Film 2016. Written by Mary Laws, Nicolas Winding Refn and Polly Stenham. Directed by Nicolas Winding Refn. Starring Elle Fanning, Karl Glusman, Jena Malone, Bella Heathcote, Abbey Lee, Desmond Harrington, Christina Hendricks and Keanu Reeves.
Source Features: BBB (7)

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Total Records: 7 - Medium: FILM
Record Name
1Black HoneyBBBPersonal CareCosmetics

Black Honey
Lipstick flavor... "They say women are more likely to buy lipstick if its named after food or sex."

2Fuck OffBBBPersonal CareCosmetics

Fuck Off
Lipstick flavor... "They say women are more likely to buy lipstick if its named after food or sex."

3Peachy KeenBBBPersonal CareCosmetics

Peachy Keen
Lipstick flavor... "They say women are more likely to buy lipstick if its named after food or sex."

4Pink PussyBBBPersonal CareCosmetics

Pink Pussy
Lipstick flavor... "They say women are more likely to buy lipstick if its named after food or sex."

5Plum PassionBBBPersonal CareCosmetics

Plum Passion
Lipstick flavor... "They say women are more likely to buy lipstick if its named after food or sex."

6Red RumBBBPersonal CareCosmetics

Red Rum
Lipstick flavor... "They say women are more likely to buy lipstick if its named after food or sex."

7Roberta Hoffman AgencyBBBServicesTalent Agencies

Roberta Hoffman Agency

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