Film 2016. Written by Justin Malen, Laura Solon and Dan Mazer. Directed by Will Speck and Josh Gordon. Starring Jennifer Aniston, Jason Bateman, Olivia Munn, T.J. Miller, Jillian Bell, Kate McKinnon, Vanessa Bayer, Courtney B. Vance and Rob Corddry.
Source Features: BBB (11)

Key Word Search
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Total Records: 11 - Medium: FILM
Record Name
1Bullshit MagazineBBBPeriodicalsMagazines

Bullshit Magazine
Joke Nate's employees make about his fake girlfriend - that she's a fake model for a fake magazine called Bullshit Magazine.

2ButlerbookBBBComputersMobile Apps

Jimmy Butler's idea for a Jimmy Butler dating app.

3Chicago Memorial HospitalBBBHealthcareHospitals

Chicago Memorial Hospital
Hospital where Clay is taken after the big crash at the end.

4Cool UniversityBBBEducationUniversities

Cool University
Joke Josh makes: "Of course I'm cool. Very cool. Please. Yeah. Mr. Cool. I graduated valedictorian from Cool university. Good old C.U."

5Data CityBBBCorporationsTechnology Companies

Data City
The company Walter Davis works for that Clay and Josh are trying to close a contract with.

6JimmyfaceBBBComputersMobile Apps

Jimmy Butler's idea for a Jimmy Butler dating app.

7Red Square ClubBBBNightlifeClubs

Red Square Club
Nightclub where Trina the pimp hangs out.

8Savannah Says Fucking Stupid Things Out ...BBBMediaPodcasts

Savannah Says Fucking Stupid Things Out Loud
Trina the pimp's joke idea for Savanna's podcast.

9Snow TitanBBBTechnology ProductsElectronics

Snow Titan
Snow-spraying machine at the office Christmas party - also works well with cocaine.

10ZenotekBBBCorporationsTechnology Companies

Clay and Carol's father's tech company.

11Zenotek AnywAirBBBComputersSoftware

Zenotek AnywAir
A subroutine for duplex compression, and the future of Zenotek - you can pull the internet wirelessly from anything that's connected to the power grid. Your appliances. Street lights. A light bulb. You're never out of range and you're never low on signal. It's AnywAir.

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