Film 1964. Written by John Gilling. Directed by Terence Fisher. Starring Peter Cushing, Christopher Lee, Richard Pasco, Barbara Shelley and Michael Goodliffe.
Source Features: BBB (5) TIMELINE (3) MAP (2) OTHER (4)

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Total Records: 14 - Medium: FILM
Record Name
1Doctor J. Verne BBBHealthcareDoctors

Doctor J. Verne
Doctor at the Vandorf Medical Institution.

2Doctor Karlush BBBHealthcareDoctors

Doctor Karlush
Doctor at the Vandorf Medical Institution.

3Doctor Namaroff BBBHealthcareDoctors

Doctor Namaroff
Resident Chief Medical Officer at the Vandorf Medical Institution.

4Saracen InnBBBTravelInns

Saracen Inn
Sascha's father Janus Cass is the landlord of the Saracen Inn in Vandorf.

5Vandorf Medical Institution BBBHealthcareHospitals

Vandorf Medical Institution
Hospital where Inspector Kanof discusses the mysterious murder of Bruno Heitz's girlfriend, Sascha with Dr. Namaroff.

6March 14, 1901 Dates20th Century: 1st HalfEvents

March 14, 1901
Frieda Eichman registers to become a citizen in Vandorf, Germany.

7June 6, 1903 Dates20th Century: 1st HalfEvents

June 6, 1903
Carla Hoffman registers to become a citizen in Vandorf, Germany.

8July 29, 1903 Dates20th Century: 1st HalfEvents

July 29, 1903
Gretchen Bouman registers to become a citizen in Vandorf, Germany.

9Castle Borski MapStructuresCastles

Castle Borski
Castle in Vandorf that is inhabited by a monster.

10Vandorf, GermanyMapUrban AreasCities

Vandorf, Germany
Small rural village in Germany plagued by a string of bizarre murders from 1903 to 1910.

11Doctor NamaroffOtherQuotesQuotes

Doctor Namaroff
Doctor Namaroff: We are men of science. I don't believe in ghosts or evil spirits, and I don't think you do, either.

12Professor Karl MeisterOtherQuotesQuotes

Professor Karl Meister
Professor Karl Meister: Don't use long words, Inspector, they don't suit you.

13Professor Karl MeisterOtherQuotesQuotes

Professor Karl Meister
Professor Karl Meister: Incidentally I understand that some of your democratic citizens tried to eject the late professor Heitz. You better warn them not to attempt that sort of behaviour with me.

14Professor Namaroff's beautiful assistant...OtherTriviaName Game

Professor Namaroff's beautiful assistant's name.

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