Literature 1947. Written by Malcolm Lowry.
Source Features: BBB (1) TIMELINE (3)

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Total Records: 4 - Medium: LITERATURE
Record Name
1The Bella VistaBBBTravelLodging

The Bella Vista
Hotel in Quauhnahuac.

2November 1, 1938Dates20th Century: 1st HalfEvents

November 1, 1938
The Consul attends the Red Cross Ball.

3November 2, 1938Dates20th Century: 1st HalfEvents

November 2, 1938
The Consul's day begins with him sitting at the bar of the Bella Vista hotel in Quauhnahuac, drinking whisky the morning after the Red Cross ball. The day ends in the main barroom of the Farolito with a disagreement between the Consul and the local police chiefs, who push him out of the bar, shoot him and throw him off the edge of a ravine.

4November 2, 1939Dates20th Century: 1st HalfEvents

November 2, 1939
Jacques Laruelle and Dr. Vigil drink anisette at the Hotel Casino de la Selva on a hill above Quauhnahuac, reminiscing on the Consul's presence exactly a year earlier.

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