Film 2016. Written by Chris Weitz. Directed by Gareth Edwards. Starring Felicity Jones, Diego Luna, Riz Ahmed, Ben Mendelsohn, Donnie Yen, Jiang Wen, Forest Whitaker, Mads Mikkelsen, Alan Tudyk and Jonathan Aris.
Source Features: BBB (32) MAP (14) OTHER (26) THEMES (6)

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Total Records: 32 - Medium: FILM / Group: BBB
Record Name
1Astromech Droid Technology ProductsRobot Models

Astromech Droid
Visible in various scenes.

2AT-AT VehiclesCombat Vehicles

Imperial walkers that the Rebels fight on Scarif. All Terrain Armored Transport.

3AT-ST VehiclesCombat Vehicles

Imperial light walker present during the battle on Jedha City.

4B-Wing VehiclesSpacecrafts

Rebel fighter.

5Blockade Runner VehiclesSpacecrafts

Blockade Runner

6Dauntless VehiclesSpacecrafts

The name of the Star Destroyer that hovers over Jedha City.

7Delta-class T-3C Shuttle VehiclesSpacecrafts

Delta-class T-3C Shuttle
Imperial shuttle used by Krennic and his deathtrooper squad.


Darth Vader's flagship Star Destroyer.

9Executrix VehiclesSpacecrafts

Governor Tarkin's Star Destroyer.

10Ghost VehiclesSpacecrafts

The ship from Star Wars: Rebels can be seen in the background.

11Guardians of the WhillsReligionReligious Organizations

Guardians of the Whills
A religious order active in Jedha City, protectors of the Khyber temple.

12Hammerhead Corvette VehiclesSpacecrafts

Hammerhead Corvette
Rebel cruisers with reinforced hulls. Used during the Battle of Scarif to push a disabled Star Destroyer into another Imperial ship, driving both of them into the heavily fortified shield gate over the planet.Also seen in Star Wars Rebels season 2. Based on a design from the Knights of the Old Republic video game.

13The Khyber Temple ReligionTemples

The Khyber Temple
Temple in Jedha City where the Empire mines Khyber Crystal to power their new ultimate weapon.

14KX-series Security Droid Technology ProductsRobot Models

KX-series Security Droid
K-2SO's model.

15LMTR-20 VehiclesSpacecrafts

Cassian Andor's U-wing starfighter.

16MC75 CruiserVehiclesSpacecrafts

MC75 Cruiser
Mon Calamari cruiser with laser cannons, ion cannons, and proton torpedo launchers.

17Mouse DroidTechnology ProductsRobot Models

Mouse Droid

18Power Droid Technology ProductsRobot Models

Power Droid
Droid on the Rebel base.

19Probe Droid Technology ProductsRobot Models

Probe Droid


Mon Calamari Admiral Raddus led the assault on Scarif in his MC75 cruiser Profundity, the most powerful ship in the Rebel Fleet during the battle.

21Protocol Droid Technology ProductsRobot Models

Protocol Droid
C-3PO is visible on the rebel base.

22ST 149 VehiclesSpacecrafts

ST 149
Krennic's Imperial shuttle.

23Star Destroyer VehiclesSpacecrafts

Star Destroyer
Darth Vader's Devastator, Governor Tarkin's Executrix and the Dauntless, which hovers over Jedha City.

24SW-0608 Shuttle VehiclesSpacecrafts

SW-0608 Shuttle
Four-winged Imperial shuttle the rebels steal from Eadu and use to sneak onto Scarif base.

25Tantive IV VehiclesSpacecrafts

Tantive IV
Princess Leia Organa's personal starship in the leadup to the Battle of Yavin.

26TIE Fighter VehiclesSpacecrafts

TIE Fighter
Lightweight Imperial starfighter.

27TIE Striker VehiclesSpacecrafts

TIE Striker
A vertical-winged TIE craft with the silhouette of a swooping bird, designed to protect high-security Imperial bases.

28U-Wing VehiclesSpacecrafts

Heavily armored and maneuverable starfighter designed to drop soldiers into active war zones.

29VT-15 VehiclesSpacecrafts

Older model airspeeder that two stormtroopers discuss on Scarif Base shortly before the rebel attack, apparently now obsolete.

30X-Wing VehiclesSpacecrafts

The Rebel Alliance dispatches a fleet of X-Wing Fighters to Scarif.

31Y-Wing VehiclesSpacecrafts


32Zeta Class Heavy Cargo Shuttle VehiclesSpacecrafts

Zeta Class Heavy Cargo Shuttle

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