Film 1977. Written by George Lucas. Directed by George Lucas. Starring Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Peter Cushing, Alec Guinness, David Prowse, Anthony Daniels, Kenny Baker, Peter Mayhew.
Source Features: BBB (30) MAP (15) OTHER (74) THEMES (11)

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Total Records: 15 - Medium: FILM / Group: MAP
Record Name
1Alderaan Outer SpacePlanets

Princess Leia's home world, destroyed by the Death Star on Grand Moff Tarkin's orders.

2Anchorhead Urban AreasCities-Outer Space

City on Tatooine, where Luke tells Ben Kenobi he can take him.

3Beggar's CanyonNatureCanyons

Beggar's Canyon
Natural area on Tatooine that Luke mentions.

4CorelliaOuter SpacePlanets

Mentioned by Han Solo.

5Dantooine Outer SpacePlanets

Planet, location of an old rebel base that has been abandoned for some time, which Leia offers up to Grand Moff Tarkin as alternative to Alderaan for a Death Star target.

6Death Star Outer SpaceSpace Stations

Death Star
The Empire's new battle station, a technological terror with the ability to destroy a planet.

7The Dune Sea NatureNatural Areas

The Dune Sea
Natural area on Tatooine that Luke mentions - Ben lives out beyond the Dune Sea.

8The Jundland Wastes NatureNatural Areas

The Jundland Wastes
Natural area where Ben lives on Tatooine. "The Jundland Wastes are not to be traveled lightly"

9Kessel Outer SpacePlanets

Location of spice mines, mentioned by C-3PO when the Tantive IV is captured by the Empire.

10Kessel Run Outer SpaceRegions of Space

Kessel Run
Smuggler route from the spice mines of Kessel. Han boasts that his ship, the Millennium Falcon, made the Kessel run in less than 12 parsecs.

11Mos Eisley Urban AreasCities

Mos Eisley
Spaceport on Tatooine. According to Ben Kenobi, "You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.

12Tatooine Outer SpacePlanets

Desert planet in the Outer Rim where Luke Skywalker grows up with his aunt and uncle.

13Tosche Station Urban AreasCities

Tosche Station
"But I was going into Tosche Station to pick up some power converters!"

14Yavin Outer SpacePlanets

The rebels' current base is located on a small moon orbiting the planet Yavin.

15Yavin 4 Outer SpaceMoons

Yavin 4
Moon orbiting the planet Yavin, location of the rebels' base.

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