Animated Series 1986. Created by Paul Fusco and Tom Patchett. Starring Paul Fusco, Peggy Mahon, Paulina Gillis, Thick Wilson, Dan Hennessey and Rob Cowan.
Source Features: BBB (11) MAP (7) OTHER (4) THEMES (1)

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Total Records: 7 - Medium: ANIMATED SERIES / Group: MAP
Record Name
1The Dire Straits Outer SpaceRegions of Space

The Dire Straits
It is mentioned that Larson Petty's invading squadron is over the Dire Straits on its way to Melmac.

2MelmacOuter SpacePlanets

ALF's home planet.

3Polyester City Urban AreasCities

Polyester City
City on Melmac.

4Salad Dressing Town Urban AreasCities-Joke

Salad Dressing Town

5The Statue of Bob the Great StructuresBuildings

The Statue of Bob the Great
When Larson Petty wonders why he's not very well liked on Melmac, his buddy mentions that he did steal the statue of Bob the Great on Melmac.

6Velcro Urban AreasCities

City on Melmac where Gordon lives.

7The Zucchini Building StructuresBuildings

The Zucchini Building
When Larson Petty wonders why he's not very well liked on Melmac, his buddy mentions that he did blow up the Zucchini Building.

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