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Total Records: 11 - Group: MAP / Category: WATER / Subcategory: PONDS
Record Name
1Butterscotch Pond THE SIMPSONS 1989 Animated SeriesWaterPonds

Butterscotch Pond
Pond in the Garden of Eden.

2Godlin's Pond SKELETON CREW 1985 LiteratureWaterPonds

Godlin's Pond
Pond on Goat Island, where the phone lines might have gone down when Vera is talking to Annie Phillips on the phone, causing crackling on the line.

3Golden PondON GOLDEN POND 1981 FilmWaterPonds

Golden Pond
Lake in the far reaches of northern New England.

4Hobbs Pond SMALLVILLE 2001 TV SeriesWaterPonds

Hobbs Pond
The red meteor fragments used for Smallville High School students' class rings were found at Hobbs Pond, south of County Highway 17.

5Miller's PondGREEN WILMA 1998 LiteratureWaterPonds

Miller's Pond

6Pool PondHORNS 2010 LiteratureWaterPonds

Pool Pond
Where Sean Philips woke at one in the morning to a steely, eardrum-stunning detonation.

7Renner's Pond 21 JUMP STREET 1987 TV SeriesWaterPonds

Renner's Pond
Pond where Mr. Crawford's son Cameron drowned, before being revived.

8Tashmore PondFIRESTARTER 1980 LiteratureWaterPonds

Tashmore Pond
Lake in Tashmore, Vermont.

9Tracy's Pond THE TWILIGHT ZONE 1959 TV SeriesWaterPonds

Tracy's Pond
During a winter storm, state troopers investigating a UFO crash find tracks leading out of Tracy's Pond near a town called Hook's Landing. They follow the tracks to a little diner called the Hi-Way Cafe, finding a Cayuga Bus Company bus parked outside. Inside, they find seven customers, and a bus driver claiming he only had six passengers.

10Walden Pond 20TH CENTURY GHOSTS 2005 LiteratureWaterPonds

Walden Pond
Pond in Pallow.

11White's Pond BATMAN 1966 TV SeriesWaterPonds

White's Pond

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