Comic Books 1982. Published by Marvel Comics.
Source Features: BBB (381) TIMELINE (2) MAP (66) OTHER (71) THEMES (11)
Lists: G.I. JOE

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Total Records: 66 - Medium: COMIC BOOKS / Group: MAP
Record Name
1Abu Talib Square Urban AreasCity Squares

Abu Talib Square
Location in the city of Benzheen, where Stalker, Sneak Peek and Dusty are pinned down behind a Porsche dealership. Sneak Peek killed by Cobra soldiers saving a child.

2Al-Alawi Geographic AreasTerritories

Persian Gulf nation in talks with diplomat Brian Hassell, actually a Cobra assassin.

3Ambush City Urban AreasCities-Joke

Ambush City
Joke the G.I.Joe stealth pilot makes to Wild Bill as they fly over Cobra Island. "Smells like Ambush City".

4The Bay of Benzheen WaterBays

The Bay of Benzheen
Site of battle during the Cobra invasion of Benzheen.

5Borigia / Krazny-Marengo Geographic AreasTerritories

Borigia / Krazny-Marengo
Country formerly known as Borovia, currently full of civil strife, following the dissolution of national political entities, which Cobra Commander absolutely adores.

6Broca Beach Urban AreasCities-U.S.

Broca Beach
Cobra's new Springfield, a small beachfront town with a boardwalk in New Jersey.

7Camp Victory StructuresMilitary Bases

Camp Victory
The name of the Strike First paramilitary group's compound in.

8Castle Darklon StructuresCastles

Castle Darklon
Darklon's castle in Darklonia, which Destro destroys.

9Castle Destro StructuresCastles

Castle Destro
Destro's castle.

10Citadel of the Night Creepers StructuresBuildings

Citadel of the Night Creepers
Night Creeper headquarters in Zurich.

11The Citadel Urban AreasCities-Outer Space

The Citadel
Tower on Cobra Island.

12The Cobra Consulate Building StructuresBuildings

The Cobra Consulate Building
Cobra's new base of operations in New York City. 50 floors of steel reinforced concrete, loaded with sophisticated surveillance gear, satellite communications dishes and much, much more... And all under diplomatic immunity.

13Cobra Island [Gulf of Mexico] Geographic AreasIslands

Cobra Island [Gulf of Mexico]
Small Island in the Gulf of Mexico that Cobra tricks the Joes into creating by exploding a nuclear bomb near a fault line.

14Cobra Island [original] Geographic AreasIslands

Cobra Island [original]
Where the Joes rescue Dr. Adele Burkhart.

15Crenshaw Transit RoutesThoroughfares

Street in Millville.

16Crispy Critter-ville Urban AreasCities-Joke

Crispy Critter-ville
Joke Dee-Jay makes to Dodger about where they will be if the oil fields around them start exploding.

17Cybertron Outer SpacePlanets

Transformer homeworld. The Joes activate a transmitter that alerts Optimus Prime and Bumblebee that Megatron is back on Earth.

18Darklonia Geographic AreasTerritories

Small country ruled by Destro's cousin, Darklon, situated between Trans-Carpathia and Wolkekuckukkland.

19Ehrlinger's Cove Urban AreasCities-U.S.

Ehrlinger's Cove
Town on the gulf coast of Florida where the Joes patch up the damaged WHALE.

20Elm Street Transit RoutesStreets

Elm Street
Street in Millville.

21The Emirate of Benzheen Geographic AreasTerritories

The Emirate of Benzheen
A "somewhat friendly" nation near Trucial Abysmia.

22Firefly Island Geographic AreasIslands

Firefly Island
Joke Firefly makes about renaming Cobra Island.

23Flake City Urban AreasCities-Joke

Flake City
Joke Rock 'N' Roll makes: "Hey Snow Job, whataya know about this Gung-Ho character? Is he from Flake City or what?"

24Froggie Land WorldsFantasy Lands

Froggie Land
Joke Zarana makes while fighting the Baroness.

25Frusenhagen Urban AreasCities

Capital of Frusenland, a small island nation in northern Europe.

26Frusenland Geographic AreasTerritories

A small island nation in northern Europe. Cobra offers the prime minister a defense package of terror drones, and implements the paranoia ray when he declines.

27Grodsnz Urban AreasCities

City in Borovia where Hawk and Lade Jaye attempt to buy train tickets to Krogdnsz.

28Gulag 23 Detention CentersCorrectional Facilities

Gulag 23
Prison in Borovia.

29Jerkwater Flats, Utah Transit RoutesThoroughfares

Jerkwater Flats, Utah
Where Tunnel Rat tells his fellow Joes he got paid.

30Krogdnsz Urban AreasCities

Capital of Borovia.

31Main Street [Broca Beach] Transit RoutesStreets

Main Street [Broca Beach]
Street in Broca Beach.

32Main Street [Springfield] Transit RoutesStreets

Main Street [Springfield]
Street in Springfield.

33Malaprop Gardens Urban AreasNeighborhoods

Malaprop Gardens
Destro's neighbor in Scotland, Lord Malaprop's frozen haggis business took a turn for the worse, forcing him to sell off more acreage. The result is an ugly new housing development that Cobra Commander uses to attack Castle Destro. "Reasonable homes for reasonable people"

34Matchstick City Urban AreasCities-Joke

Matchstick City
Joke Ace makes when Hawk orders an attack on the Arbco Furniture factory in Springfield: "That factory is movin' to Matchstick City".

35Millville Urban AreasCities-U.S.

Mutt's hometown in New York.

36Montana Apartment Towers Residential CommunitiesApartment and Condos

Montana Apartment Towers
Storm Shadow's hideout.

37Ostriech Urban AreasCities

City in Borovia, where Hawk and Lady Jaye attenpt to buy train tickets to.

38Payback City Urban AreasCities-Joke

Payback City
Joke Duke makes about catching up to the Saw-Viper after he kills some Joes. Duke: "I'm thinking about the little side trip to Payback City."

39The People's Democratic Republic of Boro... Geographic AreasCountries

The People's Democratic Republic of Borovia
Country holding Devlin Mitchell hostage, whom the Joes are sent in to rescue.

40People's Sports Palace StructuresEvent Venues

People's Sports Palace
Sports arena in Borovia, under which the government buried a large stash of gold bars.

41The Pit II StructuresMilitary Bases

The Pit II
Following Cobra's attack on the original structure, the base is rebuilt, with several improvements: new helicopter launching pad, improved nuclear blast protection, an ICBM missile silo, an earth boring machine to facilitate an escape, a small nuclear power plant, an additional level with rest and relaxation facilities, larger living quarters and detention facility.

42The Pit III StructuresMilitary Bases

The Pit III
Third version of the Pit.

43The Pit StructuresMilitary Bases

The Pit
The multi-level underground headquarters of the G.I.Joe team, complete with training facilities, living quarters, a briefing room, and heavy equipment storage.

44The Plaza Del Serpiente Urban AreasCity Squares

The Plaza Del Serpiente
Location of Naja Trading Corporation warehouse in Rio Lindo, Sierra Gordo.

45The Principality of Trans-Carpathia Geographic AreasTerritories

The Principality of Trans-Carpathia
Eastern European nation, location of Destro's Silent Castle.

46Punta del Mucosa Urban AreasCities

Punta del Mucosa
A town in Sierra Gordo.

47Pvnsk Urban AreasCities

Borovian town.

48The Republic of Punta Del Mucosa Geographic AreasCountries

The Republic of Punta Del Mucosa
South American country that borders Sierra Gordo.

49Republic of Quagmarh Geographic AreasCountries

Republic of Quagmarh
A neutral state bordering both Benzheen and Tricial Abysmia.

50Republic of Sierra Gordo Geographic AreasCountries

Republic of Sierra Gordo
Country in South America.

51Rio Lindo Urban AreasCities

Rio Lindo
City in the Republic of Sierra Gordo.

52Rio Vista Urban AreasCities

Rio Vista
Capital of Sierra Gordo.

53The River Trestle WaterRivers

The River Trestle
Storm Shadow jumps out of the express train from Borovio over the River Trestle in Trans-Carpathia.

54Route 56 Transit RoutesThoroughfares

Route 56
Rural highway.

55Safe House Geographic AreasIslands

Safe House
Caribbean island run by Madame Umbra, where she handles prisoner exchanges for super nations for a fee, routing her funds into the coffers of terrorist organizations. Rock and Roll, Scarlett and Breaker infiltrate her compound and blow up her headquarters.

56The Silent Castle StructuresCastles

The Silent Castle
Destro's castle.

57Slag City Urban AreasCities-Joke

Slag City
Joke Duke makes about the thermite grades, where they sent the B.A.T.s innards.

58Springfield Urban AreasCities-U.S.

The whole town is a Cobra front.

59Springfield Stadium StructuresStadiums

Springfield Stadium
Stadium from sign on city bus in Springfield: "Rally! Tonight at Springfield Stadium"

60State Security Building StructuresBuildings

State Security Building
Building where the Joes think the Borovian government is keeping hostage Devlin Mitchell.

61The Trans-Carpathian Alps NatureMountains

The Trans-Carpathian Alps
Mountains from where the G.I. Joe Ninja Force observes Destro's castle.

62Trucial Abysmia Geographic AreasTerritories

Trucial Abysmia
Middle Eastern country and location of special op that Flint mentions.

63Tucaro Rain Forest NatureForests

Tucaro Rain Forest
Rain forest.

64Wolkekuckukkland Geographic AreasTerritories


65Yellow Brook WaterBodies of Water

Yellow Brook
The name of the stream in his hometown that Clutch falls into after being sent up in the sky wearing a new compact jet pack by Cobra operatives.

66Zoe Avenue Transit RoutesAvenues

Zoe Avenue
Street in San Francisco, address of Arashikage Martial Arts Academy.

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