Animated Series 2021. Created by Dave Filoni. Starring Dee Bradley Baker and Michelle Ang.
Source Features: BBB (37) MAP (50) OTHER (46) THEMES (1)

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Total Records: 133 - Medium: ANIMATED SERIES
Record Name
112 Series Speeder BBBVehiclesBikes

12 Series Speeder
Speeder used by a riot racer at Safa Toma.

2Armored Assault Tank BBBVehiclesCombat Vehicles

Armored Assault Tank
Imperial tank.

3Assorted Meats BBBFood StoresButcher Shops

Assorted Meats
Sign in Aurabesh on Pandora: "Assorted Meats"

4Astromech DroidBBBTechnology ProductsRobot Models

Astromech Droid
Droid model from multiple episodes.

5AT-TE BBBVehiclesCombat Vehicles

Clone tank. All Terrain Tactical Enforcer.

6Banking Clan BBBOrganizationsProf. Orgs

Banking Clan
Representatives of the Banking Clan speak out at the Senate meeting on Coruscant.

7BARC SpeederBBBVehiclesBikes

BARC Speeder
Imperial speeders from multiple episodes.

8Battle Droid BBBTechnology ProductsRobot Models

Battle Droid
Separatist droid employed during the Clone Wars.

9Class 4 Freighter BBBVehiclesSpacecrafts - Star Wars

Class 4 Freighter
Freighter the Empire uses to retrieve Count Dooku's war chest from Castle Serenno.

10DejarikBBBToysTabletop Games

Also known as holochess, from multiple episodes. There is a Dejarik table in Cid's tavern.

11Delta Class Shuttle BBBVehiclesSpacecrafts - Star Wars

Delta Class Shuttle
Shuttle class.

12Destroyer Droid BBBTechnology ProductsRobot Models

Destroyer Droid
Also known as Droidekas. Commander Cody and Crosshair face destroyer droids on Desix.

13Electrostaff BBBWeaponsWeapons-misc

Imperial weapon.

14Fennec Shand BBBServicesAssassins and Mercenaries

Fennec Shand
Sullustan depot manager Raspar Six contacts bounty hunter Fennec Shand: This is Raspar Six at Ro Station. Word on the channels is you're looking for a certain modified Omicron-class attack shuttle. I might know where to find it, but that information's going to cost you.

15Gonk DroidBBBTechnology ProductsRobot Models

Gonk Droid
Power droid, from multiple episodes, including one on the Bad Batch's Marauder named Gonky.

16Imperial Probe Droid BBBTechnology ProductsRobot Models

Imperial Probe Droid
The Bad Batch detect an Imperial Probe droid on the planet Kaller.

17Imperial Shuttle BBBVehiclesCombat Vehicles

Imperial Shuttle
Present on Desix.

18Interrogator Droid BBBTechnology ProductsRobot Models

Interrogator Droid
Crosshair is interrogated.

19Ivan's Wampa HouseBBBDiningRestaurants-Misc

Ivan's Wampa House
Sign on chain restaurants in Aurabesh on Pandora: "Ivan's Wampa House"

20Jedi Cruiser BBBVehiclesSpacecrafts - Star Wars

Jedi Cruiser
Rex takes the gang to a starship graveyard on Bracca to take their chips out - they spot a Jedi Cruiser on their way to a Venator-class ship.

21Lambda Class ShuttleBBBVehiclesSpacecrafts - Star Wars

Lambda Class Shuttle
Imperial shuttle, from multiple episodes.

22Low Altitude Assault Transport BBBVehiclesAircrafts

Low Altitude Assault Transport
Also referred to as Republic Gunship, from multiple episodes.

23Lucky Shot BBBMediaVideo Games

Lucky Shot
Game in Cid's bar - name is written in Aurabesh.

24Mantell Mix BBBFood ProductsCandy

Mantell Mix
Sweet treat from multiple episodes.

25Mouse DroidBBBTechnology ProductsRobot Models

Mouse Droid
Imperial droid, from multiple episodes.

26Nimbus Class V-Wing BBBVehiclesSpacecrafts - Star Wars

Nimbus Class V-Wing
Imperial fighter, precursor to the TIE fighter, from multiple episodes.

27Omicron Class Attack Shuttle BBBVehiclesSpacecrafts - Star Wars

Omicron Class Attack Shuttle
The Bad Batch's ship, also known as a Marauder.

28Party Food and Hot and Spicy Rancor BBBDiningRestaurants-Misc

Party Food and Hot and Spicy Rancor
Sign in Aurabesh on Pantora: "Party Food and Hot and Spicy Rancor"

29Republic Tank BBBVehiclesCombat Vehicles

Republic Tank
General Billaba and her clone troops battle the Separatist droid army on the planet Kaller while her Padawan Caleb seeks reinforcements, returning with the Bad Batch.

30Riot Racing BBBSportsSports

Riot Racing
Cid takes Omega, Tech and Wrecker to the Safa Toma Classic riot race at Safa Toma on the planet Serolonis.

31Safa Toma Classic BBBEventsSporting Events

Safa Toma Classic
Cid takes Omega, Tech and Wrecker to the Safa Toma Classic riot race at Safa Toma on the planet Serolonis.

32Scrapper Guild BBBOrganizationsProf. Orgs

Scrapper Guild
The gang runs into the Scrapper Guild when Rex takes them to a starship graveyard on Bracca to take their chips out.

33Spice BBBDrugsNarcotics

Substance from multiple episodes.

34Spider Droid BBBTechnology ProductsRobot Models

Spider Droid

35Techno Union BBBOrganizationsProf. Orgs

Techno Union
It is mentioned that the Techno Union used to run the ipsium mine on the planet where Cid sends the Bad Batch.

36Venator Class Star DestroyerBBBVehiclesSpacecrafts - Star Wars

Venator Class Star Destroyer
Class of Star Destroyer from multiple episodes.

37The Weyland Facility BBBResearch InstitutesLaboratories

The Weyland Facility
Imperial cloning operation the Weyland Facility is located on Mount Tantiss on the planet Weyland.

38The Archium MapStructuresBuildings

The Archium
Building on the island world of Pabu, where Phee stores treasures from all over the galaxy.

39Balmorra MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Wars

Rex and Echo lead a mission rescuing clone prisoners from a transport ship departing Balmorra.

40Barton-4 MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Wars

Crosshair's latest mission sends him to the ice world of Barton-4, location of an Imperial outpost known simply as "The Outpost".

41Battle Memorial MapStructuresBuildings

Battle Memorial
Location where Commander Cody and Crosshair meet before their mission.

42Bora Vio MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Wars

Bora Vio
Bounty hunter Cad Bane takes Omega to a Kaminoan facility on Bora Rio in the Lido System.

43Bracca MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Wars

Planet from multiple episodes.

44Castle Serenno MapStructuresCastles

Castle Serenno
Cid sends the Bad Batch to heist Count Dooku's war chest from his former residence Castle Serenno on the planet Serenno in the Outer Rim before the Empire gets it all.

45The Citadel MapUrban AreasCities-Outer Space

The Citadel
When Tarkin arrives on Kamino to evaluate clone troopers, Tech refers to him as the same Tarkin from Echo's Citadel rescue. Mentioned only.

46Coral Cave MapNatureCaverns

Coral Cave
Phee tells several stories, such as fending off an octomorph barehanded, tracking down artifacts, including the Blade of Zakata Par and the Belmont diadem, and finding the Grand Pearl of Novak in the Coral Cave.

47Corellia MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Wars

Planet from multiple episodes.

48CoruscantMapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Wars

Galactic capital, from multiple episodes.

49Daro MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Wars

Rex sends the Bad Batch to rescue Gregor from the planet Daro in the outer rim after receiving a distress signal.

50Desix MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Wars

Remote Separatist world, location of Commander Cody and Crosshair's mission.

51Elweys MapGeographic AreasTerritories

Phee mentions traveling to Vadnay, as she has a lead on a certain chalice that belonged to the kingdom of Elweys.

52Eriadu MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Wars

In order to find out more about the Science Divison's activities, the Bad Batch trails Dr. Hemlock to an imminent summit hosted by Tarkin on Eriadu.

53Felucia MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Wars

While fighting droids in Tarkin's test, Tech tells Wrecker to do what they did on Felucia. Mentioned only.

54Gamblers Gulch MapNatureNatural Areas

Gamblers Gulch
Location on the riot racetrack at Safa Toma.

55Idaflor MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Wars

Out of fuel and rations, the Bad Batch changes their plans to hide out on the uninhabited planet Idaflor and instead head for the moon Pandora.

56Kadavo MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Wars

Planet that the Zygerrian leader mentions: "With the meddling Republic gone, we can return to Kadavo and rebuild what was taken from us. Under this new Empire, our operation will flourish once again."

57Kaldar Trinary System MapOuter SpaceStar Systems

Kaldar Trinary System
While searching a junkyard for useful salvage, Omega and Wrecker find an ancient compass containing a set of coordinates that lead to the uncharted Kaldar Trinary System, where Phee convinces them to join her on her treasure hunt. Phee Genoa and Omega persuade the Bad Batch to set out for the system, where the compass leads them to Skara Nal, the resting place of a legendary rare crystalline stone, the Heart of the Mountain.

58Kaller MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Wars

Planet from multiple episodes.

59Kamino MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Wars

Planet where the clones were created, where the Bad Batch reside when the series begins.

60Kashyyyk MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Wars

The Bad Batch finds Wookiee Jedi youngling Gungi's home world Kashyyyk being ravaged by a group of Trandoshan mercenaries working for the Empire.

61Kuat MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Wars

Wrecker mentions a simple smash and grab back on Kuat.

62Lido System MapOuter SpaceStar Systems

Lido System
Bounty hunter Cad Bane takes Omega to a Kaminoan facility on Bora Rio in the Lido System.

63Lotho Minor MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Wars

Lotho Minor
Planet mentioned by the riot race announcer when Tech and another racer choose to take the left tunnel: Whoa, looks like a couple blaster brains took the ol' Nellis Express to Lotho Minor.

64Mount Tantiss MapNatureMountains

Mount Tantiss
Imperial cloning operation the Weyland Facility is located on Mount Tantiss on the planet Weyland.

65Oba Diah MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Wars

Oba Diah
Homeworld of the Pyke species. Roland tells the Pykes to go back to Oba Diah and wait.

66Old Ord Mantell City MapUrban AreasCities

Old Ord Mantell City
Cid sends the Bad Batch to a city on Old Mantell to find Muchi, which turns out to be a baby Rancor.

67Onderon MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Wars

Planet from multiple episodes.

68Onderon Sector MapOuter SpaceSectors

Onderon Sector
Tarkin sends the Bad Batch after insurgents in the Onderon Sector, what turns out to be civilians, including Saw Gerrera. Saw makes his case for the Bad Batch to join them, reminding them that clones once helped free Onderon.

69Ord Mantell MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Wars

Ord Mantell
Planet from multiple episodes.

70Outer Rim MapOuter SpaceRegions of Space

Outer Rim
Narrator: After the Jedi Knights thwarted an attempt to kidnap Chancellor Palpatine, the evil droid General Grievous retreated to the Outer Rim.

71The Outpost MapStructuresMilitary Bases

The Outpost
Crosshair's latest mission sends him to the ice world of Barton-4, location of an Imperial outpost known simply as "The Outpost".

72Pabu MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Wars

Phee's home away from home, location of the Archium, the building where Phee stores treasures from all over the galaxy.

73Pantora MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Wars

Out of fuel and rations, the Bad Batch changes their plans to hide out on the uninhabited planet Idaflor and instead head for the moon Pandora.

74Raxulon MapUrban AreasCities

Cid sends the Bad Batch to extract Senator Avi Singh from Raxulon, capital city of Raxus, the former center of the Separatist government, also known as the Confederacy of Independent Systems.

75Raxus MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Wars

Cid sends the Bad Batch to extract Senator Avi Singh from Raxulon, capital city of Raxus, the former center of the Separatist government, also known as the Confederacy of Independent Systems.

76Ro Station MapUrban AreasCities

Ro Station
Sullustan depot manager Raspar Six contacts bounty hunter Fennec Shand: This is Raspar Six at Ro Station. Word on the channels is you're looking for a certain modified Omicron-class attack shuttle. I might know where to find it, but that information's going to cost you.

77Ryloth MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Wars

The Empire mines Doonium on the planet Ryloth.

78Safa Toma MapUrban AreasCities-Outer Space

Safa Toma
Cid takes Omega, Tech and Wrecker to the Safa Toma Classic riot race at Safa Toma on the planet Serolonis.

79Saleucami MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Wars

The Bad Batch visits some old friends.

80Serenno MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Wars

Cid sends the Bad Batch to heist Count Dooku's war chest from his former residence Castle Serenno on the planet Serenno in the Outer Rim before the Empire gets it all.

81Serolonis MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Wars

Cid takes Omega, Tech and Wrecker to the Safa Toma Classic riot race at Safa Toma on the planet Serolonis.

82Skako Minor MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Wars

Skako Minor
Planet where Anakin, Rex, and the Bad Batch tracked down Echo, finding him more machine than man, where he was being used as a living computer by the Tech Union.

83Skara Nal MapUrban AreasCities-Outer Space

Skara Nal
While searching a junkyard for useful salvage, Omega and Wrecker find an ancient compass containing a set of coordinates that lead to the uncharted Kaldar Trinary System, where Phee convinces them to join her on her treasure hunt. Phee Genoa and Omega persuade the Bad Batch to set out for the system, where the compass leads them to Skara Nal, the resting place of a legendary rare crystalline stone, the Heart of the Mountain.

84Tipoca City MapUrban AreasCities

Tipoca City
City on Kamino.

85Utapau MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Wars

After arriving on Kamino, the Bad Batch are informed that General Grievous was defeated on Utapau and that the Separatist leadership has collapsed. The war is over.

86Vadnay MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Wars

Phee mentions traveling to Vadnay, as she has a lead on a certain chalice that belonged to the kingdom of Elweys.

87Weyland MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Wars

Imperial cloning operation the Weyland Facility is located on Mount Tantiss on the planet Weyland.

88Battle Droid OtherQuotesQuotes

Battle Droid
Battle Droid: Drop your weapons and surrender!

89Battle Droid OtherQuotesQuotes

Battle Droid
Battle Droid: Hey, what's that? Oh, no.

90Battle Droid OtherQuotesQuotes

Battle Droid
Battle Droid: Hold your positions!

91Belmont Diadem OtherArtifactsArchaeological Artifacts

Belmont Diadem
Phee tells several stories, such as fending off an octomorph barehanded, tracking down artifacts, including the Blade of Zakata Par and the Belmont diadem, and finding the Grand Pearl of Novak in the Coral Cave.

92Blade of Zakata Par OtherArtifactsAncient Weapons

Blade of Zakata Par
Phee tells several stories, such as fending off an octomorph barehanded, tracking down artifacts, including the Blade of Zakata Par and the Belmont diadem, and finding the Grand Pearl of Novak in the Coral Cave.

93Brezak OtherLiving ThingsAnimals

Flying lizard on Ord Mantell.

94Cid's nickname for Hunter.OtherTriviaName Game-Nicknames

Cid's nickname for Hunter.

95Cid's nickname for Tech. OtherTriviaName Game-Nicknames

Cid's nickname for Tech.

96Cid's nickname for Wrecker. OtherTriviaName Game-Nicknames

Cid's nickname for Wrecker.

97Clone Commander & Vice Admiral Rampart OtherQuotesQuotes

Clone Commander & Vice Admiral Rampart
Clone Commander: Sir, I will not falsify an official report.
Vice Admiral Rampart: I understand. I will (shoots Clone Commander).

98Credit OtherMoneyCurrency


99Crosshair OtherQuotesQuotes

Crosshair: Lieutenant.


Crosshair: Good soldiers follow orders.

101Crosshair OtherQuotesQuotes

Crosshair: We're soldiers. We do what needs to be done.

102Depa Billaba OtherQuotesQuotes

Depa Billaba
Depa Billaba: You must run! Run Caleb!

103Dianoga OtherLiving ThingsAnimals

Large aquatic animal with tentacles from multiple episodes.

104Doonium OtherMatterSubstances

The Empire mines Doonium on the planet Ryloth.

105Grand Pearl of Novak OtherArtifactsGems

Grand Pearl of Novak
Phee tells several stories, such as fending off an octomorph barehanded, tracking down artifacts, including the Blade of Zakata Par and the Belmont diadem, and finding the Grand Pearl of Novak in the Coral Cave.

106Gundark OtherLiving ThingsAnimals

A key detail that CID left out of the last mission briefing was that the drop zone swarming with gundarks.

107The Heart of the Mountain OtherArtifactsGems

The Heart of the Mountain
While searching a junkyard for useful salvage, Omega and Wrecker find an ancient compass containing a set of coordinates that lead to the uncharted Kaldar Trinary System, where Phee convinces them to join her on her treasure hunt. Phee Genoa and Omega persuade the Bad Batch to set out for the system, where the compass leads them to Skara Nal, the resting place of a legendary rare crystalline stone, the Heart of the Mountain.


Hunter: Strap in kid, you're not gonna want to miss this view.

109Ice Vulture OtherLiving ThingsBirds

Ice Vulture
Flying creatures on the ice world of Barton-4.

110Imperial Credits OtherMoneyCurrency

Imperial Credits
Every citizen can exchange their invalid currency for Imperial credits, thanks to the generosity of the new Galactic Empire.

111Ipsium OtherMatterSubstances

Mineral being mined on the planet where Cid sends the Bad Batch - highly combustible in its raw form.

112Irling OtherLiving ThingsBugs

Dangerous flying insects that live in the mine beneath Cid's parlor on Ord Mantell.

113Kinrath OtherLiving ThingsAnimals

Large spider creatures on the Wookiee home world Kashyyyk.

114Massiff OtherLiving ThingsAnimals

The Empire hunts down Gregor on the planet Daro using Massif hounds.

115Mayday OtherQuotesQuotes

Mayday: Remind Me Not to Die on Your Watch.

116Moon-yo OtherLiving ThingsAnimals

Monkey type creature on Pabu.

117Octomorph OtherLiving ThingsAnimals

Phee tells several stories, such as fending off an octomorph barehanded, tracking down artifacts, including the Blade of Zakata Par and the Belmont diadem, and finding the Grand Pearl of Novak in the Coral Cave.


Omega: I like you. You don't fit in here either.

119Ordo Moon Dragon OtherLiving ThingsAnimals

Ordo Moon Dragon
Creature that feeds on raw energy.

120Project Stardust OtherPlansProjects

Project Stardust
Tarkin asks Krennic for the status of Project Stardust - also known as the Death Star project.

121Project War Mantle OtherPlansProjects

Project War Mantle
Tarkin asks Rampart for an update on Project War Mantle.

122Pyke Syndicate OtherCriminalsCriminal Organizations

Pyke Syndicate
In order to get her parlor back, Cid plans to disrupt Roland's spice deal with the Pykes.

123Rafa MartezOtherQuotesQuotes

Rafa Martez
Rafa Martez: Take it from me. In the end, we all choose sides.

124Rancor OtherLiving ThingsAnimals

Sign in Aurabesh on Pandora: "Party Food and Hot and Spicy Rancor"

125Riot Race Announcer OtherQuotesQuotes

Riot Race Announcer
Riot Race Announcer: Whoa, looks like a couple blaster brains took the ol' Nellis Express to Lotho Minor.

126Roland OtherQuotesQuotes

Roland: You take what you want. That's the Durand way.

127Tay-O OtherQuotesQuotes

Tay-O: I regret nothing.

128The name of the rampaging adolescent ran... OtherTriviaName Game

The name of the rampaging adolescent rancor.

129Untitled OtherThemesFlatliners 2


130WampaOtherLiving ThingsAnimals

Sign on chain restaurants in Aurabesh on Pandora: "Ivan's Wampa House"


Wrecker: Maybe this Empire thing isn't so bad after all.


Wrecker: I like to blow things up, because I like to blow things up.

133Wrecker & Tech OtherQuotesQuotes

Wrecker & Tech
Wrecker: Don't you do it, Tech.
Tech: When have we ever followed orders?

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