TV Series 1964. Created by Allan Burns and Chris Hayward. Starring Fred Gwynne, Yvonne De Carlo, Al Lewis, Beverley Owen, Pat Priest and Butch Patrick.
Source Features: BBB (16) MAP (5) OTHER (2) THEMES (1)

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Total Records: 16 - Medium: TV SERIES / Group: BBB
Record Name
1Amalgamated MotorsVehiclesVehicle Dealerships

Amalgamated Motors

2Black Raven PaintGoodsHardware

Black Raven Paint

3Bundles for TransylvaniaOrganizationsCharities

Bundles for Transylvania

4DragulaVehiclesMotor Vehicles

After Herman loses The Munster Koach in a drag race, Grandpa Munster builds a car called Dragula to win it back. Also spelled "Drag-u-la".

5Fair Deal Dan VehiclesVehicle Dealerships

Fair Deal Dan
Herman buys a convertible for Marilyn from a fly-by-night used-car dealer named Fair Deal Dan.

6Father of the Year Contest EventsContests

Father of the Year Contest
Herman has his ego flattered twice by his family. First, Eddie wants to enter him in the Father of the Year Contest.

7Frontier Days RodeoEventsFairs and Festivals

Frontier Days Rodeo
Herman participates in the bronco riding contest at the Frontier Days Rodeo to impress his son.

8Gateman, Goodbury and GravesServicesFuneral Homes

Gateman, Goodbury and Graves

9Going out to PastureLiteraturePoetry

Going out to Pasture
Poem by Herman Munster.

10Grandpa's King Richard's Crusade Bravery...DrugsMedicine

Grandpa's King Richard's Crusade Bravery Pills
Grandpa gives Herman one of his special bravery pills so he can participate in the bronco riding contest at the rodeo.

11Happy Havemeyer's Dancing School EducationPerforming Arts Schools

Happy Havemeyer's Dancing School
In order to accompany Marilyn to her school dance, Herman takes dancing lessons at, where he is suckered into signing a ten-year contract for 1500 lessons.

12The Heidelberg School of MedicineEducationMedical Schools

The Heidelberg School of Medicine

13Mockingbird Heights Country Club EntertainmentPrivate Clubs

Mockingbird Heights Country Club
The Munsters win a membership to the highly exclusive Mockingbird Heights Country Club.

14The Mortician Monthly PeriodicalsMagazines

The Mortician Monthly
After Herman has his poetry published in The Mortician Monthly, a shy coworker named Clyde asks him to compose love letters to help him attract the attention of a young lady he's fallen for.

15The Munster KoachVehiclesMotor Vehicles

The Munster Koach
After Herman loses The Munster Koach in a drag race, Grandpa Munster builds a car called Dragula to win it back. Also spelled "Drag-u-la".

16Playghoul PeriodicalsAdult Magazines

Magazine, parody of Playboy.

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