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Total Records: 3 - Group: OTHER / Category: MISCELLANEOUS / Subcategory: GAMES
Record Name
1Bobbing for Meatballs in Mashed Potatoes GET A LIFE 1990 TV SeriesMiscellaneousGames

Bobbing for Meatballs in Mashed Potatoes
Chris' party game.

2Lamps BOB'S BURGERS 2011 Animated SeriesMiscellaneousGames

Game Louise claims the kids were playing when Bob and Linda return home from their double date and ask why all the lamps are in the living room. It's actually because the kids were scared after watching a scary zombie horror movie.

3Slap the BullWILD HOGS 2007 FilmMiscellaneousGames

Slap the Bull
According to Charley the sheriff, a little game played to make sure your life is not controlled by fear. Turns out to actually involve slapping a real live bull.

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