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Total Records: 47 - Group: OTHER / Category: PLANS / Subcategory: PROGRAMS
Record Name
1The Agent ProgramHITMAN: AGENT 47 2015 FilmPlansPrograms

The Agent Program
Purpose: create the perfect killing machine.

2Amnesty Program STAR WARS: THE MANDALORIAN 2019 TV SeriesPlansPrograms

Amnesty Program
Dr. Pershing is accepted into the Amnesty Program, now residing on Coruscant in Amnesty Housing.

3The Avatar ProgramAVATAR 2009 FilmPlansPrograms

The Avatar Program
Program that enabled the humans to explore the remote and hostile environment of Pandora without endangering human life.

4Bio-Enhancement Super Soldier Program CONTINUUM 2012 TV SeriesPlansPrograms

Bio-Enhancement Super Soldier Program
Program from multiple episodes.

5The Black Box Program THE WALKING DEAD 2010 TV SeriesPlansPrograms

The Black Box Program
Secret initiative, part of the Human Genome Project - according to Eugene.

6Buddy System 21 JUMP STREET 1987 TV SeriesPlansPrograms

Buddy System
School program - a mainstreaming experiment at Patrick Henry High School that pairs mentally disabled kids with underprivileged kids. The two of them do everything together. The idea is to give the underprivileged kid a sense of responsibility and the mentally challenged kid a sense of fitting in.

7CIa Ultra ProgramAMERICAN ULTRA 2015 FilmPlansPrograms

CIa Ultra Program

8The Citizen Plus Program BACK TO THE FUTURE: THE GAME 2010 Video GamesPlansPrograms

The Citizen Plus Program

9The Diogenes Program MAX HEADROOM 1987 TV SeriesPlansPrograms

The Diogenes Program
Network 23 project Theora calls Bryce about.

10Federal Survivor Retention ProgramSURVIVOR 1999 LiteraturePlansPrograms

Federal Survivor Retention Program
Government program created to protect the members of the Creedish Church that were not present when the rest of the church committed mass suicide during The Deliverance.

11Hexapod Allies ProgramJURASSIC WORLD: DOMINION 2022 FilmPlansPrograms

Hexapod Allies Program
Biosyn Genetics enhanced locust program.

12The High Frequency Active Aurora Researc...G.I. JOE: RESOLUTE 2009 Animated FilmPlansPrograms

The High Frequency Active Aurora Research Program
Cobra Commander seizes control of the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program array, also known as HAARP, which superheats the ionosphere.

13International Superhero Exchange Program THE TICK 1994 Animated SeriesPlansPrograms

International Superhero Exchange Program
Superhero exchange program.

14KAO Program PHILIP K. DICK'S ELECTRIC DREAMS 2017 TV SeriesPlansPrograms

KAO Program
KAO = Kill All Others. Government program to route "Others" out of the system, that roots out Philbert Noyce.

15The Lazarus ProgramINTERSTELLAR 2014 FilmPlansPrograms

The Lazarus Program
NASA project. Twelve landing pods sent to twelve potentially habitable planets which could sustain human life.

16The Nemesis Program RESIDENT EVIL 2002 FilmPlansPrograms

The Nemesis Program
Scientific experiment conducted by The Umbrella Corporation.

17The Neuro-Cybernaut ProgramDEAD AT 21 1994 TV SeriesPlansPrograms

The Neuro-Cybernaut Program
Program that inserts a microchip in your brain that increases your intelligence, but will eventually kill you at a young age.

18No Pants Pulled from Behinds BOB'S BURGERS 2011 Animated SeriesPlansPrograms

No Pants Pulled from Behinds
National school program that Mr. Frond mentions justifying her in-school suspension after she pulls down the pants of the boy that took Pocket Sized Rudy's lunch: Knowing the O'Brien brothers, that's probably true, Louise, but Wagstaff has a zero tolerance pantsing policy. We're part of a national program called No Pants Pulled Off Behinds. Your actions were not appropriate. Parody of No Child Left Behind.

19Population Redistribution and Eliminatio...SUPER FLAT TIMES: STORIES 2003 LiteraturePlansPrograms

Population Redistribution and Elimination Program
An effort to contain and manage regional population and to maintain significant racial attributes solely Through its weekly instructional radio hour.

20Program Indigo COUNTERPART 2017 TV SeriesPlansPrograms

Program Indigo
Black Ops program originating in Dimension Two and aimed at exerting influence over Dimension One. Children are chosen and taught to hate Dimension One and to blame them for The Flu that killed off 7% of the human population in Dimension Two.

21Program: Able Danger PERSON OF INTEREST 2011 TV SeriesPlansPrograms

Program: Able Danger
NSA Program. Machine number and former NSA employee Arthur Claypool mentions several NSA program names, while others flash across the screen.

22Program: Bullrun PERSON OF INTEREST 2011 TV SeriesPlansPrograms

Program: Bullrun
NSA Program. Machine number and former NSA employee Arthur Claypool mentions several NSA program names, while others flash across the screen.

23Program: Fairview PERSON OF INTEREST 2011 TV SeriesPlansPrograms

Program: Fairview
NSA Program. Machine number and former NSA employee Arthur Claypool mentions several NSA program names, while others flash across the screen.

24Program: Futuremap PERSON OF INTEREST 2011 TV SeriesPlansPrograms

Program: Futuremap
NSA Program. Machine number and former NSA employee Arthur Claypool mentions several NSA program names, while others flash across the screen.

25Program: Genoa PERSON OF INTEREST 2011 TV SeriesPlansPrograms

Program: Genoa
NSA Program. Machine number and former NSA employee Arthur Claypool mentions several NSA program names, while others flash across the screen.

26Program: Genoa II PERSON OF INTEREST 2011 TV SeriesPlansPrograms

Program: Genoa II
NSA Program. Machine number and former NSA employee Arthur Claypool mentions several NSA program names, while others flash across the screen.

27Program: Genysis PERSON OF INTEREST 2011 TV SeriesPlansPrograms

Program: Genysis
NSA Program. Machine number and former NSA employee Arthur Claypool mentions several NSA program names, while others flash across the screen.

28Program: Prism PERSON OF INTEREST 2011 TV SeriesPlansPrograms

Program: Prism
NSA Program. Machine number and former NSA employee Arthur Claypool mentions several NSA program names, while others flash across the screen.

29Program: Samaritan PERSON OF INTEREST 2011 TV SeriesPlansPrograms

Program: Samaritan
Classified project that machine number and former NSA employee Arthur Claypool worked on, shuttered in 2005.

30Program: Stellar Wind PERSON OF INTEREST 2011 TV SeriesPlansPrograms

Program: Stellar Wind
NSA Program. Machine number and former NSA employee Arthur Claypool mentions several NSA program names, while others flash across the screen.

31Program: Thinthread PERSON OF INTEREST 2011 TV SeriesPlansPrograms

Program: Thinthread
NSA Program. Machine number and former NSA employee Arthur Claypool mentions several NSA program names, while others flash across the screen.

32Program: Tides PERSON OF INTEREST 2011 TV SeriesPlansPrograms

Program: Tides
NSA Program. Machine number and former NSA employee Arthur Claypool mentions several NSA program names, while others flash across the screen.

33Program: Trailblazer PERSON OF INTEREST 2011 TV SeriesPlansPrograms

Program: Trailblazer
NSA Program. Machine number and former NSA employee Arthur Claypool mentions several NSA program names, while others flash across the screen.

34Real Punks Don't Flunk BOB'S BURGERS 2011 Animated SeriesPlansPrograms

Real Punks Don't Flunk
Wagstaff school program that Linda mentions: Last month, one of the other parents came up with an after-school tutoring program. She called it Real Punks Don't Flunk. Joanne took her out to breakfast to talk it over, and the next thing you know, all the punks are getting A's.

35Robocop Program ROBOCOP 1987 FilmPlansPrograms

Robocop Program
Program developed at Security Concepts, subsidiary of Omni Consumer Products, to create a cyborg police officer.

36RUMP BOB'S BURGERS 2011 Animated SeriesPlansPrograms

When Tina twists her ankle, Mr. Frond enlists her to participate in a tech company pilot program: Recently, we were approached by a tech company, Yo 'Botics Robotics. They're looking for a student to participate in a robotic mobility pilot program, or RUMP for short.

37The Sentinel ProgramX-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST 2014 FilmPlansPrograms

The Sentinel Program
Bolivar Trask's program to create killer robots with a mutant gene detection system.

38Shipmaster Qualification Program THE ORVILLE 2017 TV SeriesPlansPrograms

Shipmaster Qualification Program
Gordon expresses interest in taking the Union Command test.

39Toughguy ProgramAMERICAN ULTRA 2015 FilmPlansPrograms

Toughguy Program
CIA program.

40The Trinity Program SLIDERS 1995 TV SeriesPlansPrograms

The Trinity Program
On the asteroid world, the first test of a nuclear device was a failure.

41The Triple X ProgramXXX 2002 FilmPlansPrograms

The Triple X Program

42The Triple X ProgramXXX 2: STATE OF THE UNION 2005 FilmPlansPrograms

The Triple X Program

43The Triple X ProgramXXX: THE RETURN OF XANDER CAGE 2017 FilmPlansPrograms

The Triple X Program

44The Ultron ProgramAVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON 2015 FilmPlansPrograms

The Ultron Program
Tony's failed project to create A.I. - until the introduction of Loki's scepter.

45Wellspring Program TRUE DETECTIVE 2014 TV SeriesPlansPrograms

Wellspring Program
Rust and Marty's investigation leads them to the Friends of Christ Revival church group, an organization associated with Tuttle Ministries, a religious organization whose tuition reimbursement program The Wellspring Program funded several religious schools including Light of the Way and Queen of Angels.

46Winter Soldier ProgramBLACK WIDOW 2020 FilmPlansPrograms

Winter Soldier Program
Melina mentions.

47Wiseman ProgramAMERICAN ULTRA 2015 FilmPlansPrograms

Wiseman Program
CIA program.

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