Total Records: 1 - Medium: LITERATURE / Group: BBB / Category: WEAPONS / Subcategory: MISCELLANEOUS WEAPONS
Record Name
1MORO-12JURASSIC PARK 1990 LiteratureWeaponsMiscellaneous Weapons

Inhalation nerve gas grenades... They reached the bottom of the stairs, and came upon rows of gas masks hanging on the wall, in plastic containers. They shone their flashlights deeper into the room and saw several heavy glass cubes, two feet high, with steel caps. Grant could see small dark spheres inside the cubes. It was like being in a room full of giant pepper mills, he thought. Muldoon opened the cap of one, reached in, and withdrew a sphere. He turned it in the light, frowning. "I'll be damned." "What is it?" Grant said. "MORO-12," Muldoon said. "It's an inhalation nerve gas. These are grenades. Lots and lots of grenades." Chapter: Under control.

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