Film 1989. Written by Michael J. Leeson. Directed by Danny DeVito. Starring M, ichael Douglas, Kathleen Turner, Danny DeVito and G.D. Spradlin.
Source Features: BBB (3) OTHER (4)

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Total Records: 7 - Medium: FILM
Record Name
1BulldogsBBBSportsSoccer Teams

Oliver and Barbara's son's soccer team.

2Dr. GordonBBBHealthcareDoctors

Dr. Gordon
Oliver's doctor at the hospital when he thinks he's having a heart attack.

3Pied De CochonBBBDiningRestaurants

Pied De Cochon
Restaurant in Paris from the story of how Oliver and Barbara got their Baccarat glassware.

4Barbara Rose OtherQuotesQuotes

Barbara Rose
Barbara Rose: Uh-oh... the return of the bald avenger.

5Barbara Rose & Oliver Rose OtherQuotesQuotes

Barbara Rose & Oliver Rose
Barbara Rose: I want to say hello to the bald avenger.
Oliver Rose: You haven't called him that in years.

6Gavin D'AmatoOtherQuotesQuotes

Gavin D'Amato
Gavin D'Amato: I won't start the clock yet. My fee is $450 an hour. When a man who makes $450 an hour wants to tell you something for free, you should listen.

7Oliver Rose OtherQuotesQuotes

Oliver Rose
Oliver Rose: If this is a who-can-sink-lowest-fastest contest, you won. By showing him my letter, you have sunk below the deepest layer of prehistoric frog shit at the bottom of a New Jersey scum swamp. I may have let you have the house, but now you'll never get it. You will never get that house. Do you understand? You will never get that house.

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