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Total Records: 243
Record Name
1Aerospace Dynamix JURASSIC WORLD 2015 FilmBBBCorporationsTechnology Companies

Aerospace Dynamix
Subsidiary of the Masrani Global Corporation.

2ArcadiaJURASSIC WORLD: FALLEN KINGDOM 2018 FilmBBBVehiclesWatercrafts

Cargo ship used by Ken Wheatley's mercenaries on Isla Nublar.

3Axis Boulder Engineering JURASSIC WORLD 2015 FilmBBBConstructionConstruction Companies

Axis Boulder Engineering
Subsidiary of the Masrani Global Corporation.

4BiosynJURASSIC PARK 1990 LiteratureBBBCorporationsTechnology Companies

Genetics company similar to InGen. The main building of the corporation stood in Cupertino, California. The company is known to steal ideas from other scientists. It is known as the only bio-tech company which employs more lawyers than scientists. Also known as Genetic Biosyn Corporation.

5Biosyn Genetics JURASSIC WORLD: DOMINION 2022 FilmBBBCorporationsTechnology Companies

Biosyn Genetics
Company that creates a dinosaur sanctuary in Italy's Dolomite Mountains.

6Biosyn SanctuaryJURASSIC WORLD: DOMINION 2022 FilmBBBEntertainmentZoos

Biosyn Sanctuary
Dinosaur sanctuary in the Dolomite Mountains, Italy.

7Camp CretaceousJURASSIC WORLD: CAMP CRETACEOUS 2020 Animated SeriesBBBYouth ServicesYouth Camps

Camp Cretaceous
Six teenagers are invited to the state of the art adventure camp Cretaceous Camp at the Jurassic World theme park on the island of Isla Nublar.

8Cappy the ClownJURASSIC PARK 1990 LiteratureBBBAmusementClowns

Cappy the Clown
Clown hired to perform at Gennaro's daughter's birthday party he missed due to the trip to Costa Rica. Chapter: Hammond.

9Casa De Caballeros JURASSIC WORLD 2015 FilmBBBTravelLodging

Casa De Caballeros
Hotel with cozy cabanas.

10Centaurus Satellite JURASSIC WORLD 2015 FilmBBBTechnology ProductsElectronics

Centaurus Satellite
Satellite manufactured by Masrani subsidiary Mascom.

11The Cerberus Array JURASSIC WORLD 2015 FilmBBBCorporationsEnergy Companies

The Cerberus Array
One of Masrani Energy's Wind energy farms off the coast of the United Kingdom. Commissioned in 2013, the array currently powers 450MW of electricity from 120 turbines.

12Channel 2JURASSIC PARK 1990 LiteratureBBBCinemaTV Stations

Channel 2
TV channel featuring the Hypsilophodont Highlands that Dr. Grant discovers in his hotel room at the Safari Lodge. Chapter: Jurassic Park.

13Channel 24JURASSIC CITY 2014 FilmBBBTelevisionTV-News

Channel 24
Local news team.

14Channel 3JURASSIC PARK 1990 LiteratureBBBCinemaTV Stations

Channel 3
TV channel featuring Triceratops Territory that Dr. Grant discovers in his hotel room at the Safari Lodge. Chapter: Jurassic Park.

15Channel 4JURASSIC PARK 1990 LiteratureBBBCinemaTV Stations

Channel 4
TV channel featuring Carnivore Country that Dr. Grant discovers in his hotel room at the Safari Lodge. Chapter: Jurassic Park.

16Channel 5JURASSIC PARK 1990 LiteratureBBBCinemaTV Stations

Channel 5
TV channel featuring Carnivore Country that Dr. Grant discovers in his hotel room at the Safari Lodge. Chapter: Jurassic Park.

17Channel 6JURASSIC PARK 1990 LiteratureBBBCinemaTV Stations

Channel 6
TV channel featuring Stegosaurus South that Dr. Grant discovers in his hotel room at the Safari Lodge. Chapter: Jurassic Park.

18Channel 7JURASSIC PARK 1990 LiteratureBBBCinemaTV Stations

Channel 7
TV channel featuring Velociraptor Valley that Dr. Grant discovers in his hotel room at the Safari Lodge. Chapter: Jurassic Park.

19Channel 8JURASSIC PARK 1990 LiteratureBBBCinemaTV Stations

Channel 8
TV channel featuring Pterosaur Peak that Dr. Grant discovers in his hotel room at the Safari Lodge. Chapter: Jurassic Park.

20Cheeseland LEGO JURASSIC WORLD: LEGEND OF ISLA NUBLAR 2019 Animated SeriesBBBAmusementAmusement Parks

Simon Masrani mentions that visiting famous theme park critic Larson Mitchell gave bad reviews to several theme parks, which have since closed down, including Cheeseland, Smelltown, Tooth fairy Mountain and Euro-Cheeseland.

21Computer Assisted Sonic TopographyJURASSIC PARK 1990 LiteratureBBBTechnology ProductsElectronics

Computer Assisted Sonic Topography
"Thumper" was the nickname given to a large, box-shaped machine that was used on Dr. Alan Grant's fossil excavation site near Snakewater, Montana. It was designed to fire a soft lead slug into the ground within the vicinity of fossilized remains, creating shock waves to be registered by a nearby computer. The computer would then assemble an X-ray-like image of the area, allowing the paleontologists to determine the size of the trench dug to control water runoff. This procedure was known as 'computer-assisted sonic topography,' or CAST.

22Costa Rican Environmental Protection Soc...JURASSIC WORLD 2015 FilmBBBOrganizationsNonprofit Organizations

Costa Rican Environmental Protection Society
The Masrani company, together with InGen, have worked together to ensure the protection of these animals. A historical agreement was signed in 2005 with the Costa Rican Environmental Protection Society to ensure the safety and habitat of the indigenous wildlife of Isla Nublar.

23Cowan, Swain & RossJURASSIC PARK 1990 LiteratureBBBLegal AidLaw Firms

Cowan, Swain & Ross
Legal firm, counsel for InGen. Mentioned in the Prologue.

24Cretaceous Cruise JURASSIC WORLD 2015 FilmBBBAmusementAmusement Attractions

Cretaceous Cruise
Park attraction at Jurassic World.

25Data Analysys JURASSIC WORLD 2015 FilmBBBCorporationsTechnology Companies

Data Analysys
Subsidiary of the Masrani Global Corporation.

26DensakaJURASSIC PARK 1990 LiteratureBBBCorporationsCompanies

One of several Japanese investment consortia and underwriters that helped fund International Genetic Technologies.

27DINO March on Capital HillJURASSIC WORLD: FALLEN KINGDOM 2018 FilmBBBEventsMarches and Parades

DINO March on Capital Hill
Event advertised on the promotional Dinosaur Protection Group website. DINO = Defend Isla Nublar Organization. "Show U.S. government Isla Nublar must be evacuated to protect defenseless creatures" #WECANSAVETHEM.

28Dinosaur Carousel LEGO JURASSIC WORLD: LEGEND OF ISLA NUBLAR 2019 Animated SeriesBBBAmusementAmusement Attractions

Dinosaur Carousel
Simon Masrani mentions a secret exhibit called Dinosaur Carousel.

29Dinosaur Energy Drink JURASSIC WORLD 2015 FilmBBBBeverage ProductsEnergy Drinks

Dinosaur Energy Drink
Fill up with Jurassic World Fossil Fuel, a high octane energy drink that will boost you out of the Stone Age.

30Dinosaur Protection GroupJURASSIC WORLD: FALLEN KINGDOM 2018 FilmBBBOrganizationsActivist Groups

Dinosaur Protection Group
Also known as DPG, a group dedicated to establishing and protecting the rights of all living dinosaurs. The DPG was founded and operates under the principle that dinosaurs are not ours to experiment upon or exploit for entertainment or financial gain. Though we brought them back to existence, we do not thereby claim the right to assume control of them.

31DinoSoarJURASSIC PARK III 2001 FilmBBBTravelTours

The name of the parasailing company that takes Billy Brennan and Eric Kirby to Isla Sorna.

32Diseases of DinosauriaJURASSIC PARK 1990 LiteratureBBBLiteratureTextbooks

Diseases of Dinosauria
Theoretical textbook Harding planned to write.

33Dr. CruzJURASSIC PARK 1990 LiteratureBBBHealthcareDoctors

Dr. Cruz
Doctor that examines Mike Bowman's daughter Tina after she is attacked by small escaped dinosaurs in Costa Rica.

34Dunning, Murphy and AssociatesJURASSIC PARK 1990 LiteratureBBBServicesArchitects

Dunning, Murphy and Associates
New York Architect listed on the plans that Hammond sends to Dr. Grant in Snakewater.

35Euro-Cheeseland LEGO JURASSIC WORLD: LEGEND OF ISLA NUBLAR 2019 Animated SeriesBBBAmusementAmusement Parks

Simon Masrani mentions that visiting famous theme park critic Larson Mitchell gave bad reviews to several theme parks, which have since closed down, including Cheeseland, Smelltown, Tooth fairy Mountain and Euro-Cheeseland.

36Gallimimus Valley Safari JURASSIC WORLD 2015 FilmBBBAmusementAmusement Attractions

Gallimimus Valley Safari
Park attraction at Jurassic World.

37God Created DinosaursJURASSIC WORLD 2015 FilmBBBLiteratureBooks-Misc

God Created Dinosaurs
Book by Chaos Theorist Ian Malcolm.

38Goldblum & AssociatesJURASSIC WORLD: FALLEN KINGDOM 2018 FilmBBBServicesConsultants

Goldblum & Associates
As part of the Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom promotional campaign, Jeff Goldblum starred in an Alamo Drafthouse video about his consultancy company that recommended using Velociraptors to handle movie talkers.

39HamachiJURASSIC PARK 1990 LiteratureBBBCorporationsCompanies

One of several Japanese investment consortia and underwriters that helped fund International Genetic Technologies.

40HamaguriJURASSIC PARK 1990 LiteratureBBBCorporationsCompanies

One of several Japanese investment consortia and underwriters that helped fund International Genetic Technologies.

41Hammond FoundationJURASSIC PARK 1990 LiteratureBBBOrganizationsFoundations

Hammond Foundation

42Harlow, Whitney & FieldsJURASSIC PARK 1990 LiteratureBBBConstructionConstruction Companies

Harlow, Whitney & Fields
Boston engineering firm listed on the plans that Hammond sends to Dr. Grant in Snakewater.

43Hilton Isla Nublar JURASSIC WORLD 2015 FilmBBBTravelLodging

Hilton Isla Nublar
Hilton's a real life company but they don't own a property on the island of Isla Nublar.

44How the World Will EndJURASSIC WORLD: DOMINION 2022 FilmBBBLiteratureBooks-Misc

How the World Will End
Book by Dr. Ian Malcolm.

45InGenLEGO JURASSIC WORLD: THE INDOMINUS ESCAPE 2016 Animated FilmBBBCorporationsTechnology Companies

Technology company that created the gene-splicing technology that makes creation of the Indominus Rex and other hybrid dinosaurs possible.

46InGenJURASSIC PARK 1993 FilmBBBCorporationsTechnology Companies

The company responsible for creating dinosaurs from DNA found in mosquitos.

47InGenJURASSIC PARK 1990 LiteratureBBBCorporationsTechnology Companies

Hammond's technology corporation. Builder of Jurassic Park. Also referred to as International Genetics Incorporated, International Genetic Technologies, International Genetic Technologies Incorporated and the InGen Corporation.

48InGen BioEngineeringTHE LOST WORLD: JURASSIC PARK 1997 FilmBBBCorporationsTechnology Companies

InGen BioEngineering
Technology company that cloned the dinosaurs for Jurassic Park.

49InGen ConstructionJURASSIC PARK 1990 LiteratureBBBConstructionConstruction Companies

InGen Construction

50InGen Hammond XE-20 JURASSIC WORLD 2015 FilmBBBTechnology ProductsElectronics

InGen Hammond XE-20
Device mentioned in the InGen Techologies: Tomorrow, Today viral video. Decodes the genome of any extinct creature in under an hour.

51InGen Technologies JURASSIC WORLD 2015 FilmBBBCorporationsTechnology Companies

InGen Technologies

52Integrated Computer Systems IncorporatedJURASSIC PARK 1990 LiteratureBBBCorporationsTechnology Companies

Integrated Computer Systems Incorporated
Developer of Jurassic park common user interface v1.1B24.

53Integrated Computer Systems, Inc.JURASSIC PARK 1990 LiteratureBBBCorporationsTechnology Companies

Integrated Computer Systems, Inc.
Cambridge, Mass computer firm listed on the plans that Hammond sends to Dr. Grant in Snakewater.

54International Genetic TechnologiesJURASSIC WORLD: FALLEN KINGDOM 2018 FilmBBBCorporationsCompanies

International Genetic Technologies
John Hammond's company, mentioned on the promotional Dinosaur Protection Group website: Although there were reports of these "resurrected" animals as far back as the late 1980s, it wasn't until 1997 that the general public became aware of the dinosaurs' existence when a Tyrannosaurus Rex escaped onto the streets of San Diego causing numerous fatalities. Interest in the animals skyrocketed, spiking when International Genetic Technologies InGen Founder John Hammond spoke during a television interview about working with the Costa Rican Department of Biological Preserves to establish a set of laws for the "preservation and isolation" of the animals on Islas Sorna and Nublar. This task-force joining the private and public sector brought about the now extinct Gene Guard Act.

55Isla Nublar ResortJURASSIC PARK 1990 LiteratureBBBTravelLodging

Isla Nublar Resort
The name on the plans Hammond sends to Dr. Grant in Snakewater.

56IventiCon 2015 JURASSIC WORLD 2015 FilmBBBEventsConventions and Seminars

IventiCon 2015
Mentioned in CEO's blog page.

57Jack and the BehnstacksTHE LOST WORLD: JURASSIC PARK 1997 FilmBBBCinemaMovies-Comedy

Jack and the Behnstacks
Movie poster featuring Robin Williams at Blockbuster Video in San Diego.

58Jurassic Park JURASSIC PARK 1993 FilmBBBAmusementAmusement Parks

Jurassic Park

59Jurassic ParkJURASSIC PARK 1990 LiteratureBBBAmusementAmusement Parks

Jurassic Park

60Jurassic ParkJURASSIC WORLD: FALLEN KINGDOM 2018 FilmBBBAmusementAmusement Parks

Jurassic Park
Dinosaur theme park.

61Jurassic ParkTHE LOST WORLD: JURASSIC PARK 1997 FilmBBBAmusementAmusement Parks

Jurassic Park
Theme park on Isla Sonora that was destroyed in the first movie.

62Jurassic ParkJURASSIC PARK III 2001 FilmBBBAmusementAmusement Parks

Jurassic Park
Abandoned theme park.

63Jurassic Park JURASSIC WORLD: DOMINION 2022 FilmBBBAmusementAmusement Parks

Jurassic Park
Shown in the Now This news report that opens the movie called "Dinosaurs in the World".

64Jurassic Park JURASSIC WORLD 2015 FilmBBBAmusementAmusement Parks

Jurassic Park
Control room operator Lowry wears a vintage "Jurassic Park" T-shirt to work that he found on eBay. Jeeps from the original park also make an appearance.

65Jurassic Park Common User Interface V1.1...JURASSIC PARK 1990 LiteratureBBBComputersSoftware

Jurassic Park Common User Interface V1.1B24
Developed by Integrated Computer Systems Incorporated. Copyright Jurassic Park Incorporated.

66Jurassic Park IncorporatedJURASSIC PARK 1990 LiteratureBBBCorporationsCompanies

Jurassic Park Incorporated
Owner of copyright on Jurassic park common user interface v1.1B24 software.

67Jurassic Park: San DiegoTHE LOST WORLD: JURASSIC PARK 1997 FilmBBBAmusementAmusement Parks

Jurassic Park: San Diego
New theme park almost created in California.

68Jurassic Traders JURASSIC WORLD 2015 FilmBBBRetailGift Shops

Jurassic Traders
Gift store seen on the main theme park walkway during the pterodactyl attack scene.

69Jurassic World JURASSIC WORLD: DOMINION 2022 FilmBBBAmusementAmusement Parks

Jurassic World
Shown in the Now This news report that opens the movie called "Dinosaurs in the World".

70Jurassic WorldLEGO JURASSIC WORLD: THE INDOMINUS ESCAPE 2016 Animated FilmBBBAmusementAmusement Parks

Jurassic World
Dinosaur theme park with living dinosaurs - and brand new attraction, the Indominus Rex.

71Jurassic World JURASSIC WORLD 2015 FilmBBBAmusementAmusement Parks

Jurassic World
A state-of-the-art theme park and biological preserve.

72Jurassic WorldJURASSIC WORLD: CAMP CRETACEOUS 2020 Animated SeriesBBBAmusementAmusement Parks

Jurassic World
Six teenagers are invited to the state of the art adventure camp Cretaceous Camp at the Jurassic World theme park on the island of Isla Nublar.

73Jurassic WorldLEGO JURASSIC WORLD: LEGEND OF ISLA NUBLAR 2019 Animated SeriesBBBAmusementAmusement Parks

Jurassic World
The Jurassic World theme park is located on the island of Isla Nublar.

74Jurassic WorldJURASSIC WORLD: FALLEN KINGDOM 2018 FilmBBBAmusementAmusement Parks

Jurassic World
Dinosaur theme park.

75Jurassic World Lagoon JURASSIC WORLD 2015 FilmBBBAmusementAmusement Attractions

Jurassic World Lagoon
Attraction at the Jurassic World theme park.

76JW001 Helicopter JURASSIC WORLD 2015 FilmBBBVehiclesAircrafts

JW001 Helicopter

77King LearTHE LOST WORLD: JURASSIC PARK 1997 FilmBBBCinemaMovies-Action

King Lear
Movie poster featuring Arnold Schwarzenegger at Blockbuster Video in San Diego.

78Kirby EnterprisesJURASSIC PARK III 2001 FilmBBBCorporationsEnterprises

Kirby Enterprises
The name of the company that Paul Kirby claims to own. He actually owns a company called Kirby Kitchen and Tile Plus.

79Kirby Kitchen and Tile PlusJURASSIC PARK III 2001 FilmBBBRetailHardware Stores

Kirby Kitchen and Tile Plus
Paul Kirby owns Kirby Kitchen and Tile Plus, although he tells Dr. Grant that he owns a large corporation called Kirby Enterprises.

80La Estrella JURASSIC WORLD 2015 FilmBBBVehiclesWatercrafts

La Estrella
The "Star" - Spanish carrack Nicolas de Huelva was on when he described seeing a "cloud island" - Isla Nublar- while mapping the western coast of Costa Rica.

81Les GigantesJURASSIC PARK 1990 LiteratureBBBDiningRestaurants-French

Les Gigantes
Name proposed for the three-star dining restaurant in Jurassic Park. It was located somewhere between the Dilophosaur and Triceratops Paddock, the restaurant's name was probably an allusion to these animals. Construction was said to begin in November of 1989, but never occurs. Chapter: the Tour/Control.

82Lost World of the DinosaursJURASSIC PARK 1990 LiteratureBBBLiteratureBooks-Misc

Lost World of the Dinosaurs
Timmy has Dr. Grant's book. Chapter: The Tour.

83M1JURASSIC CITY 2014 FilmBBBCorporationsTechnology Companies


84Margaritaville Isla Nublar JURASSIC WORLD 2015 FilmBBBDiningRestaurants-Mexican

Margaritaville Isla Nublar
Magaritaville is a real life chain restaurant, but there's not one on the island of Isla Nublar.

85Mascom Network JURASSIC WORLD 2015 FilmBBBCorporationsCommunications Companies

Mascom Network
An ambitious telecommunications network located in the heart of India.

86Masrani Energy JURASSIC WORLD 2015 FilmBBBCorporationsEnergy Companies

Masrani Energy
Today Masrani Energy powers an estimated 21% of the world's transportation sector - from automobiles, trucks and diesel trains to passenger aircraft. "Masrani Energy - Lighting your future."

87Masrani GlobalJURASSIC WORLD: FALLEN KINGDOM 2018 FilmBBBCorporationsCompanies

Masrani Global

88Masrani Global Corporation JURASSIC WORLD 2015 FilmBBBCorporationsCompanies

Masrani Global Corporation
Corporation that acquired InGen after John Hammond died and built Jurassic World.

89Masrani Oil JURASSIC WORLD 2015 FilmBBBCorporationsFuel Companies

Masrani Oil

90Medical Biologic ServicesJURASSIC PARK 1990 LiteratureBBBHealthcareMedical Services

Medical Biologic Services
Lab that Dr. Grant uses to grind up dinosaur bones that aren't museum quality and extract proteins. Chapter: The shore of the inland Sea.

91Medixal Health JURASSIC WORLD 2015 FilmBBBHealthcareMedical Companies

Medixal Health
Subsidiary of the Masrani Global Corporation.

92Miilipore Plastic ProductsJURASSIC PARK 1990 LiteratureBBBIndustrial CompaniesManufacturing

Miilipore Plastic Products
In 1987, InGen bought an obscure agribusiness company that patented a new plastic with the characteristics of an avian eggshell. Chapter: Target of Opportunity.

93MORO-12JURASSIC PARK 1990 LiteratureBBBWeaponsWeapons-misc

Inhalation nerve gas grenades... They reached the bottom of the stairs, and came upon rows of gas masks hanging on the wall, in plastic containers. They shone their flashlights deeper into the room and saw several heavy glass cubes, two feet high, with steel caps. Grant could see small dark spheres inside the cubes. It was like being in a room full of giant pepper mills, he thought. Muldoon opened the cap of one, reached in, and withdrew a sphere. He turned it in the light, frowning. "I'll be damned." "What is it?" Grant said. "MORO-12," Muldoon said. "It's an inhalation nerve gas. These are grenades. Lots and lots of grenades." Chapter: Under control.

94N.V. KobayashiJURASSIC PARK 1990 LiteratureBBBConstructionConstruction Companies

N.V. Kobayashi
Tokyo electrical firm listed on the plans that Hammond sends to Dr. Grant in Snakewater.

95National Science ObserverJURASSIC WORLD: FALLEN KINGDOM 2018 FilmBBBPeriodicalsNewspapers

National Science Observer
Newspaper featured on the promotional Dinosaur Protection Group website.

96The Next Step: An Evolution of God's Con... JURASSIC WORLD 2015 FilmBBBLiteratureBooks-Religious

The Next Step: An Evolution of God's Concepts
1995 book by Dr. Wu that includes his theory that with the right tools and research, he could bring brand new species into fruition by the combination of various species.

97Now This JURASSIC WORLD: DOMINION 2022 FilmBBBTelevisionTV-News Shows

Now This
News report that opens the movie called "Dinosaurs in the World".

98Patel Corp JURASSIC WORLD 2015 FilmBBBCorporationsCompanies

Patel Corp

99Phase One: Real WorldJURASSIC WORLD 2015 FilmBBBLiteraturePrinted Matter

Phase One: Real World
Jurassic World evacuation plan.

100Pteranodons LiveJURASSIC WORLD 2015 FilmBBBCinemaMovies-Documentary

Pteranodons Live
Attraction at Jurassic World. "See it in 3D and IMAX!"

101Pteratops LodgeJURASSIC PARK 1990 LiteratureBBBTravelLodging

Pteratops Lodge
The Pteratops Lodge was a treetop hotel that was going to be built high above the ground in the Aviary on Isla Nublar. Chapter: Aviary.

102Randler Shoulder LauncherJURASSIC PARK 1990 LiteratureBBBWeaponsWeapons-misc

Randler Shoulder Launcher
After a Velociraptor escaped from its enclosure and mauled a worker, Robert Muldoon insisted that lethal weapons be kept in the park in case of such dire situations. Such an occasion arose when Dennis Nedry shut off the power and the dinosaurs began to escape from their paddocks. In order to recapture one of the dinosaurs-one of the Tyrannosaurus, no less-Muldoon used a rocket launcher. Chapter: Big Rex/Control.

103S.S. VentureTHE LOST WORLD: JURASSIC PARK 1997 FilmBBBVehiclesWatercrafts

S.S. Venture
Freighter that transports the T. Rex to California, a tribute to the boat with the same name from King Kong.

104Safari LodgeJURASSIC PARK 1990 LiteratureBBBTravelLodging

Safari Lodge
The name of the hotel on the plans Hammond sends to Dr. Grant in Snakewater.

105Saw Ridge Cattle Co.JURASSIC WORLD: DOMINION 2022 FilmBBBFood IndustriesFood Companies

Saw Ridge Cattle Co.
Claire and her friends rescue a young triceratops from an illegal breeding farm in Nevada.

106Shepperton RogersJURASSIC PARK 1990 LiteratureBBBConstructionConstruction Companies

Shepperton Rogers
London Landscaping company listed on the plans that Hammond sends to Dr. Grant in Snakewater.

107Smelltown LEGO JURASSIC WORLD: LEGEND OF ISLA NUBLAR 2019 Animated SeriesBBBAmusementAmusement Parks

Simon Masrani mentions that visiting famous theme park critic Larson Mitchell gave bad reviews to several theme parks, which have since closed down, including Cheeseland, Smelltown, Tooth fairy Mountain and Euro-Cheeseland.

108SymbolicsJURASSIC PARK 1990 LiteratureBBBCorporationsTechnology Companies

Nedry consulted his friend Barney Fellows who worked at Symbolics.

109Tanius 6J JURASSIC WORLD 2015 FilmBBBTechnology ProductsCommunication Devices

Tanius 6J
Smart phone made by Mascom.

110Tanius 7 JURASSIC WORLD 2015 FilmBBBTechnology ProductsCommunication Devices

Tanius 7
Smart phone made by Mascom.

111Tatsuo Technology JURASSIC WORLD 2015 FilmBBBCorporationsTechnology Companies

Tatsuo Technology
Subsidiary of the Masrani Global Corporation.

112Tau Omega SigmaJURASSIC CITY 2014 FilmBBBEducationSororities

Tau Omega Sigma

113Tiger WorldJURASSIC PARK 1990 LiteratureBBBAmusementAmusement Parks

Tiger World
Indian wild animal preserve mentioned during review of Muldoon's past. Chapter: Big Rex.

114Timack Construction JURASSIC WORLD 2015 FilmBBBConstructionConstruction Companies

Timack Construction
Subsidiary of the Masrani Global Corporation.

115Tooth Fairy Mountain LEGO JURASSIC WORLD: LEGEND OF ISLA NUBLAR 2019 Animated SeriesBBBAmusementAmusement Parks

Tooth Fairy Mountain
Simon Masrani mentions that visiting famous theme park critic Larson Mitchell gave bad reviews to several theme parks, which have since closed down, including Cheeseland, Smelltown, Tooth fairy Mountain and Euro-Cheeseland.

116Treetop Gazers JURASSIC WORLD 2015 FilmBBBAmusementAmusement Attractions

Treetop Gazers
Future attraction coming to the Jurassic World theme park.

117Tsunami SunriseTHE LOST WORLD: JURASSIC PARK 1997 FilmBBBCinemaMovies

Tsunami Sunrise
Movie poster featuring Tom Hanks at Blockbuster Video in San Diego.

118Uncle Scribbly's Home for Wayward Squirr... LEGO JURASSIC WORLD: LEGEND OF ISLA NUBLAR 2019 Animated SeriesBBBPetsPet Services

Uncle Scribbly's Home for Wayward Squirrels
According to famous theme park critic Larson Mitchell, compares Jurassic World's safety issues to Uncle Scribbly's Home for Wayward Squirrels.

119VidconJURASSIC CITY 2014 FilmBBBCorporationsTechnology Companies


120Vidcon Satellite Relay System V.02AJURASSIC CITY 2014 FilmBBBComputersSoftware

Vidcon Satellite Relay System V.02A

121Westgate Shopping CenterJURASSIC PARK III 2001 FilmBBBRetailShopping Centers

Westgate Shopping Center
Home of Kirby Kitchen and Tile Plus.

122Winston's Steakhouse JURASSIC WORLD 2015 FilmBBBDiningSteakhouses

Winston's Steakhouse
The finest steaks on Isla Nublar in a formal setting. Named in honor of Stan Winston.

123June 12, 1982 JURASSIC WORLD: DOMINION 2022 FilmDates20th Century: 80sBirth Dates

June 12, 1982
Lowery Cruthers born.

124September 6, 1985 JURASSIC WORLD: DOMINION 2022 FilmDates20th Century: 80sBirth Dates

September 6, 1985
Vivian Krill born.

125May 2, 1986 JURASSIC WORLD: DOMINION 2022 FilmDates20th Century: 80sEvents

May 2, 1986
Date of video of Charlotte Lockwood that Henry Wu shows Maisie.

126June 26, 2007 JURASSIC WORLD: DOMINION 2022 FilmDates21st Century: 00sEvents

June 26, 2007
Date of video of Charlotte Lockwood that Henry Wu shows Maisie.

127February 10, 2009 JURASSIC WORLD: DOMINION 2022 FilmDates21st Century: 00sEvents

February 10, 2009
Date of video of Charlotte Lockwood that Henry Wu shows Maisie.

128June 7, 2012 LEGO JURASSIC WORLD: LEGEND OF ISLA NUBLAR 2019 Animated SeriesDates21st Century: 10sEvents

June 7, 2012
Theme park critic Larson Mitchell visits Jurassic World.

129March 10, 2019 JURASSIC WORLD: DOMINION 2022 FilmDates21st Century: 10sEvents

March 10, 2019
Date of video clip shown in the Now This Reports: Dinosaurs in the World video.

130Amaloya, Costa RicaJURASSIC PARK 1990 LiteratureMapUrban AreasCities

Amaloya, Costa Rica
Town in Costa Rica where a 9 year old was bitten in its foot by a Procompsognathus.

131Bahia Anasco, Costa RicaJURASSIC PARK 1990 LiteratureMapUrban AreasCities

Bahia Anasco, Costa Rica
Fisherman's village located on the west coast of Costa Rica. There is a small hospital where Ed Regis brings an injured worker.

132Big Rock National Park JURASSIC WORLD: DOMINION 2022 FilmMapNatureParks

Big Rock National Park
Park in Northern California where many dinosaurs relocated following the events of the previous movie.

133Boola-Boola LEGO JURASSIC WORLD: LEGEND OF ISLA NUBLAR 2019 Animated SeriesMapGeographic AreasIslands

When renowned explorer and treasure hunter Sinjin Prescott arrives at Jurassic World, he mentions not having seen a dust-up like this since the last salad fork of lower Slobovia, on the island of Boola-Boola.

134Egg HillJURASSIC PARK 1990 LiteratureMapNatureHills

Egg Hill
Dr. Grant's Dinosaur dig in Montana. Chapter: The Tour.

135Elkwood Detention FacilityJURASSIC CITY 2014 FilmMapDetention CentersCorrectional Facilities

Elkwood Detention Facility

136Farallon RoadJURASSIC PARK 1990 LiteratureMapTransit RoutesStreets-Roads

Farallon Road
Address for InGen in Palo Alto, California on copy of a check that Morris presents to Dr. Grant when he visits him in Snakewater. Chapter: The shore of the inland Sea.

137The Five Deaths / Las Cinco MuertesTHE LOST WORLD: JURASSIC PARK 1997 FilmMapGeographic AreasIslands

The Five Deaths / Las Cinco Muertes
Chain of five islands southwest of Costa Rica.

138Isla MatancerosTHE LOST WORLD: JURASSIC PARK 1997 FilmMapGeographic AreasIslands

Isla Matanceros
One of the islands in the Five Deaths island chain.

139Isla MuertaTHE LOST WORLD: JURASSIC PARK 1997 FilmMapGeographic AreasIslands

Isla Muerta
One of the islands in the Five Deaths island chain.

140Isla NublarLEGO JURASSIC WORLD: LEGEND OF ISLA NUBLAR 2019 Animated SeriesMapGeographic AreasIslands

Isla Nublar
The Jurassic World theme park is located on the island of Isla Nublar.

141Isla Nublar JURASSIC PARK 1993 FilmMapGeographic AreasIslands

Isla Nublar
Island on which Jurassic Park is located.

142Isla NublarTHE LOST WORLD: JURASSIC PARK 1997 FilmMapGeographic AreasIslands

Isla Nublar
Location of the now defunct Jurassic Park amusement park.

143Isla Nublar JURASSIC WORLD 2015 FilmMapGeographic AreasIslands

Isla Nublar
Remote island about 120 miles off the west coast of Costa Rica. The island was intended to be the site of the original Jurassic Park, a tourist attraction featuring living biological dinosaurs cloned from prehistoric DNA. Eventually the island became the home of the Jurassic World theme park.

144Isla Nublar JURASSIC WORLD: DOMINION 2022 FilmMapGeographic AreasIslands

Isla Nublar
Dinosaurs in the Biosyn Sanctuary were brought from both Isla Nublar - where the official parks were located, and Isla Sorna - also known as Site B.

145Isla NublarJURASSIC WORLD: CAMP CRETACEOUS 2020 Animated SeriesMapGeographic AreasIslands

Isla Nublar
Six teenagers are invited to the state of the art adventure camp Cretaceous Camp at the Jurassic World theme park on the island of Isla Nublar.

146Isla NublarJURASSIC PARK 1990 LiteratureMapGeographic AreasIslands

Isla Nublar
Island located 120 miles off the west coast of Costa Rica, site of Jurassic Park. Previously known as Cloud Island.

147Isla NublarJURASSIC WORLD: FALLEN KINGDOM 2018 FilmMapGeographic AreasIslands

Isla Nublar
Island, location of Jurassic Park and Jurassic World theme parks. Mentioned on the promotional Dinosaur Protection Group website: Interest in the animals skyrocketed, spiking when International Genetic Technologies InGen Founder John Hammond spoke during a television interview about working with the Costa Rican Department of Biological Preserves to establish a set of laws for the "preservation and isolation" of the animals on Islas Sorna and Nublar. This task-force joining the private and public sector brought about the now extinct Gene Guard Act.

148Isla PenaTHE LOST WORLD: JURASSIC PARK 1997 FilmMapGeographic AreasIslands

Isla Pena
One of the islands in the Five Deaths island chain.

149Isla SornaJURASSIC PARK III 2001 FilmMapGeographic AreasIslands

Isla Sorna
Island where the Jurassic Park dinosaurs were cloned.

150Isla SornaJURASSIC WORLD: DOMINION 2022 FilmMapGeographic AreasIslands

Isla Sorna
Dinosaurs in the Biosyn Sanctuary were brought from both Isla Nublar - where the official parks were located, and Isla Sorna - also known as Site B.

151Isla SornaTHE LOST WORLD: JURASSIC PARK 1997 FilmMapGeographic AreasIslands

Isla Sorna
One of the islands in the Five Deaths island chain. Isla Sonora is Site B, the second island where John Hammond's company, InGen, created dinosaurs.

152Isla SornaJURASSIC WORLD: FALLEN KINGDOM 2018 FilmMapGeographic AreasIslands

Isla Sorna
Island, also known as Site B, location of the original Jurassic Park research station. Mentioned on the promotional Dinosaur Protection Group website: Interest in the animals skyrocketed, spiking when International Genetic Technologies InGen Founder John Hammond spoke during a television interview about working with the Costa Rican Department of Biological Preserves to establish a set of laws for the "preservation and isolation" of the animals on Islas Sorna and Nublar. This task-force joining the private and public sector brought about the now extinct Gene Guard Act.

153Isla TacanoTHE LOST WORLD: JURASSIC PARK 1997 FilmMapGeographic AreasIslands

Isla Tacano
One of the islands in the Five Deaths island chain.

154The Ismaloya MountainsJURASSIC PARK 1990 LiteratureMapNatureMountains

The Ismaloya Mountains
Mountains where a group of dinosaurs, that were escaped from the Park, appeared.

155Lockwood ManorJURASSIC WORLD: FALLEN KINGDOM 2018 FilmMapStructuresMansions

Lockwood Manor
John Hammond's business partner Benjamin Lockwood's estate.

156M1 Command CenterJURASSIC CITY 2014 FilmMapStructuresCenters

M1 Command Center

157Mano De Dios JURASSIC PARK 1993 FilmMapNatureNatural Areas

Mano De Dios
A mine in the Dominican Republic where fossilized mosquitoes trapped in amber are mined.

158Mount Hammond / Mount SiboJURASSIC WORLD: FALLEN KINGDOM 2018 FilmMapNatureMountains

Mount Hammond / Mount Sibo
Mountain/Volcano on Isla Nublar mentioned on the promotional Dinosaur Protection Group website: Mount Sibo or as some of the InGen employees like to call it, "Mount Hammond" is located toward the north end of the island and is building towards an inevitable eruption. With the impending event being the focus of most media coverage, many tend to overlook the devastating effects volcanic activity will have on the island in the days prior to the eruption.

159Mount Sibo JURASSIC WORLD 2015 FilmMapNatureMountains

Mount Sibo
An estimated 35% of the power on Isla Nublar is solar-powered, with the other 65% being powered by geo-thermal energy produced from the activity of Mount Sibo in the north of the island. Jurassic World ensures that clean sources of energy are used with low emissions.

160Mt. Sibo JURASSIC WORLD: DOMINION 2022 FilmMapNatureMountains

Mt. Sibo
Isla Nublar's long dormant volcano, shown erupting in historical news footage.

161Puerta SotreroJURASSIC PARK 1990 LiteratureMapUrban AreasCities

Puerta Sotrero
Town in Costa Rica where a baby is bitten by a Compy in its sleep.

162Puerto CortesJURASSIC PARK 1990 LiteratureMapUrban AreasCities

Puerto Cortes
Town in Costa Rica.

163RojasJURASSIC PARK 1990 LiteratureMapGeographic AreasTerritories

Territory which covers the most southern 80 kilometers of the west coast of Costa Rica. On the beach of this territory Martin "Marty" Guitierrez and Richard Levine examine the corpse of an Ornitholestes.

164The Schwarz Dam JURASSIC WORLD 2015 FilmMapStructuresBuildings

The Schwarz Dam
Hyrdroelectric dam In Germany that was recently acquired by Masrani's Alternative Energies division. Supplies energy with an incredible 2,000MW capacity.

165Slobovia LEGO JURASSIC WORLD: LEGEND OF ISLA NUBLAR 2019 Animated SeriesMapGeographic AreasTerritories

When renowned explorer and treasure hunter Sinjin Prescott arrives at Jurassic World, he mentions not having seen a dust-up like this since the last salad fork of lower Slobovia, on the island of Boola-Boola.

166Snakewater JURASSIC PARK 1993 FilmMapUrban AreasCities-U.S.

City in Montana. In both the Jurassic Park novel and its film adaption Alan Grant and Ellie Sattler worked on a paleontological dig site located just outside the city in the badlands.

167SnakewaterJURASSIC PARK 1990 LiteratureMapUrban AreasCities-U.S.

City in Montana. In both the Jurassic Park novel and its film adaption Alan Grant and Ellie Sattler worked on a paleontological dig site located just outside the city in the badlands.

168VasquezJURASSIC PARK 1990 LiteratureMapUrban AreasCities

Town in Costa Rica where a baby is bitten by a Compy in its sleep.

169Blue's baby's name.JURASSIC WORLD: DOMINION 2022 FilmOtherTriviaName Game

Blue's baby's name.

170CarnoraptorLEGO JURASSIC WORLD: THE INDOMINUS ESCAPE 2016 Animated FilmOtherLiving ThingsAnimals

New hybrid dinosaur created using InGen's patented gene-splicing DNA, from combining a velociraptor and a carnotaurus.

171Central Saurian EncephalitisJURASSIC PARK 1990 LiteratureOtherMedical ConditionsDiseases

Central Saurian Encephalitis
CSE. Disease that was one of several viral diseases that lizards could transmit to man. It caused sleeping sickness in humans and horses. Marty Guitierrez was worried that the strange lizards that had been attacking children might be transmitting a disease similar to this one. Chapter: The Shape of the Data.

172Claire DearingJURASSIC WORLD 2015 FilmOtherQuotesQuotes

Claire Dearing
Claire Dearing: He's scared! It's okay to lie when people are scared!

173Claire DearingJURASSIC WORLD 2015 FilmOtherQuotesQuotes

Claire Dearing
Claire Dearing: You are not in control here!

174Claire DearingJURASSIC WORLD: DOMINION 2022 FilmOtherQuotesQuotes

Claire Dearing
Claire Dearing: You're the only you who ever was.

175Claire Dearing & Kayla WattsJURASSIC WORLD: DOMINION 2022 FilmOtherQuotesQuotes

Claire Dearing & Kayla Watts
Claire Dearing: Pull over.
Kayla Watts: That's not how planes work.

176Claire Dearing & Owen GradyJURASSIC WORLD 2015 FilmOtherQuotesQuotes

Claire Dearing & Owen Grady
Claire Dearing: You're a better man than you think you are.
Owen Grady: You should write fortune cookies.

177Doyle McMarrenJURASSIC CITY 2014 FilmOtherCriminalsSerial Killers

Doyle McMarren

178Doyouthinkhesaurus JURASSIC PARK 1993 FilmOtherLiving ThingsAnimals

Tim's joke after they escape from the T. Rex: "What do you call a blind dinosaur?"

179Doyouthinkhesaurus Rex JURASSIC PARK 1993 FilmOtherLiving ThingsAnimals

Doyouthinkhesaurus Rex
Tim's joke after they escape from the T. Rex: "What do you call a blind dinosaur's dog?"

180Dr. Alan GrantJURASSIC PARK III 2001 FilmOtherQuotesQuotes

Dr. Alan Grant
Dr. Alan Grant: Run.

181Dr. Alan GrantJURASSIC PARK III 2001 FilmOtherQuotesQuotes

Dr. Alan Grant
Dr. Alan Grant: Reverse Darwinism. Survival of the most idiotic.

182Dr. Alan Grant JURASSIC PARK III 2001 FilmOtherQuotesQuotes

Dr. Alan Grant
Dr. Alan Grant: You're no better than the guys that built this place.

183Dr. Ian MalcolmJURASSIC WORLD: DOMINION 2022 FilmOtherQuotesQuotes

Dr. Ian Malcolm
Dr. Ian Malcolm: As they say, it's always darkest before eternal nothingness.

184Dr. Ian MalcolmJURASSIC WORLD: DOMINION 2022 FilmOtherQuotesQuotes

Dr. Ian Malcolm
Dr. Ian Malcolm: We not only lack dominion over nature, we are subordinate to it.

185Eddie CarrTHE LOST WORLD: JURASSIC PARK 1997 FilmOtherQuotesQuotes

Eddie Carr
Eddie Carr: I loaded it with enhanced venom from Conus purpurascens: South Sea cone shell. Most powerful neurotoxin in the world. Acts within 0.002 of a second. Faster than nerve-conduction velocity. So the animal's down before it even feels the dart.

186Ellie SattlerJURASSIC PARK 1993 FilmOtherQuotesQuotes

Ellie Sattler
Ellie Sattler: I was overwhelmed by the power of this place, but I made a mistake, too. I didn't have enough respect for that power and it's out now. The only thing that matters now are the people we love: Alan and Lex and Tim. John, they're out there where people are dying.

187Eric KirbyJURASSIC PARK III 2001 FilmOtherQuotesQuotes

Eric Kirby
Eric Kirby: I survived for two months on my own, I think I can handle two minutes without you.

188Gamma-amino Methionine HydrolaseJURASSIC PARK 1990 LiteratureOtherMatterSubstances

Gamma-amino Methionine Hydrolase
Protein found in the saliva of Procompsognathus. It is a marker for genetic engineering. Chapter: The Shape of the Data.

189Henry WuJURASSIC WORLD 2015 FilmOtherQuotesQuotes

Henry Wu
Henry Wu: You are acting like we are engaged in some kind of mad science but we are doing what we have done from the beginning. Nothing in Jurassic World is natural! We have always filled gaps in the genomes with the DNA of other animals and if their genetic code was pure many of them would look quite different but you didn't ask for reality, you asked for more teeth!

190Henry WuJURASSIC WORLD 2015 FilmOtherQuotesQuotes

Henry Wu
Henry Wu: Monster is a relative term. To a canary, a cat is a monster. We're just used to being the cat.

191Hexapod Allies ProgramJURASSIC WORLD: DOMINION 2022 FilmOtherPlansPrograms

Hexapod Allies Program
Biosyn Genetics enhanced locust program.

192Ian MalcolmJURASSIC PARK 1993 FilmOtherQuotesQuotes

Ian Malcolm
Ian Malcolm: Must go faster.

193Ian MalcolmJURASSIC PARK 1993 FilmOtherQuotesQuotes

Ian Malcolm
Ian Malcolm: I'll tell you the problem with the scientific power that you're using here: it didn't require any discipline to attain it. You read what others had done and you took the next step. You didn't earn the knowledge for yourselves, so you don't take any responsibility for it. You stood on the shoulders of geniuses to accomplish something as fast as you could and before you even knew what you had you patented it and packaged it and slapped it on a plastic lunchbox, and now you're selling it, you want to sell it!

194Ian MalcolmJURASSIC PARK 1993 FilmOtherQuotesQuotes

Ian Malcolm
Ian Malcolm: There. Look at this. See? See? I'm right again. Nobody could've predicted that Dr. Grant would suddenly, suddenly jump out of a moving vehicle. There's, another example. See, here I'm now by myself, uh, er, talking to myself. That's, that's chaos theory.

195Ian MalcolmJURASSIC PARK 1993 FilmOtherQuotesQuotes

Ian Malcolm
Ian Malcolm: I'm fairly alarmed here.

196Ian MalcolmTHE LOST WORLD: JURASSIC PARK 1997 FilmOtherQuotesQuotes

Ian Malcolm
Ian Malcolm: Oh yeah ooh and ahh, that's how it all starts, and then later, there's running, and screaming.

197Ian Malcolm JURASSIC PARK 1993 FilmOtherQuotesQuotes

Ian Malcolm
Ian Malcolm: I'm always on the lookout for the next ex-Mrs. Malcolm.

198Ian MalcolmJURASSIC PARK 1993 FilmOtherQuotesQuotes

Ian Malcolm
Ian Malcolm: God creates dinosaurs. God destroys dinosaurs. God creates man. Man destroys God. Man creates dinosaurs.

199Ian MalcolmTHE LOST WORLD: JURASSIC PARK 1997 FilmOtherQuotesQuotes

Ian Malcolm
Ian Malcolm: So you went from capitalist to naturalist is just four years, that's... something.

200Ian MalcolmJURASSIC PARK 1993 FilmOtherQuotesQuotes

Ian Malcolm
Ian Malcolm: The complete lack of humility for nature that's being displayed here is staggering.

201Ian Malcolm JURASSIC PARK 1993 FilmOtherQuotesQuotes

Ian Malcolm
Ian Malcolm: Now that's one big pile of shit.

202Indominus Rex JURASSIC WORLD 2015 FilmOtherLiving ThingsAnimals

Indominus Rex
A hybrid dinosaur - part T-Rex, Velociraptor, Cuttlefish and Tree Frog. "Verizon Wireless presents the Indominus Rex."

203Indominus RexJURASSIC WORLD: FALLEN KINGDOM 2018 FilmOtherLiving ThingsAnimals

Indominus Rex

204Indominus RexLEGO JURASSIC WORLD: THE INDOMINUS ESCAPE 2016 Animated FilmOtherLiving ThingsAnimals

Indominus Rex
New hybrid dinosaur at Jurassic World.

205IndoraptorJURASSIC WORLD: FALLEN KINGDOM 2018 FilmOtherLiving ThingsAnimals

New hybrid dinosaur.

206John HammondJURASSIC PARK 1993 FilmOtherQuotesQuotes

John Hammond
John Hammond: All major theme parks have delays. When they opened Disneyland in 1956, nothing worked.

207John Hammond's middle name.JURASSIC WORLD 2015 FilmOtherTriviaName Game

John Hammond's middle name.

208Jurabbit World JURASSIC WORLD 2015 FilmOtherPollsPolls

Jurabbit World
After the spectacular disaster of the Jurassic World theme park, InGen decides that their next theme park will feature rabbits instead of dinosaurs. Which one of their exhibits may not go according to plan this time?
The White Rabbit (Alice in Wonderland)
Pink Nightmare Ralphie Parker (A Christmas Story)
Frank (Donnie Darko)
Greg (Greg the Bunny)
Harvey (Harvey)
The Pink Berets (Hop)
The Rabbit of Caerbannog (Monty Python and the Holy Grail)
The Rabbits (Night of the Lepus)
Playboy Bunnies (Playboy)
Honey Bunny (Pulp Fiction)
Jaxxon (Star Wars)
Silly Rabbit (Trix)
The Were-Rabbit (Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit)
The Rabbits of the Sandleford Warren (Watership Down)
Roger Rabbit (Who Framed Roger Rabbit)
Judy Hopps (Zootopia)

209Jurassic Pork JURASSIC PARK 1993 FilmOtherPollsPolls

Jurassic Pork
After the spectacular disaster of the Jurassic Park theme park, InGen decides that their next theme park will feature pigs instead of dinosaurs. Which one of their exhibits may not go according to plan this time?
Bad Piggies (The Angry Birds Movie)
Babe (Babe)
War Pigs (Black Sabbath)
Wilbur (Charlotte's Web)
Waddles (Gravity Falls)
Pigs in Zen (Jane's Addiction)
Pumbaa (The Lion King)
Porky Pig (Looney Tunes)
Pua (Moana)
Miss Piggy (The Muppets)
Pigoons (Oryx and Crake)
Peppa Pig and her family (Peppa Pig)
3 Little Pigs (Shrek the Third)
Plopper (Spider-Pig) (The Simpsons)
Pigs from Brick Top’s Pig Farm (Snatch)
Spider-Ham (Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse)
Hamm / Evil Doctor Porkchop (Toy Story)
Piglet (Winnie the Pooh)

210The Last Salad Fork of Lower Slobovia LEGO JURASSIC WORLD: LEGEND OF ISLA NUBLAR 2019 Animated SeriesOtherArtifactsArchaeological Artifacts

The Last Salad Fork of Lower Slobovia
When renowned explorer and treasure hunter Sinjin Prescott arrives at Jurassic World, he mentions not having seen a dust-up like this since the last salad fork of lower Slobovia, on the island of Boola-Boola.

211Lewis DodgsonJURASSIC WORLD: DOMINION 2022 FilmOtherQuotesQuotes

Lewis Dodgson
Lewis Dodgson: At Biosyn, we're dedicated to the idea that dinosaurs can teach us more about ourselves.

212LexJURASSIC PARK 1993 FilmOtherQuotesQuotes

Lex: I am not a computer nerd. I prefer to be called a hacker!

213Lowery JURASSIC WORLD 2015 FilmOtherQuotesQuotes

Lowery: That is so terrible. Why not just go the distance, Claire, and just let these corporations name the dinosaurs? They've got all the ballparks. Why stop there? Pepsi-saurus, or Tostito-don.

214The Lysine ContingencyJURASSIC PARK 1993 FilmOtherMiscellaneousTechniques

The Lysine Contingency
Ray Arnold: "The lysine contingency is intended to prevent the spread of the animals in case they ever got off the island. Dr. Wu inserted a gene that creates a single faulty enzyme in protein metabolism. The animals can't manufacture the amino acid lysine. Unless they're continually supplied with lysine by us, they'll slip into a coma and die."

215MeatosaurusJURASSIC PARK 1993 FilmOtherLiving ThingsAnimals

Lex's nickname for carnivorous dinosaurs.

216Nublar Tufted Deer JURASSIC WORLD 2015 FilmOtherLiving ThingsAnimals

Nublar Tufted Deer
Two foot tall mammal native to the island of Isla Nublar.

217Pale Trout JURASSIC PARK 1990 LiteratureOtherLiving ThingsAnimals

Pale Trout
New variation of trout that were easier to see but sometimes died of sunburn and had soggy tasteless flesh, engineered by Biosyn. Chapter: Target of Opportunity.

218Paul KirbyJURASSIC PARK III 2001 FilmOtherQuotesQuotes

Paul Kirby
Paul Kirby: Let's go home.

219Pepsi-saurus JURASSIC WORLD 2015 FilmOtherLiving ThingsAnimals

Joke Lowery makes: That is so terrible. Why not just go the distance, Claire, and just let these corporations name the dinosaurs? They've got all the ballparks. Why stop there? Pepsi-saurus, or Tostito-don.

220Robert Muldoon JURASSIC PARK 1993 FilmOtherQuotesQuotes

Robert Muldoon
Robert Muldoon: Clever girl.

221Sponsor JURASSIC WORLD: DOMINION 2022 FilmOtherThemesBillboard


222TaglineJURASSIC PARK III 2001 FilmOtherQuotesQuotes

Tagline: You know how the dream started. You know how the fantasy ended. Time to evolve from point A to site B. Get ready for the Evolution of Adventure.

223TaglineJURASSIC PARK III 2001 FilmOtherQuotesQuotes

Tagline: This Time It's Not Just A Walk In The Park!

224TaglineJURASSIC PARK III 2001 FilmOtherQuotesQuotes

Tagline: Something Unexpected Has Evolved.

225TaglineJURASSIC PARK III 2001 FilmOtherQuotesQuotes

Tagline: Evolution of Adventure!

226TaglineJURASSIC PARK III 2001 FilmOtherQuotesQuotes

Tagline: Dream. Fantasy. Destruction. Evolution of Adventure.

227TeenysaurusJURASSIC PARK 1990 LiteratureOtherLiving ThingsAnimals

Name Alice Levin uses to describe the smaller dinosaurs that existed. Chapter: The Shape of the Data.

228Tostito-don JURASSIC WORLD 2015 FilmOtherLiving ThingsAnimals

Joke Lowery makes: That is so terrible. Why not just go the distance, Claire, and just let these corporations name the dinosaurs? They've got all the ballparks. Why stop there? Pepsi-saurus, or Tostito-don.

229Untitled JURASSIC WORLD 2015 FilmOtherThemesWall v1, The


230Untitled JURASSIC PARK 1993 FilmOtherThemesShield, The


231Untitled JURASSIC PARK 1993 FilmOtherThemes3-D


232Untitled JURASSIC WORLD 2015 FilmOtherThemesPleasantville


233Untitled JURASSIC PARK 1993 FilmOtherThemesBeast


234Untitled JURASSIC WORLD: DOMINION 2022 FilmOtherThemesWolf


235Untitled JURASSIC WORLD 2015 FilmOtherThemesDiff|rent Strokes


236Untitled JURASSIC PARK III 2001 FilmOtherThemesSingles


237Untitled JURASSIC PARK 1993 FilmOtherThemesPleasantville


238Untitled JURASSIC PARK 1993 FilmOtherThemesMouth of Madness


239Untitled JURASSIC PARK 1990 LiteratureOtherThemesSingles


240Untitled JURASSIC PARK 1993 FilmOtherThemes3-D


241VeggiesaurusJURASSIC PARK 1993 FilmOtherLiving ThingsAnimals

Tim's nickname for the Brachiosaur.

242Which actor was injured by the Spinosaur...JURASSIC PARK III 2001 FilmOtherTriviaQuestions

Which actor was injured by the Spinosaurus during filming?
William H. Macy
Tea Leoni
Sam Neill

243Wu Flower JURASSIC WORLD 2015 FilmOtherLiving ThingsFlowers

Wu Flower

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