TV Series 1982. Created by Ann Beatts. Starring Sarah Jessica Parker, Amy Linker, Jami Gertz, Tracy Nelson and Merritt Butrick.
Source Features: BBB (79) TIMELINE (10) MAP (6) OTHER (27) THEMES (1)

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Total Records: 27 - Medium: TV SERIES / Group: OTHER
Record Name
1Champagne Beige MatterColors

Champagne Beige
Jennifer tells Johnny that her hair color is champagne beige.

2Intense Red MatterColors

Intense Red
During Careers Week, Jennifer DiNuccio announces that for her career, she'd like to come up with names for new nail polish colors, including Intense Red, Tres Red and Very Red.

3Jennifer DiNuccio QuotesQuotes

Jennifer DiNuccio
Jennifer DiNuccio: Well, excuse like me, okay?

4Jennifer DiNuccio QuotesQuotes

Jennifer DiNuccio
Jennifer DiNuccio: Like, gross me back to the stone age.

5Jennifer DiNuccio QuotesQuotes

Jennifer DiNuccio
Jennifer DiNuccio: This is like beyond the valley of out of control.

6Johnny Slash QuotesQuotes

Johnny Slash
Johnny Slash: Boo! Totally.

7Johnny Slash QuotesQuotes

Johnny Slash
Johnny Slash: I like love. Love is good.

8Johnny Slash QuotesQuotes

Johnny Slash
Johnny Slash: Want some Beef Newtons?

9Johnny Slash QuotesQuotes

Johnny Slash
Johnny Slash: Life is weird. It scares me.

10Johnny Slash QuotesQuotes

Johnny Slash
Johnny Slash: I love plans. Plans are good. Totally.

11LaDonna Fredericks QuotesQuotes

LaDonna Fredericks
LaDonna Fredericks: I don't know, girl. Halloween, huh. To me, white people in sheets is not a good time. I hate that holiday.

12Marshall Blechtman & Johnny Slash QuotesQuotes

Marshall Blechtman & Johnny Slash
Marshall Blechtman: I'm so depressed.
Johnny Slash: Depressed? I've got something for that - Taco-flavored Cheeseballs.

13Marshall Blechtman & Johnny Slash QuotesQuotes

Marshall Blechtman & Johnny Slash
Marshall Blechtman: Slash, I can't believe it! You have a hidden talent! I feel like Alfred the butler finding out that Bruce Wayne is actually Batman.
Johnny Slash: Bruce Wayne is Batman? This changes everything. I have to go home and check my back issues.

14The Mean Reds Medical ConditionsConditions

The Mean Reds
What LaDonna tells Jennifer Vinnie has when he snaps at her for working at the Grease.

15Muffy Tepperman QuotesQuotes

Muffy Tepperman
Muffy Tepperman: Honestly, I could just barf.

16Muffy Tepperman QuotesQuotes

Muffy Tepperman
Muffy Tepperman: My cousin Adam had a Star Wars bar mitzvah, and then Joshue Grossman had a Rocky III bar mitzvah, so I was going to have a Poltergeist bar mitzvah. But then I thought that movie themes had been done to death.

17Muffy Tepperman QuotesQuotes

Muffy Tepperman
Muffy Tepperman: I'm going to ignore that because, frankly, I don't get it.

18Patty QuotesQuotes

Patty: When Johnny sent that nugget on a ride to Hallelujah-villa, the crowd went bananas. Every man, woman and child took off their hats, threw them on the ground, jumped up and down, and swore to name their first born "Johnny Slash".

19Patty & Lauren QuotesQuotes

Patty & Lauren
Patty: Ever since I was little, nobody I cared about wore glasses except for Clark Kent, and when he took them off, he could see through walls.
Lauren: And when he put them on, he wrote great articles.
Patty: Oh, you mean like, Giant meteorite heading for Metropolis.

20Patty & Lauren QuotesQuotes

Patty & Lauren
Patty: Everyone knows we wrote the graffiti and we're still not popular. And I am grounded until Poltergeist 2.
Lauren: Make that E.T. 12.

21Principal Dingleman, Johnny Slash & Mars... QuotesQuotes

Principal Dingleman, Johnny Slash & Marshall Blechtman
Principal Dingleman: Class, I wish I could say good morning, but I can't, that's because I'm too outraged by the latest assault on the hallowed halls of Weemawee. "Jim Morrison is God" scrawled across the cafeteria wall.
Johnny Slash: People are strange.
Marshall Blechtman: They sure are, especially when you're a stranger.
Johnny Slash: Or when you're alone.

22Shanghai Scarlett MatterColors

Shanghai Scarlett
Nail polish color that Jennifer mentions.

23Substitute teacher Mr. McNulty's nicknam... TriviaName Game

Substitute teacher Mr. McNulty's nickname for Muffy Tepperman.

24Tres Red MatterColors

Tres Red
During Careers Week, Jennifer DiNuccio announces that for her career, she'd like to come up with names for new nail polish colors, including Intense Red, Tres Red and Very Red.

25Untitled ThemesPleasantville


26Very Red MatterColors

Very Red
During Careers Week, Jennifer DiNuccio announces that for her career, she'd like to come up with names for new nail polish colors, including Intense Red, Tres Red and Very Red.

27Which reindeer does Johnny Slash play in... TriviaQuestions

Which reindeer does Johnny Slash play in the Christmas pageant?

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