Literature 1974. Written by Stephen King.
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Industrial Companies
Maintenance Services
Transit Routes
Urban Areas

Total Records: 66 - Medium: LITERATURE
Record Name
1Barker Street Grammar SchoolBBBEducationPrimary Schools

Barker Street Grammar School
Carrie's grammar school. "She had tried to fit. She had defied Momma in a hundred little ways, had tried to erase the red-plague circle that had been drawn around her from the first day she had left the controlled environment of the small house on Carlin Street and had walked up to the Barker Street Grammar School with her Bible under her arm."

2The Billy Bosnan BandBBBMusicMusicians-Misc

The Billy Bosnan Band
The Spring Ball '79, featured bands The Billy Bosnan Band and Josie and the Moonglows.

3Blue Ribbon LaundryBBBMaintenance ServicesLaundry Services

Blue Ribbon Laundry
Laundromat in Chamberlain, Maine.

4The CavalierBBBNightlifeNightclubs

The Cavalier
Bar Tommy mentions: "I'll probably end up working at my dad's car lot. I'll spend my Friday and Saturday nights down at Uncle Billy's or out at The Cavalier drinking beer and talking about the Saturday afternoon I got that fat pitch from Saunders and we upset Dorchester. Get married to some nagging broad and always own last year's model, vote Democrat-"

5Chamberlain Hardware and Lumber CompanyBBBRetailHardware Stores

Chamberlain Hardware and Lumber Company
Hardware store in Chamberlain, Maine.

6Chamberlain Junior High SchoolBBBEducationJunior High Schools

Chamberlain Junior High School
Graffiti scratched on a desk in Chamberlain Junior High School: "Roses are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet, but Carrie White eats shit."

7Chamberlain Mills and WeavingBBBIndustrial CompaniesManufacturing

Chamberlain Mills and Weaving
The town's major industry.

8Chamberlain U-Wash-ItBBBVehiclesCar Washes

Chamberlain U-Wash-It
Car wash in Chamberlain, Maine.

9Congo ChurchBBBReligionChurches

Congo Church
Church mentioned in the sworn testimony of Mrs. Cora Simard, taken be-fore The State Investigatory Board.

10The Congregational ChurchBBBReligionChurches

The Congregational Church
Church that used to be on Carlin Street in Chamberlain, Maine, swept away by fire.

11Ewen High SchoolBBBEducationHigh Schools

Ewen High School
Carrie's high school in Chamberlain, Maine.

12Frank's BarBBBNightlifeBars

Frank's Bar
Bar on Sullivan Street.

13The Jolly RoadhouseBBBNightlifeNightclubs

The Jolly Roadhouse
rosperous night spot just outside the Motton town limits where Margaret's father, John Brigham, was killed in a barroom shooting incident in the summer of 1959.

14Josie and the MoonglowsBBBMusicMusicians-Misc

Josie and the Moonglows
The Spring Ball '79, featured bands The Billy Bosnan Band and Josie and the Moonglows.

15Kelly Fruit CompanyBBBDiningFast Food

Kelly Fruit Company
Kelly's was the closest thing to a high school hangout the loosely sprawled community of Chamberlain could boast since Sheriff Doyle had closed the rec center following a large drug bust. It was run by a morose fat man named Hubert Kelly who dyed his hair black and complained constantly that his electronic pacemaker was on the verge of electrocuting him.

16Kennedy Junior High SchoolBBBEducationJunior High Schools

Kennedy Junior High School
School Tommy mentions: "Anyway, he finally picked on the wrong kid a year or so later. Pete Taber. He was just a little guy, but he had lots of muscle. Danny got on him about something, I don't know, marbles or something, and finally Peter just rose up righteous and beat the shit out of him. That was on the playground of the old Kennedy Junior High. Danny fell down and hit his head and went out cold. Everybody ran. We thought he might be dead. I ran away too, but first I gave him a good kick in the ribs. Felt really bad about it afterward."

17Microbiology AnnualBBBPeriodicalsMagazines

Microbiology Annual
Whatever any of us may think of the Carrie White affair, it is over. It's time to turn to the future. As Dean McGuffin points out, in his excellent Science Yearbook article, if we refuse to do this, we will almost certainly have to pay the piper-and the price is apt to be a high one. A thorny moral question is raised here. Progress is already being made toward complete isolation of the TK gene. It is more or less assumed in the scientific community. See, for instance, Bourke and Hannegan's "A View Toward Isolation of the TK Gene with Specific Recommendations for Control Parameters" in Microbiology Annual, Berkeley: 1982.

18Motton AcademyBBBEducationAcademies

Motton Academy
There was a somber graduation ceremony the following week at neighboring Motton Academy, but there were only fifty-two Seniors left to graduate. The valedictorian, Henry Stampel, broke into tears halfway through his speech and could not continue. There were no Graduation Night parties following the ceremony, the Seniors merely took their diplomas and went home.

19The Shadow Exploded: Documented Facts an...BBBLiteratureBooks-Biography

The Shadow Exploded: Documented Facts and Specific Conclusions Derived from the Case of Carietta White
Book by David R. Congress, published by the Tulane University Press 1981.

20Teddy's AmocoBBBRetailGas Stations

Teddy's Amoco
Gas station.

21Telekinesis: Analysis and AftermathBBBLiteratureBooks-Misc

Telekinesis: Analysis and Aftermath
Book by Dean D.L. McGuffin.

22Uncle Billy'sBBBNightlifeNightclubs

Uncle Billy's
Bar Tommy mentions: "I'll probably end up working at my dad's car lot. I'll spend my Friday and Saturday nights down at Uncle Billy's or out at The Cavalier drinking beer and talking about the Saturday afternoon I got that fat pitch from Saunders and we upset Dorchester. Get married to some nagging broad and always own last year's model, vote Democrat-"

23Westover Doctors HospitalBBBHealthcareHospitals

Westover Doctors Hospital
Margaret White admitted Westover Doctors Hospital on April 3, 1962.

24The Westover Weekly EnterpriseBBBPeriodicalsNewspapers

The Westover Weekly Enterprise
Newspaper that reports a rain of stones in August 1966. "It was reliably reported by several persons that a rain of stones fell from a clear blue sky on Carlin Street in the town of Chamberlain on August 17th. The stones fell principally on the home of Mrs. Margaret White, damaging the roof extensively and ruining two gutters and a downspout valued at approximately $25. Mrs. White, a widow, lives with her three-year-old daughter, Carietta."

25The White Commission ReportBBBLiteraturePrinted Matter

The White Commission Report
Official report on the Ewen High School prom night massacre, also known as The Black Prom.

26September 4, 1955Dates20th Century: 50sEvents

September 4, 1955
Life magazine publishes article regarding the case of Andrea Kolintz.

27March 23, 1962Dates20th Century: 60sEvents

March 23, 1962
The courtship of Margaret Brigham and Ralph White terminates in marriage.

28April 3, 1962Dates20th Century: 60sEvents

April 3, 1962
Margaret White admitted to Westover Doctors Hospital.

29August 19, 1962Dates20th Century: 60sEvents

August 19, 1962
In a long and rather hysterical letter to her mother, Carrie's mother Margaret White claims that she and Ralph are living sinlessly, without the Curse of Intercourse.

30September 21, 1963Dates20th Century: 60sEvents

September 21, 1963
Carrie White's mother, Margaret White, gives birth to her daughter.

31August 17, 1966Dates20th Century: 60sEvents

August 17, 1966
According to a newspaper article, date of a rain of stones. "It was reliably reported by several persons that a rain of stones fell from a clear blue sky on Carlin Street in the town of Chamberlain on August 17th. The stones fell principally on the home of Mrs. Margaret White, damaging the roof extensively and ruining two gutters and a downspout valued at approximately $25."

32August 19, 1966Dates20th Century: 60sEvents

August 19, 1966
Date of newspaper article reporting a rain of stones on August 17, 1966. "It was reliably reported by several persons that a rain of stones fell from a clear blue sky on Carlin Street in the town of Chamberlain on August 17th. The stones fell principally on the home of Mrs. Margaret White, damaging the roof extensively and ruining two gutters and a downspout valued at approximately $25."

33May 17, 1979Dates20th Century: 70sEvents

May 17, 1979
In her letter to Donna Kellogg, Christine Hargensen writes that the Kellogg girl moved from Chamberlain to Providence, Rhode Island, in the fall of 1978.

34May 27, 1979Dates20th Century: 70sEvents

May 27, 1979
Date of the Ewen High School Prom, Spring Ball '79, which later becomes known as The Black Prom.

35May 28, 1979Dates20th Century: 70sEvents

May 28, 1979
By 12:45, the situation in Chamberlain was critical. The school had burned itself out on a fairly isolated piece of ground, but the entire downtown area was ablaze. Almost all the city water in that area had been tapped, but enough was available - at low pressure - from Deighan Street water mains to save the business buildings below the intersection of Main and Oak streets.

36June 1, 1979Dates20th Century: 70sEvents

June 1, 1979
The sixty-seven Ewen High School Seniors killed on prom night are buried on June 1st and June 2nd in three mass ceremonies.

37June 2, 1979Dates20th Century: 70sEvents

June 2, 1979
The sixty-seven Ewen High School Seniors killed on prom night are buried on June 1st and June 2nd in three mass ceremonies.

38June 3, 1979Dates20th Century: 70sEvents

June 3, 1979
A memorial service for the sixty-seven Ewen High School Seniors killed on prom night is held in the town square. Attendance is in the thousands, and the entire assemblage is still as the school band, stripped from fifty-six to a bare forty, plays the school song and taps.

39June 4, 1979Dates20th Century: 70sEvents

June 4, 1979
The town's major industry, Chamberlain Mills and Weaving has only been running one shift since June 4, 1979. According to mill president William A. Chamblis, further lay-offs are a strong possibility.

40June 5, 1979Dates20th Century: 70sEvents

June 5, 1979
AP ticker puts the death toll in Chamberlain, Maine at 409, with 49 still listed as missing.

41June 9, 1979Dates20th Century: 70sEvents

June 9, 1979
Principal Henry Grayle resigns effective July 1st, per his letter to Peter Philpott, Superintendent of Schools.

42June 11, 1979Dates20th Century: 70sEvents

June 11, 1979
Ewen High School Instructor of Physical Education Rita Desjardin writes that she would kill herself before ever teaching again in her letter to Principal Henry Grayle.

43July 1, 1979Dates20th Century: 70sEvents

July 1, 1979
Ewen High School Principal Henry Grayle resigns effective July 1, 1979 per his letter to Peter Philpott, Superintendent of Schools.

44September 7, 1979Dates20th Century: 70sEvents

September 7, 1979
The Lewiston Daily Sun newspaper features an article titled "The Legacy of TK: Scorched Earth and Scorched Hearts".

45September 12, 1980Dates20th Century: 80sEvents

September 12, 1980
Esquire magazine publishes article titled "Carrie: The Black Dawn of T.K." by Jack Gaver.

46May 3, 1988Dates20th Century: 80sEvents

May 3, 1988
In her letter to Sandra Jenks, Amelia Jenks writes, "...and your little neece is growin like a weed, awfull big for only 2. She has blue eyes like her daddy and my blond hair but that will porubly go dark. Still she is awfull pretty & I think sometimes when she is asleep how she looks like our momma."

47Barker StreetMapTransit RoutesStreets

Barker Street
Street in Chamberlain, Maine. Location of Barker Street Grammar School.

48Bellsqueeze RoadMapTransit RoutesStreets-Roads

Bellsqueeze Road
Road in Chamberlain, Maine.

49Bentown RoadMapTransit RoutesStreets-Roads

Bentown Road
Road in Chamberlain, Maine.

50Brickyard HillMapTransit RoutesStreets-misc

Brickyard Hill
Street in Chamberlain, Maine.

51Carlin StreetMapTransit RoutesStreets

Carlin Street
Street in Chamberlain, Maine. Location of White family bungalow.

52Chamberlain RoadMapTransit RoutesStreets-Roads

Chamberlain Road
Road in Chamberlain, Maine.

53Claridge RoadMapTransit RoutesStreets-Roads

Claridge Road
Road in Chamberlain, Maine.

54Deighan StreetMapTransit RoutesStreets

Deighan Street
Street in Chamberlain, Maine.

55Elm StreetMapTransit RoutesStreets

Elm Street
Street in Chamberlain, Maine. Location of Catholic Church.

56Henry RoadMapTransit RoutesStreets-Roads

Henry Road
Road in Chamberlain, Maine.

57Main StreetMapTransit RoutesStreets

Main Street
Street in Chamberlain, Maine.

58Morin StreetMapTransit RoutesStreets

Morin Street
Street in Chamberlain, Maine.

59MottonMapUrban AreasCities-Maine

Town in Maine that borders Chamberlain.

60Oak StreetMapTransit RoutesStreets

Oak Street
Street in Chamberlain, Maine.

61Spring StreetMapTransit RoutesStreets

Spring Street
Street in Chamberlain, Maine.

62Stack End RoadMapTransit RoutesStreets-Roads

Stack End Road
Road in in North Chamberlain, Maine.

63Sullivan StreetMapTransit RoutesStreets

Sullivan Street
Street in Chamberlain, Maine. Location of Frank's Bar.

64Summer StreetMapTransit RoutesStreets

Summer Street
Street in Chamberlain, Maine. Location of Tony's Citgo.

65Willow StreetMapTransit RoutesStreets

Willow Street
Street in Chamberlain, Maine.

66Untitled OtherThemes3-D


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