Literature 2016. Written by Dennis E. Taylor.
Source Features: BBB (88) MAP (75) OTHER (40) THEMES (2)

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Beverage Products
Food Industries
Geographic Areas
Home Furnishing
Industrial Companies
Living Things
Medical Conditions
Outer Space
Research Institutes
Residential Communities
Technology Products
Urban Areas

Total Records: 203 - Medium: LITERATURE
Record Name
1ACME Axe and Spearhead Manufacturing Com... BBBIndustrial CompaniesManufacturing

ACME Axe and Spearhead Manufacturing Company Unincorporated
Joke Bob makes about the factory he constructs over Eden while watching over the Deltans.

2The Administrator BBBComputersA.I.

The Administrator
A.I. running the Heaven's River topopolis.

3AMIBBBTechnology ProductsRobot Models

Artificial Machine Intelligences.

4Anek-23 BBBComputersA.I.

The A.I. behind the Heaven's River topopolis, taking care of the Quinlan people.

5AntBBBTechnology ProductsRobot Models

Insect sized drones employed by The Others.

6Applied Synergetics Inc.BBBCorporationsRobotics Companies

Applied Synergetics Inc.
When Bob wakes up, he is now the property of Applied Synergetics Inc which is in economic competition with Total Cyber Systems to supply robotic servants to society.

7AttendantsBBBWeaponsProjectile Weapons

The others' missiles, similar to busters, controlled by AMIs.

8Badger KickingBBBSportsSports

Badger Kicking
Joke that Bob makes after damaging his Quinlan manny's knee while fighting off what he initially takes for a badger analogue in a cave while hiding out from authorities in Heaven's River, calling it "the international sport of badger kicking".

9Beetle Juice [liquor] BBBBeverage ProductsAlcohol

Beetle Juice [liquor]
Form of liquor made from the excretions of an insect in the Quinlan town of the same name.

10BellerophonBBBVehiclesMotor Vehicles

The Bobs name The Others' cargo carrier they salvage The Bellerophon.




Bob version of YouTube with videos posted by various Bobs.

13BullwinkleBBBTechnology ProductsRobot Models

Four legged moose-like android that the Bobs create.


Cannon ball missle Bob uses to stop gorilloid attacks on the Deltans.

15CharlieBBBTechnology ProductsRobot Models

Deltan Android body Bob creates to interact with the Deltans. "Charlie hung in the rack, powered down and looking boneless. The Deltan android looked utterly convincing - I had put a lot of effort into getting the fur right, both in texture and layout. I didn't want Charlie to come across like all the bad ape and werewolf costumes from twentieth century movies. This needed to be believable."

16The Clipper BBBVehiclesWatercrafts

The Clipper
After leaving the Quinlan barge the Hurricane, Bob joins the crew of the Clipper.

17CryoEterna Inc.BBBHealthcareCryogenics

CryoEterna Inc.
Company Bob pays to have his head cryogenically frozen upon his death.

18Dr. OnagiBBBHealthcareDoctors

Dr. Onagi
Doctor on the planet Vulcan.


Battle cruiser the Bobs build for their attack on The Others.

20The Enniscorthy Distillery CompanyBBBIndustrial CompaniesManufacturing

The Enniscorthy Distillery Company
Distillery Howard creates with Bridget and Stephane, then gives them his share of the company as a wedding gift.

21Exodus 1BBBVehiclesSpacecrafts

Exodus 1
One of the three colony ships built to ferry humans from Earth to Vulcan.

22Exodus 2BBBVehiclesSpacecrafts

Exodus 2
One of the three colony ships built to ferry humans from Earth to Vulcan.

23Exodus 3BBBVehiclesSpacecrafts

Exodus 3
One of the three colony ships built to ferry humans from Earth to Vulcan.

24Exodus 4BBBVehiclesSpacecrafts

Exodus 4
Colony ship built to ferry humans from Earth to Vulcan.

25Exodus 43BBBVehiclesSpacecrafts

Exodus 43
One of three Earth colony ships headed to 82 Eridani.

26Exodus 5BBBVehiclesSpacecrafts

Exodus 5
Colony ship built to ferry humans from Earth to Vulcan.

27Exodus 6BBBVehiclesSpacecrafts

Exodus 6
Colony ship that ferries remaining humans from Earth.

28Exodus 7BBBVehiclesSpacecrafts

Exodus 7
Colony ship that ferries remaining humans from Earth.

29Farm 1BBBFood IndustriesFarms

Farm 1
Farm/Space station the Riker builds to feed the remaining human population.

30Farm 2BBBFood IndustriesFarms

Farm 2
Farm/Space station built to feed the remaining human population.

31Farm 3BBBFood IndustriesFarms

Farm 3
Farm/Space station built to feed the remaining human population.

32Flea BBBTechnology ProductsRobot Models

Roamer drone included with Bob's Quinlan manny.

33GUPPI BBBTechnology ProductsCommunication Devices

Bob uses a GUPPI to interact with peripheral systems. GUPPI = General Unit Primary Peripheral Interface. Eventually, GUPPI evolves into Admiral Ackbar from Star Wars in Bob's VR.

34The Hamilton BBBVehiclesWatercrafts

The Hamilton
Another ship that jumps segments, mentioned by Orik, crewmember of the Hurricane, the Quinlan barge that Bob joins as a deck hand on his way back to Garack's Spine with Bender.

35Happy Al's Storage and Trunks BBBHome FurnishingHome Furnishing Stores

Happy Al's Storage and Trunks
Store in the Quinlan village of Forest Hill where Bob goes looking for luggage to hide Bender.

36Heaven 1BBBVehiclesSpacecrafts

Heaven 1
Bob's ship, a converted interplanetary freighter.

37Heaven 10BBBVehiclesSpacecrafts

Heaven 10
Goku's ship.

38Heaven 1ABBBVehiclesSpacecrafts

Heaven 1A
New ship Bob creates for himself in the Epsilon Eridani solar system.

39Heaven 2BBBVehiclesSpacecrafts

Heaven 2
One of the first 4 copies Bob makes of himself in the Epsilon Eridani solar system.

40Heaven 2ABBBVehiclesSpacecrafts

Heaven 2A

41Heaven 3BBBVehiclesSpacecrafts

Heaven 3
One of the first 4 copies Bob makes of himself in the Epsilon Eridani solar system.

42Heaven 4BBBVehiclesSpacecrafts

Heaven 4
One of the first 4 copies Bob makes of himself in the Epsilon Eridani solar system.

43Heaven 5BBBVehiclesSpacecrafts

Heaven 5
One of the first 4 copies Bob makes of himself in the Epsilon Eridani solar system.

44Heaven 6BBBVehiclesSpacecrafts

Heaven 6
Homer's ship.

45Heaven 8BBBVehiclesSpacecrafts

Heaven 8
Linus's ship.

46Heaven 9BBBVehiclesSpacecrafts

Heaven 9

47Heaven's River Tours BBBTravelTours

Heaven's River Tours
Joke that Garfield and Bridget make about make a travel tour business Howard would probably be interested in.

48House of Setting Sun BBBServicesFuneral Homes

House of Setting Sun
Funeral home in the Quinlan town of Forest Hill where Bob goes looking for a way to keep Bender safe in the water.

49Hulk 1 BBBVehiclesSpacecrafts

Hulk 1
The Others' carrier ship.

50Hulk 2 BBBVehiclesSpacecrafts

Hulk 2
The Others' carrier ship.

51Hunter SeekersBBBTechnology ProductsRobot Models

Hunter Seekers
Drones optimized for long distance searching.

52Hurricane BBBVehiclesWatercrafts

Quinlan barge that Bob joins as a deck hand on his way back to Garack's Spine with Bender.

53InterGator SoftwareBBBCorporationsSoftware Companies

InterGator Software
Bob's software company that he sells to TerraSoft.

54Island Library BBBEntertainmentLibraries

Island Library
Library in Cedar Rapids, a prosperous Quinlan town with a rather large fleet of ships.

55JokersBBBWeaponsProjectile Weapons

Missile weapon the Bobs deploy against The Others.

56JOVA BBBComputersSupercomputers

Also known as Judicious Omnicompetent Volitional Adaptive. Hugh and the Skippies' Matrioshka brain project.

57L5 Spaceyard Autofactory BBBIndustrial CompaniesVehicle Manufacturing

L5 Spaceyard Autofactory
After losing control of their auto factory, Newholm Colony forces Claude out of the Gamma pavonis system in the Battle of Newholm.

58MannyBBBTechnology ProductsRobot Models

Humanoid android body Howard first tests out at Stephane's funeral. "Manny would never be mistaken for human. He was a giant step down from Mr. Data, in fact. But I had told Bridget I would be there, and I was going to keep my promise."

59Manta [android body]BBBTechnology ProductsRobot Models

Manta [android body]
Android body the Bobs create to swim with the manta creatures on the water planet Poseidon.

60Meathook Library BBBEntertainmentLibraries

Meathook Library
Library in Cedar Rapids, a prosperous Quinlan town with a rather large fleet of ships.

61Mosquito KillersBBBTechnology ProductsRobot Models

Mosquito Killers
Drone created to fight off the Mutant Super Vampire Powered Mosquito in New Vancouver on Asgard.

62Refuge 1BBBVehiclesSpacecrafts

Refuge 1
Ship transporting the remaining Pav from their original planet DP4 to HIP-84051-2.

63Refuge 2BBBVehiclesSpacecrafts

Refuge 2
Ship transporting the remaining Pav from their original planet DP4 to HIP-84051-2.

64ReplicantBBBTechnology ProductsRobot Models

A.I. created using cryogenically frozen brains.

65ROAMerBBBTechnology ProductsRobot Models

Remote Observation And Manipulation device.

66RockyBBBTechnology ProductsRobot Models

Weird Rodan like bat-thing android that the Bobs create.

67Sara DomarBBBVehiclesSpacecrafts

Sara Domar
Brazilian empire ship that Bob encounters in the Epsilon Eridani solar system.

68The Scrubber BBBVehiclesWatercrafts

The Scrubber
Quinlan boat that Bob and Hugh joins while on the run with Bender.

69SCUTBBBTechnology ProductsCommunication Devices

Technology the Bobs develop that allow them to communicate instantly across the galaxy. SCUT = Subspace Communications Universal Tranceiver. "Instant communications up to 25 light years"

70The Shaded GreenBBBDiningRestaurants-Misc

The Shaded Green
Restaurant in the town of Landing on Vulcan.

71Ship BusterBBBWeaponsProjectile Weapons

Ship Buster
Makeshift missiles that Bob creates to defend himself from the Brazilian empire ship Sara Domar in the Epsilon Eridani solar system.

72Spider BBBTechnology ProductsRobot Models

Roamer drone included with Bob's Quinlan manny.

73Squiz BBBMenuMenu Items

Sushi equivalent that Bob and friends eat in a Quinlan pub.

74Staff of Fireballs BBBWeaponsWeapons-misc

Staff of Fireballs
Weapon that Bill wields while role-playing Dungeons and Dragons with Galdalf and the Gamers.

75SUDDARBBBTechnology ProductsElectronics

Subspace Deformation Detection And Ranging.

76SURGE DriveBBBTechnology ProductsPower Supplies

Subspace Reactionless Geotactic Emulation.

77TerraSoftBBBCorporationsSoftware Companies

Bob sells his software company, InterGator Software, to TerraSoft.

78Total Cyber SystemsBBBCorporationsRobotics Companies

Total Cyber Systems
When Bob wakes up, he is now the property of Applied Synergetics Inc which is in economic competition with Total Cyber Systems to supply robotic servants to society.

79University of Landing BBBEducationUniversities

University of Landing
Will visits professor Dr. Stephen Gilligan, now a replicant, a former department chair at the University of Landing on Vulcan who specialized in artificial environments when he was alive.

80University of Peachland BBBEducationUniversities

University of Peachland
Snidely Whiplash, paying passenger aboard the Hurricane, the Quinlan barge that Bob joins as a deck hand on his way back to Garack's Spine with Bender, claims to have a Masters in Business from the University of Peachland.

81VASTBBBTechnology ProductsElectronics

Variable Attachment Surface Tension, the system used to enable Roamer bots to climb walls.

82VEHEMENTBBBOrganizationsActivist Groups

Terrorist organization. VEHEMENT = Voluntary Extinction of Human Existence Means Earth's Natural Transformation " ...or something like that". Eventually destroyed by Riker as payback for Homer's suicide.

83Vinny's Place BBBRetailGift Shops

Vinny's Place
Artisan shop that Bob visits in the Quinlan town of Forest Hill looking for a way to keep Bender safe in the water, referred there by Carmine at the House of Setting Sun funeral home.

84Vortex SF ConventionBBBEventsConventions and Seminars

Vortex SF Convention
Science fiction convention in Las Vegas.

85Vulcan Post Life Archology BBBResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Vulcan Post Life Archology
Will visits professor Dr. Stephen Gilligan at the Vulcan Post Life Archology, an institute in a space station orbiting the star Omicron 2 Eridani, just inside the oort cloud.

86Whiplash Wine BBBBeverage ProductsWine

Whiplash Wine
Family business of Snidely Whiplash, paying passenger aboard the Hurricane, the Quinlan barge that Bob joins as a deck hand on his way back to Garack's Spine with Bender.


Online reference for the Bobs.

88The X-Man 1 BBBTechnology ProductsRobot Models

The X-Man 1
Herschel and Neal reveal to Will that they have been working on a new manny called the X-Man1, also known as Mannikin Skywalker, a silver-gray giant shapeshifting manny.

89AanthorMapUrban AreasCities-Outer Space

Aerial city on the water planet Poseidon.

90AizzilkvaMapUrban AreasCities-Outer Space

Small town on the planet Delta Pavonus 4.

91AmhorMapUrban AreasCities-Outer Space

Flying city on the water planet Poseidon.

92Arcadia MapWaterRivers

The four rivers in the topopolis space habitat known as Heaven's River are Arcadia, Utopia, Nirvana and Paradise.

93AsgardMapOuter SpacePlanets

Primary planet in the 82 Eridani system, named by Mac, Isaac, Jack and Owen as part of their Norse theme.

94The Australian FederationMapGeographic AreasCountries

The Australian Federation
A country in the future.

95Beetle Juice [city] MapUrban AreasCities-Outer Space

Beetle Juice [city]
Quinlan town, last town on the Nirvana River before the segment mountains, whose major industry is a form of liquor made from the excretions of an insect, also called Battle Juice.

96Beta Hydri 4MapOuter SpacePlanets

Beta Hydri 4
Planet in Beta Hydri System that Mario surveys.

97Big TopMapOuter SpacePlanets

Big Top
Jovian planet in the same solar system as Klown Kar Planet.

98Bob TownMapUrban AreasCities-Joke

Bob Town
Joke one of the Bobs makes about the Bob family.

99Boojum System MapOuter SpaceStar Systems

Boojum System
Location of the topopolis space habitat that Bob finds while searching for Bender.

100The Brazilian EmpireMapGeographic AreasTerritories

The Brazilian Empire
A country in the future.


Sea on Ragnarok in the crater that was created by one of the Bob's first attempt to bring an iceberg through the atmosphere.

102CaerleonMapUrban AreasCities-Outer Space

Deltan village that branches off from Camelot. "Caerleon sat at the top of a rise, barely classifiable as a hill. But the thin soil prevented trees from growing there, resulting in a nice open space. Good for living, and easy to defend."

103CamelotMapUrban AreasCities-Outer Space

Name Bob gives one of the Deltans' settlements on the planet Eden.

104CascadiaMapUrban AreasCities

Also known as Old Handletown, what used to be Salem, Oregon before it was nuked our of existence.

105Cedar Rapids MapUrban AreasCities-Outer Space

Cedar Rapids
Prosperous Quinlan town with a rather large fleet of ships.

106DE4 / EdenMapOuter SpacePlanets

DE4 / Eden
Planet in the Delta Eradani solar system where Bob finds intelligent life.

107Death Asteroid MapOuter SpaceSpace Stations

Death Asteroid
Space station/weapon built by The Others, named after the Death Star from Star Wars.

108Delta Pavonus 4 / AszjanMapOuter SpacePlanets

Delta Pavonus 4 / Aszjan
Home of a humanoid/meerkat civilization well into their industrial age, similar to the Victorian era on Earth. Known as Aszjan to the residents. Some of the residents are evacuated by the Bobs prior to their planet being attacked by The Others.

109EE1MapOuter SpacePlanets

Planet Bob surveys in the Epsilon Eridani solar system.

110EE2 / RagnarokMapOuter SpacePlanets

EE2 / Ragnarok
Planet Bob surveys in the Epsilon Eridani solar system, and Bill names Ragnarok.

111EE3MapOuter SpacePlanets

Planet Bob surveys in the Epsilon Eridani solar system.

112EE4MapOuter SpacePlanets

Planet Bob surveys in the Epsilon Eridani solar system.

113Eta Cassiopeiae 3 / PoseidonMapOuter SpacePlanets

Eta Cassiopeiae 3 / Poseidon
Water planet Mulder finds.

114Eta Cassiopeiae 4MapOuter SpacePlanets

Eta Cassiopeiae 4
Water planet Mulder finds.

115Forest Hill MapUrban AreasCities-Outer Space

Forest Hill
Quinlan town that Bob passes through with Bender on his way back to Garack's Spine.

116Garack's Spine MapGeographic AreasTerritories

Garack's Spine
Segment in Heaven's River where Bob and team enter the topopolis.

117GatholMapUrban AreasCities-Outer Space

City on the water planet Poseidon.

118Grendel MapUrban AreasCities-Outer Space

Furthest Quinlan town that can be reached by the train, per train voice.

119Halep's Ending MapUrban AreasCities-Outer Space

Halep's Ending
Quinlan city - which Bob heads toward in search of Bender, finding him in Resistance headquarters outside the city.

120Heaven's River MapOuter SpaceSpace Stations

Heaven's River
The name of the topopolis space habitat, the home of the aquatic humanoid otter aliens known as the Quinlans.

121HeliumMapUrban AreasCities-Outer Space

The first flying city that Marcus builds on the water planet Poseidon.

122High Peak MapUrban AreasCities-Outer Space

High Peak
Quinlan town mentioned by Orik, crewmember of the Hurricane, the Quinlan barge that Bob joins as a deck hand on his way back to Garack's Spine with Bender.

123High Ridge MapUrban AreasCities-Outer Space

High Ridge
Quinlan town near where Bob rejoins the Clipper barge, now going by the name Wyatt.

124HIP-84051-2MapOuter SpacePlanets

Planet considered as option for Pav refugees.

125KaolMapUrban AreasCities-Outer Space

Aerial city on the water planet Poseidon.

126KKPMapOuter SpacePlanets

Planet Linus finds, also known as Klown Kar Planet, and Quilt.

127LandingMapUrban AreasCities-Outer Space

New city on the planet Vulcan where the Exodus colony ships arrive.

128Little Creek MapUrban AreasCities-Outer Space

Little Creek
Quinlan town, destination of a shipment on The Clipper barge.

129LotharMapUrban AreasCities-Outer Space

City on the water planet Poseidon.

130Melon Patch MapUrban AreasCities-Outer Space

Melon Patch
Quinlan town, next destination of the Hurricane, the barge that Bob joins as a deck hand on his way back to Garack's Spine with Bender.

131MheijrkvaMapUrban AreasCities-Outer Space

Small town on the planet Delta Pavonus 4.

132Misty Falls MapUrban AreasCities-Outer Space

Misty Falls
Quinlan town where Bob departs the Hurricane barge.

133MorbusMapUrban AreasCities-Outer Space

City on the water planet Poseidon.

134New GeorgiaMapUrban AreasCities-Outer Space

New Georgia
City on the water planet Poseidon.

135New HandletownMapUrban AreasCities

New Handletown
City where Bob wakes up - previously Portland.

136New JerusalemMapUrban AreasCities-Outer Space

New Jerusalem
FAITH settlement on the planet Vulcan.

137New TharkMapUrban AreasCities-Outer Space

New Thark
Aerial city on the water planet Poseidon.

138New VancouverMapUrban AreasCities-Outer Space

New Vancouver
City on the planet Asgard.

139Newholm Colony MapUrban AreasCities-Outer Space

Newholm Colony
Following the Starfleet incursion, the Newholm council, also known as the Big Heads, the government of Newholm Colony, forces Claude out of the Gamma pavonis system in the Battle of Newholm.

140Nirvana MapWaterRivers

The four rivers in the topopolis space habitat known as Heaven's River are Arcadia, Utopia, Nirvana and Paradise.

141The Oak and Bale MapResidential CommunitiesApartment and Condos

The Oak and Bale
Luxury apartments near the docks in Cedar Rapids, a prosperous Quinlan town with a rather large fleet of ships.

142OdinMapOuter SpacePlanets

Third planet in the 82 Eridani system, named by Mac, Isaac, Jack and Owen as part of their Norse theme.

143Orchard Hill MapUrban AreasCities-Outer Space

Orchard Hill
Quinlan town, destination of a shipment on the Hurricane, the Quinlan barge that Bob joins as a deck hand on his way back to Garack's Spine with Bender.

144Pangea MapOuter SpacePlanets

After passing the War Measures Act, The humans on the planet Pangea wage war against Starfleet with the Pangea Navy.

145Paradise MapWaterRivers

The four rivers in the topopolis space habitat known as Heaven's River are Arcadia, Utopia, Nirvana and Paradise.

146PeliasMapOuter SpaceMoons

Inner moon of the planet Poseidon.

147Planet Boojum MapOuter SpacePlanets

Planet Boojum
Planet in the Boojum System.

148PtarthMapUrban AreasCities-Outer Space

Aerial city on the water planet Poseidon.

149Quin MapOuter SpacePlanets

Original home planet of the aquatic otter-like alien race known as the Quinlans, before they relocated to the topopolis space habitat known as Heaven's River.

150The Republic of AfricaMapGeographic AreasCountries

The Republic of Africa
A country in the future.

151RivendellMapUrban AreasCities-Outer Space

The first version of the floating city Howard creates in the clouds of the planet Odin.

152Rivendell Mark IIMapUrban AreasCities-Outer Space

Rivendell Mark II
The second version of the floating city Howard creates in the clouds of the planet Odin.

153RomulusMapOuter SpacePlanets

Planet in the Omicron2 Eridani solar system, named by Milo.

154Six Hills MapUrban AreasCities-Outer Space

Six Hills
Quinlan town where Bob is taken into custody by the local police and removed from The Clipper barge.

155Takamagahara / TakamaMapOuter SpacePlanets

Takamagahara / Takama
2nd planet in the 82 Eridani system, originally named Jotunheim by Mac, Isaac, Jack and Owen as part of their Norse theme.

156TantorMapUrban AreasCities-Outer Space

Floating city Howard creates on the Jovian planet Big Top.

157TharkMapUrban AreasCities-Outer Space

The fourth aerial city on the water planet Poseidon.

158United States of EurasiaMapGeographic AreasCountries

United States of Eurasia
A country in the future.

159Utopia MapWaterRivers

The four rivers in the topopolis space habitat known as Heaven's River are Arcadia, Utopia, Nirvana and Paradise.

160ValhallaMapOuter SpaceMoons

Moon orbiting the planet Odin, the 3rd planet in the 82 Eridani system, named by Mac, Isaac, Jack and Owen as part of their Norse theme.

161Vancouver IslandMapGeographic AreasIslands

Vancouver Island
Island on the planet Vulcan, the first planet where the Bobs relocate surviving humanity.

162VulcanMapOuter SpacePlanets

Planet in the Omicron2 Eridani solar system, named by Milo.

163XanatorMapUrban AreasCities-Outer Space

City on the water planet Poseidon.

164Anek-23 OtherQuotesQuotes

Anek-23: Most actions have risks. Most inactions even more so.

165BlimpOtherLiving ThingsAnimals

Flying alien creatures on the planet Odin. "They didn't quite resemble zeppelins, and they didn't quite resemble jellyfish, and they didn't quite resemble squid. They were some weird mashup of all three."

166Bob OtherQuotesQuotes

Bob: Since I doubt, I think, since I think, I exist.

167Bob OtherQuotesQuotes

Bob: People's capacity for turning dogmatic stupidity into political movements never ceased to amaze me. We've knocked off 99.9% of the human race and somehow the crazies still manage to survive. It just defies the odds.

168Bob OtherQuotesQuotes

Bob: Belly laughs are one of the best things about being sentient, and you should never miss a chance for one.

169Bob OtherQuotesQuotes

Bob: It blew me away that almost two hundred years after Shatner first famously didn't actually say, "Beam me up, Scotty," people still knew Star Trek. Now that's a franchise.

170Bob OtherQuotesQuotes

Bob: Yeah, they still make duct tape. And it still holds the universe together.

171Bob OtherQuotesQuotes

Bob: How are you supposed to feel if you are forced to do what you would have done anyway?

172Bob OtherQuotesQuotes

Bob: In space no one can hear you curse.

173Bob OtherQuotesQuotes

Bob: Ix-nay with the Superman act, okay?

174Bob OtherQuotesQuotes

Bob: This outcome deserves an expletive.

175Bob OtherQuotesQuotes

Bob: Fearless leader, my furry ass.

176Bob OtherQuotesQuotes

Bob: We turned the corner and my Spidey-sense went into overdrive.

177BrontoOtherLiving ThingsAnimals

Large herbivorous creature on the planet Vulcan, named after the Brontosaurus on Earth.

178BrontoburgerOtherRecipesBurger Recipes

Common food served on Vulcan, made from the creatures that resemble brontosaurus from Earth.

179Copper OtherMoneyCurrency

Quinlan currency, in the form of coins.

180Cupid BugOtherLiving ThingsBugs

Cupid Bug
Dangerous insect on the planet Vulcan.

181Dr. Gilligan OtherQuotesQuotes

Dr. Gilligan
Dr. Gilligan: You'd think being dead would free you from the dictates of politics, but apparently it's even more inevitable than death or taxes.

182Furl OtherLiving ThingsAnimals

Birds in Heaven's River, which Bob suspects may actually be drones serving the Administrator.

183Gandalf OtherQuotesQuotes

Gandalf: Come on, Bill, what part of volunteer aren't you grokking?

184GorilloidsOtherLiving ThingsAnimals

Animals that attack the Deltans on the planet Eden.

185Haliburton's EncephalopathyOtherMedical ConditionsDiseases

Haliburton's Encephalopathy
Disease that kills Howard's friend Stephane. "Stephane was dying. Haliburton's Encephalopathy had been identified within a decade of landing on Vulcan, and appeared to be one of the few diseases that found Terran life compatible. There was no treatment yet, and it was fatal within six months. I felt my stomach drop away. Stephane had been my friend for a long time, and the thing with Bridget hadn't changed that. Not really. But it reminded me that I called humans ephemerals for a reason."

186Heaven's River OtherThemesSolo


187HippogriffOtherLiving ThingsAnimals

Name Bob gives to a small furry mammal analogue with four legs and wings and limited ability to change its color to match the background.

188IckiesOtherLiving ThingsBugs

Creature on one of the planets being considered for human habitation, a kind of flying leech with multiple suckers, named by Linus.

189Iron OtherMoneyCurrency

Quinlan currency, in the form of coins.

190KrakenOtherLiving ThingsAnimals

Sea creature on the water planet Poseidon.

191LeviathanOtherLiving ThingsAnimals

Large sea creature on the water planet Poseidon, vaguely cuttlefish-shaped with 4 tentacles.

192Manta [animal]OtherLiving ThingsAnimals

Manta [animal]
Large sea creature on the water planet Poseidon. "mid-level pack predator, shaped generally like the eponymous Earth fish"

193Millenium Falcon Maneuver OtherMiscellaneousTechniques

Millenium Falcon Maneuver
Technique that Hugh uses to escape detection with Bender by hiding beneath the boat, inspired by Han Solo's move in The Empire Strikes Back.

194Mutant Super Vampire Powered MosquitoOtherLiving ThingsAnimals

Mutant Super Vampire Powered Mosquito
Insect-type creatures in New Vancouver on Asgard.

195Original Bob's name.OtherTriviaName Game

Original Bob's name.
Robert Johansson
Robert Williamson
Robert Andersson

196Outward Bound OtherPlansInitiatives

Outward Bound
The name of the Bobs' plan to infiltrate the topopolis space habitat.

197PAM OtherMoneyCurrency

Also known as Printed Autofactory Minutes. Unit of currency adopted across human space. The value of one minute of auto factory time.

198PigoidOtherLiving ThingsAnimals

Pig-like creature hunted by the Deltans on Eden.

199Project HEAVENOtherPlansProjects

Project HEAVEN
FAITH's project to convert Bob's digital consciousness into a Von Neumann Probe. HEAVEN = Habitable Earths Abiogenic Vessel Exploration Network.

200RaptorOtherLiving ThingsAnimals

Creatures that attack the new humans on the planet Vulcan, named after Velociraptors on Earth.

201Theresa OtherQuotesQuotes

Theresa: You're a small man with a small, shriveled soul, Mr. whiplash. There is no bigger waste than a formal education given to someone incapable of using it. I have no doubt your whole life would disappear into your father's accomplishments without leaving a ripple.

202Untitled OtherThemesGray Eagle


203What is Hugh's Quinlan name, randomly se... OtherTriviaName Game

What is Hugh's Quinlan name, randomly selected by Bob's translator?
Beer Can
Oil Pan

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Fiction Empire / Concept & Design by MADASIAM Productions © 1999. All Rights Reserved.