Film 1995. Written by Laurence Dworet and Robert Roy Pool. Directed by Wolfgang Petersen. Starring Dustin Hoffman, Rene Russo, Morgan Freeman, Cuba Gooding Jr, Patrick Dempsey, Donald Sutherland and Kevin Spacey.
Source Features: BBB (16) TIMELINE (1) MAP (2) OTHER (8) THEMES (3)

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Total Records: 16 - Medium: FILM / Group: BBB
Record Name
1Bio-Lab Inc. Research InstitutesInstitutes

Bio-Lab Inc.
Jimbo Scott steals a monkey from Biotest and tried to sell it to pet shop owner Rudy Alvarez of Rudy's Pet Shop in Cedar Creek, California.

2Boston Municipal HospitalHealthcareHospitals

Boston Municipal Hospital
Lisa visits Jimbo Scott attempting to find out how he got sick.

3Dr. MascelliHealthcareDoctors

Dr. Mascelli
Doctor called to the ER over the intercom at the hospital in Cedar Creek, California.


Medicine designed to kill the African strain of the Motaba virus.


Bar in Cedar Creek, California.

6KAEF-TV TelevisionTV News

Sam announces his search for the monkey on Northstate News on KAEF-TV, TV station in Santa Rosa, California.

7KPIX TelevisionTV News

Local news team that reports on the situation in Cedar Creek, California.

8Monroe County Hospital HealthcareHospitals

Monroe County Hospital
After Monroe County Hospital medical worker Henry Seward is exposed to pet shop owner Rudy Alvarez's blood sample, he spreads the virus to patrons of the local movie theater.

9Oyster BarNightlifeBars

Oyster Bar
Restaurant in Cedar Creek, California.

10Patricia VehiclesWatercrafts

Sam and Salt search for the freighter that carried the monkey from Africa and delivered it to Biotest around September 1. Ships mentions include Petra, Venus and Patricia.

11Petra VehiclesWatercrafts

Sam and Salt search for the freighter that carried the monkey from Africa and delivered it to Biotest around September 1. Ships mentions include Petra, Venus and Patricia.

12Rudy's Pet Shop PetsPet Stores

Rudy's Pet Shop
Jimbo Scott steals a monkey from Biotest and tried to sell it to pet shop owner Rudy Alvarez of Rudy's Pet Shop in Cedar Creek, California.

13State Theater EntertainmentMovie Theaters

State Theater
After Monroe County Hospital medical worker Henry Seward is exposed to pet shop owner Rudy Alvarez's blood sample, he spreads the virus to patrons of the local movie theater.

14Tae Kuk Seattle VehiclesWatercrafts

Tae Kuk Seattle
The freighter that Sam and Salt are after. The Tae Kuk Seattle went out to sea that morning. Salt gets as close to the freighter as the loach will allow, and Sam has to jump onto a stationary dinghy. Sam tells the Chinese crew, who can speak limited English, that he's an Army doctor. The crew takes him to the walk in freezer where they show him the body of the man who succumbed to his illness. When Sam saw the face, he asked to be taken to the man's sleeping quarters. The crew immediately take him there.

15Venus VehiclesWatercrafts

Sam and Salt search for the freighter that carried the monkey from Africa and delivered it to Biotest around September 1. Ships mentions include Petra, Venus and Patricia.

16Victorian InnTravelInns

Victorian Inn
Hotel in Cedar Creek, California.

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