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Total Records: 68 - Group: BBB / Category: PERIODICALS / Subcategory: NEWSPAPER CHRONICLES
Record Name
1The Blue Ridge ChronicleTHE WALTONS 1971 TV SeriesPeriodicalsNewspaper Chronicles

The Blue Ridge Chronicle
Newspaper that John-Boy established.

2Boston Chronicle WATCHMEN 2019 TV SeriesPeriodicalsNewspaper Chronicles

Boston Chronicle
Newspaper. There was a real Boston Chronicle at one point, but that was back in the 1700s. This is a current newspaper.

3Cape May ChronicleSUMMER OF 84 2018 FilmPeriodicalsNewspaper Chronicles

Cape May Chronicle
Local newspaper.

4Chicago ChroniclePERFECT STRANGERS 1986 TV SeriesPeriodicalsNewspaper Chronicles

Chicago Chronicle

5Chicago ChronicleFAMILY MATTERS 1989 TV SeriesPeriodicalsNewspaper Chronicles

Chicago Chronicle

6The Chicago ChronicleHEROES REBORN 2015 TV SeriesPeriodicalsNewspaper Chronicles

The Chicago Chronicle
Chicago newspaper. There was once a real Chicago Chronicle, but not since 1907.

7The Chronicle WORKING 1997 TV SeriesPeriodicalsNewspaper Chronicles

The Chronicle

8The ChronicleTHE CHRONICLE 2001 TV SeriesPeriodicalsNewspaper Chronicles

The Chronicle

9The Chronicle BROOKLYN NINE-NINE 2013 TV SeriesPeriodicalsNewspaper Chronicles

The Chronicle
Newspaper Jake reads.

10The Chronicle PUSHING DAISIES 2007 TV SeriesPeriodicalsNewspaper Chronicles

The Chronicle

11The Chronicle MY NAME IS EARL 2005 TV SeriesPeriodicalsNewspaper Chronicles

The Chronicle
While the show was filmed in HD 16:9, most TVs at the time displayed SD 4:3. Well, it turns that a few details were added that only HD viewers would be able to see, including a headline in The Chronicle newspaper that reads, "Losers with Old Televisions Miss Out on High Definition Jokes"

12The ChronicleSKY CAPTAIN AND THE WORLD OF TOMORROW 2004 FilmPeriodicalsNewspaper Chronicles

The Chronicle
Polly Perkins, a reporter for The Chronicle, looks into the disappearances of Dr. Jorge Vargas and five other renowned scientists.

13The Chronicle CONTAGION 2011 FilmPeriodicalsNewspaper Chronicles

The Chronicle
Newspaper that Alan Krumwiede mentions.

14The Chronicle IRON MAN 2008 FilmPeriodicalsNewspaper Chronicles

The Chronicle
Newspaper headline: WHO IS THE IRON MAN?

15The Chronicle DARK CITY 1998 FilmPeriodicalsNewspaper Chronicles

The Chronicle
Newspaper in the city.

16The Chronicle THE PRETENDER 1996 TV SeriesPeriodicalsNewspaper Chronicles

The Chronicle

17The City Chronicle THE TICK 2016 TV SeriesPeriodicalsNewspaper Chronicles

The City Chronicle
Local newspaper in The City.

18Daily Chronicle THE TWILIGHT ZONE 1959 TV SeriesPeriodicalsNewspaper Chronicles

Daily Chronicle
Newspaper from multiple episodes.

19Daily ChronicleA MURDER OF CROWS 1999 FilmPeriodicalsNewspaper Chronicles

Daily Chronicle

20Daily Chronicle ALF 1986 TV SeriesPeriodicalsNewspaper Chronicles

Daily Chronicle

21Daily ChronicleSLEDGE HAMMER! 1986 TV SeriesPeriodicalsNewspaper Chronicles

Daily Chronicle
Local newspaper from multiple episodes.

22Daily Chronicle SLIDERS 1995 TV SeriesPeriodicalsNewspaper Chronicles

Daily Chronicle
Newspaper headline from the Game world: "It's a good day to die!"

23Daily Chronicle NIGHT COURT 1984 TV SeriesPeriodicalsNewspaper Chronicles

Daily Chronicle
Newspaper that Selma reads in cafeteria.

24Daily Chronicle THE TWILIGHT ZONE 1962 Comic BooksPeriodicalsNewspaper Chronicles

Daily Chronicle
A newspaper reporter is sent to check out the new beatnik joint called the Way-Out Club, which turns out to be an alien spaceship.

25The Daily Chronicle THE HITCHHIKER 1983 TV SeriesPeriodicalsNewspaper Chronicles

The Daily Chronicle
Newspaper headline regarding international hit woman Jackie Dresser's latest eliminated target: Drug Czar Murdered.

26The Dallas ChronicleLOVING YOU 1957 FilmPeriodicalsNewspaper Chronicles

The Dallas Chronicle
Glenda calls reporters of The Dallas Chronicle to write a story on Deke.

27The Evening Chronicle THE TWILIGHT ZONE 2019 TV SeriesPeriodicalsNewspaper Chronicles

The Evening Chronicle
Newspaper the narrator is reading.

28Gotham City Chronicle THE BATMAN 2022 FilmPeriodicalsNewspaper Chronicles

Gotham City Chronicle
Newspaper in Gotham City.

29The Kier Chronicle SEVERANCE 2022 TV SeriesPeriodicalsNewspaper Chronicles

The Kier Chronicle
Official Lumon news service from various episodes.

30Las Palomas Chronicle SILENT NIGHT 2023 FilmPeriodicalsNewspaper Chronicles

Las Palomas Chronicle
Local newspaper.

31Los Angeles ChronicleSILENT MOVIE 1976 FilmPeriodicalsNewspaper Chronicles

Los Angeles Chronicle

32Los Angeles ChronicleOCEAN'S 11 1960 FilmPeriodicalsNewspaper Chronicles

Los Angeles Chronicle

33Los Angeles Chronicle WHO FRAMED ROGER RABBIT 1988 FilmPeriodicalsNewspaper Chronicles

Los Angeles Chronicle

34Los Angeles Chronicle SLIDERS 1995 TV SeriesPeriodicalsNewspaper Chronicles

Los Angeles Chronicle
Newspaper from multiple episodes.

35Los Angeles Chronicle FOR ALL MANKIND 2019 TV SeriesPeriodicalsNewspaper Chronicles

Los Angeles Chronicle
Newspaper from multiple episodes.

36Los Angeles Chronicle THE NAKED GUN 1988 FilmPeriodicalsNewspaper Chronicles

Los Angeles Chronicle
Newspaper headline: QUEEN'S RECEPTION A FIASCO.

37Los Angeles Chronicle THE PRETENDER 1996 TV SeriesPeriodicalsNewspaper Chronicles

Los Angeles Chronicle
Newspaper that Jarod calls.

38Los Angeles Chronicle WITCH HUNT 1994 FilmPeriodicalsNewspaper Chronicles

Los Angeles Chronicle
Newspaper headline: Crockett Pushes White House on Anti-Magic Bill.

39Nevada Chronicle IDENTITY 2003 FilmPeriodicalsNewspaper Chronicles

Nevada Chronicle
Newspaper headline: Insanity Plea Denied. Renowned Psychiatrist to Testify for Defense.

40New York ChronicleTHE PATTY DUKE SHOW 1963 TV SeriesPeriodicalsNewspaper Chronicles

New York Chronicle

41New York Chronicle THE TWILIGHT ZONE 1959 TV SeriesPeriodicalsNewspaper Chronicles

New York Chronicle
Newspaper from multiple episodes.

42New York ChronicleTHE CRITIC 1994 Animated SeriesPeriodicalsNewspaper Chronicles

New York Chronicle
Newspaper seen, from various episodes.

43New York Chronicle FOR ALL MANKIND 2019 TV SeriesPeriodicalsNewspaper Chronicles

New York Chronicle
Newspaper headline: CRASH IN Wall Street! Shown when President Kennedy is yelling at Harold about the accident.

44New York Chronicle THE OUTER LIMITS 1963 TV SeriesPeriodicalsNewspaper Chronicles

New York Chronicle
Headline: SELBY A SHOO-IN.

45New York Chronicle BREAKFAST AT TIFFANY'S 1961 FilmPeriodicalsNewspaper Chronicles

New York Chronicle

46New York Daily Chronicle THE OUTSIDER 2020 TV SeriesPeriodicalsNewspaper Chronicles

New York Daily Chronicle
Newspaper article that Holly researches - a story about Maria Canales being arrested for murder.

47Oakland Chronicle THE PRETENDER 1996 TV SeriesPeriodicalsNewspaper Chronicles

Oakland Chronicle
Newpaper headlines: "ECS Accident Kills Three", "Co-workers Mourn Deaths" and "Deadly Spill Revealed as Murder".

48Oceanside ChronicleMAJOR DAD 1989 TV SeriesPeriodicalsNewspaper Chronicles

Oceanside Chronicle

49The Ogunquit Chronicle LIMITLESS 2015 TV SeriesPeriodicalsNewspaper Chronicles

The Ogunquit Chronicle

50The Party ChronicleV FOR VENDETTA 1982 Comic BooksPeriodicalsNewspaper Chronicles

The Party Chronicle

51The Rascal Chronicles DESPICABLE ME 2010 Animated FilmPeriodicalsNewspaper Chronicles

The Rascal Chronicles
Newspaper headline: WHAT WILL HE DO NEXT?

52Sacramento Chronicle HUNTER 1984 TV SeriesPeriodicalsNewspaper Chronicles

Sacramento Chronicle
Newspaper Rick and Dee Dee research at the library.

53Salt Lake Chronicle THE PRETENDER 1996 TV SeriesPeriodicalsNewspaper Chronicles

Salt Lake Chronicle
A reporter approaches Jarod about wild child Violet.

54San Diego ChronicleANCHORMAN: THE LEGEND OF RON BURGUNDY 2004 FilmPeriodicalsNewspaper Chronicles

San Diego Chronicle
Headline: Veronica Corningstone breaks up child slavery ring.

55San Diego ChronicleTHE ENDLESS 2017 FilmPeriodicalsNewspaper Chronicles

San Diego Chronicle

56The San Diego Chronicle WAKE UP, RON BURGUNDY 2004 FilmPeriodicalsNewspaper Chronicles

The San Diego Chronicle
Newspaper headline: Veronica Corningstone Breaks Up Child Slavery Ring.

57The San Diego Observer WAKE UP, RON BURGUNDY 2004 FilmPeriodicalsNewspaper Chronicles

The San Diego Observer
Newspaper headline: Veronica Corningstone Unveils Drug Ring.

58San Fransciso Chronicle SLIDERS 1995 TV SeriesPeriodicalsNewspaper Chronicles

San Fransciso Chronicle

59Seattle Daily ChronicleKOLCHAK: THE NIGHT STALKER 1974 TV SeriesPeriodicalsNewspaper Chronicles

Seattle Daily Chronicle

60Seattle Daily ChronicleTHE NIGHT STRANGLER 1973 FilmPeriodicalsNewspaper Chronicles

Seattle Daily Chronicle

61St. Louis Chronicle 12 MONKEYS 2015 TV SeriesPeriodicalsNewspaper Chronicles

St. Louis Chronicle
Newspaper headline: Rising Rivers Flood St. Louis.

62The Sunnyvale Chronicle THE PRETENDER 1996 TV SeriesPeriodicalsNewspaper Chronicles

The Sunnyvale Chronicle
Newspaper headline before Jarod: Hospital Administrator Dies in Panalex Overdose. After Jarod: Kidnapper Captured-Accomplice Found in Abandoned Van.

63The Wapshot ChronicleMAKE SOMETHING UP 2015 LiteraturePeriodicalsNewspaper Chronicles

The Wapshot Chronicle
From story How Monkey got married, bought a house, and found happiness in Orlando.

64Washington ChronicleTHE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL 1951 FilmPeriodicalsNewspaper Chronicles

Washington Chronicle
Newspaper headline: 'MAN FROM MARS' ESCAPES.

65Washington Chronicles RICK AND MORTY 2013 Animated SeriesPeriodicalsNewspaper Chronicles

Washington Chronicles
Newspaper headline: CRIME UP 1000%.

66Waterloo Chronicle TADPOLE 2005 LiteraturePeriodicalsNewspaper Chronicles

Waterloo Chronicle
Michael mentions to Gabriel.

67The Wayward Pines Chronicle WAYWARD PINES 2015 TV SeriesPeriodicalsNewspaper Chronicles

The Wayward Pines Chronicle
Local newspaper in Wayward Pines from various episodes.

68Wilmington Chronicle THE PRETENDER 1996 TV SeriesPeriodicalsNewspaper Chronicles

Wilmington Chronicle
Newspaper headline: Robbery Crew Taken in Botched Heist.

Information in Fiction Empire, including fictitious business information and the sources in which they appear, retain their original copyright as owned by their creators and/or respective production or publishing companies. Content in Fiction Empire is intended for entertainment purposes only. Fiction Empire is not responsible for, and expressly disclaims all liability for, damages of any kind arising out of use, reference to, or reliance on any information contained within the site. While the information contained within Fiction Empire is periodically updated, no guarantee is given that the information provided is correct, complete or up-to-date. There may be spoilers in Fiction Empire. Fiction Empire will not fight the germs that may cause bad breath. Some of the content contained in Fiction Empire may not be suitable for young viewers.

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