Film 2018. Written by Lawrence Kasdan and Jon Kasdan. Directed by Phil Lord, Christopher Miller and Ron Howard. Starring Alden Ehrenreich, Woody Harrelson, Emilia Clarke, Donald Glover, Thandie Newton, Phoebe Waller-Bridge, Joonas Suotamo and Paul Bettany.
Source Features: BBB (30) MAP (20) OTHER (33) THEMES (2)

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Geographic Areas
Industrial Companies
Living Things
Outer Space
Technology Products
Urban Areas

Total Records: 83 - Medium: FILM
Record Name
120-T Railcrawler Conveyex Transport BBBTransportationTrains

20-T Railcrawler Conveyex Transport
Heavily armored cargo train carrying the hyperfuel coaxium that Beckett and his gang attempt to steal on the planet Vandor.

2AT-DT BBBVehiclesCombat Vehicles

All Terrain Defense Turret.

3Aurra Sing BBBServicesAssassins and Mercenaries

Aurra Sing
Bounty hunter that Lando mentions to Beckett: You're Tobias Beckett. You killed Aurra Sing... You did the galaxy a favor that day. Me, especially. I owed her a lot of money.

4AV-21 BBBVehiclesMotor Vehicles

Speeder Han mentions to Beckett: "Look, I came up running scams on the streets of Corellia. I was boosting AV-21s when I was ten."

5Black Spire BBBTransportationSpaceports

Black Spire
Outpost that L3-37 mentions to Han: You couldn't get from here to Black Spire without me, now you're going to make the Kessel Run? Ha!

6Bossk BBBServicesAssassins and Mercenaries

Bounty hunter/mercenary Val mentions, as better option than Han and Chewie: "So we get who we need. The Xan sisters, or Bossk. But, no, instead you're putting our lives in the hands of morons."

7The Calrissian Chronicles BBBLiteratureBooks-Misc

The Calrissian Chronicles
Lando records his life story while hanging out in the Millennium Falcon while waiting for Han and the gang.

8CEC BBBCorporationsCompanies

Corellian Engineering Corporation. Starship manufacturer. Han mentions his father working at the plant.

9Corellian YT-1300 BBBVehiclesSpacecrafts - Star Wars

Corellian YT-1300
Model of Lando's ship, The Millennium Falcon.

10Coronet Spaceport BBBTransportationSpaceports

Coronet Spaceport
Spaceport on Corellia.

11Dejarik BBBToysTabletop Games


12The Federation of Trade Route Allocation... BBBOrganizationsProf. Orgs

The Federation of Trade Route Allocation and Monetization
Upon arrival at the mining colony, Qu'ra claims to be Oksana Floren, Deputy Assistant Administrator to the Vice-Admiral of the Federation of Trade Route Allocation and Monetization, there with an offer from the Senior Vice-Admiral.

13First Light BBBVehiclesSpacecrafts - Star Wars

First Light
Dryden Vos' Kalevalan star yacht, used as his personal residence and mobile base of operations for the crime syndicate Crimson Dawn.

14Imperial Naval Academy BBBEducationMilitary Schools

Imperial Naval Academy
Han is sent to the Imperial Naval Academy on Carida, where he claims to have been kicked out for having a mind of his own.

15The LodgeBBBNightlifeSaloons

The Lodge
A saloon in Fort Ypso on the planet Vandor with a gambling hall and a droid-fighting arena.

16M-68 BBBVehiclesMotor Vehicles

Speeder Han drives on Corellia.

17Millennium Falcon BBBVehiclesSpacecrafts - Star Wars

Millennium Falcon
First Lando's, and then Han Solo's ship.

18Sabacc BBBToysTabletop Games


19Santhe Shipyards BBBIndustrial CompaniesVehicle Manufacturing

Santhe Shipyards
Location of the alley at the beginning of the movie when Han and Qu'ra are running from Lady Proxima's gang.


Mined on the planet Kessel.

21Spice Mines of Kessel BBBIndustrial CompaniesMining

Spice Mines of Kessel
Located on the planet Kessel.

22StingerBBBVehiclesMotor Vehicles

Fast speeder that Lady Proxima's gang chases Han in on Corellia.

23T-15 BBBVehiclesAircrafts

Imperial assault vehicle used during the Mimban campaign. A swamp trooper reports to another that the T-15s are down.

24Thermal Detonator BBBWeaponsWeapons-misc

Thermal Detonator
Han pretends to have a thermal detonator as part of his plan to escape form Lady Proxima.

25TIE Fighter BBBVehiclesSpacecrafts - Star Wars

TIE Fighter

26Valachord BBBGoodsMusical Instruments

Musical instrument that Beckett mentions to Val: "We're gonna clear our debts, go back to Glee Anselm, and I'm finally gonna learn how to play that valachord."

27VCX-100 BBBVehiclesSpacecrafts - Star Wars

Light Freighter Han claims to own when gambling with Lando.

28Viper BBBTechnology ProductsRobot Models

Imperial probe droids guarding the conveyex transport train on the planet Vandor.

29The Xan Sisters BBBServicesAssassins and Mercenaries

The Xan Sisters
Bounty hunter/mercenary duo that Val mentions, as better option than Han and Chewie: "So we get who we need. The Xan sisters, or Bossk. But, no, instead you're putting our lives in the hands of morons."

30Y-45 armored transport hauler BBBVehiclesCombat Vehicles

Y-45 armored transport hauler
Also known as AT-Hauler. Imperial vehicle Beckett and his gang steal from the Empire.

31Akkadese Maelstrom MapOuter SpaceStar Clusters

Akkadese Maelstrom
A cluster of matter in the Kessel sector containing interstellar gas, carbonbergs, ice chunks, and other large debris that surrounded the planet Kessel.

32Ardennia MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Wars

Rio Durant mentions mynock roasts on the planet Ardennia.

33Carida MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Wars

Han is sent to the Imperial Naval Academy on Carida, where he claims to have been kicked out for having a mind of his own.

34Corellia MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Wars

Ship building planet, Han and Qi'ra's homeworld.

35DathomirMapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Wars

Planet Dryden Vos mentions to Qi'ra: "Bring the ship and come to me on Dathomir and you and I will then decide what to do about the traitor, Beckett, and his accomplices."

36Felucia MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Wars

Planet that Lando mentions when he finds out that Beckett is working for Dryden Vos: Listen, last I checked, me and Crimson Dawn, we're squared away. Dryden said all is forgiven after I did the whole Felucia thing for him.

37Fort Ypso MapUrban AreasCities-Outer Space

Fort Ypso
Mountain village on the planet Vandor, home of the Lodge, a saloon with a gambling hall and a droid-fighting arena.

38Glee Anselm MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Wars

Glee Anselm
Ocean plane that Beckett mentions to Val: "We're gonna clear our debts, go back to Glee Anselm, and I'm finally gonna learn how to play that valachord."

39Kashyyyk MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Wars

Han references Chewie's homeworld when they are trying to escape from the pit on Mimban: "You tired, you mangy Kashyyykian moof-milker?" Chewie mentions it later when Han asks him what he's going to do with his share of the money around the fire.

40Kessel MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Wars

Home of spice mines.

41Kessel RunMapOuter SpaceStar Clusters

Kessel Run
Route used by smugglers to move spice from Kessel to the Si'Klaata Cluster and avoiding The Empire.

42Maw Cluster MapOuter SpaceStar Clusters

Maw Cluster
The Maw. Unstable black hole cluster of matter near the planet Kessel in the Akkadese Maelstrom.

43Mercy Island MapGeographic AreasIslands

Mercy Island
Planet Qi'ra mentions as possible alternate source of refined coaxium: "You'll be hard pushed to find that anywhere outside an Imperial vault. Scarif. Maybe Mercy Island."

44Mimban MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Wars

Mud planet where Han, while enlisted in the Imperial Navy, is marked a deserter and fed to the beast, which turns out to be how he meets Chewie for the first time.

45Oseon Belt MapOuter SpaceAsteroids

Oseon Belt
Asteroid belt that Lando mentions: "Oh, I've won a lot of things. I once won a subtropical moon in the Oseon Belt... Turned out to be a real money pit."

46Savareen MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Wars

Planet located at one spur of the Kessel Run, location of an old refinery there that's not under Imperial jurisdiction.

47Scarif MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Wars

Planet Qi'ra mentions as possible alternate source of refined coaxium: "You'll be hard pushed to find that anywhere outside an Imperial vault. Scarif. Maybe Mercy Island."

48Si'KlaataMapOuter SpaceStar Clusters

Star cluster that L3-37 mentions when explaining to Han that you can't plot a direct course to Kessel: You have to thread through the Si'Klaata cluster and then pass through the Maelstrom.

49Starcave Nebula MapOuter SpaceNebulae

Starcave Nebula
Location Lando mentions: Very few people have actually seen the Starcave Nebula. It's breathtaking. Not unlike your eyes. How much do you know about intertwined celestial bodies? Because I happen to be something of an authority.

50Vandor MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Wars

Also known as Vandor-1. Snow and ice covered planet where Beckett and his crew attempt to steal the hyperfuel coaxium from an Imperial conveyex transport.

51Bantha OtherLiving ThingsAnimals

Creature Han mentions when he insults Lando to Qi'ra: Also, your guy, Captain Wonderful, is so full of bantha crap.

52Beckett OtherQuotesQuotes

Beckett: I hope you're still paying attention, because now I'm gonna tell you the most important...

53Beckett & Rio Durant OtherQuotesQuotes

Beckett & Rio Durant
Beckett: Best day of your life my gabby friend.
Rio Durant: I don't know, you've never been to a Mynock roast on Ardennia!

54Carbonbergs OtherMatterSubstances

Carbon masses in the Maelstrom that crash into each other, causing gravitational chaos.

55Chachapoyan Fertility Idol OtherArtifactsArchaeological Artifacts

Chachapoyan Fertility Idol
The Golden Idol from Raiders of the Lost Ark can be seen sitting on a shelf behind Han Solo on Dryden Vos' yacht.

56Cloud-Riders OtherCriminalsGangs

Enfys Nest's marauder gang that attempts to steal the hyperfuel coaxium that Beckett's gang is attempting to steal from an Imperial conveyex train on the planet Vandor.

57Coaxium OtherMatterFuels

Refined hyperfuel.

58Colo Claw Fish OtherLiving ThingsFish

Colo Claw Fish
When Han and Qi'ra return to Dryden's office, he offers them a plate of colo claw fish, one of the sea creatures in The Phantom Menace.

59Corellian hound OtherLiving ThingsAnimals

Corellian hound
Dog like creatures on Han's home planet.

60Credits OtherMoneyCurrency

Currency. Troopers guard the pit bet credits on Han and Chewie's fight.

61Crimson Dawn OtherCriminalsCriminal Organizations

Crimson Dawn
Criminal organization that hires Beckett's gang.

62Han SoloOtherQuotesQuotes

Han Solo
Han Solo: I thought we were in trouble there for a second, but it's fine. We're fine.

63Han SoloOtherQuotesQuotes

Han Solo
Han Solo: I've got a really good feeling about this.

64Han SoloOtherQuotesQuotes

Han Solo
Han Solo: Drop the landing gear. When I tell you, flood the intake and sweep to the bi-lats. A little something I picked up from my pal, Needles, best street racer in all of Corellia, 'til he crashed and died, doing this. Flood it, it's all yours!

65Han Solo OtherQuotesQuotes

Han Solo
Han Solo: You know what your problem is? You think everybody's like you.

66Han Solo & Beckett OtherQuotesQuotes

Han Solo & Beckett
Han Solo: Coaxium. Enough to power a fleet.
Beckett: Or blow us all straight to Hell!

67Han Solo & BeckettOtherQuotesQuotes

Han Solo & Beckett
Han Solo: Beckett, you see them? They still on us? Beckett, did you hear me? Are they on us?
Beckett: Like rashnold on a kalak.
Han Solo: I don't know what that means.
Beckett: Like a gingleson's pelt.
Han Solo: What? Are they or aren't they?
Beckett: Yes, they're still on us!

68Lando Calrissian OtherQuotesQuotes

Lando Calrissian
Lando Calrissian: Everything you've heard about me is true.

69Lando Calrissian OtherQuotesQuotes

Lando Calrissian
Lando Calrissian: I've won a lot of things. I once won a subtropical moon in the Oseon Belt. Turned out to be a real money pit.

70Lando Calrissian OtherQuotesQuotes

Lando Calrissian
Lando Calrissian: I like this kid. You're adorable.

71Lando Calrissian OtherQuotesQuotes

Lando Calrissian
Lando Calrissian: Shh. The grown-ups are talking.

72Lando Calrissian OtherQuotesQuotes

Lando Calrissian
Lando Calrissian: Very few people have actually seen the Starcave Nebula. It's breathtaking. Not unlike your eyes. How much do you know about intertwined celestial bodies? Because I happen to be something of an authority.

73Lando Calrissian & Han Solo OtherQuotesQuotes

Lando Calrissian & Han Solo
Lando Calrissian: Whoa, whoa, whoa, Han. Slow down. You might want to quit while you're ahead.
Han Solo: You might want to quit when you're behind.

74Mynock OtherLiving ThingsAnimals

Rio Durant mentions mynock roasts on the planet Ardennia.

75The Pyke Syndicate OtherCriminalsCriminal Organizations

The Pyke Syndicate
Criminal organization that Dryden Vos mentions: "But see, the Pykes control Kessel. Crimson Dawn maintains a fragile alliance with the Pykes."

76Qi'ra & Han SoloOtherQuotesQuotes

Qi'ra & Han Solo
Qi'ra: I know a guy. And I know just where to find him. It's a long shot, but it's worth a try. He's the best smuggler around. He's slipped through the Empire's fingers more times than anyone else. He's attractive, too. Sophisticated, with impeccable taste and charisma. Not to mention his prodigious...
Han Solo: We get it.

77Rio DurantOtherQuotesQuotes

Rio Durant
Rio Durant: You will never have a deeper sleep than curled up in a Wookiee's lap.

78Summa-verminothOtherLiving ThingsAnimals

Massive space creatures in the Akkadese Maelstrom.

79Teras KasiOtherMiscellaneousCombat Strategies

Teras Kasi
Fighting style.

80Untitled OtherThemesFlatliners 2


81Untitled OtherThemesSolo


82Val OtherQuotesQuotes

Val: Everybody needs somebody, even a broken down old crook like this one.

83Who has "a really good feeling about thi...OtherTriviaQuestions

Who has "a really good feeling about this"?
Lando Calrissian
Han Solo

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