Film 1983. Written by Lawrence Kasdan and George Lucas. Directed by Richard Marquand. Starring Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Peter Cushing, Alec Guinness, David Prowse, Anthony Daniels, Kenny Baker, Peter Mayhew, Billy Dee Williams, Frank Oz, Ian McDiarmid and Sebastion Shaw.
Source Features: BBB (25) MAP (14) OTHER (30) THEMES (10)

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Total Records: 25 - Medium: FILM / Group: BBB
Record Name
1A-Wing VehiclesSpacecrafts

Rebel star fighters present at The Battle of Endor.

2Astromech Droid Technology ProductsRobot Models

Astromech Droid
R2-D2's model.

3AT-AT VehiclesCombat Vehicles

The Empire has AT-AT and AT-ST walkers guarding their facilities on the forest moon of Endor.

4AT-ST VehiclesCombat Vehicles

The Empire has AT-AT and AT-ST walkers guarding their facilities on the forest moon of Endor.

5B-Wing VehiclesSpacecrafts

Rebel starfighter used during the assault on the second Death Star.

6Blue Harvest CinemaMovies

Blue Harvest
Jabba's sail barge was filmed in Yuma, Arizona. The film crew had problems avoiding the dune buggy enthusiasts in the area. To preserve secrecy, the producers claimed to be making a horror film called Blue Harvest: Horror beyond your imagination.

7Boba FettServicesAssassins and Mercenaries

Boba Fett
Bounty hunter that originally tracked the Millennium Falcon to Cloud City. Killed inadvertently by Han Solo during the escape from Jabba's sail barge.

8Boushh ServicesAssassins and Mercenaries

Bounty hunter that Leia impersonates when infiltrating Jabba's palace.


Darth Vader's Star Destroyer.

10Imperial Shuttle VehiclesSpacecrafts

Imperial Shuttle
The Rebels steal an Imperial Shuttle called Tydirium in order to infiltrate the Empire's defenses and deactivate the shield generator on the forest moon of Endor.

11The Khetanna VehiclesAircrafts

The Khetanna
The name of Jabba's sail barge on Tatooine.

12The Max Rebo Band MusicMusicians

The Max Rebo Band
Played in Jabba's palace in Return of the Jedi.

13Millennium Falcon VehiclesSpacecrafts

Millennium Falcon
Han Solo and Chewbacca's ship.

14Mon Calamari Star Cruiser VehiclesSpacecrafts

Mon Calamari Star Cruiser
Main cruisers in the Rebel fleet during the assault on the second Death Star.

15Mouse Droid Technology ProductsRobot Models

Mouse Droid

16Protocol Droid Technology ProductsRobot Models

Protocol Droid
C-3PO's model.

17Speeder Bike VehiclesBikes

Speeder Bike
The Empire has Scout troopers riding speeder bikes guarding their facilities on the forest moon of Endor.

18Star Destroyer VehiclesSpacecrafts

Star Destroyer
Main cruisers in the Imperial fleet.

19Thermal DetonatorWeaponsMiscellaneous Weapons

Thermal Detonator
Boushh negotiates with Jabba using an explosive device.

20TIE Advanced VehiclesSpacecrafts

TIE Advanced

21TIE Fighter VehiclesSpacecrafts

TIE Fighter
Imperial starfighter that defended the Rebel assault on the second Death Star.

22TIE Interceptor VehiclesSpacecrafts

TIE Interceptor
Imperial starfighter that defended the Rebel assault on the second Death Star.

23Tydirium VehiclesSpacecrafts

The name of the Imperial Shuttle that the rebels steal in order to infiltrate the Empire's defenses and deactivate the shield generator on the forest moon of Endor.

24X-Wing VehiclesSpacecrafts

Rebel starfighter used during the assault on the second Death Star.

25Y-Wing VehiclesSpacecrafts

Rebel starfighter used during the assault on the second Death Star.

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