TV Series 2015. Created by Vince Gilligan and Peter Gould. Starring Bob Odenkirk, Jonathan Banks, Rhea Seehorn, Patrick Fabian, Michael Mando, Michael McKean and Giancarlo Esposito.
Source Features: BBB (173) TIMELINE (119) MAP (11) OTHER (28) THEMES (5)

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Total Records: 28 - Medium: TV SERIES / Group: OTHER
Record Name
1Colorado Kings CriminalsGangs

Colorado Kings
Jimmy sells pay as you go phones to members of a local biker gang.

2Daydream Harvest MatterColors

Daydream Harvest
Color that Jimmy paints on the wall in is new office: "Oh, hey, what do you think? It's Etude in Blue over Daydream Harvest. I wanted it to look like morning over the Sandias."

3EHSMedical ConditionsConditions

Also known as Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity. Condition that Jimmy's brother Chuck claims to experience, describing it as "an acute allergy to electromagnetism." While based on a condition that real people claim to experience, EHS has no scientific basis and is not a recognized medical diagnosis.

4Etude in Blue MatterColors

Etude in Blue
Color that Jimmy paints on the wall in is new office: "Oh, hey, what do you think? It's Etude in Blue over Daydream Harvest. I wanted it to look like morning over the Sandias."

5Freddy QuotesQuotes

Freddy: Hey man. That was some Jedi mind shit right there.

6Gene Takavic QuotesQuotes

Gene Takavic
Gene Takavic: Pigs get fat, hogs get slaughtered.

7Hamlindigo Blue MatterColors

Hamlindigo Blue
Trademark-branded identifying color of the HHM tri-rectangle logo graphic.

8Jimmy McGill QuotesQuotes

Jimmy McGill
Jimmy McGill: Brenda, looking good. Nice 'do. Where's Lord Vader?

9Jimmy McGill QuotesQuotes

Jimmy McGill
Jimmy McGill: Here's Johnny!

10Jimmy McGill QuotesQuotes

Jimmy McGill
Jimmy McGill: Who leaves two cub scouts in a double parked car with the engine running?

11Jimmy McGill QuotesQuotes

Jimmy McGill
Jimmy McGill: It's all good, man.

12Jimmy McGill QuotesQuotes

Jimmy McGill
Jimmy McGill: It's all good, man.

13Kathy Deutsch QuotesQuotes

Kathy Deutsch
Kathy Deutsch: This is Kathy Deutsch, I'm the manager of Lancaster's in Omaha. And you guys just delivered something that we did not order. Your guy brought a giant wooden crate onto my loading dock, seems to be some kind of spraying system. The invoice number is 1-9-6-8-AE35.

14Lalo QuotesQuotes

Lalo: I told you. Be nice.

15Mike QuotesQuotes

Mike: Whatever happens next is not going to go down the way you think it is.

16Mike QuotesQuotes

Mike: If you were gonna die, you'd be dead already.

17Operation Kingbreaker PlansOperations

Operation Kingbreaker
FBI task force that Jimmy makes up when Tuco threatens his life in the desert.

18Rhapsody in Blond MatterColors

Rhapsody in Blond
Hair color that Jimmy mentions to the ladies at the salon.

19Sassafras Glow MatterColors

Sassafras Glow
Hair color that Jimmy mentions to the ladies at the salon.

20Sponsor ThemesBillboard


21Strawberry Fields Forever MatterColors

Strawberry Fields Forever
Hair color that Jimmy mentions to the ladies at the salon.

22Untitled ThemesFlatliners 2


23Untitled ThemesStarfighter


24Untitled ThemesMouth of Madness


25Untitled Themes3-D


26Walter White's middle name. TriviaName Game

Walter White's middle name.

27What affliction does Jimmy's brother Chu...TriviaQuestions

What affliction does Jimmy's brother Chuck claim to experience?
EDS: Electro-active Dissonance Syndrome
MFI: Magnetic Field Interference
EHS: Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity

28What is Jimmy's middle name? TriviaName Game

What is Jimmy's middle name?

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