Film 2015. Written by Edgar Wright, Joe Cornish, Adam McKay and Paul Rudd. Directed by Peyton Reed. Starring Paul Rudd, Evangeline Lilly, Corey Stoll, Bobby Cannavale, Michael Pena, Tip "T.I." Harris, Anthony Mackie, Wood Harris, Judy Greer, David Dastmalchian and Michael Douglas.
Source Features: BBB (16) MAP (3) OTHER (13) THEMES (1)
Lists: MCU

Key Word Search
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Total Records: 16 - Medium: FILM / Group: BBB
Record Name
1Burig Uniform & Linen Maintenance ServicesLaundry Services

Burig Uniform & Linen
Company that drops Tricomm uniform for Kurt for the safe job.

2Carbondale Safe & Lock Co. Home FurnishingSecurity Products

Carbondale Safe & Lock Co.
Made from the same steel as the Titanic.

3Cross Technologies CorporationsTechnology Companies

Cross Technologies
Hank's protege's new corporation.

4Defensive ShieldCorporationsTechnology Companies

Defensive Shield

5Ellis Produce Food StoresGrocery Stores

Ellis Produce

6Kirby Vacuum Cleaner Home FurnishingVacuum Cleaners

Kirby Vacuum Cleaner
There's a Kirby vacuum cleaner in one scene as an homage to Jack Kirby.

7Milgrom Hotel TravelHotels

Milgrom Hotel
Scott lives at the Milgrom Hotel, named after comic-book artist Al Milgrom.

8Pingo Doce Beverage ProductsSoft Drinks

Pingo Doce
Seen advertised on posters - it's the Brazilian soda company Bruce Banner works for in The Incredible Hulk.

9Pym Technologies CorporationsTechnology Companies

Pym Technologies
Hank's technology company.

10Samson Service Equipment Home FurnishingSecurity Products

Samson Service Equipment

11Stark Industries Industrial CompaniesIndustries

Stark Industries
Hank sends Scott to an old Stark Industries storage facility to retrieve the prototype of a signal decoy they need to counteract the transmission blockers that Cross installed in the futures vault.

12Third Strikers SportsBaseball Teams

Third Strikers
Ex-convict baseball team.

13TricommCorporationsCommunications Companies

Company name on the uniform Kurt picks up for the safe job.


Scott reads a newspaper article about the battle between Ultron and the Avengers.

15VistacorpCorporationsTechnology Companies

Company where Scott used to work. They were overcharging their customers. Scott blew the whistle and got fired, so he hacked into the security system and transferred millions back to the people it was stolen from, and posted all the bank records online. he also drove the owner's Bentley into his swimming pool.

16Yellowjacket WeaponsMiscellaneous Weapons

All-purpose peace-keeping vessel, the Yellowjacket can manage any conflict on the geopolitical landscape completely unseen. Efficient in both preventative measures and tactical assault. Practical applications include surveillance, industrial sabotage, and the elimination of obstructions on the road to peace. A single Yellowjacket offers the user unlimited influence to carry out protective actions. And, one day soon, an army of Yellowjackets will create a sustainable environment of well-being around the world.

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