Film 2009. Written by David H. Steinberg. Directed by John Putch. Starring Bug Hall, Brandon Hardesty, Kevin M. Horton, Beth Behrs, Melanie Papalia, Jennifer Holland, John Patrick Jordan, Louisa Lytton, Sherman Hemsley, Curtis Armstrong, Jim Wynorski, Rosanna Arquette and Eugene Levy.
Source Features: BBB (9) TIMELINE (28) MAP (1) OTHER (7) THEMES (2)

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Total Records: 7 - Medium: FILM / Group: OTHER
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1Bret Michaels QuotesQuotes

Bret Michaels
Bret Michaels: Yeah, it definitely gets lonely on the road. Sure, I made love to all kinds of different food groups. You ever try making love to a peanut butter sandwich? Nothing comes close. Well, maybe a deboned ham hock, but that takes a whole lot of prep.


Lube: We've traveled many miles for vertical smiles.

3Mr. LevensteinQuotesQuotes

Mr. Levenstein
Mr. Levenstein: This is not a sex manual. It is a life manual. I've been married for 35 years, and not just because I'm this handsome dude who knows how to satisfy a woman. I've been married for 35 years because I love my wife and I respect my wife. Whether it's Amsterdam or East Great Falls it all comes down to this: If you're honest and treat a girl with respect then whatever happens is meant to happen because it's all perfectly natural. Boys, I've prepared you for this quest. And before you lies the biggest test of your lives. This book is a powerful weapon. So, use it for good, not evil.

4Tongue Tornado LanguageSexual Jargon

Tongue Tornado
Sex act mentioned in the Bible.

5Untitled ThemesWall v2, The


6Untitled ThemesPleasantville


7What type of sandwich does Bret Michaels...TriviaQuestions

What type of sandwich does Bret Michaels recommend having sex with to fight off loneliness on the road?
Peanut Butter
Chicken Salad

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