Film 1991. Written by Scott Frank. Directed by Kenneth Branagh. Starring Kenneth Branagh, Andy Garcia, Derek Jacobi, Hanna Schygulla, Robin Williams and Emma Thompson.
Source Features: BBB (1) OTHER (4)

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Total Records: 5 - Medium: FILM
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1Dr. Cozy CarlisleBBBHealthcareTherapy

Dr. Cozy Carlisle
Disgraced psychiatrist played by Robin Williams.

2Cozy Carlisle & Mike ChurchOtherQuotesQuotes

Cozy Carlisle & Mike Church
Cozy Carlisle: You take what you've learned from this life and use it in the next. That's karma.
Mike Church: I thought karma was I do something bad in this life and I'm a termite in the next.
Cozy Carlisle: Hey, if you ask me, pal, you're already a termite in this life in a shitty suit, okay?

3Franklyn MadisonOtherQuotesQuotes

Franklyn Madison
Franklyn Madison: This is fate we're talking about, and if fate works at all, it works because people think that this time, it isn't going to happen!

4Roman StraussOtherQuotesQuotes

Roman Strauss
Roman Strauss: What I believe, Mr. Baker, is that this is all far from over.

5Roman StraussOtherQuotesQuotes

Roman Strauss
Roman Strauss: The man I bought it from explained to me that, when a husband gives it to his wife, they become two halves of the same person. Nothing can separate them. not even death.

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