Animated Film 2017. Written by Cinco Paul and Ken Daurio. Directed by Pierre Coffin and Kyle Balda. Starring Steve Carell, Kristen Wiig, Trey Parker, Miranda Cosgrove, Steve Coogan, Jenny Slate, Dana Gaier and Julie Andrews.
Source Features: BBB (8) MAP (1) OTHER (4)

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Total Records: 13 - Medium: ANIMATED FILM
Record Name
1Anti-Villain LeagueBBBOrganizationsProfessional Organizations

Anti-Villain League
Abbreviated AVL. Married Anti-Villain League agents Gru and Lucy Wilde are sent to stop Balthazar Bratt - a former child actor turned supervillain after his TV show "Evil Bratt" was canceled when he reached puberty - from stealing the Dumont diamond.

2Evil BrattBBBTelevisionTV Shows

Evil Bratt
Married Anti-Villain League agents Gru and Lucy Wilde are sent to stop Balthazar Bratt - a former child actor turned supervillain after his TV show "Evil Bratt" was canceled when he reached puberty - from stealing the Dumont diamond.

3Evil Bratt Action FigureBBBToysAction Figures

Evil Bratt Action Figure
Toy sold to promote Balthazar Bratt hit TV show Evil Bratt.

4Freedonia SkyBBBTransportationAirlines

Freedonia Sky
Freedonian airline.

5The Neighborhood StarBBBPeriodicalsNewspapers

The Neighborhood Star


Ship Bratt attacks.

7Shaka HutBBBDiningFast Food

Shaka Hut
Snack hut on the beach where the minions hang out.

8Tipsy UnicornBBBRetailGift Shops

Tipsy Unicorn
Store on the island of Freedonia.

9FreedoniaMapGeographic AreasIslands

European island where Gru's brother Dru lives.

10Balthazar Bratt OtherQuotesQuotes

Balthazar Bratt
Balthazar Bratt: Gru - there's two of you now? This will be twice as fun!

11Balthazar Bratt OtherQuotesQuotes

Balthazar Bratt
Balthazar Bratt: You ruined everything! And now it's time to die. Any last words, Gru?

12Carbonite OtherMatterSubstances

Dr. Nefario accidentally froze himself in carbonite.

13The Dumont DiamondOtherArtifactsGems

The Dumont Diamond
Married Anti-Villain League agents Gru and Lucy Wilde are sent to stop Balthazar Bratt - a former child actor turned supervillain after his TV show "Evil Bratt" was canceled when he reached puberty - from stealing the Dumont diamond.

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