Literature 2010. Written by Joe Hill.
Source Features: BBB (34) MAP (19) OTHER (2) THEMES (2)

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Total Records: 34 - Medium: LITERATURE / Group: BBB
Record Name
1Camp GalileeYouth ServicesYouth Camps

Camp Galilee
Religious youth camp Ig, Lee and Merrin worked at every summer.

2The Camper's CookbookLiteratureCookbooks

The Camper's Cookbook
Book of his that Ig finds in Merrin's attic.


Porn magazine Lee tells Ig about - girls who are supposed to be eighteen year old virgins.

4Christian Patriots Food BankOrganizationsCharities

Christian Patriots Food Bank
Religious organization Lee was selling magazines to raise money for.

5Derrick PerrishMusicMusicians

Derrick Perrish
Ig's father, musician.

6Dr. RenaldHealthcareDoctors

Dr. Renald
Doctor at The Modern Medical Practice Clinic.

7Eve's ApplesToysFireworks

Eve's Apples
What Lee said Eve's Cherries cherry bombs should have been called.

8Eve's CherriesToysFireworks

Eve's Cherries
Brand of firecrackers.

9Exeter HospitalHealthcareHospitals

Exeter Hospital
Where Lee's mother works.

10Fishin' with PogoMusicSongs

Fishin' with Pogo
Ig's father's dreamy cool-cat instrumental Blue Tone song.

11Gideon LedgerPeriodicalsNewspapers

Gideon Ledger
Local newspaper.

12Gideon SaintsSportsSports Teams

Gideon Saints
Local sports team.

13HothouseTelevisionTV Shows

Ig's older brother Terence's music and comedy late night show.

14Lucifer MatchesGoodsMiscellaneous Products

Lucifer Matches
Matchbook Ig finds in his pocket at the old foundry.

15Masters AutoVehiclesAutomotive Services

Masters Auto
Where Ig's father took the Jag for an inspection - and where Merrin's father worked.

16Modern American MilitiaPeriodicalsMagazines

Modern American Militia
Guns magazine Lee was selling to raise money for the Christian Patriots Food Bank.

17The Modern Medical Practice ClinicHealthcareMedical Services

The Modern Medical Practice Clinic
Where Ig goes the morning he wakes up with horns.

18Mr. PaperbackRetailBookstores

Mr. Paperback
Bookstore Lee stole magazines from.

19Paradise Drive-inEntertainmentMovie Theaters

Paradise Drive-in
Where Ig and Lee would drink beer like madmen in hockey masks and chase half naked teenagers.

20Perrish the ThoughtMusicMusicians

Perrish the Thought
Ig's brother Terry's band.

21The PitDiningRestaurants

The Pit
Restaurant where Ig and Merrin had their last supper.

22Reptiles of New EnglandLiteratureBooks

Reptiles of New England
Book of his that Ig finds in Merrin's attic.

23Sacred Heart of MaryReligionReligious Organizations

Sacred Heart of Mary
Local church where Ig met Merrin.

24St. Jude'sEducationReligious Schools

St. Jude's
School where Sister Bennett taught an ethics class.

25The Station House TavernNightlifeTaverns

The Station House Tavern
Bar where Ig and Glenna went the night before the horns.

26Still HornyOrganizationsCharities

Still Horny
Porn magazine Lee tells Ig about - chicks over sixty fingering themselves.

27Tax Reform NowPeriodicalsMagazines

Tax Reform Now
Economics magazine Lee was selling to raise money for the Christian Patriots Food Bank.

28Tennessee ValleyDrugsMarijuana

Tennessee Valley
Marijuana strain Lee and Terry smoke.

29Terence PerrishMusicMusicians

Terence Perrish
Ig's brother, musician.

30The Truth!PeriodicalsMagazines

The Truth!
Science fiction magazine Lee was selling to raise money for the Christian Patriots Food Bank.

31Wild Ass WarehouseRetailSporting Goods Stores

Wild Ass Warehouse
When Lee and Ig are talking about what it do with the cherry bomb, Lee suggests using it to blow the B off of the Wild Bass Warehouse billboard so it reads Wild Ass Warehouse.

32Wild Bass WarehouseRetailSporting Goods Stores

Wild Bass Warehouse
When Lee and Ig are talking about what it do with the cherry bomb, Lee suggests using it to blow the B off of the Wild Bass Warehouse billboard so it reads Wild Ass Warehouse.

33The WinterhausNightlifeNightclubs

The Winterhaus
The bar in Bucksport where Lee's father stopped for a drink on his way home.

34WSNKRadioRadio Stations

The horns were transmitting a signal, just like the fuck-melody of the locusts. They were broadcasting a continuous call on WSNK, Radio Snake: This next tune is for all you skin-shedding lovers out there. Cue "Tube Snake Boogie".

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