Film 2010. Written by Allan Loeb and Stephen Schiff. Directed by Oliver Stone. Starring Michael Douglas, Shia LaBeouf, Josh Brolin, Carey Mulligan, Frank Langella and Eli Wallach.
Source Features: BBB (26) TIMELINE (16) MAP (2) OTHER (14) THEMES (1)

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Financial Companies
Industrial Companies
Transit Routes

Total Records: 58 - Medium: FILM
Record Name
1American International Pettina BBBCorporationsCompanies

American International Pettina
Company listed on Gordon Gekko's new balance sheet.

2Anacott Steel BBBConstructionConstruction Companies

Anacott Steel
Bud Fox asks Gordon Gekko: So, does Blue Horseshoe still love Anacott Steel? That was the code that Gordon had Bud use for insider trading in the original movie.

3Babaco SolarBBBCorporationsEnergy Companies

Babaco Solar
At the forefront of thin film technology.

4Bio-Oceanic Fuel Inc BBBCorporationsFuel Companies

Bio-Oceanic Fuel Inc
Company listed on Gordon Gekko's new balance sheet.

5Blue Star Airlines BBBTransportationAirlines

Blue Star Airlines
Bud Fox's airline.

6Churchill Schwartz BBBFinancial CompaniesFinancial Services

Churchill Schwartz
Investment bank.

7DeDento Republic Investments BBBFinancial CompaniesInvestment Companies

DeDento Republic Investments
Company listed on Gordon Gekko's new balance sheet.

8Dekros-West BBBCorporationsCompanies

Company listed on Gordon Gekko's new balance sheet.

9Deretinni K. Investment BBBFinancial CompaniesInvestment Companies

Deretinni K. Investment
Company listed on Gordon Gekko's new balance sheet.

10Economic Northern Krent Corp BBBCorporationsCompanies

Economic Northern Krent Corp
Company listed on Gordon Gekko's new balance sheet.

11Frozen Truth BBBMediaWebsites

Frozen Truth

12H-Kewert Relations BBBCorporationsCompanies

H-Kewert Relations
Company listed on Gordon Gekko's new balance sheet.

13Hydra Offshore BBBIndustrial CompaniesMining

Hydra Offshore

14Hylett-Kade Company BBBCorporationsCompanies

Hylett-Kade Company
Company listed on Gordon Gekko's new balance sheet.

15Is Greed Good? BBBLiteratureBooks-Misc

Is Greed Good?
Book by Gordon Gekko.

16Keller Zabel Investments BBBFinancial CompaniesInvestment Companies

Keller Zabel Investments
Investment bank, one of the biggest on Wall Street. Where Jake works.

17KZI Bank Corporation BBBFinancial CompaniesBanks

KZI Bank Corporation
Keller Zabel Investments bank.

18Locust FundBBBFinancial CompaniesFinancial Services

Locust Fund

19Mission AccomplishedBBBMediaWebsites

Mission Accomplished
Blog that broke the senator's story.

20Modern Educational Genetics BBBCorporationsTechnology Companies

Modern Educational Genetics
Company listed on Gordon Gekko's new balance sheet.

21Sereneco InsuranceBBBFinancial CompaniesInsurance Services

Sereneco Insurance
Headed by Bernie Jacobs.

22Smith O. Schulman Corp. BBBCorporationsCompanies

Smith O. Schulman Corp.
Company listed on Gordon Gekko's new balance sheet.

23Striezberg Int Protection Services BBBCorporationsCompanies

Striezberg Int Protection Services
Company listed on Gordon Gekko's new balance sheet.

24SuperfundBBBFinancial CompaniesFinancial Services


25Third BostonBBBFinancial CompaniesFinancial Services

Third Boston

26United Fusion CorporationBBBCorporationsEnergy Companies

United Fusion Corporation
Energy company in California.

27May 10, 2000 Dates21st Century: 00sEvents

May 10, 2000

28September 26, 2001 Dates21st Century: 00sEvents

September 26, 2001
Date of United States Treasury check for Federal Inmate balance that Gordon Gekko is given when he is released from prison.

29October 18, 2001 Dates21st Century: 00sEvents

October 18, 2001
Date of Amtrak ticket Gordon Gekko is given when released from prison.

30October 22, 2001 Dates21st Century: 00sEvents

October 22, 2001
Gordon Gecko is released from prison.

31September 26, 2002 Dates21st Century: 00sEvents

September 26, 2002
Date that the United States Treasury check for Federal Inmate balance that Gordon Gekko is given when he is released from prison becomes voided.

32June 22, 2008 Dates21st Century: 00sEvents

June 22, 2008
Date of check for $1,450,000.00.

33August 15, 2008 Dates21st Century: 00sHeadlines

August 15, 2008
Date of Wall Street Journal newspaper headline: Dow Closes at Five-Year Low.

34September 1, 2008 Dates21st Century: 00sEvents

September 1, 2008
Date of data point on chart of Major US Market Averages from September to October 2008.

35September 8, 2008 Dates21st Century: 00sEvents

September 8, 2008
Date of data point on chart of Major US Market Averages from September to October 2008.

36September 15, 2008 Dates21st Century: 00sHeadlines

September 15, 2008
Date of New York Post newspaper headline: DOW DROPS.

37September 15, 2008 Dates21st Century: 00sEvents

September 15, 2008
Date of data point on chart of Major US Market Averages from September to October 2008.

38September 22, 2008 Dates21st Century: 00sEvents

September 22, 2008
Date of data point on chart of Major US Market Averages from September to October 2008.

39September 29, 2008 Dates21st Century: 00sEvents

September 29, 2008
Date of data point on chart of Major US Market Averages from September to October 2008.

40October 6, 2008 Dates21st Century: 00sEvents

October 6, 2008
Date of data point on chart of Major US Market Averages from September to October 2008.

41October 13, 2008 Dates21st Century: 00sEvents

October 13, 2008
Date of data point on chart of Major US Market Averages from September to October 2008.

42October 20, 2008 Dates21st Century: 00sEvents

October 20, 2008
Date of data point on chart of Major US Market Averages from September to October 2008.

43Rainwater RoadMapTransit RoutesStreets-Roads

Rainwater Road
Where one of Jake's mother's properties is located.

44Sagamir RoadMapTransit RoutesStreets-Roads

Sagamir Road
Where one of Jake's mother's properties is located.

45Bud Fox OtherQuotesQuotes

Bud Fox
Bud Fox: So, does Blue Horseshoe still love Anacott Steel?

46Gordon GekkoOtherQuotesQuotes

Gordon Gekko
Gordon Gekko: Payback. Except I'm not in that business anymore - because the one thing I learned in jail is that money is not the prime asset in life. Time is.

47Gordon GekkoOtherQuotesQuotes

Gordon Gekko
Gordon Gekko: Money is a bitch that never sleeps!

48Gordon Gekko OtherQuotesQuotes

Gordon Gekko
Gordon Gekko: Someone reminded me I once said "Greed is good". Now it seems it's legal. Because everyone is drinking the same Kool Aid.

49Gordon GekkoOtherQuotesQuotes

Gordon Gekko
Gordon Gekko: You know what they say, "Parents are the bone on which children sharpen their teeth."

50Gordon GekkoOtherQuotesQuotes

Gordon Gekko
Gordon Gekko: The mother of all evil is speculation.

51Gordon GekkoOtherQuotesQuotes

Gordon Gekko
Gordon Gekko: Bulls make money. Bears make money. Pigs? They get slaughtered.

52Gordon Gekko OtherQuotesQuotes

Gordon Gekko
Gordon Gekko: They took my life - and when I got out - who's waiting for me? Nobody!

53Gordon Gekko OtherQuotesQuotes

Gordon Gekko
Gordon Gekko: It's about the game between people.

54Gordon GekkoOtherQuotesQuotes

Gordon Gekko
Gordon Gekko: Idealism kills every deal.

55Gordon GekkoOtherQuotesQuotes

Gordon Gekko
Gordon Gekko: It's easy to get in - it's hard to get out.

56Jake Moore OtherQuotesQuotes

Jake Moore
Jake Moore: Do you want to report the news for the rest of your life, or do you want to make the news? This is your opportunity. This is your chance to shine, to be Captain America.

57Jake MooreOtherQuotesQuotes

Jake Moore
Jake Moore: If it weren't for people who took risks, where would we be in this world?

58Untitled OtherThemesSolo


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