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Total Records: 25
Record Name
1Djesus Uncrossed SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE 1975 TV SeriesBBBCinemaMovies

Djesus Uncrossed
Tarantino's version of the crucifiction in which Jesus has a shotgun.

2The Greasy Floor COMMUNITY 2009 TV SeriesBBBDiningDiners

The Greasy Floor
Diner where Jeff planned Abed's Pulp Fiction birthday party.

3Kill Bunny ROBOT CHICKEN 2005 Animated SeriesBBBCinemaMovie Parodies

Kill Bunny
Parody of Tarantino's Kill Bill with Jesus Christ going after a bunny.

4Plot Friction MAD MAGAZINE 1952 MagazinesBBBCinemaMovie Parodies

Plot Friction
Parody of Pulp Fiction.

5Plump Friction BOB'S BURGERS 2011 Animated SeriesBBBCinemaAdult Film Parodies

Plump Friction
Dirty movie playing at the Longwood movie theater. Parody of Pulp Fiction.

6Pope Fiction THE CRITIC 1994 Animated SeriesBBBCinemaMovies

Pope Fiction
Pulp Fiction with The Pope in Samuel L. Jackson's role.

7Pulp Vixen WINGS 1990 TV SeriesBBBCinemaAdult Film Parodies

Pulp Vixen
Movie about two mob hit-vixens, both packing 38s. One of the porn movies that Antonio brings to Joe's bachelor party at Al's Crapshoot Hotel - parody of Pulp Fiction.

8Pup Fiction BOJACK HORSEMAN 2014 Animated SeriesBBBCinemaMovie Parodies

Pup Fiction
Movie advertised on billboard. Parody of Pulp Fiction.

9Quentin Tarantino's Welcome Back, Kotter SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE 1975 TV SeriesBBBTelevisionTV Shows

Quentin Tarantino's Welcome Back, Kotter
The classic 1970s sitcom as seen through the eyes of Quentin Tarantino, featuring the return of John Travolta to the role of Vincent "Vinnie" Barbarino.

10Red Apple ROMY AND MICHELE'S HIGH SCHOOL REUNION 1997 FilmBBBTobaccoCigarettes

Red Apple
Cigarette brand advertised on a billboard in the background. Quentin Tarantino was dating Mira Sorvino while they were making this movie, thus the Red Apple reference.

11Reservoir Dogs BOJACK HORSEMAN 2014 Animated SeriesBBBCinemaMovies

Reservoir Dogs
BoJack version of Reservoir Dogs that was directed by Quentin Tarantulino and starred revived the career of Rin Tin Tin, mentioned.

12Snippy Longstockings THE SIMPSONS 1989 Animated SeriesBBBBeauty CareBeauty Salons

Snippy Longstockings
Hair salon next door to Herman's Military Antiques store, where he's kidnapped Chief Wiggum and Snake Pulp Fiction style - and Lisa goes to get a haircut after getting gum stuck in her hair.

13Teriyaki Donut JACKIE BROWN 1997 FilmBBBFood StoresDonut Shops

Teriyaki Donut
One scene in Jackie Brown is set in a food court of a mall. Quentin changed the name of the restaurant from 'Tokyo Diner' to 'Teriyaki Donut', a reference to the donut shop Marcellus goes to in Pulp Fiction.

14Willie's 100% Authentic Cinema Treasures COMMUNITY 2009 TV SeriesBBBMediaWebsites

Willie's 100% Authentic Cinema Treasures
Website where Jeff bought a replica of the briefcase from Pulp Fiction for Abed's birthday.

15The Django District THE HUNGOVER GAMES 2014 FilmMapGeographic AreasTerritories

The Django District
Pop culture district in the future dystopian society of The Hungover Games, parodying Quentin Tarantino's film Django Unchained.

16Bob Belcher BOB'S BURGERS 2011 Animated SeriesOtherQuotesQuotes

Bob Belcher
Bob Belcher: Okay, one wet willie.

17Charlie & Natalie POKER FACE 2023 TV SeriesOtherQuotesQuotes

Charlie & Natalie
Charlie: It is crazy the things that people stick up their asses.
Natalie: Yeah. What are you reading?
Charlie: Ten craziest things people have stuck up their asses.

18Forty Quinn & Joe Goldberg YOU 2018 TV SeriesOtherQuotesQuotes

Forty Quinn & Joe Goldberg
Forty Quinn: I woke up with a completely brilliant idea.
Joe Goldberg: What's the idea?
Forty Quinn: Movies - on loop - in the bookstore.
Joe Goldberg (Voice over): Oh no.
Forty Quinn: Movies that are - wait for it - also books.
Joe Goldberg (Voice over): Kill it with fire.
Joe Goldberg: It's a great idea.
Forty Quinn: Dope movies like Pulp Fiction.
Joe Goldberg (Voice over): Not based on a book.
Forty Quinn: Whichever of the Star Wars...
Joe Goldberg (Voice over): Again...
Forty Quinn: Fifty Shades, obviously.
Joe Goldberg (Voice over): One for three, marginally.
Forty Quinn: We are gonna sell so many books, it is going to blow your fucking mind.

19Jonathan BORED TO DEATH 2009 TV SeriesOtherQuotesQuotes

Jonathan: After this, I got to go home and finish my short story for the New Yorker contest. It's about a P.I. named Harry Parker. It's a Pulp Fiction take on how I beat those drug dealers in Prospect Park.

20Louise Belcher BOB'S BURGERS 2011 Animated SeriesOtherQuotesQuotes

Louise Belcher
Louise Belcher: A please would be nice.

21Nick Fury's headstone CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOLDIER 2014 FilmOtherQuotesQuotes

Nick Fury's headstone
Nick Fury's headstone: "The path of the righteous man..." Ezekiel 25:17.

22Quentin Tarantino THE SIMPSONS 1989 Animated SeriesOtherQuotesQuotes

Quentin Tarantino
Quentin Tarantino (regarding Itchy & Scratchy cartoon Reservoir Cats, parody of Reservoir Dogs): What I'm trying to say in this cartoon is that violence is everywhere in our society, you know, it's like even in breakfast cereals, man.

23Randy SCREAM 2 1997 FilmOtherQuotesQuotes

Randy: Let's assume the killer, or 'ers, has a half a brain. He's not a Nick At Night rerun type of guy. He wants to break some new ground, right? So, forget the boyfriend. It's tired. Who else do we got? ...Mickey, the freaky Tarantino film student. But if he's a suspect, so am l. So, let's move on.

24Scott HALLOWEEN: RESURRECTION 2002 FilmOtherQuotesQuotes

Scott: Hey, Myles, do you think anyone will know we're supposed to be from Pulp Fiction?

25Weird Al Yankovic WEIRD AL YANKOVIC 1976 MusicOtherQuotesQuotes

Weird Al Yankovic
Weird Al Yankovic: Hit the boards and paid my dues, and got phenomenal rave reviews / I knew the world was gonna love me, without a doubt / I was sure that Tarantino would be callin' me on the phone / Annie Leibovitz would shoot me for Rolling Stone / But the years have come and gone, and I'm sorry to say that's not the way that it's all worked out.

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