TV Series 1995. Created by Paul Simms. Starring Dave Foley, Stephen Root, Andy Dick, Joe Rogan, Maura Tierney, Vicki Lewis, Khandi Alexander, Phil Hartman and Jon Lovitz.
Source Features: BBB (160) TIMELINE (2) MAP (13) OTHER (25) THEMES (1)

Key Word Search
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Beauty Care
Beverage Products
Food Products
Food Stores
Home Furnishing
Industrial Companies
Living Things
Maintenance Products
Media Companies
Medical Conditions
Outer Space
Personal Care
Technology Products
Transit Routes
Urban Areas

Total Records: 200 - Medium: TV SERIES
Record Name
11998 Belch-a-Thon BBBEventsContests

1998 Belch-a-Thon
Joke Lisa makes about the behavior of the guys in the office one day when she's the only female there. "Join you for what? Is it the 1998 Belch-a-thon? Or maybe it's a symposium on crotch grabbing? Perhaps just a regular, old garden-variety circle - "

2Agent Zero BBBCinemaMovies-Action

Agent Zero
Action movie Matthew sees.

3Alastair McCello BBBRadioRadio Programs

Alastair McCello
Max worked at 37 radio stations before WNYX, using a different 'nom de radio' each time. Max: "But in Dayton, it was classical. Hence, the name Alastair McCello."

4Amalgamated Turbine BBBIndustrial CompaniesManufacturing

Amalgamated Turbine
Jimmy's stock tip for Bill.

5Ant Out BBBMaintenance ProductsPest Control Products

Ant Out
Pest control product Matthew sets off in the break room.

6Authentic Alien Autopsy Bloopers BBBTelevisionTV-Documentary

Authentic Alien Autopsy Bloopers
Tape Joe mentions.

7Badger Jam '88 BBBEventsConcerts

Badger Jam '88
Concert featuring the final appearance of Dave's old all-male a cappella quartet, Chock Full O' Notes.

8Bayshore Sheet Metal BBBConstructionConstruction Companies

Bayshore Sheet Metal
Mr. James buys the gang baseball caps for Christmas, apparently leftover hats from orders made by other companies, including "Bayshore Sheet Metal" for Matthew, "Bethel Lighting" for Beth, "Electric, Passaic Mini Storage" for Lisa and "Rockaway Lumber" for Dave.

9Bethel Lighting and Electric BBBCorporationsEnergy Companies

Bethel Lighting and Electric
Mr. James buys the gang baseball caps for Christmas, apparently leftover hats from orders made by other companies, including "Bayshore Sheet Metal" for Matthew, "Bethel Lighting" for Beth, "Electric, Passaic Mini Storage" for Lisa and "Rockaway Lumber" for Dave.

10Bill McNeal's Hypothetical Interviews BBBRadioRadio Programs

Bill McNeal's Hypothetical Interviews
New segment airing on WNYX during which Bill pretends to interview President Bill Clinton.

11Bill's Secret Repository of Tasty Ted-bi... BBBEntertainmentMuseums

Bill's Secret Repository of Tasty Ted-bits and Fond Ted-memberances
Joke Bill makes to recently departed coworker Ted's friend. "Then walk this way through the gates of Ted-dom into Bill's secret repository of tasty Ted-bits and fond Ted-memberances."

12The Bitch Bus BBBTransportationBus Lines

The Bitch Bus
Joke Max makes when Dave arrives at the office in a bad mood. Max: "Looks like someone rode in on the Bitch Bus today."

13Blue Genie's Blue Jeans BBBApparelClothing Products

Blue Genie's Blue Jeans
Bill gets hired for a TV commercial job promoting Blue Genie's Blue Jeans at Shadow Studios.

14Books Etcetera BBBRetailBookstores

Books Etcetera
Bookstore where Mr. James reads passages from his autobiography. Original title: Jimmy James: Capitalist Lion Tamer. New title after being translated into Japanese and back: Jimmy James: Macho Business Donkey Wrestler.

15Break Dancing Detergent BBBMaintenance ProductsCleaning Products

Break Dancing Detergent
Mr. James' detergent brand. Mr. James: "You know, I once had a line of detergents with a great brand name. Dandy Clean. Everybody, everybody trusted it. But, you know, then that break dancing fad hit and my people made me change it. Try to stay hip and everything like that. And the whole thing, went bust in less than a year." Joe: "What did you change the name to?" Mr. James: "Break Dancing Detergent."

16Broadcasters Society BBBOrganizationsProf. Orgs

Broadcasters Society
Mr. James asks Dave to introduce Bill for his speech at the Broadcasting Society dinner.

17Broadcasting Monthly BBBPeriodicalsMagazines

Broadcasting Monthly

18The Broadway Arcade BBBAmusementVideo Game Arcades

The Broadway Arcade
Arcade where Dave plays Stargate Defender video game after it is removed from the office lobby.

19The Brock Report BBBRadioRadio Programs

The Brock Report
Matthew's new radio news segment. Lisa Miller: "Opinions expressed by Matthew Brock are not necessarily those of WNYX. Facts cited by Matthew Brock are not necessarily facts."

20Carducci's BBBDiningIce Cream Parlors

Store on Prince Street where Joe bought his gelato that gets stolen from the office break room refrigerator.

21Carpet Steamer Incorporated BBBHome FurnishingHome Furnishing Stores

Carpet Steamer Incorporated
Bill and Beth audition for the Dream Come True garage door opener commercial, no longer associated with Dream Come True Carpet Steamer Incorporated company.

22Cat Fancier BBBPeriodicalsMagazines-Pets

Cat Fancier
NewsRadio version of Cat Fancy magazine that Matthew reads.

23Central High School BBBEducationHigh Schools

Central High School
Where Bill went to high school.

24Cerise BBBBeauty CareBeauty Salons

Salon that does Catherine's hair, pronounced "Sherizay"

25Chapman Graphic Arts BBBServicesAdvertising and Marketing

Chapman Graphic Arts
A man wanders into the office looking for a graphic arts company.

26Charlie Chowder BBBRadioRadio Programs

Charlie Chowder
Max worked at 37 radio stations before WNYX, using a different 'nom de radio' each time. In Boston, he was Charlie Chowder.

27Chez Jean-Jacques BBBDiningCafes and Delis

Chez Jean-Jacques
French cafe where Matthew pretends to work when the gang eats lunch there.

28Chico's BBBDiningRestaurants-Mexican

Bill takes the entire staff out to lunch in honor of Catherine's birthday the day before.

29Chock Full O 'notes BBBMusicMusic-A Cappella

Chock Full O 'notes
Dave's old all-male a cappella quartet, featuring guest stars Bob Odenkirk, David Cross and Brian Posehn.

30Classics on Tape BBBLiteratureBooks-Misc

Classics on Tape
Catherine records an audiobook. "Classics on Tape presents Our Mutual Friend, by Charles Dickens, as read by Catherine Duke."

31The Collins County Register BBBPeriodicalsNewspapers

The Collins County Register
Newspaper in New Hampshire that Mr. James wants to buy and rename The Daily Jimmy.

32Come Back, Lisa BBBMusicSongs

Come Back, Lisa
Song written by Lisa's ex-boyfriend.

33Contemporary Radio Magazine BBBPeriodicalsMagazines

Contemporary Radio Magazine
The new office intern mentions a quote of Dave's from the magazine Contemporary Radio Magazine back in April 1993. The quote: "No truly great radio journalist has ever had anything handed to him on a silver platter."

34Corporate Charity Talent Show BBBEventsTalent Shows

Corporate Charity Talent Show
Talent show where Matthew demonstrates his sub-par ventriloquist talent but wins by pity vote.

35Crazy Eric's Discount Electronics BBBRetailElectronics Stores

Crazy Eric's Discount Electronics
WNYX sponsor.

36Crazy Eric's Electronics BBBRetailElectronics Stores

Crazy Eric's Electronics
Radio commercial that Phil wants to do, but Dave hires a funny voice professional.

37D.B. Cooper's House of Pancakes BBBDiningDiners

D.B. Cooper's House of Pancakes
Joke Dave makes to Mr. James. "Is it like a promotional stunt for some other company you've got startin' up? Like, D.B. Cooper's House of Pancakes?"

38The Daily Jimmy BBBPeriodicalsNewspapers

The Daily Jimmy
The name Jimmy wants to give to the New Hampshire newspaper The Collins County Register.

39Dandy Clean BBBMaintenance ProductsCleaning Products

Dandy Clean
Mr. James' detergent brand. Mr. James: "You know, I once had a line of detergents with a great brand name. Dandy Clean. Everybody, everybody trusted it. But, you know, then that break dancing fad hit and my people made me change it. Try to stay hip and everything like that. And the whole thing, went bust in less than a year." Joe: "What did you change the name to?" Mr. James: "Break Dancing Detergent."

40Dave, the Insane Maniac BBBEntertainmentTheater Productions

Dave, the Insane Maniac
A play in one act, by Beth and Bill.

41Dave-mobile BBBVehiclesMotor Vehicles

Batman-influenced Joke Dave makes about other secrets he may have when the office finds out he's Canadian.

42Desk Emporium BBBHome FurnishingFurniture Stores

Desk Emporium
Furniture store where Bill wants Dave to buy him a new desk.

43Donut Inn BBBFood StoresDonut Shops

Donut Inn
Donut shop.

44Dr. Akim Tamiroff BBBHealthcareSurgeons

Dr. Akim Tamiroff
Local surgeon Max claims botched his appendix operation, as well as Jack Frost Mr. James' new personal security consultant.

45Dr. Art Ulene BBBHealthcareDoctors

Dr. Art Ulene
Bill complains about another broadcaster using the word penis on the air during his new opinion segment, but recants after finding out that the broadcaster was a doctor. Bill: "Yesterday I tried to call attention to a rival broadcaster's use of an obscene word on the airwaves. I have subsequently been informed that the key issue is context. That certain broadcaster, Dr. Art Ulene, was using the word in a medical discussion about prostate conditions."

46Dr. Dan the Bull-sesh Man BBBRadioRadio Programs

Dr. Dan the Bull-sesh Man
Max worked at 37 radio stations before WNYX, using a different 'nom de radio' each time. Max (after Dave tells him he used to listen to the show): "I thought the only people that listened to that show were confused adolescents with serious questions about their sexuality."

47Dr. Frank Westford BBBHealthcareTherapy

Dr. Frank Westford
Therapist brought into the counsel the staff and relieve some of the tension in the office - portrayed by John Ritter.

48Dr. Jeffrey Chin BBBHealthcareDoctors

Dr. Jeffrey Chin
Promo Lisa reads on the air: "The cure for the common cold could be no further away than your kitchen cupboard. Dr. Jeffrey Chin has been dispensing herbal remedies from his office on Mott Street since 1953."

49Dr. McNeal BBBHealthcareDoctors

Dr. McNeal
Joke Bill makes while keeping Mr. James company while he's in his coma. Bill: "Dr. McNeal is dispensing some laugh medicine."

50Dr. Shelton BBBHealthcareDoctors

Dr. Shelton
Ed the current news director's Chiropractor.

51Dream Come True Garage Door Opener BBBHome FurnishingAppliances

Dream Come True Garage Door Opener
Bill and Beth audition for a product commercial.

52The Duchess Manual BBBLiteratureBooks-Misc

The Duchess Manual
Joke Beth makes at the eligible bachelor auction where Mr. James asked her to pretend to be a duchess and bid on him. When she arrives with Joe and Mr. James tells her that he didn't say she could bring an escort, she tells him: I know, but a duchess rarely attends a social function unaccompanied. It says so in the duchess manual.

53Ebony Lust BBBGoodsProducts-misc

Ebony Lust
Flavor of incense Bill used to use back at his college radio station.

54Eddie's BBBDiningRestaurants-Misc

Restaurant Lisa thinks is Dave's favorite lunch spot. It's actually Tavern on the Green.

55Electric Infant BBBGoodsBaby Products

Electric Infant
Joe's wedding gift to Lisa. For practice. Joe: "Okay, a couple safety tips: When you're washing it, don't go in the tub. All right? And when you're practicing nursing, don't put it on Max. Beause the little guy's got some serious suction."

56The Electric Love Cruise Wagon BBBVehiclesMotor Vehicles

The Electric Love Cruise Wagon
According to Joe, where Mr. James is hiding while he's on the lam after escaping from jail. Joe: "Reliable sources tell me he's traveling coast to coast in a customized van called The Electric Love Cruise Wagon."

57Fibber McGee and Molly BBBRadioRadio Programs

Fibber McGee and Molly
Mr. James buys Matthew the rights to an old radio show for Christmas. BBBMediaWebsites
Recently deceased coworker Ted leaves a suicide note saying he learned how to rig the copier to kill him on a website called

59Frodo, the Paranoid Gnome BBBLiteraturePoetry

Frodo, the Paranoid Gnome
Matthew writes a poem for Dave, about Dave, and how he's acting paranoid, influenced by The Lord of the Rings.

60Garelli BBBPersonal CareHygiene Products

Mr. James' Italian line of feminine hygiene products.

61Garelli-James Pharmaceuticals Inc. BBBIndustrial CompaniesPharmaceutical Companies

Garelli-James Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Potential name for the theoretical pharmaceutical company that would mass produce Joe's smart juice cocktail - suggested by Joe.

62Garelliware BBBComputersSoftware

Joe's software that he uses to created the official WNYX web page.

63Garm Phinc. BBBIndustrial CompaniesPharmaceutical Companies

Garm Phinc.
Potential name for the theoretical pharmaceutical company that would mass produce Joe's smart juice cocktail - suggested by Joe, shortened from Garelli-James Pharmaceuticals Inc.

64The Garrelli 5000 Voice Recording System... BBBTechnology ProductsAudiovisual Devices

The Garrelli 5000 Voice Recording System
Incredibly sensitive recording system Joe constructs for Catherine's audio book recording project.

65Give Me 12 Minutes I'll Give You My Life BBBLiteratureBooks-Biography

Give Me 12 Minutes I'll Give You My Life
Matthew's suggestion for the title of Bill's autobiography.

66The Good Ship Crunchy Goose BBBVehiclesWatercrafts

The Good Ship Crunchy Goose
Joke Bill makes about the name of Cap'n Crunch's boat as he eats cereal and works on the kid's maze on the back of the box. Catherine: "I'm calling a little staff meeting, Bill." Bill: "I'm a little busy right now." Catherine: "Busy doing what?" Bill: "Helping the captain find his way back to the good ship Crunchy Goose, or whatever the hell his stupid boat is called."

67Goofy Ball BBBToysToys-misc

Goofy Ball
Toy ball. "It makes this noise for a while, you know. Kids throw it around. Then after a certain amount of time, a voice alarm goes off. And who's ever holding it loses."

68The Great Ventriloquidini BBBAmusementVentriloquists

The Great Ventriloquidini
Dave's ventriloquist stage name.

69Grizzlies BBBSportsSchool Mascots

Dave's high school mascot.

70H.M.S. Badd Boy BBBVehiclesSpacecrafts

H.M.S. Badd Boy
Mr. James' hot air balloon that he plans to fly around the world.

71Hallway Soccer BBBSportsSports

Hallway Soccer
Game Matthew and Joe play at work. Dave: "Hey, guys. What's going on? You playing hallway soccer? Trash can basketball? Hey, does this have anything to do with that coffee cup that's been on top of this light fixture the last few days? What do you call this game?" Matthew and Joe: "Who can get the coffee cup off the top of the light fixture."

72Hats by Beth, Incorporated BBBIndustrial CompaniesManufacturing

Hats by Beth, Incorporated
Beth's new company that sells hats, specifically hats that look like the one worn by Mushmouth on Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids.

73Hot Cup of Web BBBDiningCoffeehouses

Hot Cup of Web
Chain of Internet cafes owned by Mr. James.

74Hyper Sleep Nexus BBBTechnology ProductsMedical Devices

Hyper Sleep Nexus
Controller for the hyper sleep pods that Matthew accidentally unplugs killing everybody on the station except for him and Bill.

75I Thought You Might Benefit from a Few o... BBBEducationClasses

I Thought You Might Benefit from a Few of the Old Bill McNeal Rules of Speech Etiquette and Presentation
Course from joke that Dave makes. Bill: "I taught a course on it at the learning annex." Dave: "You did? What course was that? The 'I thought you might benefit from a few of the old Bill McNeal rules of speech etiquette and presentation' course? Well, you know what, Bill? To be perfectly honest with you, I am a little nervous about public speaking, and I probably could use a few tips."

76Industrial Retrofitters Local 238 BBBOrganizationsProf. Orgs

Industrial Retrofitters Local 238
Union Joe mentions when he goes on strike. Joe: "Think I want to be on strike? It's the other union, the Industrial Retrofitters Local 238... Their union and our union are allied, like sister unions. So if they go on strike, I gotta go on strike too."

77Jack Frost BBBServicesSecurity Services

Jack Frost
Mr. James' new personal security consultant, although it turns out he's not actually a personal security consultant, but a compulsive imposter.

78Jackpot Meal BBBMenuMeals

Jackpot Meal
Meal combo option available at Lucky Burger, the fast food restaurant where Lisa goes undercover.

79Jam-Arelli Pharmaceut Inc. BBBIndustrial CompaniesPharmaceutical Companies

Jam-Arelli Pharmaceut Inc.
Potential name for the theoretical pharmaceutical company that would mass produce Joe's smart juice cocktail - suggested by Mr. James, shortened from James-Garelli Pharmaceuticals Inc.

80James-Garelli Pharmaceuticals Inc. BBBIndustrial CompaniesPharmaceutical Companies

James-Garelli Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Potential name for the theoretical pharmaceutical company that would mass produce Joe's smart juice cocktail - suggested by Mr. James.

81Jamesmont Soda BBBBeverage ProductsSoft Drinks

Jamesmont Soda
Beverage product, A fully-owned subsidiary of Jimmy James Incorporated.

82The Jazzmanian Devil BBBRadioRadio Programs

The Jazzmanian Devil
Max worked at 37 radio stations before WNYX, using a different 'nom de radio' each time. Max: "In New Orleans, I was The Jazzmanian Devil."

83Jimmy James Inc.BBBCorporationsCompanies

Jimmy James Inc.

84The Jimmy James Towers: Total Eclipse of... BBBRadioRadio Programs

The Jimmy James Towers: Total Eclipse of the Park
Radio news report segment about Jimmy James' new building project.

85Jimmy James Web Browser BBBComputersSoftware

Jimmy James Web Browser
New computer program Mr. James promotes over Microsoft's Internet Explorer.

86Jimmy James: Capitalist Lion Tamer BBBLiteratureBooks-Biography

Jimmy James: Capitalist Lion Tamer
Original title of Mr. James' autobiography, before being translated into Japanese and back again. New title: Jimmy James: Macho Business Donkey Wrestler.

87Jimmy James: Macho Business Donkey Wrest... BBBLiteratureBooks-Biography

Jimmy James: Macho Business Donkey Wrestler
New title of Mr. James' autobiography after being translated into Japanese and back again. Original title: Jimmy James: Capitalist Lion Tamer.

88The Jimmy Junior Brigade BBBOrganizationsProf. Orgs

The Jimmy Junior Brigade
Mr. James' new intern program at WNYX. Members are known as Rocking Rangers.

89The Johnny Johnson Express BBBTransportationTrains

The Johnny Johnson Express
Joke Johnny Johnson makes: "Dave, the Johnny Johnson Express is leaving the station. And I'm offering you a seat in first class."

90Johnny Tumbleweed BBBRadioRadio Programs

Johnny Tumbleweed
Max worked at 37 radio stations before WNYX, using a different 'nom de radio' each time. In San Antonio, he was Johnny Tumbleweed, The High Desert DJ.

91A Journalist's Credo BBBLiteratureBooks-Biography

A Journalist's Credo
Potential title for Bill's future book. Bill: "Perhaps one day, I'll publish these musings under the title "A Journalist's Credo'."

92KCRAP BBBRadioRadio Stations

Radio station from Bill's joke: "I'd like this article to reflect that we are the heirs to Edward R. Murrow's great legacy, not the morning zoo on K-CRAP with Boogerman and the gang."

93Knute Rockly BBBRadioRadio Programs

Knute Rockly
Max worked at 37 radio stations before WNYX, using a different 'nom de radio' each time. Max: "In Cleveland, I worked at a rock station, so I used the name Knute Rockly."

94Kyle Martin Enterprises Inc. BBBCorporationsEnterprises

Kyle Martin Enterprises Inc.
Kyle Martin is the kid that swindled Mr. James by selling him a bunch of fake movie props.

95Lady Capri Hip Huggers BBBApparelClothing Products

Lady Capri Hip Huggers
Bill gets hired for a TV commercial job promoting Blue Genie's Blue Jeans at Shadow Studios. Their latest style is called Lady Capri Hip Huggers.

96Looking for Mrs. Clark Bar BBBCinemaMovies

Looking for Mrs. Clark Bar
Mr. James gets swindled, buying a bunch of fake movie props - including a Clark candy bar supposedly from the movie Looking for Mrs. Clark Bar, which doesn't exist - it's actually Looking for Mr. Goodbar.

97Lucky Burger BBBDiningBurger Joints

Lucky Burger
Fast food restaurant where Lisa goes undercover.

98Lucky Meal BBBMenuMeals

Lucky Meal
Meal combo option available at Lucky Burger, the fast food restaurant where Lisa goes undercover.

99Madame Leona Knows All BBBMediaVideo Games

Madame Leona Knows All
Fortune telling machine that replaces the Stargate Defender arcade video game in the office lobby.

100The Madison Gazette BBBPeriodicalsNewspaper Gazettes

The Madison Gazette
The new office intern mentions a quote of Dave's from the newspaper The Madison Gazette. The quote: "Nine-tenths of good radio is preparation."

101Max Lewis Incorporated BBBCorporationsCompanies

Max Lewis Incorporated
Max's company. Max: "You heard it first, you heard it live on Max Lewis' This Day In History. Max Lewis History is now a registered trademark of Max Lewis Incorporated."

102Max Lewis' This Day in History BBBRadioRadio Programs

Max Lewis' This Day in History
Max's new segment on WNYX, based on Lisa's new segment, This Day in History with Lisa Miller.

103Max's Spook-a-delic Punch BBBMenuMixed Drinks

Max's Spook-a-delic Punch
Alcoholic drink served at the office Christmas party.

104MC Phreakzille BBBMusicMusic-Rap

MC Phreakzille
Mr. James' new personal security consultant Jack Frost's undercover rapper identity.

105The McNeil Perspective BBBRadioRadio Programs

The McNeil Perspective
Bill's new opinion segment, during which he complains about another broadcaster using the word penis on the air.

106The Microphone Never Blinks BBBLiteratureBooks-Biography

The Microphone Never Blinks
Suggestion for the title of Bill's autobiography - play on the title of Dan Rather's book The Camera Never Blinks.

107Million Mommas March BBBEventsMarches and Parades

Million Mommas March
March Mr. James attempts to organize. Mr. James: "So let's give America a spanking, shall we? Join me, Jimmy James, on this so-called Mother's Day in the first annual Million Mommas March."

108The Museum of Yarn BBBEntertainmentMuseums

The Museum of Yarn
Joke Bill makes about the locals.

109National Junior High Student Council Con... BBBEventsConventions and Seminars

National Junior High Student Council Convention
The new office intern tells Dave that he was inspired to go into radio after hearing Dave speak at the National Junior High Student Council Convention.

110National Video Center Recording StudioBBBMusicRecord Companies

National Video Center Recording Studio

111New York Radio Guide BBBPeriodicalsMagazines

New York Radio Guide
An annual publication with reviews of each radio station. The gang at WNYX go crazy over the new '96-'97 edition.

112Old Green Beret Tricks BBBLiteratureBooks-Misc

Old Green Beret Tricks
Book Joe mentions.

113Passaic Mini Storage BBBServicesShipping and Storage

Passaic Mini Storage
Mr. James buys the gang baseball caps for Christmas, apparently leftover hats from orders made by other companies, including "Bayshore Sheet Metal" for Matthew, "Bethel Lighting" for Beth, "Electric, Passaic Mini Storage" for Lisa and "Rockaway Lumber" for Dave.

114The Peninsula BBBTravelLodging

The Peninsula
Hotel where the the 32nd Annual American Broadcasters Society Awards Banquet is held.

115Petey the Pirate's Funtime Pizza Palace BBBDiningPizza Parlors

Petey the Pirate's Funtime Pizza Palace
Matthews favorite place to eat.

116Pissy Wisconsin Jerk BBBArtsPaintings

Pissy Wisconsin Jerk
Joke Lisa makes about Dave... Dave: "I turn my back and you start to badmouth me." Lisa: "All right, I can't be around you when you're like this." Dave: "What, I don't remind you of a Norman Rockwell painting anymore?" Lisa: "No, I don't think he painted one called "Pissy Wisconsin Jerk."

117Quisp BBBFood ProductsBreakfast Cereal

Breakfast cereal box Lisa carries around trying to figure out the differences between the two pictures on the back.

118Radio Bill BBBLiteratureBooks-Biography

Radio Bill
Suggestion for the title of Bill's autobiography.

119Radio Days BBBLiteratureBooks-Biography

Radio Days
Suggestion for the title of Bill's autobiography.

120Radio Daze BBBLiteratureBooks-Biography

Radio Daze
Suggestion for the title of Bill's autobiography, spelled D-A-Z-E for a Spike Lee feel.

121Radio Ink BBBPeriodicalsMagazines

Radio Ink
Magazine from various episodes.

122The Real Deal with Bill McNealBBBRadioRadio Programs

The Real Deal with Bill McNeal
Bill's news segment at WNYX.

123The Real Deal with Lisa Miller BBBRadioRadio Programs

The Real Deal with Lisa Miller
Lisa replaces Bill as the host of the Real Deal segment when Bill becomes the station manager.

124The Record and Tape Club BBBMusicRecord Stores

The Record and Tape Club
NewsRadio version of Columbia House that service that Beth abuses until the company comes looking for her.

125Rendezvous Room BBBNightlifeNightclubs

Rendezvous Room
Bar at the Wellington Hotel where Frasier and Niles old babysitter Ronee sings and plays the piano.

126Robertson Communications BBBCorporationsCommunications Companies

Robertson Communications
Mr. James almost sells the station to another company.

127The Robots BBBSportsBaseball Teams

The Robots
Future baseball team that Beth tells Joe won the World Series, pretty much from 2147 on.

128Rockaway Lumber BBBConstructionConstruction Companies

Rockaway Lumber
Mr. James buys the gang baseball caps for Christmas, apparently leftover hats from orders made by other companies, including "Bayshore Sheet Metal" for Matthew, "Bethel Lighting" for Beth, "Electric, Passaic Mini Storage" for Lisa and "Rockaway Lumber" for Dave.

129Rocketfuel Malt Liquor BBBBeverage ProductsBeer

Rocketfuel Malt Liquor
Bill: "Whassup, y'all? Bill McNeal sayin' there's a party all up in here, and you need to get with the flow. Oh, yeah! Rocket Fuel Malt Liquor's got the heavyweight power. Whether you got the ee-yotch to rip it up to some fat booty beats, or just chill with the honeys. So get on the rocket and see the stars. Rocket Fuel Malt Liquor."

130Sassy BBBPeriodicalsMagazines

Magazine Lisa mentions to Beth to distract her.

131The Scandal Sheet BBBPeriodicalsNewspapers

The Scandal Sheet
Newspaper Matthew reads on the Titanic. BBBMediaWebsites
Web server. During Bill and Catherine's war, Matthew receives an anonymous email from phreakzilla with a Photoshopped picture of Catherine's head on LaToya Jackson's nude body.

133Seattle Java BBBDiningCoffeehouses

Seattle Java
Coffee shop in the same building as the radio station featuring the frequent customer program The Guzzler's Club.

134SEN-NET BBBCinemaTV Stations

TV station airing live footage of Senate proceedings, parody of C-Span.

135Shadow Studios BBBMedia CompaniesFilm Production Companies

Shadow Studios
Bill gets hired for a TV commercial job promoting Blue Genie's Blue Jeans at Shadow Studios.

136Shut Up New York BBBRadioRadio Programs

Shut Up New York
Bill's new segment on WNYX.

137Sound Off, New York BBBRadioRadio Programs

Sound Off, New York
Radio program Dave proposes to Mr. James. Dave: "I was thinking we could devote half an hour every afternoon to a live call-in show, in which the listeners of our station could air their complaints about living in the city."

138Soylent Green BBBFood ProductsMeat

Soylent Green
Bill advertises Soylent Green on the air: "Now available in vanilla-nut flavor. So for a tasty treat that's good to eat, try Soylent Green. Soylent Green is people. Soylent Green, made from the best stuff on Earth, people."

139Stargate Defender BBBMediaVideo Games

Stargate Defender
Arcade video game that replaces the old sandwich vending machine in the lobby. The video game cabinet shown is the 1980s Stargate video game, the sequel to Defender, also known as Defender II.

140Starkware BBBCorporationsSoftware Companies

Mr. James has a meeting with computer whiz nerd billionaire Eric Stark, owner of software company Starkware, which triggers his extreme fear of hippies.

141Stinkbutt BBBArtsMurals

Free expression mural that Joe and Beth paint in the building atrium that consists of a dead cat and the word Stinkbutt.

142Stun Gun 2000 BBBWeaponsGuns

Stun Gun 2000
Also known as "The stalker shocker" Stun gun that Joe builds for Bill. Bill: "Looks like a garage door opener." Joe: "That's what it used to be, an old garage door opener, some diodes and resistors from a busted mixing board, one reconditioned doorbell button, and one big-ass battery."

143Super Karate Monkey Death Car BBBMediaVideo Games

Super Karate Monkey Death Car
Video game Lisa tells Dave her brother created and sold to Microsoft.

144Tavern on the Green BBBDiningRestaurants-Misc

Tavern on the Green
Dave's favorite lunch spot where he takes Lisa's new assistant Foxy out to lunch.

145Ted Chambers' Total Workout BBBBeauty CareFitness Centers

Ted Chambers' Total Workout
Bill's new gym, where he meets Vic, played by Ben Stiller.

146Tessio Brothers, Incorporated BBBIndustrial CompaniesManufacturing

Tessio Brothers, Incorporated
Pen company Mr. James does business with.

147This Day in History with Lisa Miller BBBRadioRadio Programs

This Day in History with Lisa Miller
Lisa's new segment on WNYX.

148Throwdini BBBAmusementEntertainment Acts

Dave's knife throwing nemesis, played by Kevin McDonald from Kids in the Hall.

149Throwgali BBBAmusementEntertainment Acts

Dave's knife-throwing name. Full version: "Throwgali Master of the Throwing Knife"

150To Serve Man BBBLiteratureCookbooks

To Serve Man
New book that Mr. James gets for everybody after buying a publishing house.

151Trash Can Basketball BBBSportsSports

Trash Can Basketball
Game Matthew and Joe play at work. Dave: "Hey, guys. What's going on? You playing hallway soccer? Trash can basketball? Hey, does this have anything to do with that coffee cup that's been on top of this light fixture the last few days? What do you call this game?" Matthew and Joe: "Who can get the coffee cup off the top of the light fixture."

152True Grits BBBCinemaMovies-Western

True Grits
Mr. James gets swindled, buying a bunch of fake movie props - including a box of grits from the movie True Grits, which doesn't exist - it's actually True Grit.

153Under Siege 3 BBBCinemaMovies-Sequels

Under Siege 3
Sequel to Steven Seagal's real life Under Siege 2.

154Underpinnings Incorporated BBBPersonal CareHygiene Products

Underpinnings Incorporated
Adult diaper product Catherine did commercial for.

155Venus Newsstand BBBRetailBookstores

Venus Newsstand
Newsstand actually on the planet Venus that Joe and Beth visit.

156The Voice-mo-tron 2000 BBBTechnology ProductsAudiovisual Devices

The Voice-mo-tron 2000
The electronic voice modulator that Joe builds for Bill.

157WNJE BBBCinemaTV Stations

TV station Bill auditions for, but looks terrible on camera.

158WNY-Sex BBBRadioRadio Stations

Porn version of the radio station WNYX from the title of the Photoshopped picture of Catherine's head on LaToya Jackson's nude body that Bill has sent to Matthew.

159WNYXBBBRadioRadio Stations

Radio station. 585 AM.

160WXYP BBBRadioRadio Stations

Rival radio station where Ed says he's going to work when he leaves.

161November 24, 1971 Dates20th Century: 70sEvents

November 24, 1971
Batman actor Adam West admits to having been the legendary D.B. Cooper that hijacked a Boeing 727 in 1971, leaping out of the plane with the ransom payout and disappearing.

162November 24, 1971 Dates20th Century: 70sEvents

November 24, 1971
Billionaire industrialist Jimmy James gets arrested, accused of being the D.B. Cooper that hijacked a Boeing 727 in 1971, leaping out of the plane with the ransom payout and disappearing.

163Area 52 MapStructuresMilitary Bases

Area 52
Secret military base that Joe mentions - more secret than Area 51.

164Billionaireland MapWorldsFantasy Lands

Joke Matthew makes about Mr. James' lifestyle. Matthew: "Mr. James, no offense, you wouldn't understand." Mr. James: "Why not?" Matthew: "To be frank, you spend your day in billionaire-land. Getting steam baths and sitting on your ass, letting your ego be massaged by yes men."

165Boulevard of Broken Dreams MapTransit RoutesStreets-Blvds

Boulevard of Broken Dreams
Joke Matthew makes during his punk phase. "Sorry, Mussolini. I had some business to take care of down on the Boulevard of Broken Dreams."

166The Criterion BuildingMapStructuresBuildings

The Criterion Building
Home of WNYX in Manhattan.

167The Dave Cave MapNatureCaverns

The Dave Cave
Batman-influenced Joke Dave makes about other secrets he may have when the office finds out he's Canadian.

168Death Star MapOuter SpaceSpace Stations

Death Star
Catherine reads a news report referring to the events of Star Wars A New Hope: "Tragedy struck today in Sector 9 as rebel terrorists blew up the Death Star, killing thousands. The rebel alliance, a fringe group of anti-Empire fanatics has claimed responsibility for the terrorist act. Fortunately, Lord Vader escaped without harm. Our hearts go out to the families of the victims."

169Fort Awesome MapStructuresBuildings

Fort Awesome
Mr. James' mansion. Mr. James: "I wanted a place just like Xanadu, but without such a dorky name." Lisa: "So what'd you call it?" Mr. James: "Fort Awesome."

170The Jimmy James Bridge MapTransit RoutesBridges

The Jimmy James Bridge
Construction project Lisa proposes in an attempt to convince Mr. James not to build his towers in New York City. Mr. James: "Lisa, nobody ever says anything good about a bridge, all right? They'd be like, 'Traffic was blocked up for hours today on the Jimmy James,' or, 'Some loser jumped off the Jimmy James today,' or, 'I was driving along the Jimmy James while my best friend was back home in bed with my wife."

171The Jimmy James Space Tower Plaza MapStructuresTowers

The Jimmy James Space Tower Plaza
Mr. James' new project to build two towers in New York City shaped like gigantic J's, that will be the tallest towers in the world. Mr. James eventually moves the project to London.

172Jimmy-lantis MapUrban AreasCities

Construction project Lisa proposes in an attempt to convince Mr. James not to build his towers in New York City. "An underwater colony: the final frontier."

173Sector 12 MapOuter SpaceSectors

Sector 12
Dave's space pod is located in Sector 12, apparently a very safe place to live in space.

174Sector 9 MapOuter SpaceSectors

Sector 9
Catherine reads a news report referring to the events of Star Wars A New Hope: "Tragedy struck today in Sector 9 as rebel terrorists blew up the Death Star, killing thousands. The rebel alliance, a fringe group of anti-Empire fanatics has claimed responsibility for the terrorist act. Fortunately, Lord Vader escaped without harm. Our hearts go out to the families of the victims."

175Squaresville MapUrban AreasCities-Joke

City from joke.

176The 32nd Annual American Broadcasters So... OtherRecognitionAwards Ceremonies

The 32nd Annual American Broadcasters Society Awards Banquet
Awards ceremony where WNYX wins them all.

177American Broadcaster Society Awards OtherRecognitionAwards Ceremonies

American Broadcaster Society Awards
Also known as ABSA. Professional organization that hosts an annual awards banquet.

178Beth & Lisa OtherQuotesQuotes

Beth & Lisa
Beth: If my boyfriend acted like that, I'd go absolutely bitchcakes.
Lisa: Bitchcakes?" Beth: "I just made that up. You think it's gonna catch on?

179Beth & Lisa OtherQuotesQuotes

Beth & Lisa
Beth When Stewie's around, you still want to shake your bunnymaker.
Lisa: I do not, and the word is moneymaker.
Beth: Hello, I know, it's another new one I made up.

180Coeur De La Mer OtherArtifactsGems

Coeur De La Mer
The biggest blue diamond in the world. Based on the Heart of the Ocean, the blue diamond from the film Titanic.

181The Crested North American Quitter OtherLiving ThingsAnimals

The Crested North American Quitter
Bird from Bill's joke. Bill: "Oh, what have we here, a quitter?" Dave: "No. I just really need to write this speech." Bill: "Do I hear the plaintive cry of the crested North American quitter?" Dave: "Bill, please." Bill: "Quit, quit, quit, coo! Quit, quit, coo!"

182Dave gets a friend of his to impersonate...OtherTriviaQuestions

Dave gets a friend of his to impersonate what cartoonist?
Gary Larson
Scott Adams
Charles Schultz

183Dave, Matthew & Joe OtherQuotesQuotes

Dave, Matthew & Joe
Dave: Hey, guys. What's going on? You playing hallway soccer? Trash can basketball? Hey, does this have anything to do with that coffee cup that's been on top of this light fixture the last few days? What do you call this game?
Matthew and Joe: Who can get the coffee cup off the top of the light fixture.

184Electronic Maintenance Technician of the... OtherRecognitionAwards

Electronic Maintenance Technician of the Year
Award Joe wins at the 32nd Annual American Broadcasters Society Awards Banquet.

185Jimmy JamesOtherQuotesQuotes

Jimmy James
Jimmy James: I never doubted myself for a minute, for I knew that my monkey-strong bowels were girded with strength like the loins of a dragon ribboned with fat and the opulence of buffalo dung.

186Jimmy James OtherQuotesQuotes

Jimmy James
Jimmy James: "That's what happens when you empty a man's bank account and ruin his credit rating. Blackball him so he can't ever get a job. I call it my deluxe severance package."

187Jimmy James' nemesis, as well as Lisa's ...OtherTriviaQuestions

Jimmy James' nemesis, as well as Lisa's love interest and eventual husband.
Billy Williamson
Johnny Johnson
Hank Henry

188Joe-jitsu OtherMiscellaneousCombat Strategies

Joe's personal style of jujitsu. "The 16 fold path to enlightenment." Obnoxious mouthing off is the cornerstone of Joe-jitsu.

189King-of-the-world-itis OtherMedical ConditionsConditions

Uncontrollable desire to stand on the bow of the ship and yell, "I'm king of the world!"

190Lisa OtherQuotesQuotes

Lisa: Johnny, our paths have diverged. I'm a journalist. You're a wino. Just get outta here, ok. Go! Scram!

191Lisa & Beth OtherQuotesQuotes

Lisa & Beth
Lisa: Where are you going?
Beth: I'm going to go fax my new words around, see how long it takes them to show up on Melrose Place. Catch you later, B-cakes. That's the street version.

192Name of the sled that Mr. James buys, th... OtherTriviaName Game

Name of the sled that Mr. James buys, thinking it's the famous Rosebud sled from the movie Citizen Kane.
Rose Byrne
Rose Bowl
Rose Bush

193Segment Producer of the Year for an All-... OtherRecognitionAwards

Segment Producer of the Year for an All-new Station
Award Lisa wins at the 32nd Annual American Broadcasters Society Awards Banquet.

194Space Dollars OtherMoneyCurrency

Space Dollars
The new future currency in space.

195Turds in a Blanket OtherRecipesFood Recipes

Turds in a Blanket
Dish from Bill's joke: Nobody cares how beautiful the soufflee is if the appetizer is turds in a blanket.

196Untitled OtherThemesBeast 2


197What is Bill's first name?OtherTriviaName Game

What is Bill's first name?

198What word on Bill's review did he refuse...OtherTriviaQuestions

What word on Bill's review did he refuse to let go?

199When Matthew quits the station he gets a...OtherTriviaName Game

When Matthew quits the station he gets a job at the coffee shop in the same building. What is the name of the frequent customer program there?
Java Junkies Club
Java Guzzlers Club
Java Juicers Club

200Where is WNYX on your AM dial?OtherTriviaQuestions

Where is WNYX on your AM dial?

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