TV Series 1997. Created by Mark Verheiden. Starring Ted King, Don Stark, Kurt Fuller, Cristi Conaway.
Source Features: BBB (1) TIMELINE (3)

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Total Records: 4 - Medium: TV SERIES
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1Time Sled BBBTransportationTime Travel

Time Sled
In 2007, time travel is a reality using time sleds to enter the time stream. However, the technology has leaked beyond the United States government. Rogue time sleds built by other parties are sending criminals into the past for a price. The Time Enforcement Commission was formed to retrieve and arrest the criminals, preventing the alteration of history.

2November 7, 1888 Dates19th Century and earlierEvents

November 7, 1888
Original timeline: Jack the Ripper murders his 4th victim Catherine Eddowes.

3November 7, 1888 Dates19th Century and earlierEvents

November 7, 1888
Revised timeline: time traveler Ian Pascoe kills Jack the Ripper and takes his place as the infamous killer.

4November 9, 1988 Dates20th Century: 80sEvents

November 9, 1988
Original timeline: Jack the Ripper murders his 5th victim Mary Kelly. Revised timeline: Time Enforcement Commission officer Jack Logan travels the past to catch a suspect believed to have killed Jack the Ripper, arriving shortly after he kills Mary Kelly.

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