Film 2014. Written by Wes Anderson. Directed by Wes Anderson. Starring Ralph Fiennes, F. Murray Abraham, Mathieu Amalric, Adrien Brody, Willem Dafoe, Jeff Goldblum, Harvey Keitel, Jude Law, Bill Murray, Edward Norton, Saoirse Ronan, Jason Schwartzman, Lea Seydoux, Tilda Swinton, Tom Wilkinson, Owen Wilson, Tony Revolori.
Source Features: BBB (43) TIMELINE (12) MAP (18) OTHER (10) THEMES (3)

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Total Records: 83 - Medium: FILM
Record Name
1Akademie Zubrowka High-Mountain Observat... BBBEntertainmentMuseums

Akademie Zubrowka High-Mountain Observatory
Located in the Zubrowkan Alps.

2Boy with Apple BBBArtsPaintings

Boy with Apple
The painting by Johannes van Hoytl that Madame Desgoffe bequeaths to Gustave - "Hoytl's portrayal of a beautiful boy on the cusp of manhood. Blond, smooth. Skin as white as that milk."

3Cathedral of Santa MariaBBBReligionChurches

Cathedral of Santa Maria
Church located in Brucknerplatz.

4Chateau Luxe BBBTravelLodging

Chateau Luxe
The Society Of Crossed Keys: Ivan at the Excelsior Palace calls Monsieur Georges at the Chateau Luxe.

5Chez Dominique BBBDiningRestaurants-French

Chez Dominique
While Gustave is on the phone waiting for the Excelsior Hotel after escaping from prison, he asks Zero: "How does one secure a corner table at Chez Dominique on a Thursday?"

6The Continental Drift BBBPeriodicalsNewspapers

The Continental Drift
"Voice of free Europa"

7Courtesan Au ChocolatBBBFood ProductsCandy

Courtesan Au Chocolat
Pastry available at Mendl's Bakery.

8Daily Fact BBBPeriodicalsNewspapers

Daily Fact

9Dr. Wolfgang Henckels-Bergersdorfer BBBHealthcareDoctors

Dr. Wolfgang Henckels-Bergersdorfer
Edward Norton's police inspector character A.J. Henckels on the train says he is the son of Dr. and Mrs. Wolfgang Henckels-Bergersdorfer.

10The Excelsior Palace BBBTravelLodging

The Excelsior Palace
The Society Of Crossed Keys: Hotel in Baden-Jurgen Gustave calls after escaping from prison.

11Fuelitz BBBRetailGas Stations

Gas station where Joplin stops for gas on his way to the monastery to kill the butler Serge X.

12Gabelmeister's Peak Winter Games BBBEventsSporting Events

Gabelmeister's Peak Winter Games
Site of chase scene when Gustave and Zero are chasing Joplin from the monastery.

13The Grand Alpine Restaurant BBBDiningRestaurants-Misc

The Grand Alpine Restaurant
Main dining room at the Grand Budapest.

14Grand Budapest Hotel [book] BBBLiteratureBooks-Misc

Grand Budapest Hotel [book]
Author played by Tom Wilkinson.

15Grand Budapest Hotel [hotel] BBBTravelHotels

Grand Budapest Hotel [hotel]
"a picturesque, elaborate, and once widely celebrated establishment."

16Hotel Berlitz BBBTravelHotels

Hotel Berlitz
Hotel where Zero worked for three months prior to the Grand Budapest Hotel.

17Hotel Cote Du Cap BBBTravelHotels

Hotel Cote Du Cap
The Society Of Crossed Keys: Monsieur Dino at the Palazzo Principessa calls Monsieur Robin at Hotel Cote du Cap.

18Hotel Kinski BBBTravelHotels

Hotel Kinski
Hotel where Zero worked for six months prior to the Grand Budapest Hotel.

19Hotel Lutz BBBTravelHotels

Hotel Lutz
Key on memorial.

20J.G.Jopling, Esq. BBBServicesPrivate Investigation

J.G.Jopling, Esq.
Private Inquiry Agent.

21Kovacs & Associates BBBLegal AidLaw Firms

Kovacs & Associates
Deputy Kovacs is the executor of the Madame Desgoffe's estate.

22Kunst Museum BBBEntertainmentMuseums

Kunst Museum
Jopling follows Deputy Kovacs to the Kunst Museum, where he cuts off his fingers and kills him.

23Lutz Express BBBTransportationTaxicabs

Lutz Express

24Lutz Lux Cocktail BarBBBNightlifeBars

Lutz Lux Cocktail Bar
Bar at the Grand Budapest Hotel.

25The Lutz Lux Jawbreaker CocktailBBBMenuMixed Drinks

The Lutz Lux Jawbreaker Cocktail
Available at the Lutz Lux Cocktail Bar at the Grand Budapest Hotel.

26Lutz Metropolitan BBBTransportationTrains

Lutz Metropolitan

27Lutz Police MilitiaBBBLegal AidPolice Departments

Lutz Police Militia
The soldiers that stop Gustave and Zero on the train.

28The Lutz SchoolBBBEducationPerforming Arts Schools

The Lutz School
From the Grand Budapest Hotel movie website.

29Lutzbahn StationBBBTransportationTrain Stations

Lutzbahn Station

30L'Air de Panache BBBPersonal CarePerfumes

L'Air de Panache
Gustave's perfume.

31Mendl's BBBFood StoresBakeries

Bakery where Agatha works that bakes tools into pastries for Gustave's escape from prison.

32Old Lutz Cemetery BBBServicesCemeteries

Old Lutz Cemetery
Location of the memorial for the author of the book: The Grand Budapest Hotel.

33The Old VersaillesBBBTravelLodging

The Old Versailles

34Our Holy Father of the Sudenten Waltz BBBReligionReligious Organizations

Our Holy Father of the Sudenten Waltz
The monastery where Gustave and Zero go after Gustave escapes from prison.

35Palazzo Principessa BBBTravelLodging

Palazzo Principessa
The Society Of Crossed Keys: Monsieur Georges at the Chateau Luxe calls Monsieur Dino at the Palazzo Principessa.

36Pouilly-Jouvet BBBBeverage ProductsWine

Moustafa orders a bottle of wine called "Pouilly-Jouvet '52, plus a split of the brut" when he dines with the young writer. When the countess dies, Gustave has Zero bring a bottle of '26 in an ice bucket with two glasses so they don't have to drink the cat piss they serve in the dining car.

37Queen NasstasjaBBBVehiclesWatercrafts

Queen Nasstasja
"She's already onboard the Queen Nasstasja to Dutch Tanganyika."

38Ritz Imperial BBBTravelLodging

Ritz Imperial
The Society Of Crossed Keys: Monsieur Dino at the Palazzo Principessa calls Monsieur Martin at the Ritz Imperial.

39Romantic Poetry Volume One BBBLiteratureBooks-Misc

Romantic Poetry Volume One
Book that Zero gifts Agatha.

40Royal Saxon Gallery BBBArtsArt Galleries

Royal Saxon Gallery
While Gustave is on the phone waiting for the Excelsior Hotel after escaping from prison, he asks Zero: "How does one arrange a private viewing of the tapestry collection at the Royal Saxon Gallery?"

41The Society of Crossed Keys BBBOrganizationsSecret Organizations

The Society of Crossed Keys
When Gustave escapes from jail, he calls Ivan at the Excelsior Palace to formally request the special services of The Society of Crossed Keys.

42Trans-Alpine Yodel BBBPeriodicalsNewspapers

Trans-Alpine Yodel
"All the news from across the nation in two daily editions" Headline: LOCAL GIRL'S HEAD FOUND IN LAUNDRY BASKET.

43Zubrowkan Regional Line BBBTravelTravel Services

Zubrowkan Regional Line
Public Transit.

44October 14, 1932 Dates20th Century: 1st HalfEvents

October 14, 1932
The Octpber 19th edition of the Trans-Alpine Yodel newspaper indicates that Deputy Vilmos made a public statement about the death of Madame Celine Villenueve on the previous Friday: "The extremity of her age belied the delightful liveliness of her personality."

45October 19, 1932 Dates20th Century: 1st HalfHeadlines

October 19, 1932
Date of Trans-Alpine Yodel newspaper headline: WILL THERE BE WAR? Monsieur Gustave H. and Zero Moustafa travel to Lutz, Zubrowka to pay respects to The Dowager Countess Madame Celine Villenueve Desgoffe und Taxis.

46October 23, 1932 Dates20th Century: 1st HalfEvents

October 23, 1932
J.G. Jopling murders Deputy Vilmos Kovacs.

47October 24, 1932 Dates20th Century: 1st HalfEvents

October 24, 1932
Herr Becker receives a peculiar last minute notice from the office of Deputy Kovacs postponing their scheduled meeting in perpetuity.

48October 27, 1932 Dates20th Century: 1st HalfEvents

October 27, 1932
Monsieur Gustave H. escapes from prison.

49October 28, 1932 Dates20th Century: 1st HalfHeadlines

October 28, 1932
Date of Trans-Alpine Yodel newspaper headline: "Local Girl's Head Found in Laundry Basket."

50October 29, 1932 Dates20th Century: 1st HalfEvents

October 29, 1932
War begins at midnight.

51October 30, 1932 Dates20th Century: 1st HalfEvents

October 30, 1932
Agatha arrives at the Nazi occupied Grand Budapest Hotel.

52November 17, 1932 Dates20th Century: 1st HalfEvents

November 17, 1932
The Lutz Blitz begins.

53December 10, 1932 Dates20th Century: 1st HalfEvents

December 10, 1932
Date of Zubrowka Police Deposition identifying M. Gustave as Madame Celine Villenueve's killer.

54March 24, 1940 Dates20th Century: 1st HalfHeadlines

March 24, 1940
Date of the Continental Drift newspaper headline: "Zero Corners Market."

55November 28, 1950 Dates20th Century: 50sHeadlines

November 28, 1950
Date of The Daily Fact newspaper headline: "Pact with Commissar".

56Alpine Sudentenwaltz MapNatureMountains

Alpine Sudentenwaltz
Forest the Author mentions: A number of years ago, while suffering from a mild case of scribe''s fever, a form of neurasthenia common among the intelligentsia of that time, I decided to spend the month of August in the spa town of Nebelsbad, below the Alpine Sudetenvatz and had taken up rooms in the Grand Budapest, a picturesque, elaborate and once widely celebrated establishment. I expect some of you will know it.

57Aq Salim al-JabatMapGeographic AreasTerritories

Aq Salim al-Jabat
Where Zero is from.

58AugenzburgMapUrban AreasCities

"With a plethora of spa locations extending far beyond the offerings of the Grand Budapest and environs, all manner of royalty and celebrity flocked to the country, from the top of the Zubrowkan Alps to the valleys of Augenzburg and Zilchbruck." - from the Grand Budapest Hotel movie website.

59Baden-Jurgen MapUrban AreasCities

Location of Excelsior Palace.

60Bleak Peninsula MapGeographic AreasTerritories

Bleak Peninsula
Sea mentioned in the Trans-Alpine Yodel news report WILL THERE BE WAR?: The scientific analysis of the conflict reveals a startling combination of contradictory realities. Alliances stretching back into the Greco-Roman era and extending from the Gallic Sea to the Bleak Peninsula conspire to protect the entire inter-continent from even the most remote...

61BrucknerplatzMapUrban AreasCities

City in Zubrowka - location of the Cathedral of Santa Maria.

62Check-Point 19 MapDetention CentersCorrectional Facilities

Check-Point 19
The criminal internment camp where Gustave is sent in Part 3.

63Dutch TanganyikaMapGeographic AreasTerritories

Dutch Tanganyika
"She's already onboard the Queen Nasstasja to Dutch Tanganyika."

64Gabelmeister's Peak MapNatureMountains

Gabelmeister's Peak
Ivan found the butler hiding out in the remote foothills near Gabelmeister's Peak.

65Gallic Sea MapWaterSeas

Gallic Sea
Sea mentioned in the Trans-Alpine Yodel news report WILL THERE BE WAR?: The scientific analysis of the conflict reveals a startling combination of contradictory realities. Alliances stretching back into the Greco-Roman era and extending from the Gallic Sea to the Bleak Peninsula conspire to protect the entire inter-continent from even the most remote...

66Lutz MapUrban AreasCities

City in Zubrowka. "Vienna, Prague and Budapest all rolled into one," according to Wes Anderson.

67The Maltese RivieraMapGeographic AreasTerritories

The Maltese Riviera

68Nebelsbad MapUrban AreasCities

Town the Author mentions: A number of years ago, while suffering from a mild case of scribe''s fever, a form of neurasthenia common among the intelligentsia of that time, I decided to spend the month of August in the spa town of Nebelsbad, below the Alpine Sudetenvatz and had taken up rooms in the Grand Budapest, a picturesque, elaborate and once widely celebrated establishment. I expect some of you will know it.

69Nebelsbad Road MapTransit RoutesStreets-Roads

Nebelsbad Road
By express wireless, Zero wrote Agatha with instructions to move to their pre-arranged hideout, a Gypsy caravan on the outer Nebelsbad Road while he and Gustave continued east into the Zubrowkian Alps toward their high altitude rendezvous with the butler Serge X.

70Schloss Lutz MapStructuresBuildings

Schloss Lutz
The home of Madame Desgoffe in Lutz.

71ZilchbruckMapUrban AreasCities

"With a plethora of spa locations extending far beyond the offerings of the Grand Budapest and environs, all manner of royalty and celebrity flocked to the country, from the top of the Zubrowkan Alps to the valleys of Augenzburg and Zilchbruck." - from the Grand Budapest Hotel movie website.

72Zubrowka MapGeographic AreasTerritories

Eastern European country... "On the farthest eastern boundary of the European continent: The former Republic of Zubrowka. Once the seat of an empire..."

73The Zubrowkan Alps MapNatureMountains

The Zubrowkan Alps
"With a plethora of spa locations extending far beyond the offerings of the Grand Budapest and environs, all manner of royalty and celebrity flocked to the country, from the top of the Zubrowkan Alps to the valleys of Augenzburg and Zilchbruck." - from the Grand Budapest Hotel movie website.

74Author OtherQuotesQuotes

Author: A number of years ago, while suffering from a mild case of scribe''s fever, a form of neurasthenia common among the intelligentsia of that time, I decided to spend the month of August in the spa town of Nebelsbad, below the Alpine Sudetenvatz and had taken up rooms in the Grand Budapest, a picturesque, elaborate and once widely celebrated establishment. I expect some of you will know it.

75Bison Jus with Quenelles of Bone Marrow ...OtherRecipesFood Recipes

Bison Jus with Quenelles of Bone Marrow on Creme D'Alsace
"The bison jus with quenelles of bone marrow on creme d'Alsace are chef Dimitri Jodolenko's speciality" - from the Grand Budapest Hotel movie website.

76Klubecks OtherMoneyCurrency

Currency of Zubrowka.

77M. GustaveOtherQuotesQuotes

M. Gustave
M. Gustave: Rudeness is merely the expression of fear. People fear they won't get what they want. The most dreadful and unattractive person only needs to be loved and they will open up like a flower.

78M. GustaveOtherQuotesQuotes

M. Gustave
M. Gustave: The beginning of the end of the end of the beginning has begun.

79Prussian Grippe OtherMedical ConditionsDiseases

Prussian Grippe
Disease that killed Zero's darling Agatha and their infant son two years after they were married. An absurd little disease., The "Today we treat it in a single week, but in those days many millions died."

80Scribe's Fever OtherMedical ConditionsConditions

Scribe's Fever
Condition the Author mentions: A number of years ago, while suffering from a mild case of scribe''s fever, a form of neurasthenia common among the intelligentsia of that time, I decided to spend the month of August in the spa town of Nebelsbad, below the Alpine Sudetenvatz and had taken up rooms in the Grand Budapest, a picturesque, elaborate and once widely celebrated establishment. I expect some of you will know it.

81Untitled OtherThemesSin City


82Untitled OtherThemesFlatliners 2


83Untitled OtherThemesWolf


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