aka Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi
Film 2017. Written by Rian Johnson. Directed by Rian Johnson. Starring Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, Adam Driver, Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Oscar Isaac, Lupita Nyong|o, Domhnall Gleeson, Anthony Daniels, Gwendoline Christie, Andy Serkis, Benicio del Toro, Laura Dern and Kelly Marie Tran.
Source Features: BBB (21) MAP (21) OTHER (36) THEMES (12)

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Geographic Areas
Living Things
Outer Space
Technology Products
Urban Areas

Total Records: 78 - Medium: FILM
Record Name
1The Anchorhead Swap Meet BBBRetailDiscount Stores

The Anchorhead Swap Meet
Swap Meet in Anchorhead. Mentioned during Luke's dream of what his life could have been like on Tatooine.

2Astromech Droid BBBTechnology ProductsRobot Models

Astromech Droid

3AT-M6 Gorilla Walker BBBVehiclesCombat Vehicles

AT-M6 Gorilla Walker
First Order battle tanks on Crait.

4AT-ST BBBVehiclesCombat Vehicles


5Black One BBBVehiclesSpacecrafts - Star Wars

Black One
The name of Poe's X-Wing fighter.

6Dreadnought BBBVehiclesSpacecrafts - Star Wars

Poe and the Resistance destroy a First Order Mandator IV-class Siege Dreadnought warship over the planet D'Qar.

7The Jedi OrderBBBReligionReligious Organizations

The Jedi Order
Luke mentions, telling Rey it's time for the Jedi Order to end.

8Libertine BBBVehiclesSpacecrafts - Star Wars

Space yacht DJ steals from Canto Bight.

9Macrobinoculars BBBTechnology ProductsAudiovisual Devices

Mentioned during Luke's dream of what his life could have been like on Tatooine.

10Millennium Falcon BBBVehiclesSpacecrafts - Star Wars

Millennium Falcon
Rey takes the Falcon to find Luke.

11Protocol Droid BBBTechnology ProductsRobot Models

Protocol Droid
C-3PO's model.

12Raddus BBBVehiclesSpacecrafts - Star Wars

General Organa's flagship.

13S-Thread Transmitter Bracelet BBBTechnology ProductsCommunication Devices

S-Thread Transmitter Bracelet
Device Leia gives Rey to find her way back to the Resistance fleet. Also known as a Cloaked Binary Beacon.

14Star Destroyer BBBVehiclesSpacecrafts - Star Wars

Star Destroyer
Imperial battle ship.

15StarFortress Bomber BBBVehiclesSpacecrafts - Star Wars

StarFortress Bomber
Also known as a Resistance Bomber.

16The Supremacy BBBVehiclesSpacecrafts - Star Wars

The Supremacy
Snoke's Mega-class Star Dreadnought.

17TIE Fighter BBBVehiclesSpacecrafts - Star Wars

TIE Fighter

18TIE Silencer BBBVehiclesSpacecrafts - Star Wars

TIE Silencer
Kylo Ren's fighter.

19Upsilon-class Command Shuttle BBBVehiclesSpacecrafts - Star Wars

Upsilon-class Command Shuttle
Kylo Ren's ship.

20V-4X-D Ski Speeders BBBVehiclesAircrafts

V-4X-D Ski Speeders
Speeders that the Resistance use to fight the First Order on Crait.

21X-Wing BBBVehiclesSpacecrafts - Star Wars

Resistance starfighter.

22Ahch-To MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Wars

Birthplace of the Jedi Order, home of the ancient Jedi texts, where Luke Skywalker retreats following the destruction of his new Jedi school.

23Alderaan MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Wars

R2-D2 plays Leia's old message for Luke to try to convince him to join the fight.

24Anchorhead MapUrban AreasCities-Outer Space

City on Tatooine. Mentioned during Luke's dream of what his life could have been like on Tatooine.

25Canto Bight MapUrban AreasCities-Outer Space

Canto Bight
A coastal city on the desert planet Cantonica. According to director Rian Johnson, "a Star Wars Monte Carlo-type environment, a little James Bond-ish, a little To Catch a Thief."

26Cantonica MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Wars

Desert planet, home to the coastal city of Canto Bight.

27Chandrila MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Wars

Mon Mothma's home planet. Mentioned during Leia's memory.

28Crait MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Wars

Per director Rian Johnson, an out-of-the-way planet that used to house a Rebel base - now abandoned - and that the Resistance shows up to deal with a "very pressing and immediate" situation.

29D'Qar MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Wars

Site of the Resistance base being evacuated when the movie begins.

30Endor MapOuter SpaceMoons

Forest moon, home of the Ewoks. Mentioned during Leia's memory.

31Jakku MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Wars

Rey's home planet. She mentions to Luke when he asks her where she's from.

32The Jundland Wastes MapNatureNatural Areas

The Jundland Wastes
Natural area on Tatooine. Mentioned during Luke's dream of what his life could have been like on Tatooine.

33Kashyyyk MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Wars

Chewbacca's home planet. Mentioned during Leia's memory.

34Mon Cala MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Wars

Mon Cala
Admiral Ackbar's home planet. Mentioned during Leia's memory.

35Mos Eisley MapUrban AreasCities

Mos Eisley
City on Tatooine. Mentioned during Luke's dream of what his life could have been like on Tatooine.

36Otomok MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Wars

Rose's home planet that Hux mentions. Hux approaches Rose, picking up her necklace and placing it as an artifact from the Otomok system.

37Starkiller BaseMapStructuresMilitary Bases

Starkiller Base
Mentioned only, that it was destroyed in The Force Awakens.

38The Starship GraveyardMapStructuresBuildings

The Starship Graveyard
Starship junkyard on the planet Jakku.

39Tatooine MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Wars

Luke dreams of what his life could have been like on Tatooine.

40Temple Island MapGeographic AreasIslands

Temple Island
Rey seeks Luke's help to fight the First Order.

41Tosche Station MapUrban AreasCities

Tosche Station
City on Tatooine. Mentioned during Luke's dream of what his life could have been like on Tatooine.

42Yavin MapOuter SpacePlanets-Star Wars

Planet. Location of a former Rebel base. Mentioned during Leia's memory.

43Captain Phasma & FinnOtherQuotesQuotes

Captain Phasma & Finn
Captain Phasma: You were always scum.
Finn: Rebel scum.

44Crait OtherThemesShield, The


45Dewback OtherLiving ThingsAnimals

Large lizard that stormtroopers rode on Tatooine. Mentioned during Luke's dream of what his life could have been like on Tatooine.


DJ: It's all a machine, partner. Live free, don't join.

47Fathier OtherLiving ThingsAnimals

The horse-like creatures at Canto Bight.


Finn: You murdering bastard!

49First Order OtherThemesWall v2, The


50Gorilla Walkers OtherThemesStarfighter


51Haysian Smelt OtherMatterSubstances

Haysian Smelt
Material that Rose's necklace is made out of - according to DJ, it's the best conductor, he uses it to break into the tracking room on Snoke's ship.

52Kylo RenOtherQuotesQuotes

Kylo Ren
Kylo Ren: The Empire, your parents, the Resistance, the Sith, the Jedi... let the past die. Kill it, if you have to. That's the only way to become what you are meant to be.

53Kylo Ren & General HuxOtherQuotesQuotes

Kylo Ren & General Hux
Kylo Ren: The Supreme Leader is dead!
General Hux: Long live the Supreme Leader.

54Luke Skywalker OtherQuotesQuotes

Luke Skywalker
Luke Skywalker: I've seen this raw strength only once before, in Ben Solo. It didn't scare me enough then. It does now.

55Luke SkywalkerOtherQuotesQuotes

Luke Skywalker
Luke Skywalker: Hey, sacred planet. Watch the language!

56Luke Skywalker OtherQuotesQuotes

Luke Skywalker
Luke Skywalker: The Force is not a power you have. It's not about lifting rocks.It's the energy between all things, a tension, a balance, that binds the universe together.

57Luke SkywalkerOtherQuotesQuotes

Luke Skywalker
Luke Skywalker: At the height of their powers, they allowed Darth Sidious to rise, create the Empire, and wipe them out. It was a Jedi Master who was responsible for the training and creation of Darth Vader.

58Luke SkywalkerOtherQuotesQuotes

Luke Skywalker
Luke Skywalker: You don't need Luke Skywalker. You think what? I'm gonna walk out with a laser sword and face down the whole First Order? What did you think was going to happen here? You think that I came to the most unfindable place in the galaxy for no reason at all? Go away.

59Porg OtherLiving ThingsAnimals

Cute little Puffin-inspired animal on Ahch-To.

60Praetorian Guards OtherThemesDark Shadows


61Resistance OtherThemesWall v2, The



Rey: You didn't fail Kylo. Kylo failed you. I won't.


Rey: I need someone to show me my place in all of this.

64Rose TicoOtherQuotesQuotes

Rose Tico
Rose Tico: You lying snake!

65Sonar SwallowsOtherLiving ThingsAnimals

Sonar Swallows
Type of bird on the planet D'Qar.

66Spetan Channelfish OtherLiving ThingsFish

Spetan Channelfish
Creature that Luke hunts for food on Temple Island.

67Thala-Sirens OtherLiving ThingsAnimals

Creatures on Temple Island.

68Untitled OtherThemesPleasantville


69Untitled OtherThemesSin City


70Untitled OtherThemesMouth of Madness


71Untitled OtherThemesPleasantville


72Untitled OtherThemesMouth of Madness


73Untitled OtherThemes3-D


74Untitled OtherThemesShield, The


75Vice Admiral HoldoOtherQuotesQuotes

Vice Admiral Holdo
Vice Admiral Holdo: May the force be with you, always.

76Vulptice OtherLiving ThingsAnimals

Also known as the crystal foxes on Crait.

77Whoop Hog OtherLiving ThingsAnimals

Whoop Hog
Finn's insult to Phasma: When your shiny neck was threatened, you squealed like a whoop hog. The evidence blew up with the base, but you and I know the truth. When I put a gun to your head, you shut down Starkiller's shields.

78Yoda OtherQuotesQuotes

Yoda: Heeded my words not, did you? Pass on what you have learned. Strength. Mastery. But weakness, folly, failure also. Yes, failure most of all. The greatest teacher, failure is. Luke, we are what they grow beyond. That is the true burden of all masters.

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