Record Names appearing in 10+ Sources


Total Records: 41
Record Name
1AtlantisCRITIAS 0000 LiteratureMapGeographic AreasIslands

Island, described as consisting mostly of mountains in the northern portions and along the shore and encompassing a great plain in an oblong shape in the south.

2AtlantisON THE ETERNITY OF THE WORLD 0000 LiteratureMapGeographic AreasIslands

Island from the writings of Plato.

3AtlantisTIMAEUS 0000 LiteratureMapUrban AreasCities

Island that falls out of favor with the deities and sinks into the Atlantic Ocean.

4AtlantisCHRISTIAN TOPOGRAPHY 0550 LiteratureMapGeographic AreasIslands

Included as part of the author's attempt to prove his theory that the world was flat and surrounded by water.

5AtlantisATLANTIS: THE ANTEDILUVIAN WORLD 1882 LiteratureMapGeographic AreasIslands

All known ancient civilizations are descended from Atlantis, a technologically sophisticated, more advanced culture.

6AtlantisATLA 1886 LiteratureMapGeographic AreasCountries

Doomed continent that sinks beneath the sea when moral virtue dies.

7AtlantisAELITA 1923 LiteratureMapGeographic AreasIslands

Martians are descendants of Atlanteans who came there after Atlantis sank into the ocean.

8AtlantisATLANTIS, THE LOST CONTINENT 1961 FilmMapGeographic AreasIslands

Setting during the events leading up to the total destruction of the mythical continent of Atlantis during the time of Ancient Greece.

9AtlantisTHE MAN FROM ATLANTIS 1977 TV SeriesMapGeographic AreasIslands

Amnesiac man Mark Harris is believed to be the only surviving citizen of the lost civilization of Atlantis.

10AtlantisRAIDERS OF ATLANTIS 1983 FilmMapGeographic AreasIslands

Two Vietnam veterans and a team of scientists trying to raise a sunken Russian submarine face a battle for survival against Atlanteans.

11AtlantisCOCOON 1985 FilmMapGeographic AreasCountries

Peaceful aliens from the planet Antarea set up an outpost on Earth on Atlantis about 10,000 years ago. Aliens left behind when Atlantis sank were kept alive in large rock-like cocoons at the bottom of the ocean.

12Atlantis 21 JUMP STREET 1987 TV SeriesMapGeographic AreasIslands

Lemieux: Good modern being of light, I am Zombo, lord of the blue ray, primary energy in the kingdom of Atlantis. My friends, what is your quest?

13AtlantisG.I. JOE: THE ATLANTIS FACTOR 1991 Video GamesMapGeographic AreasIslands

Cobra Commander raises the lost city of Atlantis from the bottom of the ocean and uses it as a military base.

14AtlantisINDIANA JONES AND THE FATE OF ATLANTIS 1992 Video GamesMapGeographic AreasIslands

Indiana Jones searches for the legendary sunken city of Atlantis.

15AtlantisMACGYVER: LOST TREASURE OF ATLANTIS 1994 FilmMapGeographic AreasIslands

Two years after leaving the Phoenix Foundation, Angus MacGyver returns in a fast-paced, action-packed adventure in order to find the mythical city and civilization of Atlantis.

16Atlantis TOMB RAIDER 1996 Video GamesMapUrban AreasCities

Lara escapes Natla's henchmen and stows away aboard Natla's boat, which takes her to a volcanic island holding an Atlantean pyramid filled with mutants.

17Atlantis AMERICAN PSYCHO 2000 FilmBBBDiningRestaurants

Restaurant in New York where Detective Kimball places both Paul Allen - and Patrick Bateman, to Patrick's surprise.

18Atlantis ATLANTIS: THE LOST EMPIRE 2001 Animated FilmMapGeographic AreasIslands

Island kingdom drowned by a massive tidal wave, triggered by a distant explosion.

19Atlantis [kingdom] SMALLVILLE 2001 TV SeriesMapGeographic AreasCountries

Atlantis [kingdom]
While she doesn't actually say the name, when Mera introduces herself to Lois, she refers to Atlantis: I am Mera, wife of Orin, future king of the seven seas. The one you call Arthur Curry. Orin is finally embracing his destiny and leading his people.

20Atlantis [nightclub] SMALLVILLE 2001 TV SeriesBBBNightlifeNightclubs

Atlantis [nightclub]
Clark, going by Kal, under the influence of red Kryptonite, frequents a nightclub in Metropolis called Atlantis.

21AtlantisAQUAMAN: SWORD OF ATLANTIS 2002 Comic BooksMapGeographic AreasCountries

Aquaman's underwater kingdom.

22AtlantisAQUAMAN: BATTLE FOR ATLANTIS 2003 Video GamesMapGeographic AreasCountries

Aquaman's kingdom.

23Atlantis STARGATE ATLANTIS 2004 TV SeriesMapUrban AreasCities-Outer Space

Major John Sheppard and his team explore distant planets in the Pegasus Galaxy from their base in the Lost City of Atlantis on the planet Lantea.

24Atlantis PHINEAS AND FERB 2007 Animated SeriesMapUrban AreasCities

During a trip to the beach, Phineas, Ferb, Isabella, Buford, Baljeet and Irving try to find the lost city of Atlantis which is located in the bottom of the ocean.

25AtlantisTOMB RAIDER: ANNIVERSARY 2007 Video GamesMapGeographic AreasIslands

Lost city.

26AtlantisTOMB RAIDER: UNDERWORLD 2008 Video GamesMapGeographic AreasIslands

Natla, former ruler of Atlantis, is found to be alive and having escaped from the Eitr.

27Atlantis DANGER 5 2012 TV SeriesMapGeographic AreasCountries


28AtlantisATLANTIS 2013 TV SeriesMapGeographic AreasIslands

Far from home, Jason washes up on the shores of the ancient and mysterious city of Atlantis.

29Atlantis THE FLASHPOINT PARADOX 2013 Animated FilmMapGeographic AreasCountries

Aquaman's underwater kingdom Atlantis rises flooding Western Europe.

30Atlantis RICK AND MORTY 2013 Animated SeriesMapUrban AreasCities

Rick and Morty go diving for mermaid puss in the lost city of Atlantis.

31Atlantis THE LEGO MOVIE 2014 Animated FilmMapWorldsMiscellaneous Places

Realm on President Business' map in the Octan Corporation Office Tower.

32AtlantisDEPARTURE 2016 LiteratureMapGeographic AreasCountries

New country created by the Titan Foundation's Gibraltar Project.

33Atlantis THE TICK 2016 TV SeriesMapGeographic AreasCountries

Lobstercules reveals to Arthur and The Tick that she used to be a member of the Atlantean Guard from Atlantis.

34Atlantis JUSTICE LEAGUE 2017 FilmMapGeographic AreasCountries

Aquaman is the rightful king of Atlantis. The Atlanteans helped fight off Steppenwolf the first time.

35Atlantis AQUAMAN 2018 FilmMapGeographic AreasCountries

Also known as the Kingdom of Atlantis.

36Atlantis MANIAC 2018 TV SeriesMapUrban AreasCities

City in erotic video game software Fuklantis, in which Dr. James fucks an Atlantean High Priestess with purple skin.

37AtlantisTHE MISSING LINK 2019 Animated FilmMapUrban AreasCities

Lionel mentions the lost city of Atlantis after Susan agrees to be his adventure partner.

38Atlantis RESIDENT ALIEN 2021 TV SeriesMapGeographic AreasIslands

Harry: Too many people. The last island that had this many people on it was Atlantis and that did not turn out well.

39Atlantis SPACE JAM: A NEW LEGACY 2021 Animated FilmMapWorldsRealms

Aquaman's kingdom.

40AtlantisAQUAMAN AND THE LOST KINGDOM 2023 FilmMapGeographic AreasCountries

Arthur Curry, aka Aquaman, is now the ruler of Atlantis. But he isn't happy about it.

41AtlantisTHE FLASH 2023 FilmMapGeographic AreasIslands

Barry mentions Aquaman being half-Atlantean.

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