Animated Series 2021. Created by A.C. Bradley. Starring Various.
Source Features: BBB (15) MAP (14) OTHER (27) THEMES (4)

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Total Records: 14 - Medium: ANIMATED SERIES / Group: MAP
Record Name
1Alpha Star Icarus Outer SpaceStars

Alpha Star Icarus
Star that was destroyed by one of Thor's parties.

2Asgard Outer SpacePlanets

Thor's homeworld, from multiple episodes.

3Avengers Tower StructuresTowers

Avengers Tower
Nat calls Ultron.

4Camp Lehigh StructuresMilitary Bases

Camp Lehigh
Army base where the remaining Avengers find Vision.

5Ego Outer SpacePlanets

Ultron attempts to bring about peace to every corner of the universe, by destroying planets.

6Knowhere Outer SpaceInterstellar Objects

Home of the Collector.

7Morag Outer SpacePlanets

T'Challa as Star-Lord retrieves the power stone orb from the planet Morag.

8Mount Bashenga NatureMountains

Mount Bashenga
Mountain in Wakanda that Killmonger mentions, that his father told him about.

9Nine Realms WorldsMiscellaneous Places

Nine Realms
Frigga mentions that Thor will one day rule the Nine Realms.

10Sakaar Outer SpacePlanets

Planet from multiple episodes.

11The Sovereign Outer SpacePlanets

The Sovereign
Ultron attempts to bring about peace to every corner of the universe, by destroying planets.

12Tarnix IV Outer SpacePlanets

Tarnix IV

13Wakanda Geographic AreasCountries

Country from multiple episodes.

14Xandar Outer SpacePlanets

Ultron attempts to bring about peace to every corner of the universe, by destroying planets.

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