Total Records: 1 - Medium: TV SERIES / Group: BBB / Category: INDUSTRIAL COMPANIES / Subcategory: CHEMICAL COMPANIES
Record Name
1Kelvin Genetics FRINGE 2008 TV SeriesIndustrial CompaniesChemical Companies

Kelvin Genetics
Walter Bishop worked out of Harvard as part of a classified U.S. Army experimental program called Kelvin Genetics. They gave him resources to do whatever work he wanted, which was primarily in an area called Fringe Science.

  • [Season 1 Episode Unleashed]
  • [Season 1 Pilot Episode]
  • Baby Boy Bryant, later known as "U. Gene", short for "unidentified genetic makeup", was an infant born with an unclassified genetic variant, resulting in a rare skin condition that made him suffer from exposure to any form of light. According to hospital records, he died four days later, however the Fringe team learns that he was actually taken to Cyprox Inc., a subsidiary of Kelvin Genetics, the company that became Massive Dynamic, where animal genes were implanted in his skin, giving him the ability to perfectly camouflage with his surroundings. [Season 4 Episode Wallflower]
  • Walter mentions his old lab at Kelvin Genetics while listening to tape 5 of his plan to defeat the Observers. [Season 5 Episode Five Twenty Ten]

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