Literature 1961. Written by Robert A. Heinlein.
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Total Records: 88 - Medium: LITERATURE
Record Name
1Angel BreadBBBFood ProductsBaked Goods

Angel Bread
Food product made by Manna Bakeries.

2The Arcane Science of Judicial Astrology...BBBLiteratureTextbooks

The Arcane Science of Judicial Astrology and Key to Solomon's Stone
Paper-backed book that Madame Alexandra Vesant uses to calculate the influences of the heavenly bodies when creating her personalized horoscopes.

3Archangel Foster CookiesBBBFood ProductsBaked Goods

Archangel Foster Cookies
Food product made by Manna Bakeries.

4Archangel Foster Tabernacle of the Churc...BBBReligionChurches

Archangel Foster Tabernacle of the Church of the New Revelation
Temple where Jubal takes Mike to meet the Fosterites.

5Archangel Jubal TabernacleBBBReligionReligious Organizations

Archangel Jubal Tabernacle
Joke Jubal makes. Jubal: "Don't rub it in, girl. I would have made a good one if I hadn't fallen into the fatal folly of reading anything I could lay hands on. With just a touch more self confidence and a liberal helping of ignorance I could have been a famous evangelist. Shucks, this place we're headed for today would have been known as the Archangel Jubal Tabernacle."

6Ares ChandlerBBBCorporationsCompanies

Ares Chandler
Subsidiary of Lunar Enterprises.

7Baxter's Combined Shows and Riot of Fun ...BBBAmusementCircuses

Baxter's Combined Shows and Riot of Fun for All the Family
Circus that Mike and Jill join for a while.

8Bethesda Medical CenterBBBHealthcareHospitals

Bethesda Medical Center
"He sent his ship's surgeon Dr. Nelson along to make sure that Valentine Michael Smith was installed in a suite in Bethesda Medical Center, transferred gently into a hydraulic bed, and protected from outside contact by marine guards."

9Biddle, Frisby, Frisby, Biddle, & ReedBBBLegal AidLaw Firms

Biddle, Frisby, Frisby, Biddle, & Reed
Law firm Caxton hires to help him get in to see Smith.

10The Brotherhood of BaptismBBBReligionReligions

The Brotherhood of Baptism
Theorestical future church of Mike's. "So we close down the Church of All Worlds-it is closed down. So we move and open the Congregation of the One Faith-and we get kicked out again. Then we reopen elsewhere as the Temple of the Great Pyramid-that one will bring flocking the foolish fat and fatuous females, and some of them will end up neither fat nor foolish-and when we have the Medical Association and the local bar and the newspapers and the boss politicos snapping at our heels there-why, we open the Brotherhood of Baptism somewhere else."

11Cahuenga CaveBBBNightlifeNightclubs

Cahuenga Cave
The night club with real Los Angeles smog, imported fresh every day. Six exotic dancers.


Ship used for the second human expedition from Terra to Mars: "But the war and the delay resulted eventually in a much stronger, safer expedition than that of the lost Envoy. The Federation Ship Champion, manned by an all-male crew of eighteen experienced spacemen and carrying more than that number of male pioneers, made the crossing."

13Christian Science MonitorBBBPeriodicalsNewspapers

Christian Science Monitor
News outlet mentioned in the response to the publication of identical doctrinaire denunciations of Short's elevation: "Christian Science Monitor ignored it. Times of India snickered at it editorially, and the Manchester Guardian reported it without comment."

14Church of All WorldsBBBReligionChurches

Church of All Worlds
Religion inspired by the real life religious group of the same name.

15The Church of All Worlds IncorporatedBBBReligionChurches

The Church of All Worlds Incorporated
One of the churches that Mike founds.

16Church of the New RevelationBBBReligionChurches

Church of the New Revelation
Also known as Fosterite Church.

17Cincinnati Children's HospitalBBBHealthcareHospitals

Cincinnati Children's Hospital
Hospital mentioned during the series of news stories that open Part Two: "Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Campbell VI had a son and heir by host-mother at Cincinnati Children's Hospital while the happy parents were vacationing in Peru."

18The Congregation of the One FaithBBBReligionReligious Organizations

The Congregation of the One Faith
Theorestical future church of Mike's. "So we close down the Church of All Worlds-it is closed down. So we move and open the Congregation of the One Faith-and we get kicked out again. Then we reopen elsewhere as the Temple of the Great Pyramid-that one will bring flocking the foolish fat and fatuous females, and some of them will end up neither fat nor foolish-and when we have the Medical Association and the local bar and the newspapers and the boss politicos snapping at our heels there-why, we open the Brotherhood of Baptism somewhere else."

19The Crow's NestBBBPeriodicalsNewspaper Columns

The Crow's Nest
Ben Caxton's newspaper column.

20Dattelbaum's Department StoresBBBRetailDepartment Stores

Dattelbaum's Department Stores
Department store, sponsor of the Church of the Revelation's hymn Happy Faces Uplifted. "Heavenly messages, another commercial, and the awarding of door prizes. Then a second hymn, Happy Faces Uplifted, was sponsored by Dattelbaum's Department Stores where the Saved Shop in Safety since no merchandise is offered which competes with a sponsored brand-a children's Happy Room in each branch supervised by a Saved sister."

21Death Song of a Wood's ColtBBBLiteratureBooks-Misc

Death Song of a Wood's Colt
Story by Jubal Harshaw.

22The Devil and Reverend FosterBBBLiteratureBooks-Biography

The Devil and Reverend Foster
Book. "Another bootleg edition of the unauthorized biography The Devil and Reverend Foster appeared simultaneously on news stands throughout the United States, by nightfall every copy had been burned and the plates destroyed, along with incidental damage to other chattels and to real estate, plus a certain amount of mayhem, maiming, and simple assault.

23Dr. Archer FrameBBBHealthcareDoctors

Dr. Archer Frame
Doctor at the Bethesda Medical Center.

24Dr. BroemerBBBHealthcareDoctors

Dr. Broemer
Doctor at the Bethesda Medical Center.

25Dr. BrushBBBHealthcareDoctors

Dr. Brush
Doctor at the Bethesda Medical Center.

26Dr. GarnerBBBHealthcareDoctors

Dr. Garner
Doctor at the Bethesda Medical Center.

27Dr. NelsonBBBHealthcareDoctors

Dr. Nelson
The Champion ship's doctor.

28Dr. PhippsBBBHealthcareDoctors

Dr. Phipps
Doctor at the Bethesda Medical Center.

29Dr. TannerBBBHealthcareDoctors

Dr. Tanner
Doctor at the Bethesda Medical Center.

30Dr. ThaddeusBBBHealthcareDoctors

Dr. Thaddeus
Doctor at the Bethesda Medical Center.

31Ely on Inheritance and BequestBBBLiteratureBooks-Legal

Ely on Inheritance and Bequest
Book Mike consults in order to understand the concept of inheritance. "Mike was aware that he was having trouble grokking in fullness the human concept of property and, in particular, the ideas of bequest and inheritance. So he most carefully avoided inserting his own ideas and stuck to the book - a book which Jubal recognized shortly as Ely on Inheritance and Bequest, chapter one."

32The EnvoyBBBVehiclesSpacecrafts

The Envoy
Ship used for the first human expedition from Terra to Mars, a "primitive flying coffin".

33Federation Special Service BureauBBBLegal AidPolice Departments

Federation Special Service Bureau
Also known as the S.S. World government police force. "But to be a member of the S.S. squads a man had to have larceny in his heart and sadism in his soul. Gestapo. Storm troopers in the service of whatever politico was in power."

34Forward, Foster's Children!BBBMusicSongs

Forward, Foster's Children!
Song - hymn sung by the Church of the New Revelation: "Forward, Foster's Chil-dren! Smash apart your foes / Faith our Shield and Ar-mar! Strike them down by rows-! Second verse! Make no peace with sin-nen! God is on our side!"


Religion of the Church Of The New Revelation. Jubal: "As morals, Fosterism is merely the Freudian ethic sugar-coated for people who can't take their psychology straight, although I doubt if the old lecher who wrote it-pardon me, 'was inspired to write it'-was aware of this. He was no scholar. But he was in tune with his times, he tapped the Zeitgeist. Fear and guilt and a loss of faith- How could he miss? Now pipe down, I'm going to nap."

36General AtomicsBBBCorporationsTechnology Companies

General Atomics
Swiss corporation, American controlled.

37General SyntheticsBBBCorporationsTechnology Companies

General Synthetics
Technology company that Caxton mentions. "When I was working on the General Synthetics bribery scandals I never slept twice in the same place and ate nothing but packaged food I had bought myself."

38Girls Are Like Boys, Only More SoBBBLiteratureBooks-Misc

Girls Are Like Boys, Only More So
Story by Jubal Harshaw.

39Hank's GrillBBBDiningBar and Grills

Hank's Grill
Restaurant where Mike worked as dishwasher, Jill as waitress.

40Happy Faces UpliftedBBBMusicSongs

Happy Faces Uplifted
Song - hymn sung by the Church of the New Revelation, sponsored by Dattelbaum's Department Stores.

41I Married a MartianBBBLiteratureShort Stories

I Married a Martian
New story by Jubal Harshaw. "Title: I Married a Martian. Start: All my life I had longed to become an astronaut. Paragraph. When I was just a tiny thing, with freckles on my nose and stars in my eyes, I saved box tops just as my brothers did-and cried when Mummy wouldn't let me wear my Space Cadet helmet to bed. Paragraph. In those carefree childhood days I did not dream to what strange, bittersweet fate my tomboy ambition would-"

42I Was a Prisoner on MarsBBBCinemaMovies-Documentary

I Was a Prisoner on Mars
Peerless Features offers Smith 60,000 for his exclusive story, to be named I Was a Prisoner on Mars.

43The ImperialBBBTravelLodging

The Imperial


Race horse. "A three-year-old named Inflation, carrying 126 pounds with Jinx Jenkins Up, won the Kentucky Derby, paying fifty-four for one..."

45Institute for Social StudiesBBBResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Institute for Social Studies
Institute that handled crew selection for the first human expedition from Terra to Mars aboard the Envoy.

46The Junior Spirit-in-Action TeamBBBYouth ServicesYouth Programs

The Junior Spirit-in-Action Team
Fosterite youth group the Shepherd mentions while Smith listens to a broadcast of a Fosterite service. "The junior Spirit-in-Action team will give a practice demonstration before the supper, so come early and see the fur fly! Our team coach. Brother Hornsby, has asked me to tell you boys on the team to fetch only your helmets, gloves, and sticks-we aren't going after sinners this time. However, the Little Cherubim will be on hand with their first-aid kits in case of excessive zeal."

47La Societe Astronautique InternationaleBBBOrganizationsProf. Orgs

La Societe Astronautique Internationale
International astronautical society. "Six years after the Envoy was silent, the drone probe Zombie, sponsored jointly by the Geographic Society and La Societe Astronautique Internationale, bridged the void and took up an orbit for the waiting period, then returned."

48Larkin and AssociatesBBBCorporationsCompanies

Larkin and Associates
Company occupying the moon at the time of the famous case of General Atomics versus Larkin.

49Living AphroditeBBBMusicAlbums

Living Aphrodite
Audio recording that Jill mentions when helping Mike look for a gift for Duke. Jill: "A de-luxe Album of Feminine Beauty in Gorgeous Stereo-Color by the World's Greatest Artists of the Camera. Notice: this item will not be sent by mail. It will be forwarded at purchaser's risk by prepaid express only."

50Lover SoapBBBMaintenance ProductsCleaning Products

Lover Soap

51Lunar EnterprisesBBBCorporationsTechnology Companies

Lunar Enterprises
Daughter corporation of General Atomics.

52The Lyle DriveBBBTechnology ProductsElectronics

The Lyle Drive
Drive the Champion ship used, designed by Mary Jane Lyle Smith.

53Madame Alexandra VesantBBBServicesPsychic Services

Madame Alexandra Vesant
Mrs. Douglas' astrology guide that creates personalized horoscopes.

54The Manchester GuardianBBBPeriodicalsNewspapers

The Manchester Guardian
News outlet mentioned in the response to the publication of identical doctrinaire denunciations of Short's elevation: "Christian Science Monitor ignored it. Times of India snickered at it editorially, and the Manchester Guardian reported it without comment."

55Manna BakeriesBBBFood StoresBakeries

Manna Bakeries
Sponsor of hymns of the Church of the New Revelation, maker of Angel Bread and Archangel Foster Cookies. "Our first hymn is sponsored by Manna Bakeries, makers of Angel Bread, the loaf of love with our Supreme Bishop's smiling face on every wrapper and containing a valuable premium coupon redeemable at your nearest neighborhood Church of the New Revelation, Brothers and Sisters, tomorrow Manna Bakeries with branches throughout the land start a giant, price-slashing sale of pre-equinox goodies. Send your child to school tomorrow with a bulging box of Archangel Foster cookies, each one blessed and wrapped in an appropriate text-and pray that each goodie he gives away may lead a child of sinners nearer to the light."

56A Martian Named SmithBBBLiteratureBooks-Misc

A Martian Named Smith
Jubal Harshaw's next story.

57Mary Jane SmithBBBVehiclesSpacecrafts

Mary Jane Smith
Spaceship. "The Lyle-Drive Exploratory Vessel Mary Jane Smith landed on Pluto.

58New Grand Avenue TempleBBBReligionTemples

New Grand Avenue Temple
Church in Kansas City.

59The New HumanistBBBPeriodicalsNewspapers

The New Humanist

60The New MayflowerBBBDiningRestaurants-Misc

The New Mayflower
Restaurant Jill mentions to Caxton.

61The New RevelationBBBLiteratureBooks-Religious

The New Revelation
The Couch of the New Revelation's Bible. The tattooed lady offers the copy that Blessed Foster gave her to Mike and Jill.

62NWNWBBBCinemaTV Stations

New World Networks. Network on the stereo while Caxton and Jill eat dinner at the restaurant in Hagerstown.

63OmniscioBBBTechnology ProductsAudiovisual Devices

A futuristic television like device.

64One for the RoadBBBLiteratureBooks-Misc

One for the Road
Story by Jubal Harshaw.

65The Other MangerBBBLiteratureShort Stories

The Other Manger
Short story by Jubal E. Harshaw, using the pen name Molly Wadsworth, about a little kitten that wanders into a church on Christmas Eve to get warm.

66Peerless FeaturesBBBMedia CompaniesFilm Production Companies

Peerless Features
Company that offers Smith 60,000 for his exclusive story, to be named I Was a Prisoner on Mars.

67The Post SyndicateBBBPeriodicalsNewspaper Posts

The Post Syndicate
News media outlet Caxton works for.

68Professor Simon MagusBBBServicesPsychic Services

Professor Simon Magus
Madame Alexandra Vesant's late husband and well known mentalist, stage hypnotist and illusionist, and student of the secret arts.

69The Rhine FoundationBBBResearch InstitutesInstitutes

The Rhine Foundation
"Cavendish had received his training in total recall from the great Dr. Samuel Renshaw himself and his professional hypnotic instruction had been undergone as a fellow of the Rhine Foundation."


Magazine from joke Jubal makes. Dr. Nelson: "I saw this patient only ten days ago. Tell me where he got those muscles?" Jubal: "Why, he sent in a coupon from the back cover of Rut: The Magazine for He-Men. You know, the ad that tells how a ninety-pound weakling can-"

71Sans Souci HotelBBBTravelHotels

Sans Souci Hotel
"You are now looking at the main entrance of the magnificent Sans Souci Hotel, Gem of the Gulf, whose management is in no way responsible for this hunted fugitive and who have cooperated with the authorities throughout according to a statement just issued by Chief of Police Davis."

72The Science FoundationBBBResearch InstitutesInstitutes

The Science Foundation
Organization assigned control of the corporate trust housing alll of Dr. Mary Jane Lyle Smith's basic patents.

73Shadow of Greatness: One Woman's StoryBBBLiteratureBooks-Biography

Shadow of Greatness: One Woman's Story
Mrs. Douglas's official biography, which stated that Joseph E. Douglas, Secretary General of the World Federation of Free States, had proposed to her during the counting of ballots in his first election to office.

74Stereovision ReceiverBBBTechnology ProductsAudiovisual Devices

Stereovision Receiver
Also known as babble tank. Future version of modern day television sets.

75Talbot SaloonBBBNightlifeSaloons

Talbot Saloon
Location of that Caxton sends to pick Jill up.

76The Temple of the Great PyramidBBBReligionTemples

The Temple of the Great Pyramid
Theorestical future church of Mike's. "So we close down the Church of All Worlds-it is closed down. So we move and open the Congregation of the One Faith-and we get kicked out again. Then we reopen elsewhere as the Temple of the Great Pyramid-that one will bring flocking the foolish fat and fatuous females, and some of them will end up neither fat nor foolish-and when we have the Medical Association and the local bar and the newspapers and the boss politicos snapping at our heels there-why, we open the Brotherhood of Baptism somewhere else."

77The Times of IndiaBBBPeriodicalsNewspaper Times

The Times of India
News outlet mentioned in the response to the publication of identical doctrinaire denunciations of Short's elevation: "Christian Science Monitor ignored it. Times of India snickered at it editorially, and the Manchester Guardian reported it without comment."

78Togetherness MagazineBBBPeriodicalsMagazines

Togetherness Magazine
Where Jubal Harshaw instructs his assistant to send his new story, Death Song of a Wood's Colt.

79Union Theological SeminaryBBBReligionReligious Organizations

Union Theological Seminary
Seminary. "It had not troubled Jubal when Mike was run out of Union Theological Seminary, hotly pursued in spirit by a pack of enraged theologians, some of whom were angry because they believed in God and others because they did not-but all united in detesting the Man from Mars."

80Wise Girl Maithusian LozengesBBBDrugsMedicine

Wise Girl Maithusian Lozenges
Sponsor of NWNW, New World Networks, the network on the stereo while Caxton and Jill eat dinner at the restaurant in Hagerstown. "Remember, friends, every wise girl uses Wise Girls. Easy to carry, pleasant to take, guaranteed no-fail, and approved for sale without prescription under Public Law 1312, Why take a chance on old-fashioned, unesthetic, harmful, unsure methods? Why risk losing his love and respect?"

81Young Men's Happiness ClassBBBEducationClasses

Young Men's Happiness Class
Class taught at the Church of the New Revelation's Sunday school.


Drone probe. "Six years after the Envoy was silent, the drone probe Zombie, sponsored jointly by the Geographic Society and La Societe Astronautique Internationale, bridged the void and took up an orbit for the waiting period, then returned."

83AirotelMapUrban AreasCities-U.S.

Colony in Kentucky. "...two guests of the Colony Airotel, Louisville, Kentucky, discorporated, one voluntarily, the other by heart failure."

84Elysian FieldsMapResidential CommunitiesApartment and Condos

Elysian Fields
Housing development.

85The Kingdom of South AfricaMapGeographic AreasTerritories

The Kingdom of South Africa
Monarchy mentioned during the series of news stories that open Part Two: "The Kingdom of South Africa, Federation associate member, had again been cited before the High Court for persecution of its white minority."

86Jubal HarshawOtherQuotesQuotes

Jubal Harshaw
Jubal Harshaw: You must identify yourself, in the specified legal fashion, World Code paragraph 1602, part II, before you can serve a warrant. And that goes for all those other apes, too, and that pithecan parasite piloting for you.

87Mahmoud OtherQuotesQuotes

Mahmoud: 'Grok' is the most important word in the Martian language-and I expect to spend the next forty years trying to understand it and perhaps use some millions of printed words trying to explain it. But I don't expect to be successful. You need to think in Martian to grok the word 'grok'. (While the word 'grok' was created for the novel, it can now be found in Merriam Webster's Dictionary).

88Untitled OtherThemesPleasantville


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