVehiclesSpacecrafts - Star Trek

Federation starship U.S.S. Cayuga.

8Cerritos BBBVehiclesSpacecrafts - Star Trek

Federation starship U.S.S. Cerritos, originally from Star Trek animated series Lower Decks.

9Cone Rockets BBBSportsSports Teams

Cone Rockets
Tagball is a popular sport on Kiley 279. One of the residents of Kiley 279 being held on the Enterprise escapes from sickbay and runs into Uhura in the turbo lift. She mentions tagball, and the greatest tagball game, played between teams the Cone rockets and Boom shield.

10Constitution Class BBBVehiclesSpacecrafts - Star Trek

Constitution Class
The U.S.S. Peregrine is a Sombra class starship. M'Benga comments that he served on one, and it was fast, built with the same parts as a Constitution class.

11Crestbrock Mine BBBIndustrial CompaniesMining

Crestbrock Mine
Mine on Titan outfitted with an AP350 atmospheric processor following a collapse incident.

12Crivian Planetary Museum BBBEntertainmentMuseums

Crivian Planetary Museum
Batel mentions to Pike: Chris, I have always wanted to see the Crivian Planetary Museum, and there are day trips to the Glass Islands and Smoke Lakes. I know you love a lake.

13Delta Class BBBVehiclesSpacecrafts - Star Trek

Delta Class
Captain Kirk brings reinforcements in the form of a fleet of automated mining craft and haulers, which he refers to as a Federation armada of Delta class attack ships.

14Discovery BBBVehiclesSpacecrafts - Star Trek

Federation starship U.S.S. Discovery. Una and the crew of the USS Archer go missing during a failed first contact mission to Kiley 279, a planet on the brink of civil war. Pike and the Enterprise crew go looking for her, learning that instead of developing warp technology, they built a warp bomb based on their observations of the USS Discovery's battle with Control near Xahea.

15Dom-jot BBBToysTabletop Games

Game that Ortegas mentions when she recognizes the symbols that Uhura is studying: I've seen them before. At Starbase Earhart. A guy tried to trade me a dom-jot set. Oh, uh, it's this billiard game that Nausicaans are terrible at, yet love to bet on for some reason. This wasn't a traditional set, it was old. Ancient old.

16Dr. Sanchez BBBHealthcareTherapy

Dr. Sanchez
Counselor from Starfleet Recovery Assistance that La'an mentions, whom she describes as a head shrinker.

17D'var BBBVehiclesSpacecrafts - Star Trek

Orion ship that the Enterprise encounters near the Krulmuth-B Portal.

18Enterprise [NCC-1701] BBBVehiclesSpacecrafts - Star Trek

Enterprise [NCC-1701]
Federation starship U.S.S. Enterprise.

19Enterprise [NX-01] BBBVehiclesSpacecrafts - Star Trek

Enterprise [NX-01]
Captain Archer's Enterprise. When more horonium is needed to send Boimler and Mariner back to the future, Boimler and Mariner recall from their trip to the Starship History Museum that the Enterprise NX-01 used horonium alloy in its hull, and since the tradition is to begin construction on new vessels being commissioned with a piece of the last ship to bear its name, the crew is able to use the horonium within the Enterprise to activate the portal.

20Farragut BBBVehiclesSpacecrafts - Star Trek

Federation starship U.S.S. Farragut.

21Federation Medical Clinic BBBHealthcareHospitals

Federation Medical Clinic
Clinic on colony planet Parnassus Beta.

22Galileo BBBVehiclesSpacecrafts - Star Trek

Federation shuttle. Spock and La'an check to see the Enterprise is safe to leave their hiding place inside the gas giant.

23Giona Mercantile BBBRetailStores

Giona Mercantile
Store on colony planet Parnassus Beta.

24Gorn Destroyer BBBVehiclesSpacecrafts - Star Trek

Gorn Destroyer
The Enterprise travels to Finibus III to deliver an atmospheric processor upgrade, only to find themselves fighting the Gorn.

25Gorn Hunter Ship BBBVehiclesSpacecrafts - Star Trek

Gorn Hunter Ship
The Gorn attack colony planet Parnassus Beta.

26Grafton Flower Shoppe BBBRetailFlower Shops

Grafton Flower Shoppe
Flower shop on colony planet Parnassus Beta.

27Kal-toh BBBToysTabletop Games

Vulcan strategy game.

28Kelcie Mae BBBVehiclesSpacecrafts - Star Trek

Kelcie Mae
Federation starship U.S.S. Kelcie Mae.

29Kelvin BBBVehiclesSpacecrafts - Star Trek

Federation starship U.S.S. Kelvin.

30King Jr. BBBVehiclesSpacecrafts - Star Trek

King Jr.
Federation starship U.S.S. King Jr. - ship on which Una was serving when it rescued La'an.

31The Kingdom of Elysian BBBLiteratureBooks-Misc

The Kingdom of Elysian
Book that M'Benga reads to his daughter Rukiya by author Benny Russell, a character that Captain Sisko portrays on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.

32Krulmuth-B Portal BBBTransportationTime Travel

Krulmuth-B Portal
Portal that sends members of the U.S.S. Cerritos into the past.

33Lapithas Market BBBFood StoresGrocery Stores

Lapithas Market
Grocery store on colony planet Parnassus Beta.

34mL'parmaq Qoj BBBLiteratureBooks-Misc

mL'parmaq Qoj
Klingon manuscript that Spock mentions: Ambassador Rah, are you familiar with the ancient Earth text Sun Tzu's The Art of war? I would love to hear your views on its comparison with the Klingon manuscript mL'parmaq Qoj.

35Noonien-Singh Institute for Cultural Adv... BBBResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Noonien-Singh Institute for Cultural Advancement
Institute in Toronto on Earth in the past where La'an finds a young Khan and prevents him from being assassinated, changing the timeline.

36NX Class BBBVehiclesSpacecrafts - Star Trek

NX Class
Starship class of the Enterprise NX-01 (Archer's Enterprise). When more horonium is needed to send Boimler and Mariner back to the future, Boimler and Mariner recall from their trip to the Starship History Museum that the Enterprise NX-01 (Archer's Enterprise) used horonium alloy in its hull, and since the tradition is to begin construction on new vessels being commissioned with a piece of the last ship to bear its name, the crew is able to use the horonium within the Enterprise to activate the portal.

37Orion Delaq BBBBeverage ProductsAlcohol

Orion Delaq
Orion alcohol that Mariner mentions.

38Orion Hurricanes BBBMenuMixed Drinks

Orion Hurricanes
Mixed drink that Mariner gets for her, Ortegas and Uhura.

39Peregrine BBBVehiclesSpacecrafts - Star Trek

Federation starship U.S.S. Peregrine. Enterprise responds to a distress beacon activated by the Peregrine while making an unscheduled emergency landing on class L planet Valeo Beta V.

40Raktajino BBBBeverage ProductsBeverages

Spock prepares the popular caffeinated beverage from Kronos for the ship's Klingon guest Ambassador Rah.

41Republic BBBVehiclesSpacecrafts - Star Trek

Federation starship U.S.S. Republic. Record listed in the Assignments section of James T. Kirk's Starfleet Personnel File.

42S.S. Puget Sound BBBVehiclesSpacecrafts - Star Trek

S.S. Puget Sound
Colony ship La'an Noonien-Singh was aboard when it was attacked by the Gorn.

43Saurian Brandy BBBBeverage ProductsAlcohol

Saurian Brandy
Pike offers Spock Saurian brandy in his quarters.

44The Serene Squall BBBVehiclesSpacecrafts - Star Trek

The Serene Squall
Pirate ship that takes over the Enterprise.

45Sh'Rel BBBVehiclesSpacecrafts - Star Trek

Vulcan ship that Spock commands in the alternate timeline.

46Skylark BBBVehiclesSpacecrafts - Star Trek

Federation starship U.S.S. Skylark. Nurse Chapel's friend Dever mentions the possibility of her transferring to the Skylark, on which he currently serves.

47Sombra Class BBBVehiclesSpacecrafts - Star Trek

Sombra Class
The U.S.S. Peregrine is a Sombra class starship. M'Benga comments that he served on one, and it was fast, built with the same parts as a Constitution class.

48Stamets BBBVehiclesSpacecrafts - Star Trek

Federation shuttle, named for USS Discovery Chief engineer Paul Stamets. The shuttle docks at the Enterprise.

49Stardiver BBBVehiclesSpacecrafts - Star Trek

Federation solar research vessel U.S.S. Stardiver.

50Starfall BBBWeaponsBlade Weapons

The name of Ortegas' sword, when she plays the role of Adya from M'Benga's daughter's children's book The Kingdom of Elysian.

51Starfleet Academy BBBEducationMilitary Schools

Starfleet Academy
Starfleet training center.

52Starship History Museum BBBEntertainmentMuseums

Starship History Museum
When more horonium is needed to send Boimler and Mariner back to the future, Boimler and Mariner recall from their trip to the Starship History Museum that the Enterprise NX-01 (Archer's Enterprise) used horonium alloy in its hull, and since the tradition is to begin construction on new vessels being commissioned with a piece of the last ship to bear its name, the crew is able to use the horonium within the Enterprise to activate the portal.

53Tagball BBBSportsSports

Popular sport on Kiley 279. One of the residents of Kiley 279 being held on the Enterprise escapes from sickbay and runs into Uhura in the turbo lift. She mentions tagball, and the greatest tagball game, played between teams the Cone rockets and Boom shield.

54Time Crystal BBBTransportationTime Travel

Time Crystal
Captain Pike uses a time crystal to travel to a possible future, engaging in a Vulcan Mindmeld with Spock when he gets there in order to convince him that he is telling the truth.

55U.S.S. Iowa BBBVehiclesSpacecrafts - Star Trek

U.S.S. Iowa
Federation starship.

56Vemont Taxi BBBTransportationTaxicabs

Vemont Taxi
Taxi that La'an and Kirk take to visit Pelia.

57Vidium Power Cells BBBTechnology ProductsPower Supplies

Vidium Power Cells
The Enterprise carries Vidium power cells to Deep Space Station K-7.

58Vulcan Science Academy BBBEducationSchools-Science/Tech

Vulcan Science Academy
Famed science academy on Vulcan.

59W Scotch Whiskey BBBBeverage ProductsAlcohol

W Scotch Whiskey
Whiskey brand that the Kirk brothers drink.

60Warp Bomb BBBWeaponsExplosives

Warp Bomb
Una and the crew of the USS Archer go missing during a failed first contact mission to Kiley 279, a planet on the brink of civil war. Pike and the Enterprise crew go looking for her, learning that instead of developing warp technology, they built a warp bomb based on their observations of the USS Discovery's battle with Control near Xahea.

61Zefram Cochrane Science Institute BBBResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Zefram Cochrane Science Institute
Where Matt Al-Salah attended science camp - one of the two cadets that Captain Pike will not be able to save.

62March 22, 2233 Dates22nd Century and beyondBirth Dates

March 22, 2233
James T. Kirk born in Iowa to parents Winona and George Kirk.

63January 10, 2247 Dates22nd Century and beyondBirth Dates

January 10, 2247
Dusty Swenger born, one of the children that Captain Pike believes he is destined to save in the event that kills him 10 years in the future.

64February 8, 2247 Dates22nd Century and beyondBirth Dates

February 8, 2247
T'Quiel Dawn born, one of the children that Captain Pike believes he is destined to save in the event that kills him 10 years in the future.

65December 8, 2247 Dates22nd Century and beyondBirth Dates

December 8, 2247
Mulio Al Alcazar born, one of the children that Captain Pike believes he is destined to save in the event that kills him 10 years in the future.

66June 28, 2248 Dates22nd Century and beyondBirth Dates

June 28, 2248
Matt Al-Salah born on Outpost 4 near the Romulan Neutral Zone - one of the two cadets that Captain Pike will not be able to save.

67November 5, 2248 Dates22nd Century and beyondBirth Dates

November 5, 2248
Yuuto Hoshide born, one of the children that Captain Pike believes he is destined to save in the event that kills him 10 years in the future.

68Alpha Majoris I MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Alpha Majoris I
Planet included on map of warp capable civilizations.

69Alpha Majoris System MapOuter SpaceStar Systems

Alpha Majoris System
Star system included on map of warp capable civilizations.

70Altair MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Planet visible on the map on the Ready Room Viewscreen.

71Andoria MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Federation planet.

72Aneto MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Planet included on map of warp capable civilizations.

73Angel MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Planet visible on the map on the Ready Room Viewscreen.

74Ankeshtan K'Til MapDetention CentersCorrectional Facilities

Ankeshtan K'Til
Vulcan Criminal Rehabilitation Center where T'Pring works.

75Arcturus MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Planet visible on the map on the Ready Room Viewscreen.

76Argus MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Planet visible on the map on the Ready Room Viewscreen.

77Argus Array MapOuter SpaceSpace Stations

Argus Array
Federation subspace telescope included on map of warp capable civilizations.

78Athos MapUrban AreasCities-Outer Space

Location that Ortegas mentions, recounting Ambassador Rah's past atrocities - The slaughter at Lembatta V, the siege at Starbase Zetta. Athos... There's a reason other Klingons call him the Butcher of J'Gal.

79Azati Prime MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Azati Prime

80Babel MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek


81Bajor MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Planet near space station Deep Space Nine and the wormhole to the Gamma Quadrant.

82Bannon's Nebula MapOuter SpaceNebulae

Bannon's Nebula
Stellar nursery full of deuterium.

83Barradas MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Planet visible on the map on the Ready Room Viewscreen.

84Benecia MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Planet included on map of warp capable civilizations.

85Benzar MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Planet visible on the map on the Ready Room Viewscreen.

86Beta Niobe MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Beta Niobe
Planet included on map of warp capable civilizations.

87Beta Quadrant MapOuter SpaceRegions of Space

Beta Quadrant
The R'ongovian Protectorate controls a small but vitally important piece of territory sun between Klingon and Roman space - the fastest route to the other side of the Beta Quadrant.

88Betazed MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Planet included on map of warp capable civilizations. Listed as "Beta Zeta / Betazed".

89Boreth MapOuter SpaceMoons

Klingon moon where Pike saw his own death. According to Spock, Boreth is notable for two things: a monastery and a rare ore that can cause temporal consciousness displacement, both of which bear the power of transformation.

90Cajitar IV MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Cajitar IV
While undergoing upgrades under in Spacedock at Starbase 1, the Enterprise receives a distress call from La'an on the mining planet Cajitar IV, a dilithium mining planet on the edge of Klingon space.

91Cardassia Prime MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Cardassia Prime
Planet primarily known for having invaded Bajor, the planet near space station Deep Space Nine and the wormhole to the Gamma Quadrant.

92Chantico Nebula MapOuter SpaceNebulae

Chantico Nebula
Course change that Una recommends: A course through the Chantico Nebula gets us to Starbase by tomorrow. We need to get Rah off this ship. Crew morale is low.

93Chin'toka MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Planet included on map of warp capable civilizations.

94Coriidan MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Planet included on map of warp capable civilizations.

95Crayken MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Planet visible on the map on the Ready Room Viewscreen.

96Crepuscula MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Planet visible on the map on the Ready Room Viewscreen.

97Deep Space Station K-7 MapOuter SpaceSpace Stations

Deep Space Station K-7
The Enterprise carries Vidium power cells to Deep Space Station K-7.

98Delta MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Planet visible on the map on the Ready Room Viewscreen.

99Deneb MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Planet visible on the map on the Ready Room Viewscreen.

100Deneva MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Planet included on map of warp capable civilizations.

101Denobula MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek


102Doctori Alpha MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Doctori Alpha
Planet included on map of warp capable civilizations.

103Donatu MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Planet included on map of warp capable civilizations.

104Draylax MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Planet visible on the map on the Ready Room Viewscreen.

105Dreaon MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Planet included on map of warp capable civilizations.

106Dualor MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Planet visible on the map on the Ready Room Viewscreen.

107Duam MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Planet included on map of warp capable civilizations.

108Elora MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Planet included on map of warp capable civilizations.

109The Event Horizon MapWorldsPlaces-misc

The Event Horizon
Hemmer threatens to send the characters from the Kingdom of Elysian to the Event Horizon - a dark realm full of chaos and monsters.

110Finibus III MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Finibus III
Planet from multiple episodes.

111Free Haven MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Free Haven
Planet included on map of warp capable civilizations.

112Galdonterre MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Planet near a Gorn attack ship on Starfleet map that Admiral Robert April studies.

113Galen IV MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Galen IV
Planet included on map of warp capable civilizations.

114Galen System MapOuter SpaceStar Systems

Galen System
Star system included on map of warp capable civilizations.

115Galorndon MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Planet visible on the map on the Ready Room Viewscreen.

116Galt MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Batel gifts Pike an Opelian Mariner's Keystone that she founds on Galt, which ancient Opelian Captains wore them to guide lost sailors home. During Pike's very next mission, it guides him home.

117Gamma Trianguli System MapOuter SpaceStar Systems

Gamma Trianguli System
Star system included on map of warp capable civilizations.

118Gamma Trianguli VI MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Gamma Trianguli VI
Planet included on map of warp capable civilizations.

119Gideon MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Planet visible on the map on the Ready Room Viewscreen.

120Glass Islands MapGeographic AreasIslands

Glass Islands
Batel mentions to Pike: Chris, I have always wanted to see the Crivian Planetary Museum, and there are day trips to the Glass Islands and Smoke Lakes. I know you love a lake.

121Gorn Attack Ship MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Gorn Attack Ship
Ship visible on Starfleet map that Admiral Robert April studies.

122Halka MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Planet included on map of warp capable civilizations.

123Hetemit IX MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Hetemit IX
The Enterprise investigates the site of an abandoned Illyrian colony on the planet Hetemit IX in the Vaultera Nebula.

124Hupyria MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Planet visible on the map on the Ready Room Viewscreen.

125Hyralan MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Planet visible on the map on the Ready Room Viewscreen.

126Jonisian Nebula MapOuter SpaceNebulae

Jonisian Nebula
The Enterprise conducts a routine survey of the Jonisian Nebula.

127J'gal MapOuter SpaceMoons

Moon where M'Benga and Nurse Chapel were stationed during the Klingon War, where Ambassador Rah came to be known as "the Butcher of J'gal".

128Kantare MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Planet included on map of warp capable civilizations.

129Kerkho MapOuter SpaceMoons

Moon in the Vulcan system.

130Kiley 279 MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Kiley 279
Una and the crew of the USS Archer go missing during a failed first contact mission to Kiley 279, a planet on the brink of civil war. Pike and the Enterprise crew go looking for her, learning that instead of developing warp technology, they built a warp bomb based on their observations of the USS Discovery's battle with Control near Xahea.

131Kiley System MapOuter SpaceStar Systems

Kiley System
Star system included on map of warp capable civilizations.

132Klaestron MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Planet included on map of warp capable civilizations.

133Kobliad MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Planet included on map of warp capable civilizations.

134Kressari MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Planet included on map of warp capable civilizations.

135Kronos MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Klingon home world.

136Krulmuth-B MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Home of the mysterious Krulmuth-B Portal that sends members of the U.S.S. Cerritos into the past.

137Lembatta V MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Lembatta V
Location that Ortegas mentions, recounting Ambassador Rah's past atrocities - The slaughter at Lembatta V, the siege at Starbase Zetta. Athos... There's a reason other Klingons call him the Butcher of J'Gal.

138Lorillia MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Planet included on map of warp capable civilizations.

139Lya Station MapOuter SpaceSpace Stations

Lya Station
Space station on map of warp capable civilizations.

140Madena MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Planet visible on the map on the Ready Room Viewscreen.

141Mah-Bu MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Planet included on map of warp capable civilizations.

142Majalan System MapOuter SpaceStar Systems

Majalan System
While en route to the planet Majalis in Majalan System, a minor star cluster at the edge of Federation space, the Enterprise receives a distress call from a shuttlecraft under attack from a warship. The Enterprise destroys the warship and beams the occupants of the shuttle board, including Captain Pike's old flame Alora.

143Majalis MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

While en route to the planet Majalis in Majalan System, a minor star cluster at the edge of Federation space, the Enterprise receives a distress call from a shuttlecraft under attack from a warship. The Enterprise destroys the warship and beams the occupants of the shuttle board, including Captain Pike's old flame Alora.

144Maluria MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Planet included on map of warp capable civilizations.

145Man-us II MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Man-us II
Planet that Illyrian lawyer Neera Ketoul mentions while questioning Admiral Robert April: You sent your science officer Planet that Illyrian lawyer Neera Ketoul mentions while questioning Admiral Robert April: And when you landed on the hostile planet Man-us II without your security officer, you chose to reveal your starship to the pre-warp civilization Ohawk. Did you comply then, Admiral?

146Maxia MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Planet visible on the map on the Ready Room Viewscreen.

147McNair Starbase MapOuter SpaceSpace Stations

McNair Starbase
After conducting a routine survey of the Jonisian Nebula, Captain Pike tells Ortegas to head for McNair Starbase.

148Minos Korva MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Minos Korva
Planet included on map of warp capable civilizations.

149Mizar MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Planet included on map of warp capable civilizations.

150M'hanit MapOuter SpaceComets

The Enterprise observes an ancient comet called C/2260-Quentin in the Persephone System, which is headed for a tragic collision with Persephone III, home of a pre-warp civilization known as the Deleb. When they attempt to change the comet's course, a group called The Shepherds arrive, informing them that the comet is actually called M'hanit and it is much more than a comet. It is one of the ancient arbiters of life.

151Nausicaa MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Planet included on map of warp capable civilizations.

152Na'rel MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Planet that Illyrian lawyer Neera Ketoul mentions while questioning Admiral Robert April: You sent your science officer to the industrial-age planet Na'rel to solve the imminent threat of an extinction-level drought by sharing Federation technology. Were you in compliance then?

153Neutral Zone MapOuter SpaceRegions of Space

Neutral Zone
Enterprise and Cayuga travel to the edge of the Neutral Zone, a narrow band of space separating the Romulan Empire from the Federation, to help the outposts that guard the Neutral Zone with much needed retrofitting and supplies.

154Nivalla MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Planet included on map of warp capable civilizations.

155Orellus MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Planet visible on the map on the Ready Room Viewscreen.

156Organa MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Planet included on map of warp capable civilizations.

157Outpost 2 MapOuter SpaceSpace Stations

Outpost 2
Enterprise and Cayuga travel to the edge of the Neutral Zone, a narrow band of space separating the Romulan Empire from the Federation, to help the outposts that guard the Neutral Zone with much needed retrofitting and supplies.

158Outpost 3 MapOuter SpaceSpace Stations

Outpost 3
Enterprise and Cayuga travel to the edge of the Neutral Zone, a narrow band of space separating the Romulan Empire from the Federation, to help the outposts that guard the Neutral Zone with much needed retrofitting and supplies.

159Outpost 4 MapOuter SpaceSpace Stations

Outpost 4
Enterprise and Cayuga travel to the edge of the Neutral Zone, a narrow band of space separating the Romulan Empire from the Federation, to help the outposts that guard the Neutral Zone with much needed retrofitting and supplies.

160Outpost 8 MapOuter SpaceSpace Stations

Outpost 8
Enterprise and Cayuga travel to the edge of the Neutral Zone, a narrow band of space separating the Romulan Empire from the Federation, to help the outposts that guard the Neutral Zone with much needed retrofitting and supplies.

161Outpost MZ-5 MapOuter SpaceSpace Stations

Outpost MZ-5
Outpost on map of the R'ongovian Protectorate.

162O'Ryan's Planet MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

O'Ryan's Planet
Planet included on map of warp capable civilizations.

163Parnassus Beta MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Parnassus Beta
Colony planet.

164Parnassus Moon MapOuter SpaceMoons

Parnassus Moon
Moon of colony planet Parnassus Beta.

165Peliar Zel MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Peliar Zel
Planet included on map of warp capable civilizations.

166Persephone I MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Persephone I
Planet in the Persephone System.

167Persephone II MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Persephone II
Planet in the Persephone System.

168Persephone III MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Persephone III
The Enterprise observes an ancient comet called C/2260-Quentin in the Persephone System, which is headed for a tragic collision with Persephone III, home of a pre-warp civilization known as the Deleb. When they attempt to change the comet's course, a group called The Shepherds arrive, informing them that the comet is actually called M'hanit and it is much more than a comet. It is one of the ancient arbiters of life.

169Persephone IV MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Persephone IV
Planet in the Persephone System.

170Persephone System MapOuter SpaceStar Systems

Persephone System
The Enterprise observes an ancient comet called C/2260-Quentin in the Persephone System, which is headed for a tragic collision with Persephone III, home of a pre-warp civilization known as the Deleb. When they attempt to change the comet's course, a group called The Shepherds arrive, informing them that the comet is actually called M'hanit and it is much more than a comet. It is one of the ancient arbiters of life.

171Persephone V MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Persephone V
Planet in the Persephone System.

172Persephone VI MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Persephone VI
Planet in the Persephone System.

173Persephone VII MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Persephone VII
Planet in the Persephone System.

174Persephone VIII MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Persephone VIII
Planet in the Persephone System.

175Porathia MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Planet included on map of warp capable civilizations.

176Prospect VII MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Prospect VII
Planet in the Majalan System, home of a rebellious colony associated with the planet Majalis that objects to their practice of sacrificing children to a machine in order to maintain their paradise-like society.

177Prospero System MapOuter SpaceStar Systems

Prospero System
Enterprise is tasked with transporting a Federation ambassador from the Prospero system to Starbase 12.

178Pyrethia MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Planet visible on the map on the Ready Room Viewscreen.

179Raal MapGeographic AreasTerritories

When Una goes missing during a first contact mission to Kiley 279, Pike contacts Spock on Vulcan, in the province Raal.

180Rigel VII MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Rigel VII
Remote M class planet home to a Bronze Age society.

181Romulus MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Romulan home world.

182R'ongovia MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Home world of the R'ongovian Protectorate.

183Salius VI MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Salius VI
Location of the penal colony where Una is being held in Captain Pike's alternate future.

184Salon MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Planet Spock mentions, where the seas consist of liquid mercury.

185Sarpedion MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Planet included on map of warp capable civilizations.

186Sauria MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Planet visible on the map on the Ready Room Viewscreen.

187Scalos MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Planet included on map of warp capable civilizations.

188Scalos System MapOuter SpaceStar Systems

Scalos System
Star system included on map of warp capable civilizations.

189Science Station D-5 MapOuter SpaceSpace Stations

Science Station D-5
Space station visible on the map on the Ready Room Viewscreen.

190Septimus MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Planet included on map of warp capable civilizations.

191Setlik MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Planet included on map of warp capable civilizations.

192Setlik II MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Setlik II
Enterprise is headed for Setlik II with a shipment of tritriticale grain when they encounter Boimler from Lower Decks, which they later give to the Orions in exchange for returning the portal that brought Boimler to the past in the first place.

193Shangdi System MapOuter SpaceStar Systems

Shangdi System
Star system that Scotty mentions: The Stardiver was stationed one system over. TheShangdi system. It's a red supergiant.

194Sherman's Planet MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Sherman's Planet
Planet included on map of warp capable civilizations.

195Smoke Lakes MapWaterLakes

Smoke Lakes
Batel mentions to Pike: Chris, I have always wanted to see the Crivian Planetary Museum, and there are day trips to the Glass Islands and Smoke Lakes. I know you love a lake.

196Solarus MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Planet visible on the map on the Ready Room Viewscreen.

197Son'a MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Planet included on map of warp capable civilizations.

198Starbase 1 MapOuter SpaceSpace Stations

Starbase 1
The oldest and most venerated space station in the Federation, located at Earth.

199Starbase 10 MapOuter SpaceSpace Stations

Starbase 10
Space station visible on the map on the Ready Room Viewscreen.

200Starbase 11 MapOuter SpaceSpace Stations

Starbase 11
Federation space station included on map of warp capable civilizations.

201Starbase 12 MapOuter SpaceSpace Stations

Starbase 12
Federation space station.

202Starbase 25 MapOuter SpaceSpace Stations

Starbase 25
Space station visible on the map on the Ready Room Viewscreen.

203Starbase 39 - Sierra MapOuter SpaceSpace Stations

Starbase 39 - Sierra
Federation space station.

204Starbase 4 MapOuter SpaceSpace Stations

Starbase 4
Space station visible on the map on the Ready Room Viewscreen.

205Starbase 45 MapOuter SpaceSpace Stations

Starbase 45
Space station visible on the map on the Ready Room Viewscreen.

206Starbase 46 MapOuter SpaceSpace Stations

Starbase 46
Federation space station included on map of warp capable civilizations.

207Starbase 47 MapOuter SpaceSpace Stations

Starbase 47
Federation space station included on map of warp capable civilizations.

208Starbase 9 MapOuter SpaceSpace Stations

Starbase 9
Federation space station included on map of warp capable civilizations.

209Starbase Earhart MapOuter SpaceSpace Stations

Starbase Earhart
Starbase that Ortegas mentions when she recognizes the symbols that Uhura is studying: I've seen them before. At Starbase Earhart. A guy tried to trade me a dom-jot set. Oh, uh, it's this billiard game that Nausicaans are terrible at, yet love to bet on for some reason. This wasn't a traditional set, it was old. Ancient old.

210Starbase Zetta MapOuter SpaceSpace Stations

Starbase Zetta
Location that Ortegas mentions, recounting Ambassador Rah's past atrocities - The slaughter at Lembatta V, the siege at Starbase Zetta. Athos... There's a reason other Klingons call him the Butcher of J'Gal.

211Stecora Debris Field MapOuter SpaceInterstellar Objects

Stecora Debris Field
Collection of volatile asteroidal fragments located in orbit of Rigel VII, likely formed from the collision of two large celestial bodies, probably moons. Contents of the debris emit an exotic form of radiation causing severe memory issues for residents.

212Subspace Fold MapOuter SpaceMoons

Subspace Fold
Spatial anomoly that produces an "improbability field" that causes the Enterprise crew to begin singing about their feelings like characters in a musical film.

213The Swamp of Infinite Deaths MapWaterSwamps

The Swamp of Infinite Deaths
Swamp from M'Benga's daughter Rukiya's children's book The Kingdom of Elysian.

214Tagra MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Planet included on map of warp capable civilizations.

215Tagus MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Planet included on map of warp capable civilizations.

216Talar MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Planet included on map of warp capable civilizations.

217Talar System MapOuter SpaceStar Systems

Talar System
Star system included on map of warp capable civilizations.

218Talaran Homeworld MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Talaran Homeworld
Planet included on map of warp capable civilizations.

219Talos MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Planet included on map of warp capable civilizations.

220Tarsus IV MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Tarsus IV
Record listed in the Training section of James T. Kirk's Starfleet Personnel File: "Witness to Massacre on Tarsus IV".

221Tau Ceti MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Tau Ceti
Planet visible on the map on the Ready Room Viewscreen.

222Tellar MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Planet visible on the map on the Ready Room Viewscreen.

223Teneebia MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Planet visible on the map on the Ready Room Viewscreen.

224Tent City MapUrban AreasCities-Outer Space

Tent City
Name for the surviving encampment on the moon of J'gal during the Klingon War where M'Benga and Nurse Chapel served, seen in flashback.

225Thalos MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Planet included on map of warp capable civilizations.

226Trill MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Planet included on map of warp capable civilizations.

227Turkana MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Planet included on map of warp capable civilizations.

228Tzenketh MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek


229Unefra MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Planet included on map of warp capable civilizations.

230Valakis MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Planet included on map of warp capable civilizations.

231Valeo Beta V MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Valeo Beta V
Enterprise responds to a distress beacon activated by the U.S.S. Peregrine while making an unscheduled emergency landing on class L planet Valeo Beta V.

232Vaultera Nebula MapOuter SpaceNebulae

Vaultera Nebula
Nebula where Una grew up. The Atmosphere is not suitable for human life.

233Vega MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Planet visible on the map on the Ready Room Viewscreen.

234Vega Colony MapUrban AreasCities-Outer Space

Vega Colony
Colony that Una mentions, where Spock was taken following the ambush on Rigel VII five years earlier.

235Vulcan MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Federation planet. Spock's home planet.

236Xahea MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Planet included on map of warp capable civilizations.

237Xahea System MapOuter SpaceStar Systems

Xahea System
Star system included on map of warp capable civilizations.

238Xarantine MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Planet included on map of warp capable civilizations.

239Xepolite MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Planet included on map of warp capable civilizations.

240Yadalla MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Planet visible on the map on the Ready Room Viewscreen.

241Yridia MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Planet included on map of warp capable civilizations.

242Zaran MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Planet visible on the map on the Ready Room Viewscreen.

243Zetar MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Planet visible on the map on the Ready Room Viewscreen.

2443-QND OtherMatterSubstances

Chemical that blows up in M'Benga's face while researching a cure for his daughter Rukiya's condition.

245Alpha Braga IV OtherMiscellaneousCombat Strategies

Alpha Braga IV
Strategy that Captain Pike and Una employ on the Serene Squall pirate ship to incite a mutiny.

246Awards of Valor OtherRecognitionAwards Ceremonies

Awards of Valor
Record listed in the Commendations section of James T. Kirk's Starfleet Personnel File.

247Captain Pike's childhood pony's name. OtherTriviaName Game-Animals

Captain Pike's childhood pony's name.
Sir Neighs-a-Lot
Bojack Horseman

248Christopher PikeOtherQuotesQuotes

Christopher Pike
Christopher Pike: These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. It's five year mission: to explore strange new worlds. To seek out new life and new civilizations. To boldly go where no one was gone before.

249Christopher Pike OtherQuotesQuotes

Christopher Pike
Christopher Pike: Damn the ramparts, doctor... It means go ahead.

250Christopher Pike OtherQuotesQuotes

Christopher Pike
Christopher Pike: Because til the last moment, the future's what we make it.

251Christopher Pike OtherQuotesQuotes

Christopher Pike
Christopher Pike: Find a way to get through to the landing party right now. Break the laws of physics if you have to.

252Christopher Pike OtherQuotesQuotes

Christopher Pike
Christopher Pike: Exploration can exact a heavy toll.

253Christopher Pike OtherQuotesQuotes

Christopher Pike
Christopher Pike: Hit it.

254Christopher Pike & T'Pring OtherQuotesQuotes

Christopher Pike & T'Pring
Christopher Pike: Get out of town.
T'Pring: We are not in a town.

255Cygnokemia OtherMedical ConditionsDiseases

Extremely rare terminal disease afflicting Doctor Joseph M'Benga's daughter Rukiya. With there being no known treatment, he decided to secretly suspend her within the pattern buffer of the medical transporter on the Enterprise.

256Deuterium OtherMatterSubstances

Starship fuel.

257Deuterium Poisoning OtherMedical ConditionsConditions

Deuterium Poisoning
Uhura is incorrectly diagnosed with a mild case of deuterium poisoning.

258Dever & Nurse Chapel OtherQuotesQuotes

Dever & Nurse Chapel
Dever: You look hot. Like, fire hot.
Nurse Chapel: Thank you.
Dever: What about me? Aren't I fire? We're two fires.
Nurse Chapel: Two fires, yeah.

259Dilithium OtherMatterSubstances

Energy source.

260Grankite Order of Tactics OtherRecognitionAwards

Grankite Order of Tactics
Record listed in the Commendations section of James T. Kirk's Starfleet Personnel File.

261Hemmer OtherQuotesQuotes

Hemmer: Do not weep for me - I've had a good life. It's time for me to go.

262Hemmer OtherQuotesQuotes

Hemmer: Just like Andoria.

263Horonium OtherMatterSubstances

Substance that powers the Krulmuth-B Portal that brings Boimler and Mariner from Lower Decks to the past. When more horonium is needed to send Boimler and Mariner back to the future, Boimler and Mariner recall from their trip to the Starship History Museum that the Enterprise NX-01 (Archer's Enterprise) used horonium alloy in its hull, and since the tradition is to begin construction on new vessels being commissioned with a piece of the last ship to bear its name, the crew is able to use the horonium within the Enterprise to activate the portal.

264La'an Noonien-Singh OtherQuotesQuotes

La'an Noonien-Singh
La'an Noonien-Singh: Not believing you're gonna die is what gets you killed.

265La'an's dog's name when she plays the ro... OtherTriviaName Game-Animals

La'an's dog's name when she plays the role of Princess Thalia from M'Benga's daughter's children's book The Kingdom of Elysian.

266Mercury Stone OtherArtifactsJewelry

Mercury Stone
Powerful artifact from M'Benga's daughter Rukiya's children's book The Kingdom of Elysian.

267Mok'bara OtherMiscellaneousCombat Strategies

Klingon martial arts.

268Nurse Chapel OtherQuotesQuotes

Nurse Chapel
Nurse Chapel: Relationships - at least for humans, can be - quantum things. Think about Schrodinger's cat. They exist, or they don't, depending on who's observing them. Not how quantum superposition actually works? Yeah, I know. It's a metaphor, Spock. A messy one. Just like whatever this is. My point is if we let Starfleet, or anyone else, for that matter, look inside the box, then our quantum cat might disappear. I'd just as soon let it live, see how big it grows.

269Nurse Chapel's childhood Malamute's name... OtherTriviaName Game

Nurse Chapel's childhood Malamute's name.

270Opelian Mariner's Keystone OtherArtifactsArchaeological Artifacts

Opelian Mariner's Keystone
Batel gifts Pike an Opelian Mariner's Keystone that she founds on Galt, which ancient Opelian Captains wore them to guide lost sailors home. During Pike's very next mission, it guides him home.

271Ortegas OtherQuotesQuotes

Ortegas: Hold on to your butts.

272Ortegas & Christopher Pike OtherQuotesQuotes

Ortegas & Christopher Pike
Ortegas: Are you gonna say the thing?
Christopher Pike: Hit it... I said, Hit it.
Ortegas: I'm hitting it, Captain, but we're not moving.

273Palm Leaf of Axinar Peace Mission OtherRecognitionAwards

Palm Leaf of Axinar Peace Mission
Record listed in the Commendations section of James T. Kirk's Starfleet Personnel File.

274Pike Maneuver OtherMiscellaneousCombat Strategies

Pike Maneuver
Name dubbed by Ortegas to maneuver Captain Pike implements during a confrontation with the Gorn.

275Plomeek Soup OtherRecipesFood Recipes

Plomeek Soup
Soup Kirk mentions: spent six months in a Denobulan prison. Cellmate was a Vulcan. I can also make Plomeek soup in the toilet.

276Pomkot OtherLiving ThingsPlants

Ingredient in T'Pring's family's tea, which Spock must prepare and serve as part of the V'Shal engagement ritual. T'Pring: Don't rush this, or the pomkot leaves will fail to bloom.

277Preantares Ribbon of Commendation OtherRecognitionAwards

Preantares Ribbon of Commendation
Record listed in the Commendations section of James T. Kirk's Starfleet Personnel File.

278Sehlat OtherLiving ThingsAnimals

Vulcan pet. Spock had one named I-Chaya.

279Sera OtherQuotesQuotes

Sera: Okay, a little impulsive on my part. But maybe worth it to be the one to kill James T. Kirk.

280Slanikian Oysters OtherLiving ThingsAnimals

Slanikian Oysters
Appetizer that Nurse Chapel's friend Dever mentions at the Starbase 1 bar.

281Spock OtherQuotesQuotes

Spock: Boreth is notable for two things: a monastery and a rare ore that can cause temporal consciousness displacement, both of which bear the power of transformation.

282Spock OtherQuotesQuotes

Spock: I find the best way to diffuse tension is to apply rigorous logic.

283Spock OtherQuotesQuotes

Spock: Perhaps we should weight probabililty in our favor.

284Spock OtherQuotesQuotes

Spock: I would like the ship to go. Now.

285Spock OtherQuotesQuotes

Spock: Your logic feels sound to me.

286Spock OtherThemesGray Eagle


287Spock & Nurse Chapel OtherQuotesQuotes

Spock & Nurse Chapel
Spock: This is coming dangerously close to hijinks.
Nurse Chapel: Hey, who doesn't love hijinks?

288Spock's boyhood pet sehlat's name. OtherTriviaName Game-Animals

Spock's boyhood pet sehlat's name.

289Stanford Morehouse Epigenetic Project OtherPlansProjects

Stanford Morehouse Epigenetic Project
Program with which Nurse Chapel is associated.

290Tachyon OtherMatterSubstances

Type of subatomic particle that can only exist at velocities faster than light.

291Tevmel OtherRecipesFood Recipes

Traditional Vulcan dish.

292Trilithium OtherMatterSubstances

Spock is able to track the Romulan Bird of Prey trailing trilithium fragments.

293Tritriticale Grain OtherLiving ThingsPlants

Tritriticale Grain
Enterprise is headed for Setlik II with a shipment of tritriticale grain when they encounter Boimler from Lower Decks, which they later give to the Orions in exchange for returning the portal that brought Boimler to the past in the first place.

294T'Pring & Spock OtherQuotesQuotes

T'Pring & Spock
T'Pring: Spock, I do not like hijinks.
Spock: In that, we are in agreement, but it appears that hijinks are the most logical course of action.

295Untitled OtherThemesFlatliners 2


296Vulcan Mind-Meld OtherMiscellaneousTechniques-Psychology

Vulcan Mind-Meld
Vulcan technique from multiple episodes.

297V'Shal OtherMiscellaneousTechniques

Vulcan engagement ritual that Spock must endure while human.

298What name does M'Benga's daughter give t... OtherTriviaName Game

What name does M'Benga's daughter give to the Jonisian Nebula entity - also the name of her mother?

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