TV Series 2017. Created by Will Campos, Desmond Dolly, Daniel Johnson and David Welch. Starring Robert Buckley, Lea Michele, Matt Jones, Joel McHale, Sarah Hyland, Daniel Zovatto, Patton Oswalt, Ryan Lee, Sterling Beaumon, Ashley Rickards, Constance Wu, Megan Mullally, Lorenza Izzo, Tom Noonan and Mark Hamill.
Source Features: BBB (62) TIMELINE (11) MAP (6) OTHER (16) THEMES (1)

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Beverage Products
Detention Centers
Living Things
Media Companies
Technology Products
Urban Areas

Total Records: 95 - Medium: TV SERIES
Record Name
1Adam and the Adams BBBMusicMusicians-Misc

Adam and the Adams
Band that Adam and his clones form after escaping from Make-A-Match.

2Ben Branson BBBMusicMusicians-Misc

Ben Branson
Musician whose appearance was used as model for the Adam clones.

3Ben Branson Live at Great Woods BBBMusicAlbums

Ben Branson Live at Great Woods
Album by musician Ben Branson, the musician whose appearance was used as model for the Adam clones. Both Adam and Amanda find a copy at a thrift store.

4Bits 'N Blips BBBPeriodicalsMagazines

Bits 'N Blips
Video game magazine that Andrew submits articles to.

5Bob BBBComputersSupercomputers

NSA cybernetic supercomputer.

6Burger Barn BBBDiningBurger Joints

Burger Barn
Fast food restaurant where Val considers applying for a job.

7Captain Lee BBBHealthcareTherapy

Captain Lee
Army therapist the NSA brings in to analyze cybernetic supercomputer Bob.

8Cardiac BBBBeverage ProductsEnergy Drinks

Beverage product in Val's room. "200% caffeine"

9Carnage BBBCinemaMovies-Horror

Movie poster on door of Wilma's Arcade.

10Centillion BBBMediaWebsites

Search engine that Sue uses to search for proof of the existence of the old Time Ryder cartoon from the 90s.

11Channel 8 BBBCinemaTV Stations

Channel 8
Local TV station in Beaverton, Oregon.

12Chosen: The Final Saga, Part I BBBCinemaMovies-Sci Fi

Chosen: The Final Saga, Part I
Movie that Dusty's niece Chloe makes him take her to on their movie night. Shown in Cinethrax.

13Chrono Gauntlet BBBTechnology ProductsSpy Gadgets

Chrono Gauntlet
Time Ryder gadget. Time Ryder: These invisibracelets are linked to the ROYGBIV scrambalizer on my Chrono Gauntlet. As long as you wear them, no-one from the past can see you or hear you.

14Cineblog BBBMediaWebsites

Movie blog that calls Cinethrax technology, crazy intense.

15Cinethrax BBBEntertainmentMovie Theaters

Featuring new immersive movie theater technology, actually an alien entity, a galactic hive mind, that came here to unite us. "Embrace the Experience"

16Comet Commander BBBMediaVideo Games

Comet Commander
Video game at Wilma's Arcade.

17Electrolyte Balance BBBBeverage ProductsBeverages

Electrolyte Balance
Beverage product in Val's room.

18Exploring Quantum Paradoxes BBBLiteraturePrinted Matter

Exploring Quantum Paradoxes
Alex Kapoor's paper for Professor Dobkin's Quantum Mechanics class.

19Fast Racer BBBMediaVideo Games

Fast Racer
Video game mentioned on the cover of Bits 'N Blips, the video game magazine in Andrew's backpack.

20Field of Fire 2046 BBBMediaVideo Games

Field of Fire 2046
Video game Val plays.

21Field of Fire 2046: Chino Hills Tourname... BBBEventsContests

Field of Fire 2046: Chino Hills Tournament
Video game tournament in Chino Hills. Val skips a job interview in order to qualify, and drinks a mysterious energy drink called Impulse 9 in order to win.

22Genesis Vats BBBTechnology ProductsMedical Devices

Genesis Vats
Device that Make-A-Match uses to create clones for their dating app users.

23The Gold Saucer BBBDiningDiners

The Gold Saucer
Kojima's diner.

24Hangar 13 BBBNightlifeNightclubs

Hangar 13
Nightclub, location of rock concert on Halloween, from flier on Andrew's desk.

25Impulse 9 BBBBeverage ProductsEnergy Drinks

Impulse 9
Mysterious energy drink that Val buys from Kojima.

26The Independent BBBEntertainmentMovie Theaters

The Independent
Local theater playing Suspiria that Uncle Dusty suggests to his niece Chloe for their movie night.

27Invisibracelets BBBTechnology ProductsSpy Gadgets

Time Ryder gadget. Time Ryder: These invisibracelets are linked to the ROYGBIV scrambalizer on my Chrono Gauntlet. As long as you wear them, no-one from the past can see you or hear you.

28Jefferson High School BBBEducationHigh Schools

Jefferson High School
Local high school that Andrew and his friends attend.

29Make-A-Match BBBComputersMobile Apps

Online dating app that guarantees the perfect match by building him or her for you from scratch. "Find your perfect match."

30Make-A-Match, Inc. BBBCorporationsCompanies

Make-A-Match, Inc.
Corporation behind the online dating app Make-A-Match.

31Memo Eraser BBBTechnology ProductsSpy Gadgets

Memo Eraser
Tool Time Ryder uses to erase people's memories.

32Physics BBBLiteratureTextbooks

Sue Hirsch's textbook.

33Plymouth Rock BBBNightlifeNightclubs

Plymouth Rock
Bar featuring Adam's new band, Adam and the Adams, from flier on pole outside the thrift store.

34Polybius BBBMediaVideo Games

Killer video game at Wilma's Arcade, nod to the urban legend about a video game that the government supposedly used for psychological experiments in Portland, Oregon in the early 1980s.

35ProGame BBBPeriodicalsMagazines

Video game magazine.

36Quantum Theories - as Pertaining to Spac... BBBLiteraturePrinted Matter

Quantum Theories - as Pertaining to Space and Time
Old Physics paper by Sue Hirsch that Alex finds in her apartment. Grade: F.

37Rabbit Run BBBMediaVideo Games

Rabbit Run
Video game arcade owner and video hame developer Wilma says she created.

38Race to Outer Space BBBMediaVideo Games

Race to Outer Space
Video game at Wilma's Arcade.

39Reaper Racers BBBMediaVideo Games

Reaper Racers
Video game at Wilma's Arcade.

40Remorse BBBCinemaMovies

Movie poster on door of Wilma's Arcade.

41The Rep BBBEntertainmentMovie Theaters

The Rep
Local theater playing Re-Animator that Uncle Dusty suggests to his niece Chloe for their movie night.

42RJN BBBTelevisionTV-News

TV news reporting on the Chicago subway station bombing.

43Rosemary Scrambled Quail Eggs BBBMenuMenu Items

Rosemary Scrambled Quail Eggs
Menu item served at the Cinethrax movie theater.

44Shifters BBBApparelClothing Products

Uncle Dusty's movie glasses that flatten/convert 3D images to 2D.

45Sinnesloschen Software BBBCorporationsSoftware Companies

Sinnesloschen Software
Software company behind the video game Polybius where Wilma used to work, where 17 people were found dead in Sunnyvale, California in the summer of 1978.

46Star Squadron BBBMediaVideo Games

Star Squadron
Video game at Wilma's Arcade.

47Sundial Cartoons BBBMedia CompaniesFilm Production Companies

Sundial Cartoons
Cartoon studio behind the science fiction animated series Time Ryder and the Chrono Teens. BBBMediaWebsites
Website for the new movie Chosen: The Final Saga, Part I.

49Thrift Thrift Thrift BBBRetailDiscount Stores

Thrift Thrift Thrift
Thrift store where Adam and Amanda find a copy of musician Ben Branson's Live at Great Woods album.

50Time Ryder and the Chrono Teens BBBTelevisionTV-Sci Fi

Time Ryder and the Chrono Teens
Science fiction animated series from the 90s. Like Wishbone meets Captain Planet, but way cooler. Time Ryder is captain of the teen-age Chrono Squad. They defend the Earth's timeline.

51Time Ryder and the Chrono Teens Action F... BBBToysAction Figures

Time Ryder and the Chrono Teens Action Figures
Time Ryder action figure toy products on Sue Hirsch's shelf.

52Time Ryder and the Chrono Teens Board Ga... BBBToysTabletop Games

Time Ryder and the Chrono Teens Board Game
Time Ryder themed board game on Sue Hirsch's shelf.

53Time Ryder and the Chrono Teens Puzzle BBBToysToys-misc

Time Ryder and the Chrono Teens Puzzle
Time Ryder themed puzzle product on Sue Hirsch's shelf.

54Tofu Dog with Mango Aioli BBBMenuMenu Items

Tofu Dog with Mango Aioli
Menu item served at the Cinethrax movie theater.

55Tokyo Heartache BBBMusicSongs

Tokyo Heartache
Song that plays at the bar on Adam and Amanda's first date. Well, Amanda's first date with Adam 5.0. "I wanna feel it again!"

56Vegan Sausage Biscuit with Jalapeno Chut... BBBMenuMenu Items

Vegan Sausage Biscuit with Jalapeno Chutney
Menu item served at the Cinethrax movie theater.

57WGJ BBBTelevisionTV-News

Online news source.

58Wilma's Arcade BBBAmusementVideo Game Arcades

Wilma's Arcade
Video game arcade where Jess works, featuring the game Polybius.

59WNN BBBTelevisionTV-News

TV news reporting on the mourners of the bombing victims.

60Worm Holes in Space BBBLiteratureTextbooks

Worm Holes in Space
Sue Hirsch's textbook.

61Xenoblaster BBBMediaVideo Games

Video game arcade owner and video hame developer Wilma says she created.

62Zip Zap Zoom BBBMediaVideo Games

Zip Zap Zoom
Video game at Wilma's Arcade.

63May 7, 1978 Dates20th Century: 70sHeadlines

May 7, 1978
The Polybius video game strikes again. Date of newspaper article headline: Arcade deaths in Seattle.

64July 14, 1984 Dates20th Century: 80sEvents

July 14, 1984
Date on letter to Andrew Meyers from Bits 'N Blips video game magazine regarding the article he submitted, Conquering Centipede in 100 Simple Steps.

65October 31, 1984 Dates20th Century: 80sEvents

October 31, 1984
Date of rock concert advertised on flier by Andrew's computer. 9pm at Hangar 13.

66November 15, 2015 Dates21st Century: 10sEvents

November 15, 2015
Date on an old Physics paper by Sue Hirsch that Alex finds in her apartment.

67August 21, 2016 Dates21st Century: 10sEvents

August 21, 2016
In what appears to be a continuity error, the first time that Susan Hirsch is shown starting her term paper for Professor Dobkin's Quantum Mechanics class, on the same day it is due, it is dated May 15, 2017. But later - after she figures out Entropy's plan all along was to make her fail her class, not get into graduate school, and therefore not able to invent time travel - and she starts writing her paper again, this time it is dated August 21, 2016.

68December 12, 2016 Dates21st Century: 10sEvents

December 12, 2016
The NSA's top analyst - a supercomputer in the form of a huge cube of nutrient enriched meat surrounding a brain named Bob - begins displaying erratic behavior, affecting his work and, consequently, the safety of the American people.

69December 22, 2016 Dates21st Century: 10sEvents

December 22, 2016
Captain Lee, originally scheduled to depart Camp Blackhorse in Afghanistan to be home for Christmas, but she is delayed by the NSA.

70December 23, 2016 Dates21st Century: 10sEvents

December 23, 2016
Captain Lee meets with Bob, the NSA's top analyst, a supercomputer in the form of a huge cube of nutrient enriched meat surrounding a brain.

71December 24, 2016 Dates21st Century: 10sEvents

December 24, 2016
Chicago subway station bombing, NSA starts to deactivate Bob, but Captain Lee intervenes. A liberated Bob plays Santa Claus.

72December 25, 2016 Dates21st Century: 10sEvents

December 25, 2016
Captain Lee reunited with her family.

73May 15, 2017 Dates21st Century: 10sEvents

May 15, 2017
In what appears to be a continuity error, the first time that Susan Hirsch is shown starting her term paper for Professor Dobkin's Quantum Mechanics class, on the same day it is due, it is dated May 15, 2017. But later - after she figures out Entropy's plan all along was to make her fail her class, not get into graduate school, and therefore not able to invent time travel - and she starts writing her paper again, this time it is dated August 21, 2016.

74Chino Hills MapUrban AreasCities-U.S.

Chino Hills
City where Val lives.

75The Citadel MapUrban AreasCities-Outer Space

The Citadel
Building that movie character Chosen mentions: I'm not that little girl that you hung out with at the Citadel.

76Dimension 404MapWorldsDimensions

Dimension 404
Narrator: In the darkest depths of cyberspace, there is another world. A lost dimension, home to wonders unseen, terrors unspeakable. Stories unlike any ever told until now. Do not click back. Do not reload. We have reconnected to... Dimension 404.

77NSA Black Site Indigo MapStructuresMilitary Bases

NSA Black Site Indigo
Military base where Bob is located.

78Time Base One MapStructuresMilitary Bases

Time Base One
Time Ryder's headquarters, actually the Sundial Cartoons building.

79Time Jail MapDetention CentersCorrectional Facilities

Time Jail
Prison where Time Ryder keeps Entropy after arresting him.

80Andrew Myers OtherQuotesQuotes

Andrew Myers
Andrew Myers (Frogger video game review): Life is a lot like Frogger: Chaos surrounds us and death is everywhere you look. To survive in Frogger - and in life - you have to obey two simple rules. Keep thy head down and run like hell.

81Andrew Myers OtherQuotesQuotes

Andrew Myers
Andrew Myers (Polybius video game review): Life is a lot like maze games. They're cruel, they're hard, and no matter what, you die. Now, given all that, you have two basic options. You can live in fear, hide in the shadows and die anyway, or you can stop trying to survive your life and start trying to live it. It's not the easier choice, especially if being yourself means being different. But it's worth it. In your darkest moments, when you're most afraid, just remember the two commandments. Keep thy chin up, and fight like hell.

82Chris OtherQuotesQuotes

Chris: Imagine the NSA built a huge cube of nutrient enriched meat, then grew a giant human brain, placed it inside, added some wires, plugged it in, and then used it to monitor every person on Earth at all times. That's what we did. That's Bob.

83Death Lizard OtherLiving ThingsAnimals

Death Lizard
Dangerous creature loose in the post apocalyptic future of 2029.

84Dr. Matthew Maker OtherQuotesQuotes

Dr. Matthew Maker
Dr. Matthew Maker: Cows don't leave the slaughterhouse. Steaks do.

85Evan OtherQuotesQuotes

Evan: So I'll be scavenging the wasteland until four, then I gotta chop wood for the bug roast. You think you could pick up the kids before gate duty tonight?

86Jess & Andrew Myers OtherQuotesQuotes

Jess & Andrew Myers
Jess: I live life in the moment, you know.
Andrew Myers: That's very Yoda of you.
Jess: Try it sometime, you should.

87Kojima OtherQuotesQuotes

Kojima: When you drink Impulse, you're stretching time. The harder you stretch, the harder you snap back.


Narrator: I'm sorry, viewer. The TV show you're searching for cannot be streamed in your reality. Please stand by for reconnection.


Narrator: In the darkest depths of cyberspace, there is another world. A lost dimension, home to wonders unseen, terrors unspeakable. Stories unlike any ever told until now. Do not click back. Do not reload. We have reconnected to... Dimension 404.

90Roy Torvald OtherQuotesQuotes

Roy Torvald
Roy Torvald: First we're gonna kill you, and then we're gonna eat you.

91Time Ryder OtherQuotesQuotes

Time Ryder
Time Ryder: Are you ready to ride the timeline, kids?

92Time Ryder OtherQuotesQuotes

Time Ryder
Time Ryder: Entropy, you're under arrest for causality violations in Continuum Sector 818.

93Untitled OtherThemesSolo


94Val Hernandez & Roy Torvald OtherQuotesQuotes

Val Hernandez & Roy Torvald
Val Hernandez: You're a monster.
Roy Torvald: What can I say? Wasteland changed me.

95Zach OtherQuotesQuotes

Zach: It's like watching Star Wars for the first time.

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