Film 2010. Written by David Callaham and Sylvester Stallone. Directed by Sylvester Stallone. Starring Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Jet Li, Dolph Lundgren, Eric Roberts, Randy Couture, Steve Austin, David Zayas, Gisele Itie, Charisma Carpenter, Gary Daniels, Terry Crews and Mickey Rourke.
Source Features: BBB (3) TIMELINE (4) MAP (1) OTHER (6)

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Total Records: 14 - Medium: FILM
Record Name
1Global Wildlife Conservancy BBBOrganizationsNonprofit Organizations

Global Wildlife Conservancy
Organization name on the Expendables' airplane.

2Omya Kaboom BBBWeaponsGuns

Omya Kaboom
Hale Caesar: You know what? I trust you. I want you to meet my girlfriend. Omya Kaboom. When Omya's prime is struck, she gets off a miniature warhead that arms itself. And when that happens, anything that gets in my lady's way becomes instant red sauce and Jell-O. And if that doesn't work, her sister will.

3Tools BBBVehiclesAutomotive Services

The Expendables' recruitment liaison and armorer Tool's auto shop and tattoo parlor.

4July 6, 1946 Dates20th Century: 1st HalfBirth Dates

July 6, 1946
Barney Ross born - Date of Birth on his passport. Same date as actor Sylvester Stallone's actual birthday.

5September 12, 1972 Dates20th Century: 70sBirth Dates

September 12, 1972
Lee Christmas born - Date of Birth on his passport.

6July 2, 2002 Dates21st Century: 00sIssued Dates

July 2, 2002
Issued Date on Lee Christmas' passport.

7July 1, 2012 Dates21st Century: 10sExpiration Dates

July 1, 2012
Expiration Date on Lee Christmas' passport.

8Vilena MapGeographic AreasIslands

Mr. Church's mission contract for Barney and the Expendables is to overthrow dictator General Garza in Vilena, an island in the Gulf of Mexico.

9Gunner Jensen OtherQuotesQuotes

Gunner Jensen
Gunner Jensen: Insect.

10Gunner Jensen OtherQuotesQuotes

Gunner Jensen
Gunner Jensen: What do you wear, size three? Bring it, Happy Feet!

11Hale Caesar OtherQuotesQuotes

Hale Caesar
Hale Caesar: You know what? I trust you. I want you to meet my girlfriend. Omya Kaboom. When Omya's prime is struck, she gets off a miniature warhead that arms itself. And when that happens, anything that gets in my lady's way becomes instant red sauce and Jell-O. And if that doesn't work, her sister will.

12James Munroe & Barney Ross OtherQuotesQuotes

James Munroe & Barney Ross
James Munroe: The agency parasites hired you, didn't they? I'd have paid you twice as much to go fishing. You'd have to think I'm pretty freaking stupid to surrender to the agency. Why would I do that? I created this. I made it all happen. And then they wanted me out. Why? Because I saw the big picture. Stop walking. And what about me and you? We're both the same. We're both mercenaries. We're both dead inside. So why the hell did you come after me?
Barney Ross: I didn't come after you, dipshit. I came for her!

13Tool OtherQuotesQuotes

Tool: You remember that time we was up in Bosnia? We took down them Serb bad boys. All our guys were getting chopped up all around us, and there was blood everywhere. I never thought I was gonna make it out of there, and I know you didn't, either. Yeah. Kind of feeling like dead, too, you know? My head's all a very black place. I don't believe in shit. Just goddamn Dracula black. I remember I got this bottle of the local shit they have over there, that Slivovitz. I don't know, I think that's what it was called. And I ain't feeling no pain now.

14Tool OtherQuotesQuotes

Tool: And I'd come up on this? I'd come up on this old wooden bridge, and I see this? I see this woman standing there, you know? And she's? I stepped out, and she saw me, and she's just looking right in my eyes, and I was looking right in her eyes. I knew what she was gonna do. She looked at me, and I knew she was gonna jump. You know what I did, man? I just turned around and I kept walking, until I heard that splash. Then she was gone. And after taking all them lives, here was one that I could have saved, but I didn't. And what I realized later on was, if I had saved that woman, I might have, I don't know, saved what was left of my soul, you know?

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