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Total Records: 90 - Group: OTHER / Category: PLANS / Subcategory: INITIATIVES
Record Name
1AFHC Experiment V.1324INTO THE SPIDER-VERSE 2018 Animated FilmPlansInitiatives

AFHC Experiment V.1324
The name of Dr. Olivia Octavius' supercollider project, as seen on her computer screen.

2Apollo 18 FOR ALL MANKIND 2019 TV SeriesPlansInitiatives

Apollo 18
NASA mission. Female astronaut Danielle Poole assigned to the Apollo 18 mission.

3Apollo 19 FOR ALL MANKIND 2019 TV SeriesPlansInitiatives

Apollo 19
NASA mission. While being interviewed on TV, Harry mentions that he previously served with Ellen on the Apollo 19 mission.

4Apollo 22 FOR ALL MANKIND 2019 TV SeriesPlansInitiatives

Apollo 22
NASA mission. Update from NASA to the crew of Apollo 22, currently occupying Jamestown Base on the moon for the last 86 days: The defective LH2 valve which caused the Apollo 23 explosion has been remanufactured by a new contractor and has passed all quality and acceptance tests. We're ready to install it in the second stage of Apollo 24. But in the process of de-stacking the rocket, there was a mishap in the Vertical Assembly Building and some damage was done to the LOX vent lines and the liquid hydrogen fuel tank. That stage will have to be completely rebuilt before it can fly. So we're replacing it with the second stage originally targeted for Apollo 26. But that will take time. So I'm afraid that the launch of Apollo 24 will need to be delayed another two weeks.

5Apollo 23 FOR ALL MANKIND 2019 TV SeriesPlansInitiatives

Apollo 23
NASA mission from various episodes.

6Apollo 24 FOR ALL MANKIND 2019 TV SeriesPlansInitiatives

Apollo 24
NASA mission from various episodes.

7Apollo 25 FOR ALL MANKIND 2019 TV SeriesPlansInitiatives

Apollo 25
NASA mission from various episodes.

8Apollo 26 FOR ALL MANKIND 2019 TV SeriesPlansInitiatives

Apollo 26
NASA mission. Update from NASA to the crew of Apollo 22, currently occupying Jamestown Base on the moon for the last 86 days: The defective LH2 valve which caused the Apollo 23 explosion has been remanufactured by a new contractor and has passed all quality and acceptance tests. We're ready to install it in the second stage of Apollo 24. But in the process of de-stacking the rocket, there was a mishap in the Vertical Assembly Building and some damage was done to the LOX vent lines and the liquid hydrogen fuel tank. That stage will have to be completely rebuilt before it can fly. So we're replacing it with the second stage originally targeted for Apollo 26. But that will take time. So I'm afraid that the launch of Apollo 24 will need to be delayed another two weeks.

9Apollo 37 FOR ALL MANKIND 2019 TV SeriesPlansInitiatives

Apollo 37
Mission that named two glorious twin peaks on the moon after Laverne and Shirley characters Lenny and Squiggy.

10Apollo-Soyuz FOR ALL MANKIND 2019 TV SeriesPlansInitiatives

Joint U.S./Russian space mission, from various episodes.

11The April Ludgate Summer Solstice Druid ... PARKS AND RECREATION 2009 TV SeriesPlansInitiatives

The April Ludgate Summer Solstice Druid Festival and Buffalo Wings Eating Contest
Leslie's summer internship program that she let April name.

12Ares 1THE MARTIAN 2011 LiteraturePlansInitiatives

Ares 1
The first manned mission to Mars.

13Ares 2THE MARTIAN 2011 LiteraturePlansInitiatives

Ares 2
The second manned mission to Mars.

14Ares 3THE MARTIAN 2011 LiteraturePlansInitiatives

Ares 3
The third manned mission to Mars.

15Ares 4THE MARTIAN 2011 LiteraturePlansInitiatives

Ares 4
The fourth manned mission to Mars.

16The Ares ExpeditionA MARTIAN ODYSSEY 1934 LiteraturePlansInitiatives

The Ares Expedition
The first human beings to set foot on Mars.

17Arias Expedition STAR TREK: VOYAGER 1995 TV SeriesPlansInitiatives

Arias Expedition
Janeway tells Tom Paris that she served with his father aboard the Al-Batani, on which she served as science officer during the Arias Expedition.

18Attack Plan A FUTURAMA 1999 Animated SeriesPlansInitiatives

Attack Plan A
Zapp Brannigan's attack plan to attack the Omicronians' mother ship. So simple an idiot could have devised it.

19The Avengers InitiativeMARVEL'S THE AVENGERS 2012 FilmPlansInitiatives

The Avengers Initiative
Nick Fury: "There was an idea - Stark knows this - called The Avengers Initiative. The idea was to bring together a group of remarkable people, see if they could become something more, see if they could work together when we needed them to fight the battles that we never could."

20Beleaguered CastleSOURCE CODE 2011 FilmPlansInitiatives

Beleaguered Castle
Military project code name for the unit that runs the Source Code project, taking its name from a variation on the game of solitaire.

21The Bellington System SEARCHING 2018 FilmPlansInitiatives

The Bellington System
Project that David discusses with his co-workers during a virtual meeting.

22The Bradbury Heavy Mission THE TWILIGHT ZONE 2019 TV SeriesPlansInitiatives

The Bradbury Heavy Mission
First manned mission to Mars.

23The Campaign to Save the HumansSO LONG, AND THANKS FOR ALL THE FISH 1984 LiteraturePlansInitiatives

The Campaign to Save the Humans
The dolphins' failed initiative to save the humans before the destruction of the Earth.

24Chalk Eagle PERSON OF INTEREST 2011 TV SeriesPlansInitiatives

Chalk Eagle
Classified military intelligence program included in the Department of Defense black budget leak.

25The Chaney Moon PlanLOGAN'S RUN 1967 LiteraturePlansInitiatives

The Chaney Moon Plan
America's bold new method of self-control, implemented after The Little War, involving the mandatory sleep at age twenty-one.

26Citizens on PatrolPOLICE ACADEMY 4: CITIZENS ON PATROL 1987 FilmPlansInitiatives

Citizens on Patrol
Police program for citizens to partner with police.

27Code Name: Steel BombCHAIN REACTION 1996 FilmPlansInitiatives

Code Name: Steel Bomb

28Codename LightningCIVIL WAR 2006 Comic BooksPlansInitiatives

Codename Lightning
Tony's master plan to win the Civil War.

29The Constellation MissionDEAD MOON 2018 LiteraturePlansInitiatives

The Constellation Mission
The next major moon landing following the Apollo missions.

30Desert Rain PERSON OF INTEREST 2011 TV SeriesPlansInitiatives

Desert Rain
Joint operation between the Pentagon and the CIA. Supplying arms to allies in Afghanistan.

31Dinner Out MOVIE 43 2013 FilmPlansInitiatives

Dinner Out
CIA Black Ops program (File 43) listed in the Falcontron search results when the guys are searching for Movie 43.

32DROUGHT Plan BOJACK HORSEMAN 2014 Animated SeriesPlansInitiatives

Governor Woodchuck's drought relief optimization using geohydraqion technology plan.

33Dunder-Mifflin Infinity THE OFFICE 2005 TV SeriesPlansInitiatives

Dunder-Mifflin Infinity
Ryan: "Dunder-Mifflin Infinity represents a floor to ceiling streamlining of our business model. The center piece of the campaign is a new business to business website interface that will allow us to compete directly with big box chains."

34E.A.B.MANIAC 2018 TV SeriesPlansInitiatives

Drug study at Neberdine Pharmaceutical And Biotech.

35Emmett's Plan to Get Inside the Tower, P... THE LEGO MOVIE 2014 Animated FilmPlansInitiatives

Emmett's Plan to Get Inside the Tower, Put the Piece of Resistance on the Kragle and Save the World!
The name Emmett gives his self-explanatory plan.

36The Europa Mission STAR TREK: PICARD 2019 TV SeriesPlansInitiatives

The Europa Mission
Upcoming interplanetary mission advertised in 2024 Los Angeles.

37The Exodus MissionDESTINATION IO 2019 FilmPlansInitiatives

The Exodus Mission
After pollution begins to kill the population, humanity leaves the Earth.

38ExoMars 6THE CLOVERFIELD PARADOX 2018 FilmPlansInitiatives

ExoMars 6
Mars expedition mentioned during exchange between Hamilton and Jensen.

39Experiment 53ROB ZOMBIE 1985 MusicPlansInitiatives

Experiment 53
From the Rob Zombie song "The Ballad Of Ressurection Joe And Rosa Whore" on the album Hellbilly Deluxe.

40Family First Initiative LUKE CAGE 2016 TV SeriesPlansInitiatives

Family First Initiative
Mariah Dillard's new program, aimed at single mothers. "Stronger Family, Stronger Community"

41The Fifty State InitiativeCIVIL WAR 2006 Comic BooksPlansInitiatives

The Fifty State Initiative
The next stage in superhuman evolution - a federal force from coast to coast - 50 super teams spread over fifty states.

42Global Rehabilitation InitiativeLONG SHOT 2019 FilmPlansInitiatives

Global Rehabilitation Initiative
Secretary of State Charlotte Field's plan to save the world.

43Job 314MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE 1996 FilmPlansInitiatives

Job 314
Arms dealer Max's code name for initiative to steal the CIA NOC list, a record of all the deep cover agents working in Eastern Europe.

44Junior Police BROOKLYN NINE-NINE 2013 TV SeriesPlansInitiatives

Junior Police
Police program for at-risk kids.

45Juvenile Aggression Study THE SIMPSONS 1989 Animated SeriesPlansInitiatives

Juvenile Aggression Study
Psychological study that a young Ned Flanders participated in, sponsored by Swanson's Angry Man Dinners.

46The Lefebre-Yoshida Expedition I, ROBOT 1950 LiteraturePlansInitiatives

The Lefebre-Yoshida Expedition
Expedition to Mars that took off from Lunar Base.

47Levitas Experiment SMALLVILLE 2001 TV SeriesPlansInitiatives

Levitas Experiment
LuthorCorp project designed to create the ultimate interrogator.

48The Litchfield Experiment THE X-FILES 1993 TV SeriesPlansInitiatives

The Litchfield Experiment
Secret U.S. government military project during the Cold War to create the perfect soldier by cross-breeding top scientists and athletes. The boys were called Adam and the girls called Eve.

49M.S.MANIAC 2018 TV SeriesPlansInitiatives

Drug study at Neberdine Pharmaceutical And Biotech.

50Master Plan FANTASTIC MR. FOX 2009 Animated FilmPlansInitiatives

Master Plan
Mr. Fox's plan that he explains to Kylie.

51Master Plan B FANTASTIC MR. FOX 2009 Animated FilmPlansInitiatives

Master Plan B
Mr. Fox's revised now rescue plan, when his nephew is abducted by the farmers.

52Moon Mission Erase THE TICK 1994 Animated SeriesPlansInitiatives

Moon Mission Erase
Mission to fix the moon following Chairface's attempt to carve his name.

53Murder Protocol One FUTURE MAN 2017 TV SeriesPlansInitiatives

Murder Protocol One
Code for when all the biotics are activated at once - to kill Future Man.

54NeoMars BABYLON 5 1993 TV SeriesPlansInitiatives

Taro Isogi of FutureCorp travels to Babylon 5 to meet with Amanda Carter, a representative of the provisional government of Mars Colony regarding his NeoMars project proposal that will expanding FutureCorp as well as help lead to an independent Mars.

55OlympiaMY FELLOW AMERICANS 1996 FilmPlansInitiatives

The codename for a series of bribes from defense contractor Charlie Reynolds paid to William Haney when he was Vice President.

56Operation Cue SOUTHLAND TALES 2007 FilmPlansInitiatives

Operation Cue
Atomic test program of the Federal Civil Defense Administration.

57Operation Daybreak STAR TREK: PICARD 2019 TV SeriesPlansInitiatives

Operation Daybreak
Raffi's top secret assignment from Starfleet Intelligence.

58Operation Guinea Pig SMALLVILLE 2001 TV SeriesPlansInitiatives

Operation Guinea Pig
Joke Oliver Queen makes about being the first one to register with the government as part of the Vigilante Registration Act.

59Operation Icarus SMALLVILLE 2001 TV SeriesPlansInitiatives

Operation Icarus
Military project to end vigilantism.

60Outward Bound THE BOBIVERSE 2016 LiteraturePlansInitiatives

Outward Bound
The name of the Bobs' plan to infiltrate the topopolis space habitat.

61P.A.C.S. BLACK MIRROR 2011 TV SeriesPlansInitiatives

Program and Control study. Stefan discovers that he is being monitored and controlled as part of a psychological study... or is he?

62PhoenixCAPTIVE STATE 2019 FilmPlansInitiatives

Chicago based alien resistance operation.

63Plan Alpha G.I. JOE: A REAL AMERICAN HERO 1982 Comic BooksPlansInitiatives

Plan Alpha
The name of Commander Wingfield's Initiative to launch a nuclear bomb at Vladivostok, Russia.

64Plan Alpha THE RUNNING MAN 1987 FilmPlansInitiatives

Plan Alpha
The order that Ben Richards is ordered to carry out: Eliminate anything moving, which he refuses to do.

65Plan B THE SIMPSONS 1989 Animated SeriesPlansInitiatives

Plan B
Springfield's disaster plan: Move the whole town five miles down the road.

66The Plan for Renewed National PurposeA MIND FOREVER VOYAGING 1985 Video GamesPlansInitiatives

The Plan for Renewed National Purpose

67Print in All Colors THE OFFICE 2005 TV SeriesPlansInitiatives

Print in All Colors
The Sabre corporation's minority executive training program in Tallahassee. Any sabre employee of color is welcome to apply.

68Procedure 033-03LOGAN'S RUN 1976 FilmPlansInitiatives

Procedure 033-03
Deep Sleep's code name for Logan's mission to find and destroy Sanctuary.

69Project PhoenixCALL OF DUTY: VANGUARD 2021 Video GamesPlansInitiatives

Project Phoenix
Secret Nazi program run by German commander Leo Steiner's superior Hermann Freisinger - a coup attempt, in order to appoint Freisinger as the new Fuhrer of the Fourth Reich.

70Project Proteus STAR TREK: PICARD 2019 TV SeriesPlansInitiatives

Project Proteus
Federation project experimenting on changelings at Daystrom Station during the Dominion War using a formula containing Thelomium-847.

71Project Workload UPLOAD 2020 TV SeriesPlansInitiatives

Project Workload
Meeting that David Choak attempts to log into, but is denied access.

72Projekt EndstationCALL OF DUTY: VANGUARD 2021 Video GamesPlansInitiatives

Projekt Endstation
In March 1944, following the activation of the cyclotron in Projekt Endstation by the Nazis in Morasko, Poland, various ancient artifacts recovered by the SS unit Die Wahrheit are activated, allowing several entities from the Dark Aether dimension to reach out to the real world. One such entity, Kortifex the Deathless, forms a symbiotic bond with Oberfuhrer Wolfram Von List, Die Wahrheit's commander, and bestows him the power to resurrect the dead.

73Prometheus SMALLVILLE 2001 TV SeriesPlansInitiatives

LuthorCorp project described as Lex's best chance for survival.

74The Protector InitiativeCAPTAIN MARVEL 2019 FilmPlansInitiatives

The Protector Initiative
Nick Fury's original name for the Avenger Initiative, named after Carol Danvers nickname.

75Rail Gun Project G.I. JOE: A REAL AMERICAN HERO 1982 Comic BooksPlansInitiatives

Rail Gun Project
Project at Amalgamated Super-conductor Corp.

76Ramp Up Pawnee PARKS AND RECREATION 2009 TV SeriesPlansInitiatives

Ramp Up Pawnee
Leslie's plan to put ramps in every building in Pawnee.

77Rise Up Pawnee PARKS AND RECREATION 2009 TV SeriesPlansInitiatives

Rise Up Pawnee
Bobby Newport's plan to put electric lifts on every outdoor staircase in Pawnee.

78S.T.S.-157GRAVITY 2013 FilmPlansInitiatives

The last space shuttle mission to service the Hubble Space Telescope.

79The Salamander SyndicateWAR WITH THE NEWTS 1936 LiteraturePlansInitiatives

The Salamander Syndicate
An ambitious plan redirect Newt resources away from the declining pearl industry and into larger hydroengineering projects.

80SB-19 STAR TREK: DISCOVERY 2017 TV SeriesPlansInitiatives

Ni'Var experiment that spread sensors across dozens of light years of subspace. They had a front seat view of the Burn. Michael requests access to the data.

81Scrimmage Plan X ASTEROID CITY 2023 FilmPlansInitiatives

Scrimmage Plan X
U.S. government's response to the alien visitation.

82Sparrow MOVIE 43 2013 FilmPlansInitiatives

Code name for NSA initiative (43rd naval surveillance tapes) listed in the Falcontron search results when the guys are searching for Movie 43.

83Stansfield's Mount Everest THE TWILIGHT ZONE 1959 TV SeriesPlansInitiatives

Stansfield's Mount Everest
The name given to Astronaut Commander Douglas Stansfield's exploratory mission to a planetary system roughly 141 light years from Earth.

84Star Achieving Mentors, Star Achieving M... BROOKLYN NINE-NINE 2013 TV SeriesPlansInitiatives

Star Achieving Mentors, Star Achieving Mentees
SAM-SAM for short. Mentorship program for up-and-coming detectives that Santiago applies for.

85Starhawk SMALLVILLE 2001 TV SeriesPlansInitiatives

Government project in Smallville led by the Department of Domestic Security.

86Starpoints THE PRETENDER 1996 TV SeriesPlansInitiatives

Dr. Tommy Thompon's Center simulation project about the identities of undercover NSA agents.

87Task Force X PEACEMAKER 2022 TV SeriesPlansInitiatives

Task Force X
Amanda Waller's program using prisoners from Belle Reve for top secret missions to reduce their sentence, which Leotea outs at a press conference.

88Terrapin Protocol MOVIE 43 2013 FilmPlansInitiatives

Terrapin Protocol
When the guys search for Movie 43, they trigger the Terrapin Protocol, the Top secret Cold War initiative to control the mind of every American citizen, so that in the event of a Soviet attack, every man, woman and child would be converted into fighting machines.

89Tractor Rose PERSON OF INTEREST 2011 TV SeriesPlansInitiatives

Tractor Rose
Classified military intelligence program included in the Department of Defense black budget leak.

90U.L.P.MANIAC 2018 TV SeriesPlansInitiatives

Owen and Annie's drug study at Neberdine Pharmaceutical And Biotech.

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