TV Series 2020. Created by Greg Daniels and Steve Carell. Starring Steve Carell, John Malkovich, Ben Schwartz, Diana Silvers and Tawny Newsome.
Source Features: BBB (15) MAP (3) OTHER (13) THEMES (1)

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1Captain Angela Ali QuotesQuotes

Captain Angela Ali
Captain Angela Ali: That's the Pickering building. Sometimes I take my lunch over there and watch them build rocket engines. And that is where Dr. Banner works with the gamma rays. Oh, and that's where we store the Vibranium we stole from Wakanda.

2Chief of Naval Operations QuotesQuotes

Chief of Naval Operations
Chief of Naval Operations: Acknowledge my gender again and I will fuck you in the ass.

3Dr. Chan Kaifang QuotesQuotes

Dr. Chan Kaifang
Dr. Chan Kaifang: In the field, each one of you will be wearing an exoskeleton. Iron man pants.

4Drinking Bird Syndrome Medical ConditionsSyndromes

Drinking Bird Syndrome
Excuse/Joke General Mark Naird makes at the congressional hearing when a senator comments on Dr. Adrian Mallory's nodding of his head.

5Duncan Tabner & Erin Naird QuotesQuotes

Duncan Tabner & Erin Naird
Duncan Tabner: Duncan Tabner, Sweetwater, Alabama.
Erin Naird: Erin Naird, Abortionville, Blue State.

6Edison Jaymes QuotesQuotes

Edison Jaymes
Edison Jaymes: Why does my car smell like baby vomit?

7F. Tony Scarapiducci QuotesQuotes

F. Tony Scarapiducci
F. Tony Scarapiducci: Do you need a picture? "Cause I can Photoshop it. That's not a problem. You want them on the Enterprise? I'll do it. Fine. You want me to give this guy pointy ears? Can you imagine how funny that would be?

8F. Tony Scarapiducci & General Mark Nair... QuotesQuotes

F. Tony Scarapiducci & General Mark Naird
F. Tony Scarapiducci: I have your daily tweet ready for you to review, and I think you're going to eat it up. Go. Yum-yum.
General Mark Naird: I don't get it.
F. Tony Scarapiducci: Any of it? Okay. All right. I mean, you know there's a new Star Wars out?
General Mark Naird: Yes.
F. Tony Scarapiducci: And Wendy's has a new hamburger that they're serving rare, so...
General Mark Naird: So what I am saying is that if I had a lightsaber, I would be able to cook this hamburger better.
F. Tony Scarapiducci: There you go. It took a while, but you got it.
General Mark Naird: How is this relevant to the mission?
F. Tony Scarapiducci: That is culturally relevant.
General Mark Naird: I don't see how being snarky about a fast food hamburger is culturally anything.

9General Mark Naird & Dr. Adrian Mallory QuotesQuotes

General Mark Naird & Dr. Adrian Mallory
General Mark Naird: I wish we had a tractor beam like in Star Trek.
Dr. Adrian Mallory: Well, we don't have
General Mark Naird: I know that.
Dr. Adrian Mallory: 'Cause they don't exist.
General Mark Naird: Yes, yes, yes.

10General Mark Naird & Dr. Mallory QuotesQuotes

General Mark Naird & Dr. Mallory
General Mark Naird: So the game of mental chess has begun.
Dr. Mallory: Hungry Hungry Hippos at best.

11Pattern ThemesShield, The


12Project Mayflower PlansProjects

Project Mayflower
Space Force's mission to the moon.

13Reporter & General Mark Naird QuotesQuotes

Reporter & General Mark Naird
Reporter: And the Epsilon is the new spacecraft fighter, right?
General Mark Naird: That is correct.
Reporter: What kind of armament will it have on board? Laser cannon? Pulse weapon?
General Mark Naird: I believe those are from Star Wars.
Reporter: Yep.
General Mark Naird: But if I had a laser cannon, I would probably use it to cook a Wendy's hamburger.

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