Literature 1961. Written by Robert A. Heinlein.
Source Features: BBB (82) MAP (3) OTHER (3) THEMES (1)

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Total Records: 3 - Medium: LITERATURE / Group: OTHER
Record Name
1Jubal HarshawQuotesQuotes

Jubal Harshaw
Jubal Harshaw: You must identify yourself, in the specified legal fashion, World Code paragraph 1602, part II, before you can serve a warrant. And that goes for all those other apes, too, and that pithecan parasite piloting for you.

2Mahmoud QuotesQuotes

Mahmoud: 'Grok' is the most important word in the Martian language-and I expect to spend the next forty years trying to understand it and perhaps use some millions of printed words trying to explain it. But I don't expect to be successful. You need to think in Martian to grok the word 'grok'. (While the word 'grok' was created for the novel, it can now be found in Merriam Webster's Dictionary).

3Untitled ThemesPleasantville


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