Animated Series 2021. Created by Kevin Hageman, Dan Hageman. Starring Brett Gray, Ella Purnell, Jason Mantzoukas, Angus Imrie, Rylee Alazraqui, Dee Bradley Baker, Jimmi Simpson, John Noble, Kate Mulgrew.
Source Features: BBB (28) MAP (21) OTHER (24) THEMES (1)

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Detention Centers
Living Things
Medical Conditions
Outer Space
Technology Products
Urban Areas

Total Records: 73 - Medium: ANIMATED SERIES
Record Name
1Antares Class Bulk Freighter BBBVehiclesSpacecrafts - Star Trek

Antares Class Bulk Freighter
Petarian starship that Jankom Pog points out in the Federation armada.

2Bird of Prey BBBVehiclesSpacecrafts - Star Trek

Bird of Prey
Klingon warship that Jankom Pog points out in the Federation armada.

3Blood Truffle Biscuits BBBMenuMenu Items

Blood Truffle Biscuits
Item that Jankom Pog orders from the replicator.

4Borg Cube BBBVehiclesSpacecrafts - Star Trek

Borg Cube
After the Protostar crew find the construct that holds the virus in a hidden sub-deck on the ship, and are unable to destroy it, they come across a dormant Borg Cube.

5Cellar Door Society BBBServicesPrivate Investigation

Cellar Door Society
Organization of detectives in a holodeck program that Zero describes as purveyors of puzzling puzzles, amateur sleuthing, and milquetoast mysteries.

6Class D Loader BBBVehiclesMotor Vehicles

Class D Loader
Dal attempts to escape from the prison colony flying a Class D Loader vehicle.

7Dabo BBBToysArcade Games

Dal's old friend and Ferengi smuggler Nandi mentions her recent losing streak at the Dabo tables.

8The Damsel BBBVehiclesSpacecrafts - Star Trek

The Damsel
Dal's old friend and Ferengi smuggler Nandi's ship.

9Dauntless BBBVehiclesSpacecrafts - Star Trek

Federation starship U.S.S. Dauntless, under the command of Kathryn Janeway.

10Dr. Noum BBBHealthcareDoctors

Dr. Noum
Doctor on the Dauntless.

11D'Kora Class MarauderBBBVehiclesSpacecrafts - Star Trek

D'Kora Class Marauder
Ferengi Alliance starship that Jankom Pog points out in the Federation armada.

12Enterprise BBBVehiclesSpacecrafts - Star Trek

Federation starship U.S.S. Enterprise.

13Galileo BBBVehiclesSpacecrafts - Star Trek

Federation shuttle U.S.S. Galileo. The crew of the Protostar discovers a city called New Enda-Prize on Planet 0042692, based on Starfleet, which they call Star-Flight after Ensign Garrovick of the Enterprise crashed there in the Galileo shuttle.

14Gorn Starship BBBVehiclesSpacecrafts - Star Trek

Gorn Starship
Trading vessel that Jankom Pog points out in the Federation armada.

15Kobayashi Maru [ship] BBBVehiclesSpacecrafts - Star Trek

Kobayashi Maru [ship]
Federation starship U.S.S. Kobayashi Maru. Ship featured in the Kobayashi Maru training program, the advanced academy training model designed to test the greatest captains Starfleet has to offer.

16Kobayashi Maru [test] BBBEducationClasses

Kobayashi Maru [test]
Dal tests himself by taking the Kobayashi Maru exam.

17Mek'leth BBBWeaponsWeapons-misc

Klingon weapon that Dal finds on Murder Planet.

18Nutri-goop BBBMenuMenu Items

Item that Rok orders from the replicator.

19Phaser BBBWeaponsWeapons-misc

Starfleet weapon.

20Photon Torpedo BBBWeaponsProjectile Weapons

Photon Torpedo
Starfleet weapon. Featured in the Kobayashi Maru training program.

21ProtodriveBBBTechnology ProductsPower Supplies

Power source for the Protostar.

22Protostar BBBVehiclesSpacecrafts - Star Trek

Federation starship U.S.S. Protostar. A group of young aliens find Starfleet's U.S.S. Protostar ship in the Tars Lamora Prison Colony. Taking control of the ship, they must learn to work together as they make their way from the Delta Quadrant to the Alpha Quadrant.

23Protostar Class BBBVehiclesSpacecrafts - Star Trek

Protostar Class
Janeway tells Dal that a new starship class has been established based on the design of the U.S.S. Protostar.

24Rev-12 BBBVehiclesSpacecrafts - Star Trek

The Diviner's Vau N'Akat starship, a fortress that could act as spacecraft.

25The Runaway BBBVehiclesMotor Vehicles

The Runaway
Starfleet ground vehicle that was carried aboard the USS Protostar.

26Solum-1 BBBMediaVirtual Reality

Simulation of the planet Solum, before and after First Contact with Starfleet.

27Sura Class BBBVehiclesSpacecrafts - Star Trek

Sura Class
Civilian starship that Jankom Pog points out in the Federation armada.

28Sweet Radish Pie with Sour Gravy BBBMenuMenu Items

Sweet Radish Pie with Sour Gravy
Item that Jankom Pog orders from the replicator.

29Alpha Quadrant MapOuter SpaceRegions of Space

Alpha Quadrant
Hologram Janeway mentions Federation space being in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants.

30Andoria IV MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Andoria IV
Hologram Janeway mentions several available holodeck programs, including visiting Andoria IV and skydiving on Ceti Alpha V.

31Beta Quadrant MapOuter SpaceRegions of Space

Beta Quadrant
Hologram Janeway mentions Federation space being in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants.

32Carina Nebula MapOuter SpaceNebulae

Carina Nebula
Janeway tracks to Protostar to the Carina Nebula.

33Ceti Alpha V MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Ceti Alpha V
Hologram Janeway mentions several available holodeck programs, including visiting Andoria IV and skydiving on Ceti Alpha V.

34CR-721 MapOuter SpaceSpace Stations

The Protostar crew seek asylum at a remote Starfleet communications relay station manned by Lieutenant Frex, also known as the Final Frontier.

35Delta Quadrant MapOuter SpaceRegions of Space

Delta Quadrant
A group of young aliens find Starfleet's U.S.S. Protostar ship in the Tars Lamora Prison Colony. Taking control of the ship, they must learn to work together as they make their way from the Delta Quadrant to the Alpha Quadrant.

36Denaxi MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

The crew of the Protostar visit the Denaxi Depot, a station located on the surface of the planet Denaxi near the Romulan Neutral Zone - the only major transportation hub in the sector - a haven for smugglers and anyone wishing to disappear.

37Denaxi Depot MapOuter SpaceSpace Stations

Denaxi Depot
The crew of the Protostar visit the Denaxi Depot, a station located on the surface of the planet Denaxi near the Romulan Neutral Zone - the only major transportation hub in the sector - a haven for smugglers and anyone wishing to disappear.

38Gamma Quadrant MapOuter SpaceRegions of Space

Gamma Quadrant
The Protostar finds itself 40,000 light years away from it's previous location in the Delta Quadrant.

39Hirogen System MapOuter SpaceStar Systems

Hirogen System
The Protostar crew explore an uninhabited planet in the Hirogen star system, which they dub Murder Planet on account of the way it tries to kill them.

40Murder Planet MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Murder Planet
The Protostar crew explore an uninhabited planet in the Hirogen star system that turns out to be a sentient life form that tries to kill them.

41Neutral Zone MapOuter SpaceRegions of Space

Neutral Zone
Region separating Federation space from Klingon territory.

42New Enda-Prize MapUrban AreasCities-Outer Space

New Enda-Prize
The crew of the Protostar discovers a city called New Enda-Prize on Planet 0042692, based on Starfleet, which they call Star-Flight after Ensign Garrovick of the Enterprise crashed there in the Galileo shuttle.

43Noble Isle MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Noble Isle
The Protostar's new passenger Thadiun Okona leads the crew to the lab of Dr. Jago on the planet Noble Isle in the Neutral Zone, the geneticist whom he was supposed to deliver a shipment of gelatinous putrescine.

44Outpost 2 MapOuter SpaceSpace Stations

Outpost 2
Space station in the Kobayashi Maru training program.

45Planet 0042692 MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Planet 0042692
The crew of the Protostar discovers a city called New Enda-Prize on Planet 0042692, based on Starfleet, which they call Star-Flight after Ensign Garrovick of the Enterprise crashed there in the Galileo shuttle.

46Skeralyx System MapOuter SpaceStar Systems

Skeralyx System
Dal's old friend and Ferengi smuggler Nandi offers cloaking technology powered by chimerium in exchange for the Protostar crew helping her retrieve a remalite crystal from a planet in the Skeralyx system.

47Solum MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Trek

Gwyn and the Diviner's home planet, destroyed 50 years after First Contact with the Federation.

48Tars Lamora Prison Colony MapDetention CentersPrisons

Tars Lamora Prison Colony
A group of young aliens find Starfleet's U.S.S. Protostar ship in the Tars Lamora Prison Colony. Taking control of the ship, they must learn to work together as they make their way from the Delta Quadrant to the Alpha Quadrant.

49Window of Dreams MapOuter SpaceStars

Window of Dreams
Cluster of stars that Dal and Gwyn discuss - previously mentioned by Lokirrim Captain Ranek on Star Trek Voyager.

50Aquathawn OtherLiving ThingsAnimals

Large aquatic animal that the Protostar crew endeavors to save from poachers, hoping that such good deeds will influence Starfleet's reaction when they arrive in Federation space.

51Chimerium OtherMatterCrystals

Luminescent orange crystalline mined in the prison colony.

52Dal OtherQuotesQuotes

Dal: Her brain's sick with... space flu.

53Dal OtherQuotesQuotes

Dal: Don't listen to her, she's got space madness.

54Dal OtherQuotesQuotes

Dal: I see now the only way out is chaos.

55Drednok OtherQuotesQuotes

Drednok: The mission will not be stopped. Our diviner will prevail.

56Gelatinous Putrescine OtherMatterSubstances

Gelatinous Putrescine
The Protostar's new passenger Thadiun Okona leads the crew to the lab of Dr. Jago on the planet Noble Isle in the Neutral Zone, the geneticist whom he was supposed to deliver a shipment of gelatinous putrescine.

57Jankom Pog OtherQuotesQuotes

Jankom Pog
Jankom Pog: Jankom takes to acting like a puss hog takes to phlegm.

58Jankom Pog & Dal OtherQuotesQuotes

Jankom Pog & Dal
Jankom Pog: Why does it feel like we lost?
Dal: Because we did the right thing.

59Kathryn Janeway OtherQuotesQuotes

Kathryn Janeway
Kathryn Janeway (hologram): You may not feel like a crew, but you sure look like one.

60Kathryn Janeway OtherQuotesQuotes

Kathryn Janeway
Kathryn Janeway: We're facing our own Kobayashi Maru.

61Nandi OtherQuotesQuotes

Nandi: My lobes are tingling with opportunity.

62Phage OtherMedical ConditionsDiseases

Disease that Dal mentions to his old friend the Ferengi smuggler Nandi when she mentions sick orphans: Sick orphans have a bad case of the Phage?

63Puss Hog OtherLiving ThingsAnimals

Puss Hog
Creature that Jankom mentions: Jankom takes to acting like a puss hog takes to phlegm.

64Remalite Crystal OtherMatterCrystals

Remalite Crystal
Dal's old friend and Ferengi smuggler Nandi offers cloaking technology powered by chimerium in exchange for the Protostar crew helping her retrieve a remalite crystal from a planet in the Skeralyx system.

65Space Flu OtherMedical ConditionsViruses

Space Flu
Joke Dal makes about Gwyn: Her brain's sick with... space flu.

66Space Madness OtherMedical ConditionsConditions

Space Madness
Joke Dal makes about Gwyn: Don't listen to her, she's got space madness.

67Spock OtherQuotesQuotes

Spock: Live long and prosper.

68Untitled OtherThemesMouth of Madness


69Vice Admiral Janeway's dog's name - the ... OtherTriviaName Game-Animals

Vice Admiral Janeway's dog's name - the runt of the litter.

70Vulcan Nerve Pinch OtherMiscellaneousCombat Strategies

Vulcan Nerve Pinch
Spock incapacitates a Klingon in the Kobayashi Maru training program.

71Wood Leech OtherLiving ThingsAnimals

Wood Leech
Creature used to ease the symptoms of the disease caused by the plasma leaking from the Galileo shuttle.

72Zero OtherQuotesQuotes

Zero: This will either be a spectacular or terrible end to our adventure.

73Zero OtherQuotesQuotes

Zero: We're all out of moments.

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