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Total Records: 93 - Group: BBB / Category: INDUSTRIAL COMPANIES / Subcategory: CHEMICAL COMPANIES
Record Name
1Ace ChemicalsSUICIDE SQUAD 2016 FilmIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

Ace Chemicals
Chemical plant where Joker tested Harley Quinn's devotion to him by performing a trust fall into a vat of chemical. When she does, the Joker joins her.

2Ace Chemicals BIRDS OF PREY 2020 FilmIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

Ace Chemicals
Chemical plant where Harley Quinn and the Joker shared a special moment, so to help her get over him, she blows it up.

3Ace Chemicals BATMAN: ARKHAM CITY 2011 Video GamesIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

Ace Chemicals
Chemical Company in Gotham City.

4ACME Chemical THE FAR SIDE 1980 Comic StripsIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

ACME Chemical
Chemical company.

5Agri-Chem Affiliates THE INCREDIBLE SHRINKING WOMAN 1981 FilmIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

Agri-Chem Affiliates
Member of The Organization For World Management.

6Allied Chemical HEAVY METAL 1981 Animated FilmIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

Allied Chemical
Company in New York.

7Armstrong Pharmaceuticals MOONLIGHTING 1985 TV SeriesIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

Armstrong Pharmaceuticals
David's old flame Jillian Armstrong's husband Harlan Armsng's pharmaceutical company.

8Athon LIMITLESS 2015 TV SeriesIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

Company suspected of having a facility capable of manufacturing an unlimited supply of NZT.

9Axis Chemical Co.BATMAN 1940 Comic BooksIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

Axis Chemical Co.

10Axis Chemicals BATMAN 1989 FilmIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

Axis Chemicals
Chemical plant where Jack Napier was accidentally knocked into a vat of chemicals after fighting with Batman.

11Beringovskiy Depot G.I. JOE: A REAL AMERICAN HERO 1982 Comic BooksIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

Beringovskiy Depot
Top secret chemical warfare depot, target of terrorist hijackers The Leon Trotsky Brigade of the Fourth International.

12Boston Latrine Chemicals ALF 1986 TV SeriesIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

Boston Latrine Chemicals
Chemical company. ALF's investment strategy involves selecting companies whose names start with letters in Melmackian holidays. He picks Boston Latrine Chemicals because of the similarity to the holiday Blecch.

13Bradway ChemicalGET HARD 2015 FilmIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

Bradway Chemical
James transfers $100 million from his clients accounts. "I've got a good feeling about clean coal."

14Chemical Cartage Company GOLDEN YEARS 1991 TV SeriesIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

Chemical Cartage Company
Harlan catches a ride with a trucker when he's hitchhiking after splitting up with Gina and Terry.

15ChemTech Industries STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE 1993 TV SeriesIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

ChemTech Industries
Michael Webb used to be a plant manager at ChemTech Industries.

16Chemwall THE BIG YEAR 2011 FilmIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

Company working with Stu's company.

17ChristieBio UTOPIA 2020 TV SeriesIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

Also known as Christie Labs, Kevin Christie's company, famed for pharmaceuticals, vaccines and now the miracle meat called Simpro.

18Clarkston Pharmaceuticals THE PRETENDER 1996 TV SeriesIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

Clarkston Pharmaceuticals
Maker of the very popular antidepressant Panalex. Jarod was employed there for three weeks.

19Consolidated Chemical RefineryALIEN NATION 1988 FilmIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

Consolidated Chemical Refinery

20Cruz Chemical DIABOLICAL 2022 Animated SeriesIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

Cruz Chemical
Activist group Chemical Liberation Front, or CLF, takes eight hostages at the Cruz Chemical plant on Staten Island. Homelander kills them all, the hostages too.

21Cryoco TERMINATOR 2: JUDGMENT DAY 1991 FilmIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

Big rig hauling liquid nitrogen commandeered by the T-1000. "Cryogenic Transport Specialists"

22Devlin MacGregor PharmaceuticalsTHE FUGITIVE 1993 FilmIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

Devlin MacGregor Pharmaceuticals
Kimble figures out that Dr. Nichols, a board member of Devlin-MacGregor Pharmaceuticals, covered up the dangerous side effects of their new wonder drug Provasic in order to get it approved and ordered the one-armed man Sykes to kill him in a staged burglary that went wrong, resulting in Helen's death.

23Dorner Therapeutics SEVERANCE 2022 TV SeriesIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

Dorner Therapeutics
Severed Lumon Industries employee Peg Kincaid contacts Topeka Star reporter Daria Thorne regarding a Dorner Therapeutics truck explosion.

24Drack's Chemical Dye and Munitions CHEERS 1982 TV SeriesIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

Drack's Chemical Dye and Munitions
Previous name of the Lillian corporation, the corporation that bought the bar from Sam. Motto: "We care about people"

25Dry Cleaning Chemical Transactional Hold... PARKS AND RECREATION 2009 TV SeriesIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

Dry Cleaning Chemical Transactional Holding Company
Ben's new business idea.

26Dupree Chemical Co.BATMAN: HUSH 2019 Animated FilmIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

Dupree Chemical Co.
Bane kidnaps the son of the Dupree family, holding him for random.

27Empire World Fragrance FRINGE 2008 TV SeriesIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

Empire World Fragrance
Perfume company where pheromone killer Anson Carr was fired for stealing castoreum.

28F Chemical LOUIE 2010 TV SeriesIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

F Chemical
Truck that crashes in intersection.

29Firegold TADPOLE 2005 LiteratureIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

Pharmaceutical company.

30Firegold PHOENIX 2010 LiteratureIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

Overturned truck is from Firegold Chemicals.

31Firegold ARMADILLO 2021 LiteratureIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

Chemical company.

32Firegold FROG PERSPECTIVES 2014 LiteratureIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

Pharmaceutical company.

33Geffen-Meyer ChemicalsCIVIL WAR 2006 Comic BooksIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

Geffen-Meyer Chemicals
A division of Stark Industries, site of trap set for Captain America and his team of heroes.

34Geni-Trax Corp. SLIDERS 1995 TV SeriesIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

Geni-Trax Corp.
The cause of the disease on the zombie world was an over the counter bacteria product called Lipton that was engineered to attack fat. Along with the antidote, it was marketed and sold as a weight loss product.

35Global Chemical UnlimitedSATURDAY NIGHT LIVE 1975 TV SeriesIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

Global Chemical Unlimited
Parent company of Wacky Products Incorporated, makers of Happy Fun Ball.

36Globo Chem TRANSMETROPOLITAN 1997 Comic BooksIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

Globo Chem
Chemical company.

37Globocide CorporationTHE OBLONGS 2001 Animated SeriesIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

Globocide Corporation
Chemical corporation.

38Golden Moth Chemical BREAKING BAD 2008 TV SeriesIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

Golden Moth Chemical
Chemical supplier for Gustavo Fring's organization, primarily supplying honey extract to Fring's superlab for the purpose of manufacturing methamphetamine.

39Gotham Chemical Storage THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD 2018 Animated FilmIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

Gotham Chemical Storage
When an alarm sounds from Gotham Chemical Storage, the Mystery Analysts of Gotham investigate, learning that several vials a radioactive substance called Isotope 29 have been stolen by the Crimson Cloak.

40GT Agrochemical JESSICA JONES 2015 TV SeriesIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

GT Agrochemical
Company where Sallinger's next victim works.

41Harvesta PERSON OF INTEREST 2011 TV SeriesIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

Company that tried to buy Krupa Nail's research.

42I.G. FarbenTHE MAN IN THE HIGH CASTLE 1962 LiteratureIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

I.G. Farben
Big German chemical cartel harbor inn plastics patents.

43International Dynamic Chemicals THE INCREDIBLE SHRINKING WOMAN 1981 FilmIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

International Dynamic Chemicals
Also known as IDC. Member of The Organization For World Management.

44INtREPUS FRINGE 2008 TV SeriesIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

Large pharmaceutical company and a direct competitor to Massive Dynamic, from various episodes.

45Janeway Pharmaceuticals THE PRETENDER 1996 TV SeriesIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

Janeway Pharmaceuticals
Pharmaceutical company name on the bottle of phenotripticol, the drug that Dr. Drake used to kill Christmas George.

46Jones ChemicalCODE 8 2019 FilmIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

Jones Chemical
Company that Connor helps Garrett's team rob - his first job with them.

47Kaplooey Chemicals MAD MAGAZINE 1952 MagazinesIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

Kaplooey Chemicals
Chemical company mentioned in Wall Street Journal parody newspaper The Wall Street Jungle.

48Kelvin Genetics FRINGE 2008 TV SeriesIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

Kelvin Genetics
Walter Bishop worked out of Harvard as part of a classified U.S. Army experimental program called Kelvin Genetics. They gave him resources to do whatever work he wanted, which was primarily in an area called Fringe Science.

49Kensington FROG PERSPECTIVES 2014 LiteratureIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

Pharmaceutical company.

50KJS FRINGE 2008 TV SeriesIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

The Fringe division visits several perfume companies while searching for a murderer that uses pheromones mixed with castoreum.

51L.A. Methane Works ALIEN NATION 1988 FilmIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

L.A. Methane Works
Newcomer Warren Hubley's employer.

52Landover Chemical Company THE BOB NEWHART SHOW 1972 TV SeriesIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

Landover Chemical Company
Carol gets a job offer.

53Langdon Chemical FRINGE 2008 TV SeriesIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

Langdon Chemical
Alternate universe bankrobber Joshua Rose breaks into Langdon Chemical and steals three tanks of ferrocene for his Riverdale Mutual job - a bank in the Bronx.

54M Chemical SMALLVILLE 2001 TV SeriesIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

M Chemical
Lana's ex-boyfriend Jason's mother Genevieve Teague's company, mentioned in newspaper article that Lana reads.

55Mercury Chemical Solutions PERSON OF INTEREST 2011 TV SeriesIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

Mercury Chemical Solutions
Charge on machine number Jordan Hester's TRU Prime gold card account.

56Noregard Pharmaceuticals GLITCH 2015 TV SeriesIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

Noregard Pharmaceuticals
Pharmaceutical company in Yoorana, located near the Yoorana District Health Centre, with a mysterious connection to the Risen. First appearance.

57Novafarm SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE 1975 TV SeriesIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

Maker of Privolin, medication for genital Herpes.

58OrincoPET SEMATARY 1983 LiteratureIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

Chemical fertilizer company, with trucks that run along Route 15, using up a lot of animals.

59Osato ChemicalsYOU ONLY LIVE TWICE 1967 FilmIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

Osato Chemicals
Front for SPECTRE.

60Pellit and Son Chemical Company HORRIBLE BOSSES 2011 FilmIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

Pellit and Son Chemical Company
Company where Kurt works.

61The Pharm Team THE SIMPSONS 1989 Animated SeriesIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

The Pharm Team
Makers of Focusyn, the drug Bart takes for his ADD.

62Pharm-er John's Pharmaceuticals THE SIMPSONS 1989 Animated SeriesIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

Pharm-er John's Pharmaceuticals
Marge and Lisa demand answers about the cost of prescription drugs from Pharm-er John's Pharmaceuticals. They are shown a film made by Pharm-er John's Productions.

63Philia Pharmaceuticals PERSON OF INTEREST 2011 TV SeriesIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

Philia Pharmaceuticals
Dr. Richard Nelson's friend Garrett Rossmore of Philia Pharmaceuticals loses millions of dollars in revenue after a board comprising of Dr. Nelson rules against their drug trials.

64Preissler Chemical Corporation THE BIG YEAR 2011 FilmIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

Preissler Chemical Corporation
Stu is the founder and CEO of an enormous Manhattan-based chemical conglomerate which he built from the ground up, starting in his garage.

65ProgeiaSHE HATE ME 2004 FilmIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

Reporter: The Securities and Exchange Commission is launching a probe today into possible ethics violations at upstart pharmaceutical company Progeia. Unnamed sources say the probe will be wide-ranging, and could even include an investigation into possible insider trading among several high-level Progeia executives. Already reeling from the suicide of Dr. Herman Schiller, Progeia is now facing a public-relations nightmare. The company is trying to maintain its public trust in the face of pending FDA approval of its long-awaited HIV AIDS vaccine, Prexelin.

66Protochem 21 JUMP STREET 1987 TV SeriesIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

EPA agents dressed in Ghostbusters costumes for Halloween that show up at the precinct: We were contracted by the Environmental Protection Agency. We need to check around for possible contamination by toxic waste dumped by the Protochem Chemical Plant.

67Rand Oil & Chemical IRON FIST 2017 TV SeriesIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

Rand Oil & Chemical
A division of Rand Enterprises, Danny's family's company.

68Raygon ChemicalsTHE RUNNING MAN 1982 LiteratureIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

Raygon Chemicals
"I thought you'd enjoy the transformation, my good man," Bradley said with quiet dignity. "I'm the district manager for Raygon Chemicals, you know. We do a thriving business in this area. Fine city, Boston. Immensely convivial."

69Roche Chemical CompanyWATCHMEN 1986 Comic BooksIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

Roche Chemical Company
Grice believed that Roche's family was the same that owned the Roche Chemical Company and intended to collect a large ransom, taking her to a disused dressmaker's shop, Modern Modes.

70Romero ChemicalSUPER 8 2011 FilmIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

Romero Chemical
Chemical company in the film the kids are making - named for George Romero.

71Roritor THE KIDS IN THE HALL 1988 TV SeriesIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

Pharmaceutical company that financed the movie Brain Candy, along with the devil.

72Ruxton Chemical THE X-FILES 1993 TV SeriesIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

Ruxton Chemical
When Scully visits old Sheriff of Powhatan Mill, he gives her evidence that was discovered at the Ruxton Chemical plant while it was under construction, potentially implicating Eugene Victor Tooms in another murder.

73Ruzon PharmaceuticalsCONTAGION 2011 FilmIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

Ruzon Pharmaceuticals
Pharmaceutical company racing to develop a vaccine.

74Savner Bleach and Chemicals PARKS AND RECREATION 2009 TV SeriesIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

Savner Bleach and Chemicals
Company that makes Tom's favorite teeth whitening strips, Pearlies for Girlies.

75Scentax Fragrances LTD. FRINGE 2008 TV SeriesIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

Scentax Fragrances LTD.
The Fringe division visits several perfume companies while searching for a murderer that uses pheromones mixed with castoreum.

76Shaw Medical Solutions OZARK 2017 TV SeriesIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

Shaw Medical Solutions
The Byrde's new partners - they buy Navarro drugs in exchange for substantial donation to the Byrde's foundation.

77Soulce PharmaceuticalsCONTAGION 2011 FilmIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

Soulce Pharmaceuticals
Pharmaceutical company racing to develop a vaccine.

78Southwest Analine BREAKING BAD 2008 TV SeriesIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

Southwest Analine
Walt and Jesse make a thermite bomb out of a Sketch Cool, the Breaking Bad version of the popular Etch A Sketch toy, which they use to steal 30 gallons of methylamine from Southwest Analine.

79Stanfield Chemical FRINGE 2008 TV SeriesIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

Stanfield Chemical
Murder suspect Roland David Barrett is the heir to the Stanfield Chemical fortune.

80Sterisyn MorlantaTHE BOURNE LEGACY 2012 FilmIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

Sterisyn Morlanta
Pharmaceutical company that makes drugs for top secret U.S. government programs.

81Sunrise Chemical NIGHT COURT 1984 TV SeriesIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

Sunrise Chemical
A disgruntled employee of Sunrise Chemical accidentally releases a potential deadly chemical into the courtroom, causing a lockdown.

82Third World Chemicals THE INCREDIBLE SHRINKING WOMAN 1981 FilmIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

Third World Chemicals
Member of The Organization For World Management.

83Thorton Plastics TALES FROM THE DARKSIDE 1984 TV SeriesIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

Thorton Plastics
Company that Michael mentions to Edward.

84Tillman HeathTOTAL RECALL 2070 1999 TV SeriesIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

Tillman Heath
Member of the Consortium. Agriculture and chemicals giant but its real purpose was not unveiled in the 1st series. Its slogan is "Bringing the world's food supply to you."

85Today Chemicals Incorporated THE INCREDIBLE SHRINKING WOMAN 1981 FilmIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

Today Chemicals Incorporated
Also known as TCI. Member of The Organization For World Management.

86Toxico PARENTS 1989 FilmIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

Company where Michael's father Nick Laemle works.

87Trieu PharmaceuticalsWATCHMEN 2019 TV SeriesIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

Trieu Pharmaceuticals
A division of Trieu Industries.

88Unified Chemical Warehouse HUNTER 1984 TV SeriesIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

Unified Chemical Warehouse
Rick and Dee Dee find a Unified Chemical Warehouse receipt in suspect Gene Byrd's apartment, located on Rye Street in Burbank.

89Universal 21 JUMP STREET 1987 TV SeriesIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

Brand of the drugs given to Ronnie.

90Viroanol Corp.EIGHT LEGGED FREAKS 2002 FilmIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

Viroanol Corp.
Modern chemicals for enhanced living.

91Welsch Chemicals PERSON OF INTEREST 2011 TV SeriesIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

Welsch Chemicals
Truck Shaw spot when surveilling machine number Genrika Zhirova.

92Westfield FROG PERSPECTIVES 2014 LiteratureIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

Pharmaceutical company that Miles mentions that shut down.

93Zalk JESSICA JONES 2015 TV SeriesIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

Local bio-chem lab, source of the chemical AAV1.

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