Film 2014. Written by Nicholas Stoller and James Bobin. Directed by James Bobin. Starring Ricky Gervais, Ty Burrell and Tina Fey.
Source Features: BBB (18) TIMELINE (3) MAP (5) OTHER (8) THEMES (3)

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Total Records: 5 - Medium: FILM / Group: MAP
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1Gulag 38B Detention CentersCorrectional Facilities

Gulag 38B
Russian prison Siberia, from which Constantine, the world's most dangerous frog escapes. "Russia's premier state funded hotel."

2MudburgUrban AreasCities

Kermit books the Muppet Show in cabaret bars and coffee houses all across the industrial cities of Northern Germany, including Dusseldorf, Hamburg, Mudburg, Vomitdorf and Poopenburgen.

3Plotpointburg Urban AreasCities

CIty name on police truck that changes to Siberian Gulag once Kermit is thrown inside.

4PoopenburgenUrban AreasCities

Kermit books the Muppet Show in cabaret bars and coffee houses all across the industrial cities of Northern Germany, including Dusseldorf, Hamburg, Mudburg, Vomitdorf and Poopenburgen.

5VomitdorfUrban AreasCities

Kermit books the Muppet Show in cabaret bars and coffee houses all across the industrial cities of Northern Germany, including Dusseldorf, Hamburg, Mudburg, Vomitdorf and Poopenburgen.

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